Wednesday, 03.10.2007.


Hague grants Haradinaj temporary freedom

The Hague Tribunal has today decided to temporarily set free ex-KLA Ramush Haradinaj.

Izvor: B92

Hague grants Haradinaj temporary freedom IMAGE SOURCE

13 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

Afrim, I think it's nice you're attempting to glorify Haradinaj as some sort of noble martyr for the Albanian people, but in the end, he's still a wanted war criminal and an organized criminal gang leader, no different than Karadzic, Mladic, and other Serbian "heroes". He and Seselj belong in the same cell together.


pre 16 godina

To be a General old Ramush would have to be given that rank by a recognized national army. I think bandit chief would be a more accurate title. Or maybe robber baron. Either way the hague has no business letting him out until he is A)Acquitted or B) found guilty and served his time.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 16 godina

General Haradinaj gave himself right away the next day after he was accused by the Hague. He was not hiding like a rabbit like some so called serb "heroes" are hiding now such Mladic or Karadzic.
The reason why Hague is releasing Haradinaj for this funeral is that he gave himself up right away, he did not hide.


pre 16 godina

«Did family`s of people he killed had a chance to come to their burial.»

Are you sure of this? This is a serious accusation. Have you seen him killing people? Until he is proven guilty, he is innocent.

I know you don't like him because he stood for his people against a mad dictator who took away the rights of his people, and sent an army of well armed soldiers to crush an alleged rebellion.. Don't forget that Haradinaj agreed to go to the Hague, while many Serbs accused of war crimes did not show up and will probably never surrender.


pre 16 godina

LOL! The Hague Comedy Tribunal pulls another stunningly funny stunt.

Still, it's lovely for future historians who will damn the Hague as it should have been damned from the beginning. A fig-leaf for victor's justice

The whole thing is an very expensive joke, which is why the human rights loving west is pulling the plug on it in three years. Even human rights have a price.


pre 16 godina

jenrabin, are you joking? albanians have been playing "the victim" for decades, as well as other ethnic groups throught the balkins. albanians played it very well in 99 but God sees everything which is why Kosovo hasnt been taken from Srbija. Albanians have no more cards to play. Its Game over. . . . Regarding the Vukovar 3, i think they got too harsh of a sentence compared to other "criminals" of muslim and croat ethnicity. Alija should have been the first to be tried in the hague, instead they build statues of him.


pre 16 godina

Nikolic. You really must get over this 'victim' syndrom. It is unappealing as well as old. Seems to me the vukovar three received leniant justice. Or do you consider them victims of some greater antiserb campaign as well.


pre 16 godina

That court again and again shows no shame when it comes to albanians and muslims.Did family`s of people he killed had a chance to come to their burial.No way in hell.And why should he had that privilege.To this day his albanians are attacking Serbian graves, and they have to come with armed guards to visit relatives graves.And that monkey court let`s him prance for couple of days.


pre 16 godina

I don't understand what is the problem that some of the posters here have with this. He's only realeased temporarily, for the funeral. He gave himself up willingly before. There is no reason to believe that he will try to escape.
I don't see the problem.


pre 16 godina

This "court" has zero credibility. You might as well as arrest Bin Laden and then set him free. Looks like the injustice done to Serbs has no end. Its a shame. CCCC


pre 16 godina

This "court" has zero credibility. You might as well as arrest Bin Laden and then set him free. Looks like the injustice done to Serbs has no end. Its a shame. CCCC


pre 16 godina

That court again and again shows no shame when it comes to albanians and muslims.Did family`s of people he killed had a chance to come to their burial.No way in hell.And why should he had that privilege.To this day his albanians are attacking Serbian graves, and they have to come with armed guards to visit relatives graves.And that monkey court let`s him prance for couple of days.


pre 16 godina

«Did family`s of people he killed had a chance to come to their burial.»

Are you sure of this? This is a serious accusation. Have you seen him killing people? Until he is proven guilty, he is innocent.

I know you don't like him because he stood for his people against a mad dictator who took away the rights of his people, and sent an army of well armed soldiers to crush an alleged rebellion.. Don't forget that Haradinaj agreed to go to the Hague, while many Serbs accused of war crimes did not show up and will probably never surrender.


pre 16 godina

I don't understand what is the problem that some of the posters here have with this. He's only realeased temporarily, for the funeral. He gave himself up willingly before. There is no reason to believe that he will try to escape.
I don't see the problem.


pre 16 godina

Nikolic. You really must get over this 'victim' syndrom. It is unappealing as well as old. Seems to me the vukovar three received leniant justice. Or do you consider them victims of some greater antiserb campaign as well.


pre 16 godina

jenrabin, are you joking? albanians have been playing "the victim" for decades, as well as other ethnic groups throught the balkins. albanians played it very well in 99 but God sees everything which is why Kosovo hasnt been taken from Srbija. Albanians have no more cards to play. Its Game over. . . . Regarding the Vukovar 3, i think they got too harsh of a sentence compared to other "criminals" of muslim and croat ethnicity. Alija should have been the first to be tried in the hague, instead they build statues of him.


pre 16 godina

LOL! The Hague Comedy Tribunal pulls another stunningly funny stunt.

Still, it's lovely for future historians who will damn the Hague as it should have been damned from the beginning. A fig-leaf for victor's justice

The whole thing is an very expensive joke, which is why the human rights loving west is pulling the plug on it in three years. Even human rights have a price.


pre 16 godina

To be a General old Ramush would have to be given that rank by a recognized national army. I think bandit chief would be a more accurate title. Or maybe robber baron. Either way the hague has no business letting him out until he is A)Acquitted or B) found guilty and served his time.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 16 godina

General Haradinaj gave himself right away the next day after he was accused by the Hague. He was not hiding like a rabbit like some so called serb "heroes" are hiding now such Mladic or Karadzic.
The reason why Hague is releasing Haradinaj for this funeral is that he gave himself up right away, he did not hide.


pre 16 godina

Afrim, I think it's nice you're attempting to glorify Haradinaj as some sort of noble martyr for the Albanian people, but in the end, he's still a wanted war criminal and an organized criminal gang leader, no different than Karadzic, Mladic, and other Serbian "heroes". He and Seselj belong in the same cell together.


pre 16 godina

This "court" has zero credibility. You might as well as arrest Bin Laden and then set him free. Looks like the injustice done to Serbs has no end. Its a shame. CCCC


pre 16 godina

That court again and again shows no shame when it comes to albanians and muslims.Did family`s of people he killed had a chance to come to their burial.No way in hell.And why should he had that privilege.To this day his albanians are attacking Serbian graves, and they have to come with armed guards to visit relatives graves.And that monkey court let`s him prance for couple of days.


pre 16 godina

I don't understand what is the problem that some of the posters here have with this. He's only realeased temporarily, for the funeral. He gave himself up willingly before. There is no reason to believe that he will try to escape.
I don't see the problem.


pre 16 godina

Nikolic. You really must get over this 'victim' syndrom. It is unappealing as well as old. Seems to me the vukovar three received leniant justice. Or do you consider them victims of some greater antiserb campaign as well.


pre 16 godina

«Did family`s of people he killed had a chance to come to their burial.»

Are you sure of this? This is a serious accusation. Have you seen him killing people? Until he is proven guilty, he is innocent.

I know you don't like him because he stood for his people against a mad dictator who took away the rights of his people, and sent an army of well armed soldiers to crush an alleged rebellion.. Don't forget that Haradinaj agreed to go to the Hague, while many Serbs accused of war crimes did not show up and will probably never surrender.


pre 16 godina

jenrabin, are you joking? albanians have been playing "the victim" for decades, as well as other ethnic groups throught the balkins. albanians played it very well in 99 but God sees everything which is why Kosovo hasnt been taken from Srbija. Albanians have no more cards to play. Its Game over. . . . Regarding the Vukovar 3, i think they got too harsh of a sentence compared to other "criminals" of muslim and croat ethnicity. Alija should have been the first to be tried in the hague, instead they build statues of him.


pre 16 godina

LOL! The Hague Comedy Tribunal pulls another stunningly funny stunt.

Still, it's lovely for future historians who will damn the Hague as it should have been damned from the beginning. A fig-leaf for victor's justice

The whole thing is an very expensive joke, which is why the human rights loving west is pulling the plug on it in three years. Even human rights have a price.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 16 godina

General Haradinaj gave himself right away the next day after he was accused by the Hague. He was not hiding like a rabbit like some so called serb "heroes" are hiding now such Mladic or Karadzic.
The reason why Hague is releasing Haradinaj for this funeral is that he gave himself up right away, he did not hide.


pre 16 godina

To be a General old Ramush would have to be given that rank by a recognized national army. I think bandit chief would be a more accurate title. Or maybe robber baron. Either way the hague has no business letting him out until he is A)Acquitted or B) found guilty and served his time.


pre 16 godina

Afrim, I think it's nice you're attempting to glorify Haradinaj as some sort of noble martyr for the Albanian people, but in the end, he's still a wanted war criminal and an organized criminal gang leader, no different than Karadzic, Mladic, and other Serbian "heroes". He and Seselj belong in the same cell together.