Monday, 05.11.2007.


Serbia ready for EU by 2014

Chairwoman of the European Integrations Committee Ksenija Milivojević says Serbia will be ready to join the European Union by 2014.

Izvor: Beta

Serbia ready for EU by 2014 IMAGE SOURCE

14 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

I don't understand the comparisons between the EU and Russia, in terms of power.

1) EU population is THREE times the size of Russia's
2) EU's military budget is SEVEN times the size of Russia's
3) EU's economy is FIFTEEN times the size of Russia's

If there's going to be a superpower in the region, it's pretty clear who it is.

Finally, just look at the countries that moved away from Russia (Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, etc), and the countries that stayed close to Russia (Belarus, Ukraine). EU money brings jobs and prosperity. Russian money brings corruption, drugs and trafficking in women.


pre 16 godina

Bobo, Your commet that something makes you think that Serbia doesn't belong in Europe because they are reluctant to join EU or NATO.

With good reason, I say. Would you be in a hurry to join an organization which is clearly anti Serbian?


pre 16 godina

Peter - 5 countries of EU not recognizing...and 5 countries of EU vetoing EU recognition, are 2 different things.

As far as Serbia and the "ready by 2014", that's a very ambitious date...considering the current messages coming out of Serbia, especially the backward nationalistic ones.

The war criminals that need to be caught is another thing. The ethnic rights and treatment is a HUGE concern.

Kosovo will become independent, but that's not over for Serbia. We have Albanians in the Valley, all those people in Voivodina, as well as that Sandzak area...all heated points, all issues that need to be dealt with in a different way from what they're being handled right now from Serbia.

Serbia also needs to realise that there aren't any BESTS or WORSTS when it comes to joining EU. If they're gonna go around feeling superior to their neighbors or the ethnic groups inside their own country, they'll only be distancing themselves from EU.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

These Albanian posters here really ought to look at their own situation first, I have noticed that a common trait among them is to mock everybody else in the world (sometimes even superpowers or their biggest trade partners) while they are, rather insignificant in the greater picture, no offense. They mock the possibilities of Serbia joining the EU, while Kosovo:

1) Is not independent
2) Is an economic disaster
3) Risks 5 EU member vetoes


Croatia appears to be next in line for EU membership, just go onto Interpol and see how many war criminals are still being hunted. Better yet, look at how many Albanian criminals are still at large on Interpol! Serbia is indeed full of criminals, but find me a Balkan country that isn't (aside from Slovenia, of course).


Kosovo will not be recognized by 5 EU states and 4 NATO states, all are veto holders, and you are talking about Serbia?

Sali Berisha

Copenhagen Criteria and EU member state recognition count, not alphabetical order, or whatever!


pre 16 godina


No EU, No NATO and absolute love for Russia. Something makes me think Serbia doesn't belong in Europe.

Good Luck with that.


pre 16 godina

Nikola this article http://www.tsl.uu.se/uhdsg/Publications/Aram_Thesis.pdf
argues that Russia can hold its' own with oil until 2036 -- but I think the real concerne is the demand is going to grow expenantionally on SUPPLY. So the question isn't about running out of oil but meeting demand. By 2036 a gallon of gas would probably be 7$ and I honestly believe that alternatives are quickly on the rise. With all these global studies coming out now, we might get some UN law that prohibits burning fossil fuels (possibly).

I don't think Russia is going to become such a SUPER power as you believe. Than again, read the 100 paged article. I loved it.


pre 16 godina

Once Kosovo becomes an EU Protectorate, both Serbia Proper and Kosovo Province will be fast-tracked to the EU along with Croatia, Macedonia and Albania. Mladic or no Mladic, we can't wait anymore. Besides, by certain figures, Serbia has more right to be in the EU than either Romania or Bulgaria.


pre 16 godina

many things change in 7 years... MANY.

by 2014 Russia will assert its self as a major superpower even MORE than it has now

by 2014 Serbs will forget about the European Union

Sali Berisha

pre 16 godina

of course that not, it's gonna be for sure at 2020 for Serbia to be optimistic enough.
alphabeticaly we come first, so stay in line


pre 16 godina

«Ksenija Milivojević said that Serbia will be ready to join the European Union by 2014.»

Twelve years have passed and Mladic is till hiding in Serbia, with 100s of war criminals. Mr Ksenija Milivojević is better hit the road and start to look for Mladic: seven years pass quickly .


pre 16 godina

ain´t that funny?

not just western propagandists, but also (still&why?) serbian daydreamers still phantasize about an eu-membership!

is that still funny or now tragic-comical?


pre 16 godina

many things change in 7 years... MANY.

by 2014 Russia will assert its self as a major superpower even MORE than it has now

by 2014 Serbs will forget about the European Union


pre 16 godina

«Ksenija Milivojević said that Serbia will be ready to join the European Union by 2014.»

Twelve years have passed and Mladic is till hiding in Serbia, with 100s of war criminals. Mr Ksenija Milivojević is better hit the road and start to look for Mladic: seven years pass quickly .


pre 16 godina

Once Kosovo becomes an EU Protectorate, both Serbia Proper and Kosovo Province will be fast-tracked to the EU along with Croatia, Macedonia and Albania. Mladic or no Mladic, we can't wait anymore. Besides, by certain figures, Serbia has more right to be in the EU than either Romania or Bulgaria.


pre 16 godina

ain´t that funny?

not just western propagandists, but also (still&why?) serbian daydreamers still phantasize about an eu-membership!

is that still funny or now tragic-comical?

Sali Berisha

pre 16 godina

of course that not, it's gonna be for sure at 2020 for Serbia to be optimistic enough.
alphabeticaly we come first, so stay in line


pre 16 godina


No EU, No NATO and absolute love for Russia. Something makes me think Serbia doesn't belong in Europe.

Good Luck with that.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

These Albanian posters here really ought to look at their own situation first, I have noticed that a common trait among them is to mock everybody else in the world (sometimes even superpowers or their biggest trade partners) while they are, rather insignificant in the greater picture, no offense. They mock the possibilities of Serbia joining the EU, while Kosovo:

1) Is not independent
2) Is an economic disaster
3) Risks 5 EU member vetoes


Croatia appears to be next in line for EU membership, just go onto Interpol and see how many war criminals are still being hunted. Better yet, look at how many Albanian criminals are still at large on Interpol! Serbia is indeed full of criminals, but find me a Balkan country that isn't (aside from Slovenia, of course).


Kosovo will not be recognized by 5 EU states and 4 NATO states, all are veto holders, and you are talking about Serbia?

Sali Berisha

Copenhagen Criteria and EU member state recognition count, not alphabetical order, or whatever!


pre 16 godina

Nikola this article http://www.tsl.uu.se/uhdsg/Publications/Aram_Thesis.pdf
argues that Russia can hold its' own with oil until 2036 -- but I think the real concerne is the demand is going to grow expenantionally on SUPPLY. So the question isn't about running out of oil but meeting demand. By 2036 a gallon of gas would probably be 7$ and I honestly believe that alternatives are quickly on the rise. With all these global studies coming out now, we might get some UN law that prohibits burning fossil fuels (possibly).

I don't think Russia is going to become such a SUPER power as you believe. Than again, read the 100 paged article. I loved it.


pre 16 godina

I don't understand the comparisons between the EU and Russia, in terms of power.

1) EU population is THREE times the size of Russia's
2) EU's military budget is SEVEN times the size of Russia's
3) EU's economy is FIFTEEN times the size of Russia's

If there's going to be a superpower in the region, it's pretty clear who it is.

Finally, just look at the countries that moved away from Russia (Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, etc), and the countries that stayed close to Russia (Belarus, Ukraine). EU money brings jobs and prosperity. Russian money brings corruption, drugs and trafficking in women.


pre 16 godina

Peter - 5 countries of EU not recognizing...and 5 countries of EU vetoing EU recognition, are 2 different things.

As far as Serbia and the "ready by 2014", that's a very ambitious date...considering the current messages coming out of Serbia, especially the backward nationalistic ones.

The war criminals that need to be caught is another thing. The ethnic rights and treatment is a HUGE concern.

Kosovo will become independent, but that's not over for Serbia. We have Albanians in the Valley, all those people in Voivodina, as well as that Sandzak area...all heated points, all issues that need to be dealt with in a different way from what they're being handled right now from Serbia.

Serbia also needs to realise that there aren't any BESTS or WORSTS when it comes to joining EU. If they're gonna go around feeling superior to their neighbors or the ethnic groups inside their own country, they'll only be distancing themselves from EU.


pre 16 godina

Bobo, Your commet that something makes you think that Serbia doesn't belong in Europe because they are reluctant to join EU or NATO.

With good reason, I say. Would you be in a hurry to join an organization which is clearly anti Serbian?

Sali Berisha

pre 16 godina

of course that not, it's gonna be for sure at 2020 for Serbia to be optimistic enough.
alphabeticaly we come first, so stay in line


pre 16 godina

ain´t that funny?

not just western propagandists, but also (still&why?) serbian daydreamers still phantasize about an eu-membership!

is that still funny or now tragic-comical?


pre 16 godina

«Ksenija Milivojević said that Serbia will be ready to join the European Union by 2014.»

Twelve years have passed and Mladic is till hiding in Serbia, with 100s of war criminals. Mr Ksenija Milivojević is better hit the road and start to look for Mladic: seven years pass quickly .


pre 16 godina

many things change in 7 years... MANY.

by 2014 Russia will assert its self as a major superpower even MORE than it has now

by 2014 Serbs will forget about the European Union


pre 16 godina

Once Kosovo becomes an EU Protectorate, both Serbia Proper and Kosovo Province will be fast-tracked to the EU along with Croatia, Macedonia and Albania. Mladic or no Mladic, we can't wait anymore. Besides, by certain figures, Serbia has more right to be in the EU than either Romania or Bulgaria.


pre 16 godina


No EU, No NATO and absolute love for Russia. Something makes me think Serbia doesn't belong in Europe.

Good Luck with that.


pre 16 godina

Nikola this article http://www.tsl.uu.se/uhdsg/Publications/Aram_Thesis.pdf
argues that Russia can hold its' own with oil until 2036 -- but I think the real concerne is the demand is going to grow expenantionally on SUPPLY. So the question isn't about running out of oil but meeting demand. By 2036 a gallon of gas would probably be 7$ and I honestly believe that alternatives are quickly on the rise. With all these global studies coming out now, we might get some UN law that prohibits burning fossil fuels (possibly).

I don't think Russia is going to become such a SUPER power as you believe. Than again, read the 100 paged article. I loved it.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

These Albanian posters here really ought to look at their own situation first, I have noticed that a common trait among them is to mock everybody else in the world (sometimes even superpowers or their biggest trade partners) while they are, rather insignificant in the greater picture, no offense. They mock the possibilities of Serbia joining the EU, while Kosovo:

1) Is not independent
2) Is an economic disaster
3) Risks 5 EU member vetoes


Croatia appears to be next in line for EU membership, just go onto Interpol and see how many war criminals are still being hunted. Better yet, look at how many Albanian criminals are still at large on Interpol! Serbia is indeed full of criminals, but find me a Balkan country that isn't (aside from Slovenia, of course).


Kosovo will not be recognized by 5 EU states and 4 NATO states, all are veto holders, and you are talking about Serbia?

Sali Berisha

Copenhagen Criteria and EU member state recognition count, not alphabetical order, or whatever!


pre 16 godina

Peter - 5 countries of EU not recognizing...and 5 countries of EU vetoing EU recognition, are 2 different things.

As far as Serbia and the "ready by 2014", that's a very ambitious date...considering the current messages coming out of Serbia, especially the backward nationalistic ones.

The war criminals that need to be caught is another thing. The ethnic rights and treatment is a HUGE concern.

Kosovo will become independent, but that's not over for Serbia. We have Albanians in the Valley, all those people in Voivodina, as well as that Sandzak area...all heated points, all issues that need to be dealt with in a different way from what they're being handled right now from Serbia.

Serbia also needs to realise that there aren't any BESTS or WORSTS when it comes to joining EU. If they're gonna go around feeling superior to their neighbors or the ethnic groups inside their own country, they'll only be distancing themselves from EU.


pre 16 godina

Bobo, Your commet that something makes you think that Serbia doesn't belong in Europe because they are reluctant to join EU or NATO.

With good reason, I say. Would you be in a hurry to join an organization which is clearly anti Serbian?


pre 16 godina

I don't understand the comparisons between the EU and Russia, in terms of power.

1) EU population is THREE times the size of Russia's
2) EU's military budget is SEVEN times the size of Russia's
3) EU's economy is FIFTEEN times the size of Russia's

If there's going to be a superpower in the region, it's pretty clear who it is.

Finally, just look at the countries that moved away from Russia (Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, etc), and the countries that stayed close to Russia (Belarus, Ukraine). EU money brings jobs and prosperity. Russian money brings corruption, drugs and trafficking in women.