Thursday, 22.05.2008.


Report: Kosovo Albanians stone Czech bus

A bus from the Czech Republic carrying humanitarian aid to the Kosovo Serbs has been stoned near Dečani, Czech radio reports.

Izvor: Beta

Report: Kosovo Albanians stone Czech bus IMAGE SOURCE

33 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

rolerkoster, what to say - who doesn't believe. As I said there were another 38 people in the bus, including one journalist, few tents of students, politician, bus drivers, people with diferent motivations, few of them interested only of historical monasteries and churches and with no care about any politics. Any of them can whitness. The picture of the bus is fake of course but it changes nothing it was first time in my live and in my travelling (Europe and Asia) when someone was throwing stones on me.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni: Here I am, I was sitting in the bus and 38 another people with me. Please do not indicate as a lie something you don't know at all.
(Petr/Prague, 25 May 2008 11:06)

sorry Petr, but I consider your story - like the published photo - as a fake. there is no other evidence than your words and articles launched by yourself.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni: Here I am, I was sitting in the bus and 38 another people with me. Please do not indicate as a lie something you don't know at all.

Jan Andersen, DK

pre 16 godina

On 24 May 2008 05:58, veki wrote:

"Once my boyfriend got attacked and beaten up by a group of five-six of Albanians in Switzerland...in a cafe, just like that they jumped on him when they heard him speaking Serbian..."

Yeah - and as part of the Welcome to Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, the Swedish journalists and staff covering the event (and possibly other journalists too), received a small leaflet with good advice for how to behave in Serbia. Among other things: Don't openly display homosexual behaviour, because Serbia is very homophobic, and bad results could happen if you do.

Conclusion: Stupid people exists everywhere, no matter what language they speak, or which Deity they believe in.


pre 16 godina

If there are no serbs arround the decani monastery, than I feel hapy. If it is true let the priests sell it to us, we can convert it into a mosche. I visited Istanbul and the thing I liked the most was aya sofia, a greek church converted into a mosche.


pre 16 godina

let's collect facts: Jaroslav Fodina speaks for himself, but not for the whole Czech Republic.

the only photo which appeared from the bus from Czech was attacked rather in photo shop.

all that looks like a primitive provocation without any serious evidence.


pre 16 godina

UGGHHHH.I can totally imagine the scene. Once my boyfriend got attacked and beaten up by a group of five-six of Albanians in Switzerland...in a cafe, just like that they jumped on him when they heard him speaking Serbian...

a group of Swiss men had to jump in to separate them

my neighbour was almost killed by two Albanian 'democrats' in Dallas, USA. Also just because he spoke Serbian.

Rocky London UK

pre 16 godina

What about a bus is driven all around Serbia with Provocation on the side Serbia is Albanian, carrying humanitarian aid for Albanians living in Novi Pazar.
It could be next week you never now what MUP has got on agenda.
These Radicals here are living in European Countries so they don't care about good poor serbs living in Serbia, that's way never change.

Thank you very much Czech Republik ///we love you///....


pre 16 godina

'Petition Board Against Recognizing Kosovo’s Independence'
The name says it all. Were they there to send aid or stirr things up?! I'll leave this to the 'well educated', 'well mannered' non-Albanians to decide.


pre 16 godina

The ancient time when Serbia was spokepersons of balkans has finished with the 20Century, Now is 21 Century no need for spokeperson so propaganda is dead, the whole world can see everything,they'll make diference between the good and the evil, no more ages of blindness no more LIES!!!


pre 16 godina

I find it most disgusting.
(Joe, 22 May 2008 16:02)

Joe, I fully agree with you. Its very disgusting that someone could stone a bus full of aid, regardless of who it was meant for. It just shows how primitive some people could be.


pre 16 godina

Come one, lets be serious for a second. Why would these people report it to the KPS? I think after the initial shock they realised this was a standard greeting from the Albanians.

When the occupiers entered Kosovo, the Albanians greeted them by burning houses, churches and ethnically cleansings 150,000 Serbians.

Take it as a compliment.


pre 16 godina

"“where Albanian children ask where are their parents are, and are told that they have been massacred by their neighbours and paramilitaries”.
(blero, 22 May 2008 16:00)"

blero, you are certainly referring to those poor albanian children whose parents were killed by terrorists ( socalled kla ) only for being loyal and law-obeying citizens of Serbia, right?

in that case, your comment would make sense...


where is that nonsense from? that rubbish,that on the bus there was something like "Kosovo is serbian "???

ask yourself, nobody would dare to do that, since it would automatically lead to hate-related attacks by mislead albanian children ( as I have written above, those who were taught to hate non-albanians by their mothers when they were small kids )

come on, KV, ask yourself, is that a credible information you are referring to? I think the answer is clear. probably some albanian yellow-press has invented it in order to blame the Serbs or other non-albanians for being attacked by Albanians.

or is it even your own lie?

anyway, it is simply not credible, and I think you know it yourself...

but, given that it was the truth, ..what would that say about the Albanians and their sense for democratic values such as freedom of speech?

no matter how you turn it, my dear albanian friend, you are the bad-guys, and there´s nothing you can do to hide it!

the stoning of that czech bus will be a very emotional information in the czech media, that´s something you can be sure of.

just go on with that, I thank you for that, since you are working very successfully for the re-integration of the southern-serbian province into the serbian state.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


Relax miri, it was just a coincidence (maybe perhaps ironic) that the Czechs recognized Kosovo and some Albanians stoned a Czech bus. Of course this is not the behavior of all Albanians, but the behavior of these ones is unacceptable, considering the Western future Kosovo is pushing for, that's all.


pre 16 godina

"That's what you get when you have derogatory terms "Kosova is Serbian" on the side."

KV, the only people that would say "Kosova is Serbian" are Albanians because they are the only people to use "Kosova". If you're trying to make an argument of what Serbs would do, you can write "Kosovo". It's ok. You won't suffer from a seizure or something if you write "Kosovo".

Look, I'll even write Kosova without quotations.

As you can see, I'm still here. My brain didn't explode, nor do I fear Obraz chasing me down as a traitor.

Kosova Kosova Kosova. See? I can write it even though I don't believe in it, nor do I support it. Nationalists can be such a hoot.


pre 16 godina

Wouldn't the incident be reported to KFOR? UNMIK? The KPS isn't recognised by the Serbs as a valid institution, so why bother with them?


pre 16 godina

It is very clear that this act was clear a provocation orchestrated and paid by Serbian Secret Service to low the image of great freedom act of recognizing Kosovo by Czech government. The world cannot by anymore those lie. Those are crocodile crying act from Serbian nationalism in cooperation with few Bolshevik mentality from Czech Republic, each are minority and cannot be confused with freedom lover Czech people."

Really? And who would attack them? The old Serbian man that just returned and was attacked and hurt the same day? THERE IS NO SERBS THERE to attack them!
The Monastery is surrounded by the walls and guarded by the soldiers, I have been there and I have seen the looks on the faces of Albanians driving by.
They didn't know who was in the bus, and they attacked, thinking that it was, naturally, Serbs visiting Serbian Monastery!
It is time to stop the lies and it is time for the world to see who they are dealing with! Liers, drug and human traffickers and killers!
The truth WILL come out, just wait.
Kosovo is Serbia.


pre 16 godina

That's what you get when you have derogatory terms "Kosova is Serbian" on the side.

Jovan one has to wonder why "children" are traveling to war-torn countries.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni, Miri, Maks, and other Albanian groupthinkers:

Please stop thinking that everytime some kind of news that places Albanians in a less than civilized light comes out, it is somehow orchestrated by some so-called Super Secret Serbian Ninja Service of Doom to Degrade Albanians. Maybe, and this is a conceptual stretch, but I'm going to risk the assumption, but with an organization called "Petition Board Against Recognizing Kosovo’s Independence" the local peasants thought "ooh, against independence! Me smash!" And threw rocks and other assorted materials one finds on the ground. I mean we're not exactly talking about the smartest place on Earth here.

So to make it as simple as possible for you: people who do not agree with your version of how the world works, do not automatically have a "Bolshevik" mentality alys Maks' short-sighted concludes. And just as there are simple-minded idiots in Serbia, so too, Miri, are there simple minded idiots in Kosovo Province. And finally Pejoni, I doubt the KPS, that bastion of security and law in Southeast Europe is really going to care if a bus was stoned in Decani. Just because they didn't respond to it doesn't make it a non-entity.

And if 4 Serb families have been living in Decani since the beginning of the year, I doubt they would have any problems since they are barely a presence anyway.

I know it delays getting your message out on B92, but sometimes a little prethinking before you hit the "Send" button can go a long way.


pre 16 godina

“The fact that the Czech government recognized Kosovo’s independence, of which I am deeply ashamed, has meant nothing to those ‘peace loving’ and ‘democratic’ Albanians”, said Jaroslav Foldina, regional leader of the Czech Social Democrats"

When I see/listen to such statements I wonder if black is white and white is black.

I see 800 thousand Serbs being forced to live their homes and their ID destroyed by teh Kosovar Police.

I see thousand of Serbian houses to flame by the Kosovar paramilitary troops.

I see women raped and children left in the mountains like beasts.

As result of all this I see Kosova bombed not Serbia.

I understand who is peace loving and who is aggressor.

The main problem that Albanians have is that we are a very old Europen civilization, jelous of our old culture, that has no other relatives.

And we have to deal with a nation part of a very large ethnic and linguistic group Slavs- part of which are those Czechs that "distribute aid" to their brothers.

Who was distributing aid to us in 1999?

It was the moral of the peace loving nations and their Gov.ts that helped us- lead only by their moral values not because of being part of their ethic group.

This is the difference between Jaroslav Foldina & Co and the freedom loving ppl.


pre 16 godina


I fully agree with you. I also shared Pejoni's view but did not see my comment yet. B92 do I have the right to disagree with this provocative action of that tinny czech group???


pre 16 godina

people are voting and they are the base of every political system,they choose and they are choosed like FIRST TARGET, ig you want to chnage something start with the people from the base to the top=guverment, if they will start sufer feel the presure then they will start think about the did i choose vote the right goverment?recognize kosovo?? execlent high prieces and inflation for all theese countries the show si starting

Nemanja, Connecticut

pre 16 godina


The influence of the Serbian MUP is astonishing, right?

Imagine being able to manipulate Albanian youths. I mean, the Serbs can't prevent the Albanians from stealing our land but we can make them throw stones at buses carrying humanitarian aid!?


pre 16 godina


I share your thoughts. The whole thing looks very "fishy" to say the least.
This was apparently not an impartial group of "humanitarians" but a very partisan group of opponents of Kosovo's independence determined to get attention from the start for propoganda purposes. I find it most disgusting.


pre 16 godina

where small children are already taught to hate all non-albanians, what do you expect?
(Jovan, 22 May 2008 14:27)

Well Jovan, I took the liberty to alter your last sentence (I hope you don’t mind).
It goes like below:
“where Albanian children ask where are their parents are, and are told that they have been massacred by their neighbours and paramilitaries”.


pre 16 godina

"Serbia was not betrayed by the Czech people, but by the Czech government.”

It is very clear that this act was clear a provocation orchestrated and paid by Serbian Secret Service to low the image of great freedom act of recognizing Kosovo by Czech government. The world cannot by anymore those lie. Those are crocodile crying act from Serbian nationalism in cooperation with few Bolshevik mentality from Czech Republic, each are minority and cannot be confused with freedom lover Czech people. Thank you Czech Republic! We always will be grateful.


pre 16 godina

Mr. Sudyka, even if Czech government wouldn't recognize Kosova, K-Albanians wouldn't hold any grudge against it.
It's unimaginable for this incident to have happened.


pre 16 godina

"Serbia was not betrayed by the Czech people, but by the Czech government. The people have always been the same”, he insisted. "

if that is a realistic approach, then let´s just see whether the Czech republic is not the one to be the first to revoke that unreasonable move again...

as for the stoning of that bus:
does anybody wonder about it? where small children are already taught to hate all non-albanians, what do you expect?


pre 16 godina

"Serbia was not betrayed by the Czech people, but by the Czech government. The people have always been the same”, he insisted. "

if that is a realistic approach, then let´s just see whether the Czech republic is not the one to be the first to revoke that unreasonable move again...

as for the stoning of that bus:
does anybody wonder about it? where small children are already taught to hate all non-albanians, what do you expect?


pre 16 godina

That's what you get when you have derogatory terms "Kosova is Serbian" on the side.

Jovan one has to wonder why "children" are traveling to war-torn countries.

Nemanja, Connecticut

pre 16 godina


The influence of the Serbian MUP is astonishing, right?

Imagine being able to manipulate Albanian youths. I mean, the Serbs can't prevent the Albanians from stealing our land but we can make them throw stones at buses carrying humanitarian aid!?


pre 16 godina

Pejoni, Miri, Maks, and other Albanian groupthinkers:

Please stop thinking that everytime some kind of news that places Albanians in a less than civilized light comes out, it is somehow orchestrated by some so-called Super Secret Serbian Ninja Service of Doom to Degrade Albanians. Maybe, and this is a conceptual stretch, but I'm going to risk the assumption, but with an organization called "Petition Board Against Recognizing Kosovo’s Independence" the local peasants thought "ooh, against independence! Me smash!" And threw rocks and other assorted materials one finds on the ground. I mean we're not exactly talking about the smartest place on Earth here.

So to make it as simple as possible for you: people who do not agree with your version of how the world works, do not automatically have a "Bolshevik" mentality alys Maks' short-sighted concludes. And just as there are simple-minded idiots in Serbia, so too, Miri, are there simple minded idiots in Kosovo Province. And finally Pejoni, I doubt the KPS, that bastion of security and law in Southeast Europe is really going to care if a bus was stoned in Decani. Just because they didn't respond to it doesn't make it a non-entity.

And if 4 Serb families have been living in Decani since the beginning of the year, I doubt they would have any problems since they are barely a presence anyway.

I know it delays getting your message out on B92, but sometimes a little prethinking before you hit the "Send" button can go a long way.


pre 16 godina

It is very clear that this act was clear a provocation orchestrated and paid by Serbian Secret Service to low the image of great freedom act of recognizing Kosovo by Czech government. The world cannot by anymore those lie. Those are crocodile crying act from Serbian nationalism in cooperation with few Bolshevik mentality from Czech Republic, each are minority and cannot be confused with freedom lover Czech people."

Really? And who would attack them? The old Serbian man that just returned and was attacked and hurt the same day? THERE IS NO SERBS THERE to attack them!
The Monastery is surrounded by the walls and guarded by the soldiers, I have been there and I have seen the looks on the faces of Albanians driving by.
They didn't know who was in the bus, and they attacked, thinking that it was, naturally, Serbs visiting Serbian Monastery!
It is time to stop the lies and it is time for the world to see who they are dealing with! Liers, drug and human traffickers and killers!
The truth WILL come out, just wait.
Kosovo is Serbia.


pre 16 godina

"Serbia was not betrayed by the Czech people, but by the Czech government.”

It is very clear that this act was clear a provocation orchestrated and paid by Serbian Secret Service to low the image of great freedom act of recognizing Kosovo by Czech government. The world cannot by anymore those lie. Those are crocodile crying act from Serbian nationalism in cooperation with few Bolshevik mentality from Czech Republic, each are minority and cannot be confused with freedom lover Czech people. Thank you Czech Republic! We always will be grateful.


pre 16 godina


I fully agree with you. I also shared Pejoni's view but did not see my comment yet. B92 do I have the right to disagree with this provocative action of that tinny czech group???


pre 16 godina


I share your thoughts. The whole thing looks very "fishy" to say the least.
This was apparently not an impartial group of "humanitarians" but a very partisan group of opponents of Kosovo's independence determined to get attention from the start for propoganda purposes. I find it most disgusting.


pre 16 godina

Come one, lets be serious for a second. Why would these people report it to the KPS? I think after the initial shock they realised this was a standard greeting from the Albanians.

When the occupiers entered Kosovo, the Albanians greeted them by burning houses, churches and ethnically cleansings 150,000 Serbians.

Take it as a compliment.


pre 16 godina

"“where Albanian children ask where are their parents are, and are told that they have been massacred by their neighbours and paramilitaries”.
(blero, 22 May 2008 16:00)"

blero, you are certainly referring to those poor albanian children whose parents were killed by terrorists ( socalled kla ) only for being loyal and law-obeying citizens of Serbia, right?

in that case, your comment would make sense...


where is that nonsense from? that rubbish,that on the bus there was something like "Kosovo is serbian "???

ask yourself, nobody would dare to do that, since it would automatically lead to hate-related attacks by mislead albanian children ( as I have written above, those who were taught to hate non-albanians by their mothers when they were small kids )

come on, KV, ask yourself, is that a credible information you are referring to? I think the answer is clear. probably some albanian yellow-press has invented it in order to blame the Serbs or other non-albanians for being attacked by Albanians.

or is it even your own lie?

anyway, it is simply not credible, and I think you know it yourself...

but, given that it was the truth, ..what would that say about the Albanians and their sense for democratic values such as freedom of speech?

no matter how you turn it, my dear albanian friend, you are the bad-guys, and there´s nothing you can do to hide it!

the stoning of that czech bus will be a very emotional information in the czech media, that´s something you can be sure of.

just go on with that, I thank you for that, since you are working very successfully for the re-integration of the southern-serbian province into the serbian state.


pre 16 godina

Mr. Sudyka, even if Czech government wouldn't recognize Kosova, K-Albanians wouldn't hold any grudge against it.
It's unimaginable for this incident to have happened.


pre 16 godina

“The fact that the Czech government recognized Kosovo’s independence, of which I am deeply ashamed, has meant nothing to those ‘peace loving’ and ‘democratic’ Albanians”, said Jaroslav Foldina, regional leader of the Czech Social Democrats"

When I see/listen to such statements I wonder if black is white and white is black.

I see 800 thousand Serbs being forced to live their homes and their ID destroyed by teh Kosovar Police.

I see thousand of Serbian houses to flame by the Kosovar paramilitary troops.

I see women raped and children left in the mountains like beasts.

As result of all this I see Kosova bombed not Serbia.

I understand who is peace loving and who is aggressor.

The main problem that Albanians have is that we are a very old Europen civilization, jelous of our old culture, that has no other relatives.

And we have to deal with a nation part of a very large ethnic and linguistic group Slavs- part of which are those Czechs that "distribute aid" to their brothers.

Who was distributing aid to us in 1999?

It was the moral of the peace loving nations and their Gov.ts that helped us- lead only by their moral values not because of being part of their ethic group.

This is the difference between Jaroslav Foldina & Co and the freedom loving ppl.


pre 16 godina

"That's what you get when you have derogatory terms "Kosova is Serbian" on the side."

KV, the only people that would say "Kosova is Serbian" are Albanians because they are the only people to use "Kosova". If you're trying to make an argument of what Serbs would do, you can write "Kosovo". It's ok. You won't suffer from a seizure or something if you write "Kosovo".

Look, I'll even write Kosova without quotations.

As you can see, I'm still here. My brain didn't explode, nor do I fear Obraz chasing me down as a traitor.

Kosova Kosova Kosova. See? I can write it even though I don't believe in it, nor do I support it. Nationalists can be such a hoot.


pre 16 godina

I find it most disgusting.
(Joe, 22 May 2008 16:02)

Joe, I fully agree with you. Its very disgusting that someone could stone a bus full of aid, regardless of who it was meant for. It just shows how primitive some people could be.


pre 16 godina

The ancient time when Serbia was spokepersons of balkans has finished with the 20Century, Now is 21 Century no need for spokeperson so propaganda is dead, the whole world can see everything,they'll make diference between the good and the evil, no more ages of blindness no more LIES!!!


pre 16 godina

where small children are already taught to hate all non-albanians, what do you expect?
(Jovan, 22 May 2008 14:27)

Well Jovan, I took the liberty to alter your last sentence (I hope you don’t mind).
It goes like below:
“where Albanian children ask where are their parents are, and are told that they have been massacred by their neighbours and paramilitaries”.


pre 16 godina

'Petition Board Against Recognizing Kosovo’s Independence'
The name says it all. Were they there to send aid or stirr things up?! I'll leave this to the 'well educated', 'well mannered' non-Albanians to decide.


pre 16 godina

UGGHHHH.I can totally imagine the scene. Once my boyfriend got attacked and beaten up by a group of five-six of Albanians in Switzerland...in a cafe, just like that they jumped on him when they heard him speaking Serbian...

a group of Swiss men had to jump in to separate them

my neighbour was almost killed by two Albanian 'democrats' in Dallas, USA. Also just because he spoke Serbian.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


Relax miri, it was just a coincidence (maybe perhaps ironic) that the Czechs recognized Kosovo and some Albanians stoned a Czech bus. Of course this is not the behavior of all Albanians, but the behavior of these ones is unacceptable, considering the Western future Kosovo is pushing for, that's all.


pre 16 godina

Wouldn't the incident be reported to KFOR? UNMIK? The KPS isn't recognised by the Serbs as a valid institution, so why bother with them?

Rocky London UK

pre 16 godina

What about a bus is driven all around Serbia with Provocation on the side Serbia is Albanian, carrying humanitarian aid for Albanians living in Novi Pazar.
It could be next week you never now what MUP has got on agenda.
These Radicals here are living in European Countries so they don't care about good poor serbs living in Serbia, that's way never change.

Thank you very much Czech Republik ///we love you///....


pre 16 godina

Pejoni: Here I am, I was sitting in the bus and 38 another people with me. Please do not indicate as a lie something you don't know at all.


pre 16 godina

rolerkoster, what to say - who doesn't believe. As I said there were another 38 people in the bus, including one journalist, few tents of students, politician, bus drivers, people with diferent motivations, few of them interested only of historical monasteries and churches and with no care about any politics. Any of them can whitness. The picture of the bus is fake of course but it changes nothing it was first time in my live and in my travelling (Europe and Asia) when someone was throwing stones on me.


pre 16 godina

people are voting and they are the base of every political system,they choose and they are choosed like FIRST TARGET, ig you want to chnage something start with the people from the base to the top=guverment, if they will start sufer feel the presure then they will start think about the did i choose vote the right goverment?recognize kosovo?? execlent high prieces and inflation for all theese countries the show si starting


pre 16 godina

let's collect facts: Jaroslav Fodina speaks for himself, but not for the whole Czech Republic.

the only photo which appeared from the bus from Czech was attacked rather in photo shop.

all that looks like a primitive provocation without any serious evidence.


pre 16 godina

If there are no serbs arround the decani monastery, than I feel hapy. If it is true let the priests sell it to us, we can convert it into a mosche. I visited Istanbul and the thing I liked the most was aya sofia, a greek church converted into a mosche.

Jan Andersen, DK

pre 16 godina

On 24 May 2008 05:58, veki wrote:

"Once my boyfriend got attacked and beaten up by a group of five-six of Albanians in Switzerland...in a cafe, just like that they jumped on him when they heard him speaking Serbian..."

Yeah - and as part of the Welcome to Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, the Swedish journalists and staff covering the event (and possibly other journalists too), received a small leaflet with good advice for how to behave in Serbia. Among other things: Don't openly display homosexual behaviour, because Serbia is very homophobic, and bad results could happen if you do.

Conclusion: Stupid people exists everywhere, no matter what language they speak, or which Deity they believe in.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni: Here I am, I was sitting in the bus and 38 another people with me. Please do not indicate as a lie something you don't know at all.
(Petr/Prague, 25 May 2008 11:06)

sorry Petr, but I consider your story - like the published photo - as a fake. there is no other evidence than your words and articles launched by yourself.


pre 16 godina

"Serbia was not betrayed by the Czech people, but by the Czech government.”

It is very clear that this act was clear a provocation orchestrated and paid by Serbian Secret Service to low the image of great freedom act of recognizing Kosovo by Czech government. The world cannot by anymore those lie. Those are crocodile crying act from Serbian nationalism in cooperation with few Bolshevik mentality from Czech Republic, each are minority and cannot be confused with freedom lover Czech people. Thank you Czech Republic! We always will be grateful.


pre 16 godina

Mr. Sudyka, even if Czech government wouldn't recognize Kosova, K-Albanians wouldn't hold any grudge against it.
It's unimaginable for this incident to have happened.


pre 16 godina

That's what you get when you have derogatory terms "Kosova is Serbian" on the side.

Jovan one has to wonder why "children" are traveling to war-torn countries.


pre 16 godina

where small children are already taught to hate all non-albanians, what do you expect?
(Jovan, 22 May 2008 14:27)

Well Jovan, I took the liberty to alter your last sentence (I hope you don’t mind).
It goes like below:
“where Albanian children ask where are their parents are, and are told that they have been massacred by their neighbours and paramilitaries”.


pre 16 godina


I fully agree with you. I also shared Pejoni's view but did not see my comment yet. B92 do I have the right to disagree with this provocative action of that tinny czech group???


pre 16 godina


I share your thoughts. The whole thing looks very "fishy" to say the least.
This was apparently not an impartial group of "humanitarians" but a very partisan group of opponents of Kosovo's independence determined to get attention from the start for propoganda purposes. I find it most disgusting.


pre 16 godina

The ancient time when Serbia was spokepersons of balkans has finished with the 20Century, Now is 21 Century no need for spokeperson so propaganda is dead, the whole world can see everything,they'll make diference between the good and the evil, no more ages of blindness no more LIES!!!


pre 16 godina

“The fact that the Czech government recognized Kosovo’s independence, of which I am deeply ashamed, has meant nothing to those ‘peace loving’ and ‘democratic’ Albanians”, said Jaroslav Foldina, regional leader of the Czech Social Democrats"

When I see/listen to such statements I wonder if black is white and white is black.

I see 800 thousand Serbs being forced to live their homes and their ID destroyed by teh Kosovar Police.

I see thousand of Serbian houses to flame by the Kosovar paramilitary troops.

I see women raped and children left in the mountains like beasts.

As result of all this I see Kosova bombed not Serbia.

I understand who is peace loving and who is aggressor.

The main problem that Albanians have is that we are a very old Europen civilization, jelous of our old culture, that has no other relatives.

And we have to deal with a nation part of a very large ethnic and linguistic group Slavs- part of which are those Czechs that "distribute aid" to their brothers.

Who was distributing aid to us in 1999?

It was the moral of the peace loving nations and their Gov.ts that helped us- lead only by their moral values not because of being part of their ethic group.

This is the difference between Jaroslav Foldina & Co and the freedom loving ppl.


pre 16 godina

"“where Albanian children ask where are their parents are, and are told that they have been massacred by their neighbours and paramilitaries”.
(blero, 22 May 2008 16:00)"

blero, you are certainly referring to those poor albanian children whose parents were killed by terrorists ( socalled kla ) only for being loyal and law-obeying citizens of Serbia, right?

in that case, your comment would make sense...


where is that nonsense from? that rubbish,that on the bus there was something like "Kosovo is serbian "???

ask yourself, nobody would dare to do that, since it would automatically lead to hate-related attacks by mislead albanian children ( as I have written above, those who were taught to hate non-albanians by their mothers when they were small kids )

come on, KV, ask yourself, is that a credible information you are referring to? I think the answer is clear. probably some albanian yellow-press has invented it in order to blame the Serbs or other non-albanians for being attacked by Albanians.

or is it even your own lie?

anyway, it is simply not credible, and I think you know it yourself...

but, given that it was the truth, ..what would that say about the Albanians and their sense for democratic values such as freedom of speech?

no matter how you turn it, my dear albanian friend, you are the bad-guys, and there´s nothing you can do to hide it!

the stoning of that czech bus will be a very emotional information in the czech media, that´s something you can be sure of.

just go on with that, I thank you for that, since you are working very successfully for the re-integration of the southern-serbian province into the serbian state.


pre 16 godina

It is very clear that this act was clear a provocation orchestrated and paid by Serbian Secret Service to low the image of great freedom act of recognizing Kosovo by Czech government. The world cannot by anymore those lie. Those are crocodile crying act from Serbian nationalism in cooperation with few Bolshevik mentality from Czech Republic, each are minority and cannot be confused with freedom lover Czech people."

Really? And who would attack them? The old Serbian man that just returned and was attacked and hurt the same day? THERE IS NO SERBS THERE to attack them!
The Monastery is surrounded by the walls and guarded by the soldiers, I have been there and I have seen the looks on the faces of Albanians driving by.
They didn't know who was in the bus, and they attacked, thinking that it was, naturally, Serbs visiting Serbian Monastery!
It is time to stop the lies and it is time for the world to see who they are dealing with! Liers, drug and human traffickers and killers!
The truth WILL come out, just wait.
Kosovo is Serbia.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


Relax miri, it was just a coincidence (maybe perhaps ironic) that the Czechs recognized Kosovo and some Albanians stoned a Czech bus. Of course this is not the behavior of all Albanians, but the behavior of these ones is unacceptable, considering the Western future Kosovo is pushing for, that's all.


pre 16 godina

"Serbia was not betrayed by the Czech people, but by the Czech government. The people have always been the same”, he insisted. "

if that is a realistic approach, then let´s just see whether the Czech republic is not the one to be the first to revoke that unreasonable move again...

as for the stoning of that bus:
does anybody wonder about it? where small children are already taught to hate all non-albanians, what do you expect?


pre 16 godina

"That's what you get when you have derogatory terms "Kosova is Serbian" on the side."

KV, the only people that would say "Kosova is Serbian" are Albanians because they are the only people to use "Kosova". If you're trying to make an argument of what Serbs would do, you can write "Kosovo". It's ok. You won't suffer from a seizure or something if you write "Kosovo".

Look, I'll even write Kosova without quotations.

As you can see, I'm still here. My brain didn't explode, nor do I fear Obraz chasing me down as a traitor.

Kosova Kosova Kosova. See? I can write it even though I don't believe in it, nor do I support it. Nationalists can be such a hoot.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni, Miri, Maks, and other Albanian groupthinkers:

Please stop thinking that everytime some kind of news that places Albanians in a less than civilized light comes out, it is somehow orchestrated by some so-called Super Secret Serbian Ninja Service of Doom to Degrade Albanians. Maybe, and this is a conceptual stretch, but I'm going to risk the assumption, but with an organization called "Petition Board Against Recognizing Kosovo’s Independence" the local peasants thought "ooh, against independence! Me smash!" And threw rocks and other assorted materials one finds on the ground. I mean we're not exactly talking about the smartest place on Earth here.

So to make it as simple as possible for you: people who do not agree with your version of how the world works, do not automatically have a "Bolshevik" mentality alys Maks' short-sighted concludes. And just as there are simple-minded idiots in Serbia, so too, Miri, are there simple minded idiots in Kosovo Province. And finally Pejoni, I doubt the KPS, that bastion of security and law in Southeast Europe is really going to care if a bus was stoned in Decani. Just because they didn't respond to it doesn't make it a non-entity.

And if 4 Serb families have been living in Decani since the beginning of the year, I doubt they would have any problems since they are barely a presence anyway.

I know it delays getting your message out on B92, but sometimes a little prethinking before you hit the "Send" button can go a long way.


pre 16 godina

let's collect facts: Jaroslav Fodina speaks for himself, but not for the whole Czech Republic.

the only photo which appeared from the bus from Czech was attacked rather in photo shop.

all that looks like a primitive provocation without any serious evidence.


pre 16 godina

If there are no serbs arround the decani monastery, than I feel hapy. If it is true let the priests sell it to us, we can convert it into a mosche. I visited Istanbul and the thing I liked the most was aya sofia, a greek church converted into a mosche.

Nemanja, Connecticut

pre 16 godina


The influence of the Serbian MUP is astonishing, right?

Imagine being able to manipulate Albanian youths. I mean, the Serbs can't prevent the Albanians from stealing our land but we can make them throw stones at buses carrying humanitarian aid!?


pre 16 godina

people are voting and they are the base of every political system,they choose and they are choosed like FIRST TARGET, ig you want to chnage something start with the people from the base to the top=guverment, if they will start sufer feel the presure then they will start think about the did i choose vote the right goverment?recognize kosovo?? execlent high prieces and inflation for all theese countries the show si starting


pre 16 godina

Wouldn't the incident be reported to KFOR? UNMIK? The KPS isn't recognised by the Serbs as a valid institution, so why bother with them?


pre 16 godina

Come one, lets be serious for a second. Why would these people report it to the KPS? I think after the initial shock they realised this was a standard greeting from the Albanians.

When the occupiers entered Kosovo, the Albanians greeted them by burning houses, churches and ethnically cleansings 150,000 Serbians.

Take it as a compliment.


pre 16 godina

I find it most disgusting.
(Joe, 22 May 2008 16:02)

Joe, I fully agree with you. Its very disgusting that someone could stone a bus full of aid, regardless of who it was meant for. It just shows how primitive some people could be.

Rocky London UK

pre 16 godina

What about a bus is driven all around Serbia with Provocation on the side Serbia is Albanian, carrying humanitarian aid for Albanians living in Novi Pazar.
It could be next week you never now what MUP has got on agenda.
These Radicals here are living in European Countries so they don't care about good poor serbs living in Serbia, that's way never change.

Thank you very much Czech Republik ///we love you///....


pre 16 godina

'Petition Board Against Recognizing Kosovo’s Independence'
The name says it all. Were they there to send aid or stirr things up?! I'll leave this to the 'well educated', 'well mannered' non-Albanians to decide.


pre 16 godina

UGGHHHH.I can totally imagine the scene. Once my boyfriend got attacked and beaten up by a group of five-six of Albanians in Switzerland...in a cafe, just like that they jumped on him when they heard him speaking Serbian...

a group of Swiss men had to jump in to separate them

my neighbour was almost killed by two Albanian 'democrats' in Dallas, USA. Also just because he spoke Serbian.

Jan Andersen, DK

pre 16 godina

On 24 May 2008 05:58, veki wrote:

"Once my boyfriend got attacked and beaten up by a group of five-six of Albanians in Switzerland...in a cafe, just like that they jumped on him when they heard him speaking Serbian..."

Yeah - and as part of the Welcome to Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, the Swedish journalists and staff covering the event (and possibly other journalists too), received a small leaflet with good advice for how to behave in Serbia. Among other things: Don't openly display homosexual behaviour, because Serbia is very homophobic, and bad results could happen if you do.

Conclusion: Stupid people exists everywhere, no matter what language they speak, or which Deity they believe in.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni: Here I am, I was sitting in the bus and 38 another people with me. Please do not indicate as a lie something you don't know at all.


pre 16 godina

Pejoni: Here I am, I was sitting in the bus and 38 another people with me. Please do not indicate as a lie something you don't know at all.
(Petr/Prague, 25 May 2008 11:06)

sorry Petr, but I consider your story - like the published photo - as a fake. there is no other evidence than your words and articles launched by yourself.


pre 16 godina

rolerkoster, what to say - who doesn't believe. As I said there were another 38 people in the bus, including one journalist, few tents of students, politician, bus drivers, people with diferent motivations, few of them interested only of historical monasteries and churches and with no care about any politics. Any of them can whitness. The picture of the bus is fake of course but it changes nothing it was first time in my live and in my travelling (Europe and Asia) when someone was throwing stones on me.