Wednesday, 17.10.2007.


Cyprus to oppose Kosovo independence

Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou Marcoullis has said that her country will not recognize Kosovo's independence.

Izvor: Tanjug

Cyprus to oppose Kosovo independence IMAGE SOURCE

51 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

- It was 6 serb planes and not two
- it is not my job to prove the obvious
- I told you it was in every major paper, tv news of the time.
I just googled and posted the first evidence
I have no time talking to albanians all day long.
- Proof is in all over the web.
You should do your homework, than arguing about stuff you dont know, (or dont want to know)
- When arguing with albanians all someone has to do is to force *them* to proove thier stance, and not the opposite.


pre 16 godina

Well Pyrros, where in the article says that Serbia actually sent planes to help with the fires? All is said is the usual diplomatic statements coming from neighbouring countries that Serbia is ready to help Greece within its capabilities etc..etc... because Serb people never forgets how Greek people help Serb people in difficulties. etc.etc.....

Let alone Russians that are not mentioned at all!!!

Helping other nations in time of crisis is one of the most sublime acts and we should cherish such moments. Serbia actually sent two planes to help with fires but your proof is really poor.


pre 16 godina

"Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.
(Pyrros, 18. October 2007 08:59)

Really? Show me pictures and links that read such NONSENSE!!!
(KS, 18. October 2007 20:04) "


To read the above you must know greek and i am sure you do, since you are so interested in Greek/Serb affairs.

Its on the Greek papers of the time, TV news said it explicitly, i cant help you more.


pre 16 godina

About you wanting proof of Serbia sending help to fight the fires in Greece. Do you ever believe anything positive said about Serbia or are you so blinded by your dislike of Serbs that you simply refuse out of principle?
How about K-Albanians. What did you do to help?

Clean Cut

pre 16 godina

No Peter!

Sorry to disapoint you this time, but in case that happens, Albania and Kosova will be 50+1 and 51+1 States of the United States of America, which would be the WORSE NIGHTMARE FOR ALL!!!

Good luck with your "cyprus" kind of threats! And I ment cyprus the tree, not the territory, because "that" doesn't count at all.


pre 16 godina

Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.
(Pyrros, 18. October 2007 08:59)

Really? Show me pictures and links that read such NONSENSE!!!

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

Clean Cut

"I though Cyprus was some kind of tree or like a schrub of some sort...what do you know...hey, do they have a flag?
(Clean Cut, 18. October 2007 00:01) "

Yes they do, does Kosovo?

It's funny, you laugh at a 100% legally sovereign state and you don't realize that Kosovo will never be the same kind of independent as Cyprus and that Cyrpus will be the country denying your entry to the EU. You will be the Albania under Hoxha II, except this time permanently.


pre 16 godina

"BTW just to point out your propaganda SERBIA SENT NO AIRPLANES TO GREECE to put out the fires."

Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.


pre 16 godina

"Now Olf what were you told about comparing apples to oranges. Turkey invaded another sovereign state called the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. The SFRJ was faced with an internal threat to its sovereignty from an illegal terrorist threat, i.e. KLA. and they acted upon that threat just like the Spanish did in the Basque country and the Brits did with the IRA and Northern Ireland."

Now you're comparing Banana's with potatoes. How in the hell do you fight what you state to be a terrorist organization by expelling 60% of the population, and by murdering thousands of civilians. I don't know what world you live in but that is not taking care of terrorist organization, that is called ethnic cleansing in the real world.

Then again if you approve of Franco bombing the Basque's with the help of the Nazis then it's not worth arguing with you; since according to your philosophy you can kill and prosecute people by the millions and still call it justice.


pre 16 godina

To all you Albanian posters here who keep saying that Cyprus is insignificant, I say it is significant enough to VETO your entry into the EU.
That makes them a lot more significant than you, don't you think?


pre 16 godina

News like this are not news to us Albanians. We always expect this from Greeks. This is just another Greeko-Serbian scheme to destroy Albanians in Albania, Kosovo, and elsewhere. There is a lot of talk here about one country or another vetoing the independence. You seem to forget that whent it comes down to the last straw, there is about two million Albanians in Kosovo that could never picture themselves being part of Serbia again. Not to mention the powerful pro-Albanian lobby in the US. Remember one thing; Albanians have always fought hard for their survival, and have never taken anyone's support for granted, whether it is the US, England, or any other nations.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


Yes, Cyprus is a veto power in the EU. Thing is, they are not alone, there is also Slovakia, Greece, Romania and Spain, this means there are five veto holders, almost 20% of the EU members. Does that give you a better perspective of how split the EU is? That's five countries that have veto power in saying no to the EU decision on Kosovo independence.

This means countries will have to do it individually, which means Kosovo will have independence, but they will not be able to join UN, EU or IMF.


pre 16 godina

oh no, cyprus is the decider!
oh no, lets change our mind because cyprus will be very angry and who knows what it will do to turkey at this point.


pre 16 godina

"Do you really think that if major EU countries i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK etc are to agree on something Cyprus would oppose, especially on something that is far from them and has no effect on them like it is Kosova issue."

Even if US and all the remaining EU countries choose to recognise Kosovo, Cyprus will VETO the resolution without hesitating. Why? Because they dont want to lose half of their island. It is clear to me that you do not understand issues at hand so Ill give u a piece of advice. Dont talk about things you do not understand. Without Cyprus, there is no EU, and without EU no independence. Its really that simple for you. Also, all it takes is Cyprus, but there are more. So get with the reality and understand your fantasy of an independent Kosovo is DEAD. It was obvious since Russia sank the new UN resolution.


pre 16 godina

There is a big parallel between Kosova and Cyprus.
You have the same "orthodox brothers" mass murdering people of different religion and a superpower that intervenes on a humanitarian mission to save lives of civilans.
Turkish Cypriot state is created in order to separate the 2 ethnic groups. and Kosova is run by the UN because no one trust Serbs anymore.
Now, unlike Turkish cypriots, K-Albanians have stronger support from US and EU.
So, its not Strange that Greek Cypriots are opposing Kossova's independence.


pre 16 godina

Think about it: with a good chunk of their own territory occupied by the Turks since 1974, why WOULD Cyprus support Kosovo's independence? This has little to do with Orthodox bonds, or anti-Albanian biases. It has everything to do with supporting someone else's secession movement while there is one taking place within one's own borders. I expect Spain, Romania, Slovakia, and Greece to follow up with their own statements within the coming days. I'd also be curious to get Turkey's repsonse to this since they have their own issues with Kurds.


pre 16 godina

Ok... everyone knocking on Cyprus and saying how small they are and irrelevant.. well then what is the point of Kosovo or Albania joining the EU then if you have no say, can never go against anyone bigger than you... you are admitting you yourself has no meaning in such a union.


pre 16 godina

Serbs are relying on vetoes but in the process day by day serbs are creating more and more enemies. One day they might really need help (burning fires) and I wonder how many countries will lend a hand.

I honestly why so many Serb Camp posters are ripping their shirts and beating their chest because of what Cyprus intends to do or said ---- I thought Serbs didn't want to join EU?
Why does it matter what EU thinks?

Also to Jovan/Cvele or Princip I have heard you mention countless times that the only kind of independence we'd have is a Cyprus ---- so they have veto power? I thought that kind of independence was a "toy republic." The only toy republic is self-claimed "Serbska republika" --- sounds more like a street in Belgrade than anything else.

BTW just to point out your propaganda SERBIA SENT NO AIRPLANES TO GREECE to put out the fires.


pre 16 godina

What many don't understand is that Cyprus cannot allow Kosovo to be granted independence without a UN resolution. If it lets this happen, it will open the way for other states to recognise the 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' without UN authorisation. In other words, voting to recognise Kosovo would in fact signal the end of any hopes that Cyprus would be reunified. For this reason, Nicosia will also block any movement by Kosovo toward's EU membership. Cyprus may be small, but it has its own power in the EU (as do all other member states) and will use it. Also, don't forget that Greece will block recognition on the same grounds. With these two members opposing independence, others will follow.


pre 16 godina

EA says... "Nothing can stop Kosova independence even China or Russia. If China poses any threat to Kosova independence, Kosova will pay it back by recognising Taiwan as an independent country as well as Turkish part of Cyprus."

I was embarrassed for you when I read your comment.
You think that Russia and China care?
Your arrogance, not supported by fact, has no impact on world politics.


pre 16 godina

Cyprus, the leading EU power has decided to go against France, UK, Germany, Italy:-). Many of you say that every EU member has right to veto but lets be realistic he. Dream of united Europe was far and now is farther away, remember EU constitution. UK is on a verge of referendum for EU, see The Sun Paper.
Do you really think that if major EU countries i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK etc are to agree on something Cyprus would oppose, especially on something that is far from them and has no effect on them like it is Kosova issue. Are you guys aware what would mean for Cyprus if one of the major travel agents cancels the arrangements in Cyprus for the summer.
Are you Nial’s prepared to pay for Cyprus political blunders.
Nial, you part about the SFRJ makes no sense, don’t engage in something that you don’t know.
Looks like many of you are sitting in a nice hot seats in EU and trying to understand something that you don’t. I suggest, you come to Serbia or Kosova and see what people think than come back here with comments. I am 100% sure that your opinions will change, same as did mine.


pre 16 godina

it is a good news to have cyprus so honest.But it is not a problem for albanians and kosova,it is a problem for europe which wants to play a key role in this world(imagine : the politics of europe is to surrender to cyprus decision! that's a great news for européen policy in kosova ?)
yes ,then ,how do want us to ask for eumik?

sad news for europeens indeed,


pre 16 godina

'All 27 EU member states are veto holders, including Cyprus. While individual EU countries will probably recognize an independent Kosovo, all it takes is one to forbid Kosovo membership in the EU.'

QFT. Also, to say nothing of the fact that importing more of your lot from Albanian in the form of the ANA isn't going to do much to ingratiate yourselves to the EU.

Like others have said, it just takes one veto ...


pre 16 godina

There is that magical word again.
Ah so good to hear that they wouldnt be the only ones to VETO that move in the EU. All that really matters. Germany will never approve of such a unilateral move without the support of all EU nations. Otherwise all they have worked for in the past 25 years will go down the drain.


pre 16 godina

as I said it a few times ...

the Albanians can declare whatever they want, they can even claim to be the true rulers of the universe...

declaring independence will have the same meaning.

it will only be a placebo-independence in order to calm down the mostly young ( and obviously quite naive ) population of the southern serbian province.

they will scream and they will yell, but they won´t get into the EU, UN or at least in the IMF or any other international organisation.
and with UNSC 1244 in effect...
they will stay what they are right now.

so, go on and boast around about independence, that´s all you can do about it!


pre 16 godina

To all these who don't care about this.. well we dont care about US... Cyprus is in the EU so this has much more weight and don't forget... they aren't the only one opposed.


pre 16 godina

that was clear, more important is the term: we are not the only one!

so, allthough other propaganda was echoed, it´s still more countries against it then "just" cyprus and mother greece, though just one of them would be enough.

thanks hellas!

but i didn´t expect anything different to be honest, cause hellas is the light, mother of democracy and modern culture.


pre 16 godina

To Marios Vassiliou,
Thousand of Turks were found buried on mass graves on Cyprus. They were murdered by Greeks. There was no other solution to stop the extermination of Turkish population. Turkish military action was of human character, and your claims for churches and Hellenism, are just a produce of your imagination.


pre 16 godina


"If 70% of Serbs dont care about Kosova why should Cyprus, another funny thing."

Where did you get this phoney information? Serbs would rather keep Kosovo than enter EU. In fact we are ready ot sacrifice a lot of things for our Kosovo and Metohija. We have our ancestors as a very good example.


pre 16 godina

Thank goodness for some sanity in Europe. But then it is where the modern legal framework originated.

I expect to see more and more countries making similar statements. My guess is that Germany will be making an announcement any day now.

It's so ironic to hear all the sarcastic comments here belittling Cyprus - they have a vote! Just like any other nation. They are as valuable as France, Germany or the UK (which has also backtracked, thank goodness).

The highest level of autonomy is going to be the only compromise offered, and many would say this was more than fair.

Niall O'Doherty, Ireland

pre 16 godina

"Is it like Turkey intervened to save Turkish people in Cyprus form oppression. I guess that Turkey’s move in Cyprus is illegal but Serbia’s move in Kosova is legal
Don’t you see how unjust was and still is this world - Olf"

Now Olf what were you told about comparing apples to oranges. Turkey invaded another sovereign state called the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. The SFRJ was faced with an internal threat to its sovereignty from an illegal terrorist threat, i.e. KLA. and they acted upon that threat just like the Spanish did in the Basque country and the Brits did with the IRA and Northern Ireland.

The T/C people were not being oppressed. They were ordered by their political leaders in the early 1970s not to engage or integrate in anyway with the Cypriot state and herded into ghettos. The US and Turkey stoked up political turmoil among the G/C (the left-wing Cypriot government was viewed as an unfriendly state be Kissinger due to Archbishop Makarios's refusal to station US rockets in Akrotiri during '73 Yom Kippur war)resulting in the coup of July 1974 by Nikos Sampson giving Turkey the perfect pretext to invade to save the T/C from 'oppression'. Really some of you Albanians need to consult the history books.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

Nothing to say here, only one questions to answer:

"Is Cyprus in a situation to oppose major EU countries and US on Kosova issue?"

All 27 EU member states are veto holders, including Cyprus. While individual EU countries will probably recognize an independent Kosovo, all it takes is one to forbid Kosovo membership in the EU.


pre 16 godina

What has Turkey done in Cyprus? Why was this allowed to happens?
Is it like Turkey intervened to save Turkish people in Cyprus form oppression. I guess that Turkey’s move in Cyprus is illegal but Serbia’s move in Kosova is legal
Don’t you see how unjust was and still is this world.
Another question: Is Cyprus in a situation to oppose major EU countries and US on Kosova issue? Funny
If 70% of Serbs dont care about Kosova why should Cyprus, another funny thing.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

“Cyprus, as part of the European Union, will oppose any recognition of independence,”

- no-one need say anymore it is now evident that the EU will not be so "dumbya" as the US to illegally recognise an illegal declaration that goes against the UN and all other international norms and laws. The UK has already informed the Serbian Albanian delegation last week in London but clearly the likes of Ceku and Sediju still wish to pretend otherwise. When Push comes to shove on the 11th December there will be no illegal declarations that will be recognised unless of course the US wishes to throw out the last ounce of international credibility and goes down in history as the one who forced upon the world the pandora's box of unilateral succesionism throughout the world where any minority can declare independence from the sate they are in.


pre 16 godina

Cyprus know first handed what it is like to have some people stealing a part of their nation. I am glad they are on our side :-)

Can please some from the albanian side explain to me how "non important" countries like Cyprus opinion doesn't matter when they can actually veto any EU actions to Kosovo?

Regardless if USA recognizes Kosovos independence it does not help the albanians in Kosovo. How could they think that they will have a functioning state if they can not issue their own passports, not become memeber of the EU, not become memeber of any international organisation such as UN, WTO, or get credits from the world bank? They can't even participate in the Olympics if they are not recognized or only recognized unilaterally from a few states.

Is this not important for the K - albanians??? If not, what is important then? Not to be ruled by serbs I understand, but they are not now either.


pre 16 godina

That's right, and notice that she said that Cyprus will not be the only oountry to veto the greater albania plan. We have a veto in the UNSC, Russia and China, and numerous vetoes in the European Union. It should be very clear now that residents of Kosovo need to get their Serbian passports if they plan to travel anywhere.

darkwood dub

pre 16 godina

Cyprus should wait a little longer. It should oppose the division of Kosova, as Cyprus and Kosova are very similar cases (not serbia and cyprus.


pre 16 godina

I can't wait to see Albanian comments how "little and irrelevant,blah,blah" Cyprus is...BUT in EU every single country has veto right:-)No matter ,how small it is...and i am sure republic of Cyprus will not be the only one!


pre 16 godina

Well it seems my Cypriot brothers are on the right track!

I hope the rest of the free countries to follow, with similar *explicit* positions.

Marios Vassiliou

pre 16 godina

Cyprus is a great example in what to avoid in Kosovo.
200,000 thousand refugees out of 650,000 population. Over 1000 churches abandoned, over 3000 years of Hellinism erased from history and moreover the threat of greater wrong doings are lurking.
Serbia must make sure that all this must not happen in Kosovo, the international community must understand not take in light the situation by granting independence, as this will result into a new progrom of the K-Serbs. The foreign minister of Cyprus has a first hand opinion of where the things are going.
K-Albanian must have all the liberties of an independence nation but not in full independence and especially not in the expense of their compatriots, unless they consider them 'foreign body'.


pre 16 godina

The population of Cyprus (Greek and Turkish zones) in 2003 was estimated by the United Nations at 802,000.
We all know that there is a paradox the way how the European Union is set up and works. For Kosova Cyprus has no relevance whatsoever and not only Cyprus. The slavo-orthodox blocking policy doesn't work any more in the modern world. Kosova will be individually recognised by each state in the world. Nothing can stop Kosova independence even China or Russia. If China poses any threat to Kosova independence, Kosova will pay it back by recognising Taiwan as an independent country as well as Turkish part of Cyprus.

Marios Vassiliou

pre 16 godina

Cyprus is a great example in what to avoid in Kosovo.
200,000 thousand refugees out of 650,000 population. Over 1000 churches abandoned, over 3000 years of Hellinism erased from history and moreover the threat of greater wrong doings are lurking.
Serbia must make sure that all this must not happen in Kosovo, the international community must understand not take in light the situation by granting independence, as this will result into a new progrom of the K-Serbs. The foreign minister of Cyprus has a first hand opinion of where the things are going.
K-Albanian must have all the liberties of an independence nation but not in full independence and especially not in the expense of their compatriots, unless they consider them 'foreign body'.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

“Cyprus, as part of the European Union, will oppose any recognition of independence,”

- no-one need say anymore it is now evident that the EU will not be so "dumbya" as the US to illegally recognise an illegal declaration that goes against the UN and all other international norms and laws. The UK has already informed the Serbian Albanian delegation last week in London but clearly the likes of Ceku and Sediju still wish to pretend otherwise. When Push comes to shove on the 11th December there will be no illegal declarations that will be recognised unless of course the US wishes to throw out the last ounce of international credibility and goes down in history as the one who forced upon the world the pandora's box of unilateral succesionism throughout the world where any minority can declare independence from the sate they are in.


pre 16 godina

Well it seems my Cypriot brothers are on the right track!

I hope the rest of the free countries to follow, with similar *explicit* positions.


pre 16 godina

I can't wait to see Albanian comments how "little and irrelevant,blah,blah" Cyprus is...BUT in EU every single country has veto right:-)No matter ,how small it is...and i am sure republic of Cyprus will not be the only one!


pre 16 godina

Cyprus know first handed what it is like to have some people stealing a part of their nation. I am glad they are on our side :-)

Can please some from the albanian side explain to me how "non important" countries like Cyprus opinion doesn't matter when they can actually veto any EU actions to Kosovo?

Regardless if USA recognizes Kosovos independence it does not help the albanians in Kosovo. How could they think that they will have a functioning state if they can not issue their own passports, not become memeber of the EU, not become memeber of any international organisation such as UN, WTO, or get credits from the world bank? They can't even participate in the Olympics if they are not recognized or only recognized unilaterally from a few states.

Is this not important for the K - albanians??? If not, what is important then? Not to be ruled by serbs I understand, but they are not now either.


pre 16 godina

That's right, and notice that she said that Cyprus will not be the only oountry to veto the greater albania plan. We have a veto in the UNSC, Russia and China, and numerous vetoes in the European Union. It should be very clear now that residents of Kosovo need to get their Serbian passports if they plan to travel anywhere.


pre 16 godina


"If 70% of Serbs dont care about Kosova why should Cyprus, another funny thing."

Where did you get this phoney information? Serbs would rather keep Kosovo than enter EU. In fact we are ready ot sacrifice a lot of things for our Kosovo and Metohija. We have our ancestors as a very good example.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

Nothing to say here, only one questions to answer:

"Is Cyprus in a situation to oppose major EU countries and US on Kosova issue?"

All 27 EU member states are veto holders, including Cyprus. While individual EU countries will probably recognize an independent Kosovo, all it takes is one to forbid Kosovo membership in the EU.


pre 16 godina

Thank goodness for some sanity in Europe. But then it is where the modern legal framework originated.

I expect to see more and more countries making similar statements. My guess is that Germany will be making an announcement any day now.

It's so ironic to hear all the sarcastic comments here belittling Cyprus - they have a vote! Just like any other nation. They are as valuable as France, Germany or the UK (which has also backtracked, thank goodness).

The highest level of autonomy is going to be the only compromise offered, and many would say this was more than fair.

Niall O'Doherty, Ireland

pre 16 godina

"Is it like Turkey intervened to save Turkish people in Cyprus form oppression. I guess that Turkey’s move in Cyprus is illegal but Serbia’s move in Kosova is legal
Don’t you see how unjust was and still is this world - Olf"

Now Olf what were you told about comparing apples to oranges. Turkey invaded another sovereign state called the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. The SFRJ was faced with an internal threat to its sovereignty from an illegal terrorist threat, i.e. KLA. and they acted upon that threat just like the Spanish did in the Basque country and the Brits did with the IRA and Northern Ireland.

The T/C people were not being oppressed. They were ordered by their political leaders in the early 1970s not to engage or integrate in anyway with the Cypriot state and herded into ghettos. The US and Turkey stoked up political turmoil among the G/C (the left-wing Cypriot government was viewed as an unfriendly state be Kissinger due to Archbishop Makarios's refusal to station US rockets in Akrotiri during '73 Yom Kippur war)resulting in the coup of July 1974 by Nikos Sampson giving Turkey the perfect pretext to invade to save the T/C from 'oppression'. Really some of you Albanians need to consult the history books.


pre 16 godina

that was clear, more important is the term: we are not the only one!

so, allthough other propaganda was echoed, it´s still more countries against it then "just" cyprus and mother greece, though just one of them would be enough.

thanks hellas!

but i didn´t expect anything different to be honest, cause hellas is the light, mother of democracy and modern culture.


pre 16 godina

To all these who don't care about this.. well we dont care about US... Cyprus is in the EU so this has much more weight and don't forget... they aren't the only one opposed.


pre 16 godina

as I said it a few times ...

the Albanians can declare whatever they want, they can even claim to be the true rulers of the universe...

declaring independence will have the same meaning.

it will only be a placebo-independence in order to calm down the mostly young ( and obviously quite naive ) population of the southern serbian province.

they will scream and they will yell, but they won´t get into the EU, UN or at least in the IMF or any other international organisation.
and with UNSC 1244 in effect...
they will stay what they are right now.

so, go on and boast around about independence, that´s all you can do about it!


pre 16 godina

The population of Cyprus (Greek and Turkish zones) in 2003 was estimated by the United Nations at 802,000.
We all know that there is a paradox the way how the European Union is set up and works. For Kosova Cyprus has no relevance whatsoever and not only Cyprus. The slavo-orthodox blocking policy doesn't work any more in the modern world. Kosova will be individually recognised by each state in the world. Nothing can stop Kosova independence even China or Russia. If China poses any threat to Kosova independence, Kosova will pay it back by recognising Taiwan as an independent country as well as Turkish part of Cyprus.


pre 16 godina

There is that magical word again.
Ah so good to hear that they wouldnt be the only ones to VETO that move in the EU. All that really matters. Germany will never approve of such a unilateral move without the support of all EU nations. Otherwise all they have worked for in the past 25 years will go down the drain.


pre 16 godina

EA says... "Nothing can stop Kosova independence even China or Russia. If China poses any threat to Kosova independence, Kosova will pay it back by recognising Taiwan as an independent country as well as Turkish part of Cyprus."

I was embarrassed for you when I read your comment.
You think that Russia and China care?
Your arrogance, not supported by fact, has no impact on world politics.


pre 16 godina

What many don't understand is that Cyprus cannot allow Kosovo to be granted independence without a UN resolution. If it lets this happen, it will open the way for other states to recognise the 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' without UN authorisation. In other words, voting to recognise Kosovo would in fact signal the end of any hopes that Cyprus would be reunified. For this reason, Nicosia will also block any movement by Kosovo toward's EU membership. Cyprus may be small, but it has its own power in the EU (as do all other member states) and will use it. Also, don't forget that Greece will block recognition on the same grounds. With these two members opposing independence, others will follow.


pre 16 godina

What has Turkey done in Cyprus? Why was this allowed to happens?
Is it like Turkey intervened to save Turkish people in Cyprus form oppression. I guess that Turkey’s move in Cyprus is illegal but Serbia’s move in Kosova is legal
Don’t you see how unjust was and still is this world.
Another question: Is Cyprus in a situation to oppose major EU countries and US on Kosova issue? Funny
If 70% of Serbs dont care about Kosova why should Cyprus, another funny thing.


pre 16 godina

'All 27 EU member states are veto holders, including Cyprus. While individual EU countries will probably recognize an independent Kosovo, all it takes is one to forbid Kosovo membership in the EU.'

QFT. Also, to say nothing of the fact that importing more of your lot from Albanian in the form of the ANA isn't going to do much to ingratiate yourselves to the EU.

Like others have said, it just takes one veto ...


pre 16 godina

"Do you really think that if major EU countries i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK etc are to agree on something Cyprus would oppose, especially on something that is far from them and has no effect on them like it is Kosova issue."

Even if US and all the remaining EU countries choose to recognise Kosovo, Cyprus will VETO the resolution without hesitating. Why? Because they dont want to lose half of their island. It is clear to me that you do not understand issues at hand so Ill give u a piece of advice. Dont talk about things you do not understand. Without Cyprus, there is no EU, and without EU no independence. Its really that simple for you. Also, all it takes is Cyprus, but there are more. So get with the reality and understand your fantasy of an independent Kosovo is DEAD. It was obvious since Russia sank the new UN resolution.


pre 16 godina

Think about it: with a good chunk of their own territory occupied by the Turks since 1974, why WOULD Cyprus support Kosovo's independence? This has little to do with Orthodox bonds, or anti-Albanian biases. It has everything to do with supporting someone else's secession movement while there is one taking place within one's own borders. I expect Spain, Romania, Slovakia, and Greece to follow up with their own statements within the coming days. I'd also be curious to get Turkey's repsonse to this since they have their own issues with Kurds.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


Yes, Cyprus is a veto power in the EU. Thing is, they are not alone, there is also Slovakia, Greece, Romania and Spain, this means there are five veto holders, almost 20% of the EU members. Does that give you a better perspective of how split the EU is? That's five countries that have veto power in saying no to the EU decision on Kosovo independence.

This means countries will have to do it individually, which means Kosovo will have independence, but they will not be able to join UN, EU or IMF.


pre 16 godina

To Marios Vassiliou,
Thousand of Turks were found buried on mass graves on Cyprus. They were murdered by Greeks. There was no other solution to stop the extermination of Turkish population. Turkish military action was of human character, and your claims for churches and Hellenism, are just a produce of your imagination.


pre 16 godina

Ok... everyone knocking on Cyprus and saying how small they are and irrelevant.. well then what is the point of Kosovo or Albania joining the EU then if you have no say, can never go against anyone bigger than you... you are admitting you yourself has no meaning in such a union.


pre 16 godina

There is a big parallel between Kosova and Cyprus.
You have the same "orthodox brothers" mass murdering people of different religion and a superpower that intervenes on a humanitarian mission to save lives of civilans.
Turkish Cypriot state is created in order to separate the 2 ethnic groups. and Kosova is run by the UN because no one trust Serbs anymore.
Now, unlike Turkish cypriots, K-Albanians have stronger support from US and EU.
So, its not Strange that Greek Cypriots are opposing Kossova's independence.


pre 16 godina

Serbs are relying on vetoes but in the process day by day serbs are creating more and more enemies. One day they might really need help (burning fires) and I wonder how many countries will lend a hand.

I honestly why so many Serb Camp posters are ripping their shirts and beating their chest because of what Cyprus intends to do or said ---- I thought Serbs didn't want to join EU?
Why does it matter what EU thinks?

Also to Jovan/Cvele or Princip I have heard you mention countless times that the only kind of independence we'd have is a Cyprus ---- so they have veto power? I thought that kind of independence was a "toy republic." The only toy republic is self-claimed "Serbska republika" --- sounds more like a street in Belgrade than anything else.

BTW just to point out your propaganda SERBIA SENT NO AIRPLANES TO GREECE to put out the fires.


pre 16 godina

To all you Albanian posters here who keep saying that Cyprus is insignificant, I say it is significant enough to VETO your entry into the EU.
That makes them a lot more significant than you, don't you think?


pre 16 godina

"BTW just to point out your propaganda SERBIA SENT NO AIRPLANES TO GREECE to put out the fires."

Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.

darkwood dub

pre 16 godina

Cyprus should wait a little longer. It should oppose the division of Kosova, as Cyprus and Kosova are very similar cases (not serbia and cyprus.


pre 16 godina

"Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.
(Pyrros, 18. October 2007 08:59)

Really? Show me pictures and links that read such NONSENSE!!!
(KS, 18. October 2007 20:04) "


To read the above you must know greek and i am sure you do, since you are so interested in Greek/Serb affairs.

Its on the Greek papers of the time, TV news said it explicitly, i cant help you more.


pre 16 godina

Cyprus, the leading EU power has decided to go against France, UK, Germany, Italy:-). Many of you say that every EU member has right to veto but lets be realistic he. Dream of united Europe was far and now is farther away, remember EU constitution. UK is on a verge of referendum for EU, see The Sun Paper.
Do you really think that if major EU countries i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK etc are to agree on something Cyprus would oppose, especially on something that is far from them and has no effect on them like it is Kosova issue. Are you guys aware what would mean for Cyprus if one of the major travel agents cancels the arrangements in Cyprus for the summer.
Are you Nial’s prepared to pay for Cyprus political blunders.
Nial, you part about the SFRJ makes no sense, don’t engage in something that you don’t know.
Looks like many of you are sitting in a nice hot seats in EU and trying to understand something that you don’t. I suggest, you come to Serbia or Kosova and see what people think than come back here with comments. I am 100% sure that your opinions will change, same as did mine.


pre 16 godina

it is a good news to have cyprus so honest.But it is not a problem for albanians and kosova,it is a problem for europe which wants to play a key role in this world(imagine : the politics of europe is to surrender to cyprus decision! that's a great news for européen policy in kosova ?)
yes ,then ,how do want us to ask for eumik?

sad news for europeens indeed,

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

Clean Cut

"I though Cyprus was some kind of tree or like a schrub of some sort...what do you know...hey, do they have a flag?
(Clean Cut, 18. October 2007 00:01) "

Yes they do, does Kosovo?

It's funny, you laugh at a 100% legally sovereign state and you don't realize that Kosovo will never be the same kind of independent as Cyprus and that Cyrpus will be the country denying your entry to the EU. You will be the Albania under Hoxha II, except this time permanently.


pre 16 godina

- It was 6 serb planes and not two
- it is not my job to prove the obvious
- I told you it was in every major paper, tv news of the time.
I just googled and posted the first evidence
I have no time talking to albanians all day long.
- Proof is in all over the web.
You should do your homework, than arguing about stuff you dont know, (or dont want to know)
- When arguing with albanians all someone has to do is to force *them* to proove thier stance, and not the opposite.


pre 16 godina

oh no, cyprus is the decider!
oh no, lets change our mind because cyprus will be very angry and who knows what it will do to turkey at this point.


pre 16 godina

News like this are not news to us Albanians. We always expect this from Greeks. This is just another Greeko-Serbian scheme to destroy Albanians in Albania, Kosovo, and elsewhere. There is a lot of talk here about one country or another vetoing the independence. You seem to forget that whent it comes down to the last straw, there is about two million Albanians in Kosovo that could never picture themselves being part of Serbia again. Not to mention the powerful pro-Albanian lobby in the US. Remember one thing; Albanians have always fought hard for their survival, and have never taken anyone's support for granted, whether it is the US, England, or any other nations.


pre 16 godina

Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.
(Pyrros, 18. October 2007 08:59)

Really? Show me pictures and links that read such NONSENSE!!!


pre 16 godina

"Now Olf what were you told about comparing apples to oranges. Turkey invaded another sovereign state called the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. The SFRJ was faced with an internal threat to its sovereignty from an illegal terrorist threat, i.e. KLA. and they acted upon that threat just like the Spanish did in the Basque country and the Brits did with the IRA and Northern Ireland."

Now you're comparing Banana's with potatoes. How in the hell do you fight what you state to be a terrorist organization by expelling 60% of the population, and by murdering thousands of civilians. I don't know what world you live in but that is not taking care of terrorist organization, that is called ethnic cleansing in the real world.

Then again if you approve of Franco bombing the Basque's with the help of the Nazis then it's not worth arguing with you; since according to your philosophy you can kill and prosecute people by the millions and still call it justice.

Clean Cut

pre 16 godina

No Peter!

Sorry to disapoint you this time, but in case that happens, Albania and Kosova will be 50+1 and 51+1 States of the United States of America, which would be the WORSE NIGHTMARE FOR ALL!!!

Good luck with your "cyprus" kind of threats! And I ment cyprus the tree, not the territory, because "that" doesn't count at all.


pre 16 godina

About you wanting proof of Serbia sending help to fight the fires in Greece. Do you ever believe anything positive said about Serbia or are you so blinded by your dislike of Serbs that you simply refuse out of principle?
How about K-Albanians. What did you do to help?


pre 16 godina

Well Pyrros, where in the article says that Serbia actually sent planes to help with the fires? All is said is the usual diplomatic statements coming from neighbouring countries that Serbia is ready to help Greece within its capabilities etc..etc... because Serb people never forgets how Greek people help Serb people in difficulties. etc.etc.....

Let alone Russians that are not mentioned at all!!!

Helping other nations in time of crisis is one of the most sublime acts and we should cherish such moments. Serbia actually sent two planes to help with fires but your proof is really poor.


pre 16 godina

To Marios Vassiliou,
Thousand of Turks were found buried on mass graves on Cyprus. They were murdered by Greeks. There was no other solution to stop the extermination of Turkish population. Turkish military action was of human character, and your claims for churches and Hellenism, are just a produce of your imagination.


pre 16 godina

The population of Cyprus (Greek and Turkish zones) in 2003 was estimated by the United Nations at 802,000.
We all know that there is a paradox the way how the European Union is set up and works. For Kosova Cyprus has no relevance whatsoever and not only Cyprus. The slavo-orthodox blocking policy doesn't work any more in the modern world. Kosova will be individually recognised by each state in the world. Nothing can stop Kosova independence even China or Russia. If China poses any threat to Kosova independence, Kosova will pay it back by recognising Taiwan as an independent country as well as Turkish part of Cyprus.


pre 16 godina

What has Turkey done in Cyprus? Why was this allowed to happens?
Is it like Turkey intervened to save Turkish people in Cyprus form oppression. I guess that Turkey’s move in Cyprus is illegal but Serbia’s move in Kosova is legal
Don’t you see how unjust was and still is this world.
Another question: Is Cyprus in a situation to oppose major EU countries and US on Kosova issue? Funny
If 70% of Serbs dont care about Kosova why should Cyprus, another funny thing.


pre 16 godina

Serbs are relying on vetoes but in the process day by day serbs are creating more and more enemies. One day they might really need help (burning fires) and I wonder how many countries will lend a hand.

I honestly why so many Serb Camp posters are ripping their shirts and beating their chest because of what Cyprus intends to do or said ---- I thought Serbs didn't want to join EU?
Why does it matter what EU thinks?

Also to Jovan/Cvele or Princip I have heard you mention countless times that the only kind of independence we'd have is a Cyprus ---- so they have veto power? I thought that kind of independence was a "toy republic." The only toy republic is self-claimed "Serbska republika" --- sounds more like a street in Belgrade than anything else.

BTW just to point out your propaganda SERBIA SENT NO AIRPLANES TO GREECE to put out the fires.

darkwood dub

pre 16 godina

Cyprus should wait a little longer. It should oppose the division of Kosova, as Cyprus and Kosova are very similar cases (not serbia and cyprus.


pre 16 godina

oh no, cyprus is the decider!
oh no, lets change our mind because cyprus will be very angry and who knows what it will do to turkey at this point.


pre 16 godina

There is a big parallel between Kosova and Cyprus.
You have the same "orthodox brothers" mass murdering people of different religion and a superpower that intervenes on a humanitarian mission to save lives of civilans.
Turkish Cypriot state is created in order to separate the 2 ethnic groups. and Kosova is run by the UN because no one trust Serbs anymore.
Now, unlike Turkish cypriots, K-Albanians have stronger support from US and EU.
So, its not Strange that Greek Cypriots are opposing Kossova's independence.


pre 16 godina

Cyprus, the leading EU power has decided to go against France, UK, Germany, Italy:-). Many of you say that every EU member has right to veto but lets be realistic he. Dream of united Europe was far and now is farther away, remember EU constitution. UK is on a verge of referendum for EU, see The Sun Paper.
Do you really think that if major EU countries i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK etc are to agree on something Cyprus would oppose, especially on something that is far from them and has no effect on them like it is Kosova issue. Are you guys aware what would mean for Cyprus if one of the major travel agents cancels the arrangements in Cyprus for the summer.
Are you Nial’s prepared to pay for Cyprus political blunders.
Nial, you part about the SFRJ makes no sense, don’t engage in something that you don’t know.
Looks like many of you are sitting in a nice hot seats in EU and trying to understand something that you don’t. I suggest, you come to Serbia or Kosova and see what people think than come back here with comments. I am 100% sure that your opinions will change, same as did mine.


pre 16 godina

it is a good news to have cyprus so honest.But it is not a problem for albanians and kosova,it is a problem for europe which wants to play a key role in this world(imagine : the politics of europe is to surrender to cyprus decision! that's a great news for européen policy in kosova ?)
yes ,then ,how do want us to ask for eumik?

sad news for europeens indeed,


pre 16 godina

Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.
(Pyrros, 18. October 2007 08:59)

Really? Show me pictures and links that read such NONSENSE!!!

Marios Vassiliou

pre 16 godina

Cyprus is a great example in what to avoid in Kosovo.
200,000 thousand refugees out of 650,000 population. Over 1000 churches abandoned, over 3000 years of Hellinism erased from history and moreover the threat of greater wrong doings are lurking.
Serbia must make sure that all this must not happen in Kosovo, the international community must understand not take in light the situation by granting independence, as this will result into a new progrom of the K-Serbs. The foreign minister of Cyprus has a first hand opinion of where the things are going.
K-Albanian must have all the liberties of an independence nation but not in full independence and especially not in the expense of their compatriots, unless they consider them 'foreign body'.


pre 16 godina

That's right, and notice that she said that Cyprus will not be the only oountry to veto the greater albania plan. We have a veto in the UNSC, Russia and China, and numerous vetoes in the European Union. It should be very clear now that residents of Kosovo need to get their Serbian passports if they plan to travel anywhere.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

“Cyprus, as part of the European Union, will oppose any recognition of independence,”

- no-one need say anymore it is now evident that the EU will not be so "dumbya" as the US to illegally recognise an illegal declaration that goes against the UN and all other international norms and laws. The UK has already informed the Serbian Albanian delegation last week in London but clearly the likes of Ceku and Sediju still wish to pretend otherwise. When Push comes to shove on the 11th December there will be no illegal declarations that will be recognised unless of course the US wishes to throw out the last ounce of international credibility and goes down in history as the one who forced upon the world the pandora's box of unilateral succesionism throughout the world where any minority can declare independence from the sate they are in.

Niall O'Doherty, Ireland

pre 16 godina

"Is it like Turkey intervened to save Turkish people in Cyprus form oppression. I guess that Turkey’s move in Cyprus is illegal but Serbia’s move in Kosova is legal
Don’t you see how unjust was and still is this world - Olf"

Now Olf what were you told about comparing apples to oranges. Turkey invaded another sovereign state called the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. The SFRJ was faced with an internal threat to its sovereignty from an illegal terrorist threat, i.e. KLA. and they acted upon that threat just like the Spanish did in the Basque country and the Brits did with the IRA and Northern Ireland.

The T/C people were not being oppressed. They were ordered by their political leaders in the early 1970s not to engage or integrate in anyway with the Cypriot state and herded into ghettos. The US and Turkey stoked up political turmoil among the G/C (the left-wing Cypriot government was viewed as an unfriendly state be Kissinger due to Archbishop Makarios's refusal to station US rockets in Akrotiri during '73 Yom Kippur war)resulting in the coup of July 1974 by Nikos Sampson giving Turkey the perfect pretext to invade to save the T/C from 'oppression'. Really some of you Albanians need to consult the history books.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

Nothing to say here, only one questions to answer:

"Is Cyprus in a situation to oppose major EU countries and US on Kosova issue?"

All 27 EU member states are veto holders, including Cyprus. While individual EU countries will probably recognize an independent Kosovo, all it takes is one to forbid Kosovo membership in the EU.


pre 16 godina

Thank goodness for some sanity in Europe. But then it is where the modern legal framework originated.

I expect to see more and more countries making similar statements. My guess is that Germany will be making an announcement any day now.

It's so ironic to hear all the sarcastic comments here belittling Cyprus - they have a vote! Just like any other nation. They are as valuable as France, Germany or the UK (which has also backtracked, thank goodness).

The highest level of autonomy is going to be the only compromise offered, and many would say this was more than fair.


pre 16 godina


"If 70% of Serbs dont care about Kosova why should Cyprus, another funny thing."

Where did you get this phoney information? Serbs would rather keep Kosovo than enter EU. In fact we are ready ot sacrifice a lot of things for our Kosovo and Metohija. We have our ancestors as a very good example.


pre 16 godina

as I said it a few times ...

the Albanians can declare whatever they want, they can even claim to be the true rulers of the universe...

declaring independence will have the same meaning.

it will only be a placebo-independence in order to calm down the mostly young ( and obviously quite naive ) population of the southern serbian province.

they will scream and they will yell, but they won´t get into the EU, UN or at least in the IMF or any other international organisation.
and with UNSC 1244 in effect...
they will stay what they are right now.

so, go on and boast around about independence, that´s all you can do about it!


pre 16 godina

What many don't understand is that Cyprus cannot allow Kosovo to be granted independence without a UN resolution. If it lets this happen, it will open the way for other states to recognise the 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' without UN authorisation. In other words, voting to recognise Kosovo would in fact signal the end of any hopes that Cyprus would be reunified. For this reason, Nicosia will also block any movement by Kosovo toward's EU membership. Cyprus may be small, but it has its own power in the EU (as do all other member states) and will use it. Also, don't forget that Greece will block recognition on the same grounds. With these two members opposing independence, others will follow.


pre 16 godina

News like this are not news to us Albanians. We always expect this from Greeks. This is just another Greeko-Serbian scheme to destroy Albanians in Albania, Kosovo, and elsewhere. There is a lot of talk here about one country or another vetoing the independence. You seem to forget that whent it comes down to the last straw, there is about two million Albanians in Kosovo that could never picture themselves being part of Serbia again. Not to mention the powerful pro-Albanian lobby in the US. Remember one thing; Albanians have always fought hard for their survival, and have never taken anyone's support for granted, whether it is the US, England, or any other nations.


pre 16 godina

"Now Olf what were you told about comparing apples to oranges. Turkey invaded another sovereign state called the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. The SFRJ was faced with an internal threat to its sovereignty from an illegal terrorist threat, i.e. KLA. and they acted upon that threat just like the Spanish did in the Basque country and the Brits did with the IRA and Northern Ireland."

Now you're comparing Banana's with potatoes. How in the hell do you fight what you state to be a terrorist organization by expelling 60% of the population, and by murdering thousands of civilians. I don't know what world you live in but that is not taking care of terrorist organization, that is called ethnic cleansing in the real world.

Then again if you approve of Franco bombing the Basque's with the help of the Nazis then it's not worth arguing with you; since according to your philosophy you can kill and prosecute people by the millions and still call it justice.


pre 16 godina

Well Pyrros, where in the article says that Serbia actually sent planes to help with the fires? All is said is the usual diplomatic statements coming from neighbouring countries that Serbia is ready to help Greece within its capabilities etc..etc... because Serb people never forgets how Greek people help Serb people in difficulties. etc.etc.....

Let alone Russians that are not mentioned at all!!!

Helping other nations in time of crisis is one of the most sublime acts and we should cherish such moments. Serbia actually sent two planes to help with fires but your proof is really poor.


pre 16 godina

I can't wait to see Albanian comments how "little and irrelevant,blah,blah" Cyprus is...BUT in EU every single country has veto right:-)No matter ,how small it is...and i am sure republic of Cyprus will not be the only one!


pre 16 godina

Cyprus know first handed what it is like to have some people stealing a part of their nation. I am glad they are on our side :-)

Can please some from the albanian side explain to me how "non important" countries like Cyprus opinion doesn't matter when they can actually veto any EU actions to Kosovo?

Regardless if USA recognizes Kosovos independence it does not help the albanians in Kosovo. How could they think that they will have a functioning state if they can not issue their own passports, not become memeber of the EU, not become memeber of any international organisation such as UN, WTO, or get credits from the world bank? They can't even participate in the Olympics if they are not recognized or only recognized unilaterally from a few states.

Is this not important for the K - albanians??? If not, what is important then? Not to be ruled by serbs I understand, but they are not now either.


pre 16 godina

Well it seems my Cypriot brothers are on the right track!

I hope the rest of the free countries to follow, with similar *explicit* positions.


pre 16 godina

that was clear, more important is the term: we are not the only one!

so, allthough other propaganda was echoed, it´s still more countries against it then "just" cyprus and mother greece, though just one of them would be enough.

thanks hellas!

but i didn´t expect anything different to be honest, cause hellas is the light, mother of democracy and modern culture.


pre 16 godina

To all these who don't care about this.. well we dont care about US... Cyprus is in the EU so this has much more weight and don't forget... they aren't the only one opposed.


pre 16 godina

'All 27 EU member states are veto holders, including Cyprus. While individual EU countries will probably recognize an independent Kosovo, all it takes is one to forbid Kosovo membership in the EU.'

QFT. Also, to say nothing of the fact that importing more of your lot from Albanian in the form of the ANA isn't going to do much to ingratiate yourselves to the EU.

Like others have said, it just takes one veto ...


pre 16 godina

There is that magical word again.
Ah so good to hear that they wouldnt be the only ones to VETO that move in the EU. All that really matters. Germany will never approve of such a unilateral move without the support of all EU nations. Otherwise all they have worked for in the past 25 years will go down the drain.


pre 16 godina

EA says... "Nothing can stop Kosova independence even China or Russia. If China poses any threat to Kosova independence, Kosova will pay it back by recognising Taiwan as an independent country as well as Turkish part of Cyprus."

I was embarrassed for you when I read your comment.
You think that Russia and China care?
Your arrogance, not supported by fact, has no impact on world politics.


pre 16 godina

"Do you really think that if major EU countries i.e. France, Germany, Italy, UK etc are to agree on something Cyprus would oppose, especially on something that is far from them and has no effect on them like it is Kosova issue."

Even if US and all the remaining EU countries choose to recognise Kosovo, Cyprus will VETO the resolution without hesitating. Why? Because they dont want to lose half of their island. It is clear to me that you do not understand issues at hand so Ill give u a piece of advice. Dont talk about things you do not understand. Without Cyprus, there is no EU, and without EU no independence. Its really that simple for you. Also, all it takes is Cyprus, but there are more. So get with the reality and understand your fantasy of an independent Kosovo is DEAD. It was obvious since Russia sank the new UN resolution.


pre 16 godina

Ok... everyone knocking on Cyprus and saying how small they are and irrelevant.. well then what is the point of Kosovo or Albania joining the EU then if you have no say, can never go against anyone bigger than you... you are admitting you yourself has no meaning in such a union.


pre 16 godina

Think about it: with a good chunk of their own territory occupied by the Turks since 1974, why WOULD Cyprus support Kosovo's independence? This has little to do with Orthodox bonds, or anti-Albanian biases. It has everything to do with supporting someone else's secession movement while there is one taking place within one's own borders. I expect Spain, Romania, Slovakia, and Greece to follow up with their own statements within the coming days. I'd also be curious to get Turkey's repsonse to this since they have their own issues with Kurds.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


Yes, Cyprus is a veto power in the EU. Thing is, they are not alone, there is also Slovakia, Greece, Romania and Spain, this means there are five veto holders, almost 20% of the EU members. Does that give you a better perspective of how split the EU is? That's five countries that have veto power in saying no to the EU decision on Kosovo independence.

This means countries will have to do it individually, which means Kosovo will have independence, but they will not be able to join UN, EU or IMF.


pre 16 godina

To all you Albanian posters here who keep saying that Cyprus is insignificant, I say it is significant enough to VETO your entry into the EU.
That makes them a lot more significant than you, don't you think?


pre 16 godina

"BTW just to point out your propaganda SERBIA SENT NO AIRPLANES TO GREECE to put out the fires."

Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

Clean Cut

"I though Cyprus was some kind of tree or like a schrub of some sort...what do you know...hey, do they have a flag?
(Clean Cut, 18. October 2007 00:01) "

Yes they do, does Kosovo?

It's funny, you laugh at a 100% legally sovereign state and you don't realize that Kosovo will never be the same kind of independent as Cyprus and that Cyrpus will be the country denying your entry to the EU. You will be the Albania under Hoxha II, except this time permanently.

Clean Cut

pre 16 godina

No Peter!

Sorry to disapoint you this time, but in case that happens, Albania and Kosova will be 50+1 and 51+1 States of the United States of America, which would be the WORSE NIGHTMARE FOR ALL!!!

Good luck with your "cyprus" kind of threats! And I ment cyprus the tree, not the territory, because "that" doesn't count at all.


pre 16 godina

About you wanting proof of Serbia sending help to fight the fires in Greece. Do you ever believe anything positive said about Serbia or are you so blinded by your dislike of Serbs that you simply refuse out of principle?
How about K-Albanians. What did you do to help?


pre 16 godina

"Both Russians,Serbs and some europeans sent planes to deal with the fires.
(Pyrros, 18. October 2007 08:59)

Really? Show me pictures and links that read such NONSENSE!!!
(KS, 18. October 2007 20:04) "


To read the above you must know greek and i am sure you do, since you are so interested in Greek/Serb affairs.

Its on the Greek papers of the time, TV news said it explicitly, i cant help you more.


pre 16 godina

- It was 6 serb planes and not two
- it is not my job to prove the obvious
- I told you it was in every major paper, tv news of the time.
I just googled and posted the first evidence
I have no time talking to albanians all day long.
- Proof is in all over the web.
You should do your homework, than arguing about stuff you dont know, (or dont want to know)
- When arguing with albanians all someone has to do is to force *them* to proove thier stance, and not the opposite.