Tuesday, 24.06.2008.


PACE to discuss human organ trade

The PACE Human Rights and Legal Affairs Committee will discuss the trade in human organs in Kosovo tomorrow.

Izvor: Dan Setton

PACE to discuss human organ trade IMAGE SOURCE

9 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

Nicholas Klinsman; as you know well, all the Serb perpetrators are still not in jail and there is no justice for the innocent Kosovar civilian victims.To you a Serb allegation holds more weight than known facts of Serbs aggression.

Nicholas Klinsman

pre 16 godina

The Albanians have had plenty of time since 1999 and resources (U.N. Hague, KFOR, USA, and international media) to solve any crimes committed against them by Serbs.

Let's give some attention to crimes committed against Serbs now.


pre 16 godina

Why is a Serbian accusation of alleged Albanian organ tafficking more important than solving the murders of over 10,000 Kosovars victims from Serb aggression in 1998/99? Where are you priorities??

peter, sydney

pre 16 godina

> I am not denying the truth here, but i would like to see some real evidence which proves this happened, and not just rumours and a syringe!

> I personally have no respect for Del Ponte, she has cause great damage tothe reconcilliation process in the Balkans, and if she knew about this a while ago, why did she not say something on the press before? but she waited until she published her book, to increse the sales! This sotry is probably the only reason why someone might by her book!

Why is it that every time this matter comes up, there you are using the same arguments - arguments that have already been rebuted?

Very well, let's look at theses points again then shall we.

Why did del Ponte wait to publish her book?

She waited until she was no longer chief prosecutor for the Hague - that simple.

While still working for the Hague, she passed the investigation on to UNMIK who sat on it. UNMIK's leadership was not interested in pursing the allegations as they were working 'cap in hand' with the K-albanian leadership in pristina, & there are any number of examples to support this.

She didn't press UNMIK on the issue & 'go public' because to get ANYTHING else done in Kosovo, she needed UNMIK's co-operation.

You lot keep forgetting that most of her work involved pursuing serbs & not K-albanians. And no doubt most of the material in her book will reflect this - save of course for some of the bits you object to.

Increased book sales?

Know what del Ponte was doing before joining the Hague? Going after the italian mafia. Latter tried to 'blow her up' with a bomb - they failed, although they did manage to get her italian colleague Falcone.

Seems to me that if she was interested in making money, wouldn't be prodding the mafia. Not what one would call good for one's health, or for that matter, one's wealth. As it would seem to most reasonable people.

If you are not trying to deny the truth, then why the sarcasm (post #1)?

Why is it that you attack the messenger & not the message?

Worried that someone of del Ponte's standing will make her accusations more credible?

If it really was just 'rumours & a syringe', then the likes of 'Human Rights Watch' wouldn't repeatedly be calling for an investigation.

That's what these discussions at PACE are all about.

So let's 'get the ball rolling'... rather than trying to 'slow it down'.


pre 16 godina

Exposing monsters and their evil way should be talk about to no end.And we should never forget who they are or what they are about.
We owe that to innocent people whose only foult was being born Serbian.
As for albanians on this board we all know they have no shame defending evil.


pre 16 godina

"Nik, so good hear Albanian sarcarsm on stories they don't like.
This is about organ harvesting, not just missing people. A reliable source has accused the Albanians of doing this, don't you want to clear this up? If their is no truth to it, nothing will be proven, but if their is, Albanian sarcasm will be a horrible pill o swallow.
(westerner, 24 June 2008 14:54)

I agree with you! thats why I would welcome and independent investigation into these allegations, and yes you are right, should it turn out to be true which I doubt, that i will be extremley embarrased as a k. albanian, and it will cause great damage to the reputaion of people of Kosovo.

I am not denying the truth here, but i would like to see some real evidence which proves this happened, and not just rumours and a syringe!

I personally have no respect for Del Ponte, she has cause great damage tothe reconcilliation process in the Balkans, and if she knew about this a while ago, why did she not say something on the press before? but she waited until she published her book, to increse the sales! This sotry is probably the only reason why someone might by her book!


pre 16 godina

Nik, so good hear Albanian sarcarsm on stories they don't like.
This is about organ harvesting, not just missing people. A reliable source has accused the Albanians of doing this, don't you want to clear this up? If their is no truth to it, nothing will be proven, but if their is, Albanian sarcasm will be a horrible pill o swallow.


pre 16 godina

PACE must first conduct hearings and investigate the cause of deaths of over 10,000 Kosovars during Serb aggression in 1998/99 in Kosova.


pre 16 godina

As an K. albanian I welcome anykind of independent investigation into these allegations, as long as they are fair and unbiased.

However, after they finish in Albania, they should start another investiagtion of organ trading in Glasgow, UK, since the other day i saw a syringe in this back alley, and thats definetly evidence of organ trading. Not far from there, a building was getting renovated as well!!!


pre 16 godina

Nik, so good hear Albanian sarcarsm on stories they don't like.
This is about organ harvesting, not just missing people. A reliable source has accused the Albanians of doing this, don't you want to clear this up? If their is no truth to it, nothing will be proven, but if their is, Albanian sarcasm will be a horrible pill o swallow.


pre 16 godina

Exposing monsters and their evil way should be talk about to no end.And we should never forget who they are or what they are about.
We owe that to innocent people whose only foult was being born Serbian.
As for albanians on this board we all know they have no shame defending evil.


pre 16 godina

As an K. albanian I welcome anykind of independent investigation into these allegations, as long as they are fair and unbiased.

However, after they finish in Albania, they should start another investiagtion of organ trading in Glasgow, UK, since the other day i saw a syringe in this back alley, and thats definetly evidence of organ trading. Not far from there, a building was getting renovated as well!!!


pre 16 godina

"Nik, so good hear Albanian sarcarsm on stories they don't like.
This is about organ harvesting, not just missing people. A reliable source has accused the Albanians of doing this, don't you want to clear this up? If their is no truth to it, nothing will be proven, but if their is, Albanian sarcasm will be a horrible pill o swallow.
(westerner, 24 June 2008 14:54)

I agree with you! thats why I would welcome and independent investigation into these allegations, and yes you are right, should it turn out to be true which I doubt, that i will be extremley embarrased as a k. albanian, and it will cause great damage to the reputaion of people of Kosovo.

I am not denying the truth here, but i would like to see some real evidence which proves this happened, and not just rumours and a syringe!

I personally have no respect for Del Ponte, she has cause great damage tothe reconcilliation process in the Balkans, and if she knew about this a while ago, why did she not say something on the press before? but she waited until she published her book, to increse the sales! This sotry is probably the only reason why someone might by her book!


pre 16 godina

PACE must first conduct hearings and investigate the cause of deaths of over 10,000 Kosovars during Serb aggression in 1998/99 in Kosova.


pre 16 godina

Why is a Serbian accusation of alleged Albanian organ tafficking more important than solving the murders of over 10,000 Kosovars victims from Serb aggression in 1998/99? Where are you priorities??

peter, sydney

pre 16 godina

> I am not denying the truth here, but i would like to see some real evidence which proves this happened, and not just rumours and a syringe!

> I personally have no respect for Del Ponte, she has cause great damage tothe reconcilliation process in the Balkans, and if she knew about this a while ago, why did she not say something on the press before? but she waited until she published her book, to increse the sales! This sotry is probably the only reason why someone might by her book!

Why is it that every time this matter comes up, there you are using the same arguments - arguments that have already been rebuted?

Very well, let's look at theses points again then shall we.

Why did del Ponte wait to publish her book?

She waited until she was no longer chief prosecutor for the Hague - that simple.

While still working for the Hague, she passed the investigation on to UNMIK who sat on it. UNMIK's leadership was not interested in pursing the allegations as they were working 'cap in hand' with the K-albanian leadership in pristina, & there are any number of examples to support this.

She didn't press UNMIK on the issue & 'go public' because to get ANYTHING else done in Kosovo, she needed UNMIK's co-operation.

You lot keep forgetting that most of her work involved pursuing serbs & not K-albanians. And no doubt most of the material in her book will reflect this - save of course for some of the bits you object to.

Increased book sales?

Know what del Ponte was doing before joining the Hague? Going after the italian mafia. Latter tried to 'blow her up' with a bomb - they failed, although they did manage to get her italian colleague Falcone.

Seems to me that if she was interested in making money, wouldn't be prodding the mafia. Not what one would call good for one's health, or for that matter, one's wealth. As it would seem to most reasonable people.

If you are not trying to deny the truth, then why the sarcasm (post #1)?

Why is it that you attack the messenger & not the message?

Worried that someone of del Ponte's standing will make her accusations more credible?

If it really was just 'rumours & a syringe', then the likes of 'Human Rights Watch' wouldn't repeatedly be calling for an investigation.

That's what these discussions at PACE are all about.

So let's 'get the ball rolling'... rather than trying to 'slow it down'.

Nicholas Klinsman

pre 16 godina

The Albanians have had plenty of time since 1999 and resources (U.N. Hague, KFOR, USA, and international media) to solve any crimes committed against them by Serbs.

Let's give some attention to crimes committed against Serbs now.


pre 16 godina

Nicholas Klinsman; as you know well, all the Serb perpetrators are still not in jail and there is no justice for the innocent Kosovar civilian victims.To you a Serb allegation holds more weight than known facts of Serbs aggression.


pre 16 godina

PACE must first conduct hearings and investigate the cause of deaths of over 10,000 Kosovars during Serb aggression in 1998/99 in Kosova.


pre 16 godina

As an K. albanian I welcome anykind of independent investigation into these allegations, as long as they are fair and unbiased.

However, after they finish in Albania, they should start another investiagtion of organ trading in Glasgow, UK, since the other day i saw a syringe in this back alley, and thats definetly evidence of organ trading. Not far from there, a building was getting renovated as well!!!


pre 16 godina

"Nik, so good hear Albanian sarcarsm on stories they don't like.
This is about organ harvesting, not just missing people. A reliable source has accused the Albanians of doing this, don't you want to clear this up? If their is no truth to it, nothing will be proven, but if their is, Albanian sarcasm will be a horrible pill o swallow.
(westerner, 24 June 2008 14:54)

I agree with you! thats why I would welcome and independent investigation into these allegations, and yes you are right, should it turn out to be true which I doubt, that i will be extremley embarrased as a k. albanian, and it will cause great damage to the reputaion of people of Kosovo.

I am not denying the truth here, but i would like to see some real evidence which proves this happened, and not just rumours and a syringe!

I personally have no respect for Del Ponte, she has cause great damage tothe reconcilliation process in the Balkans, and if she knew about this a while ago, why did she not say something on the press before? but she waited until she published her book, to increse the sales! This sotry is probably the only reason why someone might by her book!

Nicholas Klinsman

pre 16 godina

The Albanians have had plenty of time since 1999 and resources (U.N. Hague, KFOR, USA, and international media) to solve any crimes committed against them by Serbs.

Let's give some attention to crimes committed against Serbs now.


pre 16 godina

Nik, so good hear Albanian sarcarsm on stories they don't like.
This is about organ harvesting, not just missing people. A reliable source has accused the Albanians of doing this, don't you want to clear this up? If their is no truth to it, nothing will be proven, but if their is, Albanian sarcasm will be a horrible pill o swallow.


pre 16 godina

Exposing monsters and their evil way should be talk about to no end.And we should never forget who they are or what they are about.
We owe that to innocent people whose only foult was being born Serbian.
As for albanians on this board we all know they have no shame defending evil.

peter, sydney

pre 16 godina

> I am not denying the truth here, but i would like to see some real evidence which proves this happened, and not just rumours and a syringe!

> I personally have no respect for Del Ponte, she has cause great damage tothe reconcilliation process in the Balkans, and if she knew about this a while ago, why did she not say something on the press before? but she waited until she published her book, to increse the sales! This sotry is probably the only reason why someone might by her book!

Why is it that every time this matter comes up, there you are using the same arguments - arguments that have already been rebuted?

Very well, let's look at theses points again then shall we.

Why did del Ponte wait to publish her book?

She waited until she was no longer chief prosecutor for the Hague - that simple.

While still working for the Hague, she passed the investigation on to UNMIK who sat on it. UNMIK's leadership was not interested in pursing the allegations as they were working 'cap in hand' with the K-albanian leadership in pristina, & there are any number of examples to support this.

She didn't press UNMIK on the issue & 'go public' because to get ANYTHING else done in Kosovo, she needed UNMIK's co-operation.

You lot keep forgetting that most of her work involved pursuing serbs & not K-albanians. And no doubt most of the material in her book will reflect this - save of course for some of the bits you object to.

Increased book sales?

Know what del Ponte was doing before joining the Hague? Going after the italian mafia. Latter tried to 'blow her up' with a bomb - they failed, although they did manage to get her italian colleague Falcone.

Seems to me that if she was interested in making money, wouldn't be prodding the mafia. Not what one would call good for one's health, or for that matter, one's wealth. As it would seem to most reasonable people.

If you are not trying to deny the truth, then why the sarcasm (post #1)?

Why is it that you attack the messenger & not the message?

Worried that someone of del Ponte's standing will make her accusations more credible?

If it really was just 'rumours & a syringe', then the likes of 'Human Rights Watch' wouldn't repeatedly be calling for an investigation.

That's what these discussions at PACE are all about.

So let's 'get the ball rolling'... rather than trying to 'slow it down'.


pre 16 godina

Why is a Serbian accusation of alleged Albanian organ tafficking more important than solving the murders of over 10,000 Kosovars victims from Serb aggression in 1998/99? Where are you priorities??


pre 16 godina

Nicholas Klinsman; as you know well, all the Serb perpetrators are still not in jail and there is no justice for the innocent Kosovar civilian victims.To you a Serb allegation holds more weight than known facts of Serbs aggression.