Thursday, 31.07.2008.


Slovenia looks for asset dispute solution

Slovenia is looking for a way to guarantee legal security for Slovenian companies working abroad.

Izvor: Joel M Halpern; Kideckel, edited by

Slovenia looks for asset dispute solution IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

“Serbia is getting closer to European integration, and that is why Slovenian will carefully respond to measures that lead in the opposite direction to that of EU legal order,” Serbia and other former Yugoslav republics have experienced Slovenia's (illegal order) also of its hypocrite masters in Brussels. Slovenia will carefully respond so as to not scare away Serbia from the European Union slavery house until Serbia is inside the doors will be shut and then you will be mugged robed of everything! The Slovenians are already on track of robing the former Yugoslav republics. The Ljubanska bank has robed over 300 million of other Yugoslav's private depositors with the approval of the Slovenian government. The robing of Croatia of its share of its 50% share of electricity of the Krsko nuclear plant to the tune of 200 million approved by the Slovenian government etc. When will the the rest of the former Yugoslav republics learn Slovenia is not a friend but a user and a thief. It will sale you all out to the hypocrites in Brussels. The marching orders come and is run from Berlin ,London ,Rome ,Paris ,Washington for their own self greedy benefits of power to domination of the hole world of its new world order. It is nothing new it is the same order of nations threw the century's who have enslaved killed millions starved subjected other peoples for their evil gratification and benefits of their pompous arrogant elites. On the pretense now of spreading democracy they will wage war to the tune of spreading their hypocracies. The so called leadership more of simpletons of the Balkans are willing to give it all without protest or fight. To the (hypocrisies) not democracies all of their ancestors long fought freedoms . Who had to fight to protect their God given rights to be free and not slaves bleeding ,hardships and dying through the century's. From those same country's who found Slovenia to be their lackeys and a Trojan horse. But the simpleton leaders are willing to give it all away the people ,freedoms and independence ,rights on some empty pie in the sky lies what a shame.


pre 16 godina

“Serbia is getting closer to European integration, and that is why Slovenian will carefully respond to measures that lead in the opposite direction to that of EU legal order,” Serbia and other former Yugoslav republics have experienced Slovenia's (illegal order) also of its hypocrite masters in Brussels. Slovenia will carefully respond so as to not scare away Serbia from the European Union slavery house until Serbia is inside the doors will be shut and then you will be mugged robed of everything! The Slovenians are already on track of robing the former Yugoslav republics. The Ljubanska bank has robed over 300 million of other Yugoslav's private depositors with the approval of the Slovenian government. The robing of Croatia of its share of its 50% share of electricity of the Krsko nuclear plant to the tune of 200 million approved by the Slovenian government etc. When will the the rest of the former Yugoslav republics learn Slovenia is not a friend but a user and a thief. It will sale you all out to the hypocrites in Brussels. The marching orders come and is run from Berlin ,London ,Rome ,Paris ,Washington for their own self greedy benefits of power to domination of the hole world of its new world order. It is nothing new it is the same order of nations threw the century's who have enslaved killed millions starved subjected other peoples for their evil gratification and benefits of their pompous arrogant elites. On the pretense now of spreading democracy they will wage war to the tune of spreading their hypocracies. The so called leadership more of simpletons of the Balkans are willing to give it all without protest or fight. To the (hypocrisies) not democracies all of their ancestors long fought freedoms . Who had to fight to protect their God given rights to be free and not slaves bleeding ,hardships and dying through the century's. From those same country's who found Slovenia to be their lackeys and a Trojan horse. But the simpleton leaders are willing to give it all away the people ,freedoms and independence ,rights on some empty pie in the sky lies what a shame.


pre 16 godina

“Serbia is getting closer to European integration, and that is why Slovenian will carefully respond to measures that lead in the opposite direction to that of EU legal order,” Serbia and other former Yugoslav republics have experienced Slovenia's (illegal order) also of its hypocrite masters in Brussels. Slovenia will carefully respond so as to not scare away Serbia from the European Union slavery house until Serbia is inside the doors will be shut and then you will be mugged robed of everything! The Slovenians are already on track of robing the former Yugoslav republics. The Ljubanska bank has robed over 300 million of other Yugoslav's private depositors with the approval of the Slovenian government. The robing of Croatia of its share of its 50% share of electricity of the Krsko nuclear plant to the tune of 200 million approved by the Slovenian government etc. When will the the rest of the former Yugoslav republics learn Slovenia is not a friend but a user and a thief. It will sale you all out to the hypocrites in Brussels. The marching orders come and is run from Berlin ,London ,Rome ,Paris ,Washington for their own self greedy benefits of power to domination of the hole world of its new world order. It is nothing new it is the same order of nations threw the century's who have enslaved killed millions starved subjected other peoples for their evil gratification and benefits of their pompous arrogant elites. On the pretense now of spreading democracy they will wage war to the tune of spreading their hypocracies. The so called leadership more of simpletons of the Balkans are willing to give it all without protest or fight. To the (hypocrisies) not democracies all of their ancestors long fought freedoms . Who had to fight to protect their God given rights to be free and not slaves bleeding ,hardships and dying through the century's. From those same country's who found Slovenia to be their lackeys and a Trojan horse. But the simpleton leaders are willing to give it all away the people ,freedoms and independence ,rights on some empty pie in the sky lies what a shame.