Wednesday, 05.09.2007.


"EU to accept any Kosovo compromise"

EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn repeated Wednesday that the EU supported any joint solution to the Kosovo issue.

Izvor: B92

"EU to accept any Kosovo compromise" IMAGE SOURCE

24 Komentari

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pre 16 godina


You ask, "since you call us 'city folks' than that would make you a 'town folk'? Are you from a rural area? A place where information is prohibited?

Answer: You should read your own writing. I didn't call you anything. However, since you ask what "City Folk" are and what I am, I will tell you. City Folk, like me, are people that dwell in high-density, generally lawful, tolerant and multicultural areas. Such examples are Belgrade, London and Bonn and do not include places like Pristina because it's new NATO-supported mono-ethnic character (occupation forces forces don't count) and the sex slaves and jihadi charities are counter the criteria.

You Ask: "Where in the world did you get 300,000 ethnically cleansed?"

Answer: I counted the estimates of all displaced minorities. It is apparent you either can't count or do not count people as people, based on some race system. Gypsies are people too.

Note: I notice that you're very quick to attempt to shift the argument to Serbia trying to only keep the Northern portion of Kosovo. Yet, there no supporting facts to that argument. It is actually just the opposite. This is an Albania supported land grab. They did everything to not maintain their Norther Border and allowed guerrilla training within their borders in order to push that border North. Next it will be pushed East. Then West and South.
Thank God for Russia.


pre 16 godina

limited - since you call us 'city folks' than that would make you a 'town folk'? Are you from a rural area? A place where information is prohibited?
Where in the world did you get 300,000 ethnically cleansed?

If you are referring to the Kosovar-Serbs they were not cleansed, they reitrate to Serbia proper bc they were afraid that Kosovar's would take revenge on them from acts excecuted by Serbian government.

I'm glad that you wish to keep Kosova bc of Trepça. Day in and day out Serbs are commenting about how they wish to keep Northen Mitrovica as they call it, last time I checked there was only city in Kosova with the name MITROVICA, no N.Mitrovica anywhere.

Serbian Translation:
"we want to keep northern mitrovica"

Translation: "we want trepca bc of it's huge gold and other metal reserves."


pre 16 godina

NATO/EU people are a sadly strange bunch. They are against partition of Kosovo on ethnic lines but for partition of Serbia on ethnic lines, something they've supported since before 1999 and before the administered the ethnic cleansing of 300,000 minorities. It's just wrong.

Also, it is always strange to hear the City folk say they've given up on Kosovo and wish for a better economy. An independent Kosovo is a theft of natural resources as well as culture. What can they be thinking? Import those minerals from Africa instead of getting them in-country? Or are they for buying that material from the very people that killed fellow countrymen while the stole it from them? Again, the policy is just wrong and not supportable.

What will Rehn support next - and invasion of France?


pre 16 godina

Delije this day is turning a little better. I met with a Serb who lives in France and spoke amazing Albanian and I got an apology from you. I am very pleased, and I am sorry for the Kosovar-Serb losses as well.

WE might as well be friends we're going to have to live together, we're neighbors for God's sake.


pre 16 godina


oh come on... spare us from that rather naive attempt to pose as a Serb " being a Serb from Belgrade" again... just like "Predictor" first wanted to deceive the readers with being a Serb but very quickly turned out to be an Albanian, just as I had assumed in my response to his comment.

I am from Belgrade as well, and I know very well how poeple in Belgrade think about that issue...so don´t waste your time pretending to be a serbian reader...

I´ll give you a hint: Serbs do not have to go to Kosovo in order to ski! nice try, but worthless in the end...

oh and... didn´t I mention another assumption when I said that I think it is very likely only three or four different Albanians, each of them using several different nick-names here...

how interesting, kreshnik turns out to be nikshala, right?


pre 16 godina


whats interesting about my name first name being kreshnik?

nikshala -stands for Kreshnik Shala. Most Kreshniks in Kosovo get called Nik!


pre 16 godina

Nikshala - I don't know whether to be flattered or not because I have not read any of her literature, but no that is not me. I agree with CND, and I'm as antiwar as the next sane person but I'm certainly no Communist.


pre 16 godina


Is you real name Katherine 'Kate' Jane Hudson (activist in UK)?

Just curious. If you do not wish to disclose you identity for everyone here, you can email me at kreshnik2005@hotmail.co.uk


pre 16 godina

Every time that i read the comments of serbs on this pages, the only thing i get is they always have that hope to grab the arms and burn down kosovo once again.
That hope ,that albanians will rise up and cose chaos,so serbia can use that as an excuse to finish the job they started 8 years ago..
Never a hope for a better future between albanians and serbs,so maybe they can live in peace like neighbors.

Serbs should except that they can not have kosovo without albanians,and albanians don't want to live under serbia's regime.The Independence is the only choice ,and in the end that is what will happen.
The world knows the story so don't full yourself or the others..


pre 16 godina

KS, This isn't Burger King, you can't have your way. Do you see how the EU is pampering Belgrade? Belgrade is offering everything but independence. Because they don't want to give up their land. Neither does Pristina when it comes to partition. I understand that the Albanians don't want to be under the serbian boot, but you have to understand that the Serbs there don't want to be under the Albanian knife and holding Belgrade hostage to Albanian demands. Yes the Serb forces killed Albanians and I'll say I'm sorry for the Albanian losses. But I still have not heard of any apology from Pristina or any Albanian posters here for the revenge attacks on Serbian civilians, historical churchs, their cemetaries and all the displaced Serbs after the Serb forces pulled out. To this day Serbs live behind barbed wire and have to be escorted by military or police because they fear of getting beaten, raped, &/or killed in their own country (Serbia). So please stop with the Serbian boot.

Luka K.

pre 16 godina

Being a Serb living in Belgrade all my life, I would like to say that as far as most Serbs are concerned, Serbia lost Kosovo long ago. Let us move on to more constructive endeavors such improving our economy and creating jobs for all, both Serbs and Albanians.

On a personal note, I go each winter to Kosovo on holiday for skiing. I have never had a problems with the many Albanians I have met. There are some rather extreme individuals on this site, mostly Serbs, that have no idea about the situation in Kosovo. These people should go for a visit and see that Serbs are generally not mistreated in Kosovo unless they look for trouble.


pre 16 godina

It looks like Princip's original prophecy of "Win-Win," is coming to pass. Amazing how a little pressure at the correct points, can bring peace instead of unilateralism.


pre 16 godina

I forgot:

KS! I certainly won´t ask you whether you wanna live in a country recognized only be the US...

because, you will live in a country recognized by all: Serbia! ;)

ps: by calling the serbian province "country" you are perfectly showing us your wishful thinking...


pre 16 godina


you can declare whatever you want...it doesn´t matter actually.
NATO will do the job for us! your job is to start the chaos, NATO will end it. and if NATO asks for assistance...Serbia won´t let them ask twice.

let´s see what future brings!


pre 16 godina

Pejon07 - If unilateral independence is declared without the support of the US or EU and the Nato/ EU troops are on the ground, I assume that the declaration will be ignored because it has not gone through the proper channels. (Who knows what could be agreed between now and Dec 10th by all parties involved?)

If there is violence while the troops are there they will be forced to react. So I don't really know why you sound as though it would be so straightforward.


pre 16 godina

I find it a reasonable request for the Albanians not to want Serb administrators,police or soldiers in their areas so Romanians and Bulgarians(both NATO and EU members+Balkan neighbors) should be given the task there and Greeks in Serb areas.No Serb telling an Albanian what to do and no Albanian telling a Serb what to do.End of problem.


pre 16 godina

The EU must think outside the box on this Kosovo issue because if the solution is a good one then that model can be employed in the other 100(Moldova,Kashmir,Kurdistan etc.) or so other conflict zones on this planet.The principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states can be combined with a high level of autonomy for minority groups throughout the world.Good luck and get to work on a new world order encompassing multilateralism and cooperation.

Tex Willer

pre 16 godina

Jovan, you think that kosova will remain the part of Serbia, just dream. Russia will give up after 2nd of November after the elections in russia.


pre 16 godina

Jovan Jovan Jovan. LOL.

You must be kidding yourself if you think the status of Kosova will be resolved on the basis of, "if both sides agree."

If it is than I gladly invite Russia to do the same with the Chechens, and etc etc. How won't this be a precedent for other regions to ask for a UN protectorate with talks that are based on "if both sides agree", it is logically flawed.

The only way out of this mess that I see is proclamation of independence followed by recognition. Face it, America is going to be in bondsteel for another 90-100 years while the rest will leave, Kosova may get recognized by 10 countries but it will be protected by a super power.

Jovan I'm sure you're going to ask me, do you want to live in a country where only a few nations recognize you? The answer is YES! Kosovars would rather live in such a place than under serbian boot.


pre 16 godina

See independence is a thing of the past. It's a deal between Belgrade & Pristina, did I mention Belgrade was also involved. It's not ALL about the Albanians any more. It's about what the Serbs want too. So that independence thing, well it's over. The EU, UN, and even the US wants this to go through the UNSC. And whats Serbias not so secret weapon, RUSSIA. See people the Troika wants a solution ASAP, with Serbias blessing. The Albanian side is stuck on one thing and will not move, and they know this. So they are working the Serbian angle now. What does the Albanian side have to offer, we all know the answer to that. And the Serbs, well a whole lot more than the Albanians.


pre 16 godina

interesting...how they changed their tune...

didn´t they say something different only a few months ago?
I just remember how you posted childish comments about Russia backing down before "the one and only global superpower"...

my dear albanian friends...
do you hear the bells ring?

let´s see what future brings!


pre 16 godina

interesting...how they changed their tune...

didn´t they say something different only a few months ago?
I just remember how you posted childish comments about Russia backing down before "the one and only global superpower"...

my dear albanian friends...
do you hear the bells ring?

let´s see what future brings!


pre 16 godina

It looks like Princip's original prophecy of "Win-Win," is coming to pass. Amazing how a little pressure at the correct points, can bring peace instead of unilateralism.


pre 16 godina

The EU must think outside the box on this Kosovo issue because if the solution is a good one then that model can be employed in the other 100(Moldova,Kashmir,Kurdistan etc.) or so other conflict zones on this planet.The principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states can be combined with a high level of autonomy for minority groups throughout the world.Good luck and get to work on a new world order encompassing multilateralism and cooperation.


pre 16 godina

I find it a reasonable request for the Albanians not to want Serb administrators,police or soldiers in their areas so Romanians and Bulgarians(both NATO and EU members+Balkan neighbors) should be given the task there and Greeks in Serb areas.No Serb telling an Albanian what to do and no Albanian telling a Serb what to do.End of problem.


pre 16 godina

See independence is a thing of the past. It's a deal between Belgrade & Pristina, did I mention Belgrade was also involved. It's not ALL about the Albanians any more. It's about what the Serbs want too. So that independence thing, well it's over. The EU, UN, and even the US wants this to go through the UNSC. And whats Serbias not so secret weapon, RUSSIA. See people the Troika wants a solution ASAP, with Serbias blessing. The Albanian side is stuck on one thing and will not move, and they know this. So they are working the Serbian angle now. What does the Albanian side have to offer, we all know the answer to that. And the Serbs, well a whole lot more than the Albanians.

Tex Willer

pre 16 godina

Jovan, you think that kosova will remain the part of Serbia, just dream. Russia will give up after 2nd of November after the elections in russia.


pre 16 godina


you can declare whatever you want...it doesn´t matter actually.
NATO will do the job for us! your job is to start the chaos, NATO will end it. and if NATO asks for assistance...Serbia won´t let them ask twice.

let´s see what future brings!


pre 16 godina

Pejon07 - If unilateral independence is declared without the support of the US or EU and the Nato/ EU troops are on the ground, I assume that the declaration will be ignored because it has not gone through the proper channels. (Who knows what could be agreed between now and Dec 10th by all parties involved?)

If there is violence while the troops are there they will be forced to react. So I don't really know why you sound as though it would be so straightforward.


pre 16 godina

I forgot:

KS! I certainly won´t ask you whether you wanna live in a country recognized only be the US...

because, you will live in a country recognized by all: Serbia! ;)

ps: by calling the serbian province "country" you are perfectly showing us your wishful thinking...

Luka K.

pre 16 godina

Being a Serb living in Belgrade all my life, I would like to say that as far as most Serbs are concerned, Serbia lost Kosovo long ago. Let us move on to more constructive endeavors such improving our economy and creating jobs for all, both Serbs and Albanians.

On a personal note, I go each winter to Kosovo on holiday for skiing. I have never had a problems with the many Albanians I have met. There are some rather extreme individuals on this site, mostly Serbs, that have no idea about the situation in Kosovo. These people should go for a visit and see that Serbs are generally not mistreated in Kosovo unless they look for trouble.


pre 16 godina

KS, This isn't Burger King, you can't have your way. Do you see how the EU is pampering Belgrade? Belgrade is offering everything but independence. Because they don't want to give up their land. Neither does Pristina when it comes to partition. I understand that the Albanians don't want to be under the serbian boot, but you have to understand that the Serbs there don't want to be under the Albanian knife and holding Belgrade hostage to Albanian demands. Yes the Serb forces killed Albanians and I'll say I'm sorry for the Albanian losses. But I still have not heard of any apology from Pristina or any Albanian posters here for the revenge attacks on Serbian civilians, historical churchs, their cemetaries and all the displaced Serbs after the Serb forces pulled out. To this day Serbs live behind barbed wire and have to be escorted by military or police because they fear of getting beaten, raped, &/or killed in their own country (Serbia). So please stop with the Serbian boot.


pre 16 godina

Nikshala - I don't know whether to be flattered or not because I have not read any of her literature, but no that is not me. I agree with CND, and I'm as antiwar as the next sane person but I'm certainly no Communist.


pre 16 godina

Jovan Jovan Jovan. LOL.

You must be kidding yourself if you think the status of Kosova will be resolved on the basis of, "if both sides agree."

If it is than I gladly invite Russia to do the same with the Chechens, and etc etc. How won't this be a precedent for other regions to ask for a UN protectorate with talks that are based on "if both sides agree", it is logically flawed.

The only way out of this mess that I see is proclamation of independence followed by recognition. Face it, America is going to be in bondsteel for another 90-100 years while the rest will leave, Kosova may get recognized by 10 countries but it will be protected by a super power.

Jovan I'm sure you're going to ask me, do you want to live in a country where only a few nations recognize you? The answer is YES! Kosovars would rather live in such a place than under serbian boot.


pre 16 godina


oh come on... spare us from that rather naive attempt to pose as a Serb " being a Serb from Belgrade" again... just like "Predictor" first wanted to deceive the readers with being a Serb but very quickly turned out to be an Albanian, just as I had assumed in my response to his comment.

I am from Belgrade as well, and I know very well how poeple in Belgrade think about that issue...so don´t waste your time pretending to be a serbian reader...

I´ll give you a hint: Serbs do not have to go to Kosovo in order to ski! nice try, but worthless in the end...

oh and... didn´t I mention another assumption when I said that I think it is very likely only three or four different Albanians, each of them using several different nick-names here...

how interesting, kreshnik turns out to be nikshala, right?


pre 16 godina


Is you real name Katherine 'Kate' Jane Hudson (activist in UK)?

Just curious. If you do not wish to disclose you identity for everyone here, you can email me at kreshnik2005@hotmail.co.uk


pre 16 godina


whats interesting about my name first name being kreshnik?

nikshala -stands for Kreshnik Shala. Most Kreshniks in Kosovo get called Nik!


pre 16 godina

Every time that i read the comments of serbs on this pages, the only thing i get is they always have that hope to grab the arms and burn down kosovo once again.
That hope ,that albanians will rise up and cose chaos,so serbia can use that as an excuse to finish the job they started 8 years ago..
Never a hope for a better future between albanians and serbs,so maybe they can live in peace like neighbors.

Serbs should except that they can not have kosovo without albanians,and albanians don't want to live under serbia's regime.The Independence is the only choice ,and in the end that is what will happen.
The world knows the story so don't full yourself or the others..


pre 16 godina

NATO/EU people are a sadly strange bunch. They are against partition of Kosovo on ethnic lines but for partition of Serbia on ethnic lines, something they've supported since before 1999 and before the administered the ethnic cleansing of 300,000 minorities. It's just wrong.

Also, it is always strange to hear the City folk say they've given up on Kosovo and wish for a better economy. An independent Kosovo is a theft of natural resources as well as culture. What can they be thinking? Import those minerals from Africa instead of getting them in-country? Or are they for buying that material from the very people that killed fellow countrymen while the stole it from them? Again, the policy is just wrong and not supportable.

What will Rehn support next - and invasion of France?


pre 16 godina

Delije this day is turning a little better. I met with a Serb who lives in France and spoke amazing Albanian and I got an apology from you. I am very pleased, and I am sorry for the Kosovar-Serb losses as well.

WE might as well be friends we're going to have to live together, we're neighbors for God's sake.


pre 16 godina

limited - since you call us 'city folks' than that would make you a 'town folk'? Are you from a rural area? A place where information is prohibited?
Where in the world did you get 300,000 ethnically cleansed?

If you are referring to the Kosovar-Serbs they were not cleansed, they reitrate to Serbia proper bc they were afraid that Kosovar's would take revenge on them from acts excecuted by Serbian government.

I'm glad that you wish to keep Kosova bc of Trepça. Day in and day out Serbs are commenting about how they wish to keep Northen Mitrovica as they call it, last time I checked there was only city in Kosova with the name MITROVICA, no N.Mitrovica anywhere.

Serbian Translation:
"we want to keep northern mitrovica"

Translation: "we want trepca bc of it's huge gold and other metal reserves."


pre 16 godina


You ask, "since you call us 'city folks' than that would make you a 'town folk'? Are you from a rural area? A place where information is prohibited?

Answer: You should read your own writing. I didn't call you anything. However, since you ask what "City Folk" are and what I am, I will tell you. City Folk, like me, are people that dwell in high-density, generally lawful, tolerant and multicultural areas. Such examples are Belgrade, London and Bonn and do not include places like Pristina because it's new NATO-supported mono-ethnic character (occupation forces forces don't count) and the sex slaves and jihadi charities are counter the criteria.

You Ask: "Where in the world did you get 300,000 ethnically cleansed?"

Answer: I counted the estimates of all displaced minorities. It is apparent you either can't count or do not count people as people, based on some race system. Gypsies are people too.

Note: I notice that you're very quick to attempt to shift the argument to Serbia trying to only keep the Northern portion of Kosovo. Yet, there no supporting facts to that argument. It is actually just the opposite. This is an Albania supported land grab. They did everything to not maintain their Norther Border and allowed guerrilla training within their borders in order to push that border North. Next it will be pushed East. Then West and South.
Thank God for Russia.


pre 16 godina

Jovan Jovan Jovan. LOL.

You must be kidding yourself if you think the status of Kosova will be resolved on the basis of, "if both sides agree."

If it is than I gladly invite Russia to do the same with the Chechens, and etc etc. How won't this be a precedent for other regions to ask for a UN protectorate with talks that are based on "if both sides agree", it is logically flawed.

The only way out of this mess that I see is proclamation of independence followed by recognition. Face it, America is going to be in bondsteel for another 90-100 years while the rest will leave, Kosova may get recognized by 10 countries but it will be protected by a super power.

Jovan I'm sure you're going to ask me, do you want to live in a country where only a few nations recognize you? The answer is YES! Kosovars would rather live in such a place than under serbian boot.

Tex Willer

pre 16 godina

Jovan, you think that kosova will remain the part of Serbia, just dream. Russia will give up after 2nd of November after the elections in russia.

Luka K.

pre 16 godina

Being a Serb living in Belgrade all my life, I would like to say that as far as most Serbs are concerned, Serbia lost Kosovo long ago. Let us move on to more constructive endeavors such improving our economy and creating jobs for all, both Serbs and Albanians.

On a personal note, I go each winter to Kosovo on holiday for skiing. I have never had a problems with the many Albanians I have met. There are some rather extreme individuals on this site, mostly Serbs, that have no idea about the situation in Kosovo. These people should go for a visit and see that Serbs are generally not mistreated in Kosovo unless they look for trouble.


pre 16 godina

interesting...how they changed their tune...

didn´t they say something different only a few months ago?
I just remember how you posted childish comments about Russia backing down before "the one and only global superpower"...

my dear albanian friends...
do you hear the bells ring?

let´s see what future brings!


pre 16 godina

Every time that i read the comments of serbs on this pages, the only thing i get is they always have that hope to grab the arms and burn down kosovo once again.
That hope ,that albanians will rise up and cose chaos,so serbia can use that as an excuse to finish the job they started 8 years ago..
Never a hope for a better future between albanians and serbs,so maybe they can live in peace like neighbors.

Serbs should except that they can not have kosovo without albanians,and albanians don't want to live under serbia's regime.The Independence is the only choice ,and in the end that is what will happen.
The world knows the story so don't full yourself or the others..


pre 16 godina


whats interesting about my name first name being kreshnik?

nikshala -stands for Kreshnik Shala. Most Kreshniks in Kosovo get called Nik!


pre 16 godina


Is you real name Katherine 'Kate' Jane Hudson (activist in UK)?

Just curious. If you do not wish to disclose you identity for everyone here, you can email me at kreshnik2005@hotmail.co.uk


pre 16 godina

limited - since you call us 'city folks' than that would make you a 'town folk'? Are you from a rural area? A place where information is prohibited?
Where in the world did you get 300,000 ethnically cleansed?

If you are referring to the Kosovar-Serbs they were not cleansed, they reitrate to Serbia proper bc they were afraid that Kosovar's would take revenge on them from acts excecuted by Serbian government.

I'm glad that you wish to keep Kosova bc of Trepça. Day in and day out Serbs are commenting about how they wish to keep Northen Mitrovica as they call it, last time I checked there was only city in Kosova with the name MITROVICA, no N.Mitrovica anywhere.

Serbian Translation:
"we want to keep northern mitrovica"

Translation: "we want trepca bc of it's huge gold and other metal reserves."


pre 16 godina

See independence is a thing of the past. It's a deal between Belgrade & Pristina, did I mention Belgrade was also involved. It's not ALL about the Albanians any more. It's about what the Serbs want too. So that independence thing, well it's over. The EU, UN, and even the US wants this to go through the UNSC. And whats Serbias not so secret weapon, RUSSIA. See people the Troika wants a solution ASAP, with Serbias blessing. The Albanian side is stuck on one thing and will not move, and they know this. So they are working the Serbian angle now. What does the Albanian side have to offer, we all know the answer to that. And the Serbs, well a whole lot more than the Albanians.


pre 16 godina


you can declare whatever you want...it doesn´t matter actually.
NATO will do the job for us! your job is to start the chaos, NATO will end it. and if NATO asks for assistance...Serbia won´t let them ask twice.

let´s see what future brings!


pre 16 godina

The EU must think outside the box on this Kosovo issue because if the solution is a good one then that model can be employed in the other 100(Moldova,Kashmir,Kurdistan etc.) or so other conflict zones on this planet.The principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states can be combined with a high level of autonomy for minority groups throughout the world.Good luck and get to work on a new world order encompassing multilateralism and cooperation.


pre 16 godina

Pejon07 - If unilateral independence is declared without the support of the US or EU and the Nato/ EU troops are on the ground, I assume that the declaration will be ignored because it has not gone through the proper channels. (Who knows what could be agreed between now and Dec 10th by all parties involved?)

If there is violence while the troops are there they will be forced to react. So I don't really know why you sound as though it would be so straightforward.


pre 16 godina

I find it a reasonable request for the Albanians not to want Serb administrators,police or soldiers in their areas so Romanians and Bulgarians(both NATO and EU members+Balkan neighbors) should be given the task there and Greeks in Serb areas.No Serb telling an Albanian what to do and no Albanian telling a Serb what to do.End of problem.


pre 16 godina

I forgot:

KS! I certainly won´t ask you whether you wanna live in a country recognized only be the US...

because, you will live in a country recognized by all: Serbia! ;)

ps: by calling the serbian province "country" you are perfectly showing us your wishful thinking...


pre 16 godina

It looks like Princip's original prophecy of "Win-Win," is coming to pass. Amazing how a little pressure at the correct points, can bring peace instead of unilateralism.


pre 16 godina

KS, This isn't Burger King, you can't have your way. Do you see how the EU is pampering Belgrade? Belgrade is offering everything but independence. Because they don't want to give up their land. Neither does Pristina when it comes to partition. I understand that the Albanians don't want to be under the serbian boot, but you have to understand that the Serbs there don't want to be under the Albanian knife and holding Belgrade hostage to Albanian demands. Yes the Serb forces killed Albanians and I'll say I'm sorry for the Albanian losses. But I still have not heard of any apology from Pristina or any Albanian posters here for the revenge attacks on Serbian civilians, historical churchs, their cemetaries and all the displaced Serbs after the Serb forces pulled out. To this day Serbs live behind barbed wire and have to be escorted by military or police because they fear of getting beaten, raped, &/or killed in their own country (Serbia). So please stop with the Serbian boot.


pre 16 godina


oh come on... spare us from that rather naive attempt to pose as a Serb " being a Serb from Belgrade" again... just like "Predictor" first wanted to deceive the readers with being a Serb but very quickly turned out to be an Albanian, just as I had assumed in my response to his comment.

I am from Belgrade as well, and I know very well how poeple in Belgrade think about that issue...so don´t waste your time pretending to be a serbian reader...

I´ll give you a hint: Serbs do not have to go to Kosovo in order to ski! nice try, but worthless in the end...

oh and... didn´t I mention another assumption when I said that I think it is very likely only three or four different Albanians, each of them using several different nick-names here...

how interesting, kreshnik turns out to be nikshala, right?


pre 16 godina

Nikshala - I don't know whether to be flattered or not because I have not read any of her literature, but no that is not me. I agree with CND, and I'm as antiwar as the next sane person but I'm certainly no Communist.


pre 16 godina

Delije this day is turning a little better. I met with a Serb who lives in France and spoke amazing Albanian and I got an apology from you. I am very pleased, and I am sorry for the Kosovar-Serb losses as well.

WE might as well be friends we're going to have to live together, we're neighbors for God's sake.


pre 16 godina

NATO/EU people are a sadly strange bunch. They are against partition of Kosovo on ethnic lines but for partition of Serbia on ethnic lines, something they've supported since before 1999 and before the administered the ethnic cleansing of 300,000 minorities. It's just wrong.

Also, it is always strange to hear the City folk say they've given up on Kosovo and wish for a better economy. An independent Kosovo is a theft of natural resources as well as culture. What can they be thinking? Import those minerals from Africa instead of getting them in-country? Or are they for buying that material from the very people that killed fellow countrymen while the stole it from them? Again, the policy is just wrong and not supportable.

What will Rehn support next - and invasion of France?


pre 16 godina


You ask, "since you call us 'city folks' than that would make you a 'town folk'? Are you from a rural area? A place where information is prohibited?

Answer: You should read your own writing. I didn't call you anything. However, since you ask what "City Folk" are and what I am, I will tell you. City Folk, like me, are people that dwell in high-density, generally lawful, tolerant and multicultural areas. Such examples are Belgrade, London and Bonn and do not include places like Pristina because it's new NATO-supported mono-ethnic character (occupation forces forces don't count) and the sex slaves and jihadi charities are counter the criteria.

You Ask: "Where in the world did you get 300,000 ethnically cleansed?"

Answer: I counted the estimates of all displaced minorities. It is apparent you either can't count or do not count people as people, based on some race system. Gypsies are people too.

Note: I notice that you're very quick to attempt to shift the argument to Serbia trying to only keep the Northern portion of Kosovo. Yet, there no supporting facts to that argument. It is actually just the opposite. This is an Albania supported land grab. They did everything to not maintain their Norther Border and allowed guerrilla training within their borders in order to push that border North. Next it will be pushed East. Then West and South.
Thank God for Russia.