Thursday, 09.08.2007.


"Ahtisaari plan would make Kosovo NATO-state”

An adviser to the prime minister says that an implementation of Ahtisaari’s plan would make Kosovo a NATO-state.

Izvor: Beta

"Ahtisaari plan would make Kosovo NATO-state” IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

Walter, Cvele,

I just put a question, not saying anything else, and thanks for your effort to give me an answer. But, Walter, we are only 2 ml people in less than 11.000 sq km, so spending some more millions in Kos/milirtary would not affect Worlds poverty, as well as pollution.
Cvele, as long we have such a neighborhood we don’t need to be “fully”, meaning military, independent, for the sake of freedom. After that, just think of Greece, that three time tried to survive leaving NATO, while finally realized that that is simply impossible.


pre 16 godina

This was NATO'S plan all along. The only deviation from the plan is that they have been forced to just accept Kosovo instead of all Serbia/Montenegro as NATO originally wanted. Come on Serbia, join NATO and then you can become your own occupier!


pre 16 godina

It is not a surprise. NATO want to occupy Yugoslavia long time ago. Dear Albanians! Don’t be naïve. US/NATO don’t care about you. 1999 war was not the humanitarian intervention (even if such, it was illegal from point of view of International Law) it was part of the war on domination over the world.

Read the attached material and realize what will happen to you.
http://rrojasdatabank.info/agfrank/nato_kosovo/msg00091.html http://www.serendipity.li/nato/app_b.htm

>Apparently the leak of the sensational Appendix B to the Rambouillet Accord,
>"Status of Multi-National Military Implementation Force," -- came from the Albanian delegation, not from any NATO source.
>The article states that even high-ranking members of the German government
>were unaware of these clauses, which in effect demanded Yugoslavia's total
>capitulation. The same is probably true of the French, Italian and British
>parliaments and the US Congress, thus making clear how foreign affairs are
>conducted in enlightened democracies. --Charles

The text of of Appendix B reads:

Article 6
"NATO personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from the Parties'jurisdiction in respect of any civil,
administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY."

Article 8
"NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY [Federal Republic of Yugoslavia] including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations."


pre 16 godina

predictor more than 3 billion humans exist on less than $2 dollars a day, half million refugees in the Balkans, ten times that in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iraq in flames, no clean water, environmental degradation, crumbling infrastructure, several million dead in the last ten years in the interest of the industrial military complex and billions are spent on war rather than feeding the poor and peace in the world “AND YOU ASK WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS” note I am yelling Balkan style so you can hear me.


pre 16 godina

What loss? Resolution 1244. You are the ones that need to 'accept' autonomy. But u r already ruled by an autonomy so... status quo will remain.


pre 16 godina

I have made several references to the “Project for the New American Century” which calls for shift in American strategic position to the Balkans and the Middle East. The new military bases in Romania, Bulgaria and Kosovo are one point of the triangle while the other two are Central Asia and the Middle East. “The triangle between the Balkans, the Middle East and Central Asia with its resources, transport corridors, gas and oil pipelines - and long-term strategic battle between the over-militarised, but crumbling West and the rest of the world.” I think that our friends in Kosovo are also waking up to the fact that ““American security perimeter” had expanded considerably. The Balkans region had become a virtual NATO protectorate”.

We continue to as someone mentioned earlier to thresh empty straw by writing and using reams of cyber space on ““who fired the first shot” or which nation was the “guilty party,” but in discovering the deep-going social and economic processes that had led to it.” The question of American unilateralism and its military intervention in 1999 in Yugoslavia which took place outside of the auspices of the UN and under NATO agenda is part of the “Project for the New American Century” whose central policy is “the right of the US to use military force any time, anywhere, against any country it believes to be a threat to American interests, or which it believes may become a threat in the future.”

Project for the New American Century calls for American economic domination through peacefully competition on American terms i.e. Globalization. This struggle for “markets, for profits, access to raw materials, the development of outlets for investment capital—leads inexorably to military conflict” with very little regard that more than 3 billion humans exist on less than $2 dollars a day. September 11 was “manna from heaven’ as the saying goes for the militarists i.e. more need for guns over butter. The Capitalist by nature is not built on competition but on monopoly control of the strong nations over the weak ones. The strong nations want to advance their own position consequently this leads to conflict. Conflict works in favor of Capitalism since industrial military complexes fuel 40% of most Western economies.

Why the Kosovo Crisis when it could have been avoided? Dr. Rugova was the only leader in Yugoslavia who called for pragmatic non-violent policies in order to changes economic and political conditions for the Serbian Albanians. “Western countries, Germany and the US in particular, armed Kosovo-Albanian extremists from 1993 and created the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, of about 20.000 well-equipped soldiers. This was what, in 1998, turned the Kosovo situation into a real war. For a short while the US had formally defined KLA as a terror organization but later used it as NATO's ally on the ground during the bombing. Thus a conflict that could have been mediated years before with diplomatic means became militarized.”

The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (Sweden) write “What we see in Kosovo now could have been avoided if dealt with in civil, political terms some 10-15 years ago by honest brokers. That, it seems to me, is the ultimate tragedy of the Balkans in general and Kosovo in particular”


pre 16 godina

When in history have K_Albanians ever been independent and ran their own affairs. Can you imagine if NATO and the UN completely pulled out of Kosovo tomorrow? The place would resemble the old wild West - with the fastest gun in charge. Please Albanians, be honest when you say you want independence - you really don't. You just do not want anything to do with Serbia.


pre 16 godina

OK, let's say it becomes a "NATO-state". Let's say the "Better Bondsteel than Belgrade" approach is put to the test.

First, Kosovo is no longer Serbia's problem. All the mishaps, all the disorganization, and all the stagnant growth under the heavy weight of a military organization would effectively channel Albanian frustration towards NATO and away from the proverbial "all our problems and miseries since the Dawn of Time have been Serbia's doing." I can't think of a better solution for Serbia, who would undoubtedly retain control over what it still has influence over (Northern Kosovo, Gracanica, monasteries) and let the rest of Kosovo be controlled by something other than the Albanians. It removes the specter of the Albanian taking over Serbian "holy land" and it removes the threat of Belgrade lurking in the corner.

Why just look at Bosnia today. Federation - the supposedly internationally backed half of Bosnia - is a mess, while RS is better organized and actually has better working NGOs in its towns and cities. It's time we shifted focus away from Serbia and placed far more expected responsibility on the powers that be in Pristina.


pre 16 godina

What people here don't seem to fully appreciate is that the EU is not the cosy little club people seem to think it is. Its already in serious danger of fracturing with the likes of Italy and Spain coming closer to the brink where they would have no choice but to leave the EU.

Serbia's best option would be to have free trade agreement with the EU. Th EU has far too much red tape as it is. With that flexibility it could have the best of all worlds.


pre 16 godina


You miss the point. Without official recognition (i.e. UN), Kosovo is doomed to remain an economic backwater. Contrary to all the previous protestations from albanian commentators here about how Kosovo can survive financially without any legal status, the reality would be very different - examples cited include Taiwan and Switzerland, but there is ahuge difference between their economies and Kosovo's. If Kosovo could survive on it's own, it would already be doing so, but the fact that 70%+ of the population is unemplyed speaks volumes. If an agreement could be made which suited both sides, and both could enter the EU, that would be the ideal scenario.

Instead, the USA is pushing a plan which it knows Serbia will refuse. BOth countries end up outside of the EU and relatively economically isolated.

And to pre-empt some commentators who suggest that business will boom with the USA, think about his. You say you have had de-facto independence for the last 7/8years or so. If Kosovo was/is such an attractive place for investors to place their capital, why isn't Kosovo thriving financially? You will no doubt get some aid/investment from the EU and USA, but as Milton Friedman said "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" - aid will come in drips and drabs, just enough toplacate the population with the never ending promise of more i the future (which always fails to materialise - of which there are numerous examples in recent history)


pre 16 godina

Cvele: it will not be Serbia either. And the fact that you seem to be accepting it is positive. It means that you are gradually coming to accept the loss of Kosovo.


pre 16 godina

Hah, I bet that within 5 years they will start terrorist attacks on NATO. If NATO leaves, the only resolution still standing will be 1244, followed by an imidiate entrance of Serbian troops. So its clear to see that no matter who rules Kosovo, it will NEVER be albanians. Amuzing!


pre 16 godina


You got the WRONG idea.
You have to get the RIGHT (CORRECT) idea,
Thats what I'm talking about!


I did read the whole article, unlike you.
What Russia and Serbia say about Ahtisari's plan wont count much since in the CONTACT GROUP there is NO VETO.



pre 16 godina

Commenting on the link at post #6. Somehow I don't think the Serbian government is strong enough to make its people accept not joining the EU. It's just a bluff. The percentage of Serbia's people that want to join EU is pretty substantial and these politicians would commit political suicide otherwise.

Unless a strong man comes forward and makes Serbia an autocratic state again that is. But somehow I don't think Serbia's population is up to this again.


pre 16 godina

"Finally starting to get it???
(lazer, 9. August 2007 12:50)

Lazer, actually I got it long ago thank you -- that's why Moscow declared Ahtissari's proposals dead and buried!

"I am free now to move all over Kosova, without apprehension that Serbian police could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that Serb military and police can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered by Serbian police or military." (Valdet, Vushtrri, 9. August 2007 13:18)"


By the same token, the K-Serbs in the north will, to paraphrase you, #be free now to move all over north KosovO, without apprehension that KLA could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that KLA can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered KLA#

So don't ever expect the K-Serbs to give up the north and their physical security!

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina


did you actually read the full article you posted as a link?

Serbia has upped the diplomatic stakes by making it known to the EU that Serbia will not pursue admisssion into the EU if things do not go it's way! The EU have stated that it wants the Westen Balkans is it's sphere - but how would this happen IF they supported the US in a future scenario where it Illegaly recognised an illegal unilateral declaration? The stakes are being raised and there is more support from with the EU for Serbia then an Illegal entity.

the article suggests;
"unlikely the EU would "yield to U.S. pressure" and recognise Kosovo without U.N. Security Council approval.

But U.N. approval has been blocked by Serbia's ally Russia, which has the power of veto on the Security Council. Britain, France and Germany back Washington on independence, but EU members Spain, Slovakia and a few others have misgivings."

3 words; self foot shot - work it out!


pre 16 godina

Kate, do your really believe that the K-albanians will be better off under Serbia's military? I am saying this because it is the only way that Serbia historically held foot on Kosovo. Or you just don't care what K-Albanians feels.


pre 16 godina


With people like Kostunica nothing changed in Serbia. It is still the old Molosevic area mentality by most people. Toward minorities this "you better behave as we dictate" mentality is very well present. I am so glad that 2 million oppressed people got a chance to excape daily terror and oppression 8 years ago. No, it can not come back despite the support of your friend Russia. There is enough misery in today's world already. Those dark and sinister times in Kosovo of the nineties can not come back. The civilized world would not allow it!


pre 16 godina

Best ever solution for K-Serbs not accepted by Belgrade politicians.
I wonder how troika package will be accepted, maybe same as the Ahtisari one.

Since we cannot come to a compromise than I suggest that we leave it as it is, ‘Status Quo”.
Let this is be a lesson for all of us.


pre 16 godina

So, assuming that Kosovo negotiations end in deadlock (or don't even start), both of which seem pretty likely, what happens if Kosovo declares unilateral independence? Both the Serbs and Albanians lose out and the US gains. It gains a base for detainees which is outside of international law. Makes you woder why they are so adamant on settling the issue so soon. why the rush, why now? it's in the US interest for there to be no agreement.


pre 16 godina

PB you fail to understand the bottom line here. Let us assume for a momet that America wants to "occupy" Kosovo for military purposes, than it would be reasonable to describe the choices the Albanians (from the K-Albanian point of view) face as a choice between two occupiers: the Serbs and the Americans. Now take a very wild guess as to whom we would chose.

Valdet, Vushtrri

pre 16 godina

. Better NATO state, than under Serbian ruling-state. I am free now to move all over Kosova, without apprehension that Serbian police could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that Serb military and police can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered by Serbian police or military. Yeah, long live USA- NATO the guardian of the freedom loving nations, endangered by ambition of Russia and it's ally.


pre 16 godina

It is certainly better than having Belgrade as the capital. But you really have to be a believer in conspiracy theories to believe this guy. It is worrying that Kostunica has advisers like this that seem to be stuck in the Cold War era; and it is worrying for Serbia too not just for Kosovo. The Albanians in Kosovo have always said that they envisage their future as part of EU and NATO. If you consider that as being a NATO state, well that's what we want.


pre 16 godina

Finally starting to get it???
You guys should start admitting that Kosovo is gonna be INDEPENDENT and a member of EU and NATO, first and then Serbia.

Are Serbian politicians and leaders in for a HARD LANDING???
Just wondering, maybe the should seek advice from Princip, Kate others.

What a comedy!


Valdet, Vushtrri

pre 16 godina

. Better NATO state, than under Serbian ruling-state. I am free now to move all over Kosova, without apprehension that Serbian police could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that Serb military and police can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered by Serbian police or military. Yeah, long live USA- NATO the guardian of the freedom loving nations, endangered by ambition of Russia and it's ally.


pre 16 godina

Finally starting to get it???
You guys should start admitting that Kosovo is gonna be INDEPENDENT and a member of EU and NATO, first and then Serbia.

Are Serbian politicians and leaders in for a HARD LANDING???
Just wondering, maybe the should seek advice from Princip, Kate others.

What a comedy!



pre 16 godina

It is certainly better than having Belgrade as the capital. But you really have to be a believer in conspiracy theories to believe this guy. It is worrying that Kostunica has advisers like this that seem to be stuck in the Cold War era; and it is worrying for Serbia too not just for Kosovo. The Albanians in Kosovo have always said that they envisage their future as part of EU and NATO. If you consider that as being a NATO state, well that's what we want.


pre 16 godina

Hah, I bet that within 5 years they will start terrorist attacks on NATO. If NATO leaves, the only resolution still standing will be 1244, followed by an imidiate entrance of Serbian troops. So its clear to see that no matter who rules Kosovo, it will NEVER be albanians. Amuzing!


pre 16 godina

"Finally starting to get it???
(lazer, 9. August 2007 12:50)

Lazer, actually I got it long ago thank you -- that's why Moscow declared Ahtissari's proposals dead and buried!

"I am free now to move all over Kosova, without apprehension that Serbian police could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that Serb military and police can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered by Serbian police or military." (Valdet, Vushtrri, 9. August 2007 13:18)"


By the same token, the K-Serbs in the north will, to paraphrase you, #be free now to move all over north KosovO, without apprehension that KLA could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that KLA can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered KLA#

So don't ever expect the K-Serbs to give up the north and their physical security!

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina


did you actually read the full article you posted as a link?

Serbia has upped the diplomatic stakes by making it known to the EU that Serbia will not pursue admisssion into the EU if things do not go it's way! The EU have stated that it wants the Westen Balkans is it's sphere - but how would this happen IF they supported the US in a future scenario where it Illegaly recognised an illegal unilateral declaration? The stakes are being raised and there is more support from with the EU for Serbia then an Illegal entity.

the article suggests;
"unlikely the EU would "yield to U.S. pressure" and recognise Kosovo without U.N. Security Council approval.

But U.N. approval has been blocked by Serbia's ally Russia, which has the power of veto on the Security Council. Britain, France and Germany back Washington on independence, but EU members Spain, Slovakia and a few others have misgivings."

3 words; self foot shot - work it out!


pre 16 godina

So, assuming that Kosovo negotiations end in deadlock (or don't even start), both of which seem pretty likely, what happens if Kosovo declares unilateral independence? Both the Serbs and Albanians lose out and the US gains. It gains a base for detainees which is outside of international law. Makes you woder why they are so adamant on settling the issue so soon. why the rush, why now? it's in the US interest for there to be no agreement.


pre 16 godina


You miss the point. Without official recognition (i.e. UN), Kosovo is doomed to remain an economic backwater. Contrary to all the previous protestations from albanian commentators here about how Kosovo can survive financially without any legal status, the reality would be very different - examples cited include Taiwan and Switzerland, but there is ahuge difference between their economies and Kosovo's. If Kosovo could survive on it's own, it would already be doing so, but the fact that 70%+ of the population is unemplyed speaks volumes. If an agreement could be made which suited both sides, and both could enter the EU, that would be the ideal scenario.

Instead, the USA is pushing a plan which it knows Serbia will refuse. BOth countries end up outside of the EU and relatively economically isolated.

And to pre-empt some commentators who suggest that business will boom with the USA, think about his. You say you have had de-facto independence for the last 7/8years or so. If Kosovo was/is such an attractive place for investors to place their capital, why isn't Kosovo thriving financially? You will no doubt get some aid/investment from the EU and USA, but as Milton Friedman said "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" - aid will come in drips and drabs, just enough toplacate the population with the never ending promise of more i the future (which always fails to materialise - of which there are numerous examples in recent history)


pre 16 godina

What people here don't seem to fully appreciate is that the EU is not the cosy little club people seem to think it is. Its already in serious danger of fracturing with the likes of Italy and Spain coming closer to the brink where they would have no choice but to leave the EU.

Serbia's best option would be to have free trade agreement with the EU. Th EU has far too much red tape as it is. With that flexibility it could have the best of all worlds.


pre 16 godina

What loss? Resolution 1244. You are the ones that need to 'accept' autonomy. But u r already ruled by an autonomy so... status quo will remain.


pre 16 godina

PB you fail to understand the bottom line here. Let us assume for a momet that America wants to "occupy" Kosovo for military purposes, than it would be reasonable to describe the choices the Albanians (from the K-Albanian point of view) face as a choice between two occupiers: the Serbs and the Americans. Now take a very wild guess as to whom we would chose.


pre 16 godina

I have made several references to the “Project for the New American Century” which calls for shift in American strategic position to the Balkans and the Middle East. The new military bases in Romania, Bulgaria and Kosovo are one point of the triangle while the other two are Central Asia and the Middle East. “The triangle between the Balkans, the Middle East and Central Asia with its resources, transport corridors, gas and oil pipelines - and long-term strategic battle between the over-militarised, but crumbling West and the rest of the world.” I think that our friends in Kosovo are also waking up to the fact that ““American security perimeter” had expanded considerably. The Balkans region had become a virtual NATO protectorate”.

We continue to as someone mentioned earlier to thresh empty straw by writing and using reams of cyber space on ““who fired the first shot” or which nation was the “guilty party,” but in discovering the deep-going social and economic processes that had led to it.” The question of American unilateralism and its military intervention in 1999 in Yugoslavia which took place outside of the auspices of the UN and under NATO agenda is part of the “Project for the New American Century” whose central policy is “the right of the US to use military force any time, anywhere, against any country it believes to be a threat to American interests, or which it believes may become a threat in the future.”

Project for the New American Century calls for American economic domination through peacefully competition on American terms i.e. Globalization. This struggle for “markets, for profits, access to raw materials, the development of outlets for investment capital—leads inexorably to military conflict” with very little regard that more than 3 billion humans exist on less than $2 dollars a day. September 11 was “manna from heaven’ as the saying goes for the militarists i.e. more need for guns over butter. The Capitalist by nature is not built on competition but on monopoly control of the strong nations over the weak ones. The strong nations want to advance their own position consequently this leads to conflict. Conflict works in favor of Capitalism since industrial military complexes fuel 40% of most Western economies.

Why the Kosovo Crisis when it could have been avoided? Dr. Rugova was the only leader in Yugoslavia who called for pragmatic non-violent policies in order to changes economic and political conditions for the Serbian Albanians. “Western countries, Germany and the US in particular, armed Kosovo-Albanian extremists from 1993 and created the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, of about 20.000 well-equipped soldiers. This was what, in 1998, turned the Kosovo situation into a real war. For a short while the US had formally defined KLA as a terror organization but later used it as NATO's ally on the ground during the bombing. Thus a conflict that could have been mediated years before with diplomatic means became militarized.”

The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (Sweden) write “What we see in Kosovo now could have been avoided if dealt with in civil, political terms some 10-15 years ago by honest brokers. That, it seems to me, is the ultimate tragedy of the Balkans in general and Kosovo in particular”


pre 16 godina

When in history have K_Albanians ever been independent and ran their own affairs. Can you imagine if NATO and the UN completely pulled out of Kosovo tomorrow? The place would resemble the old wild West - with the fastest gun in charge. Please Albanians, be honest when you say you want independence - you really don't. You just do not want anything to do with Serbia.


pre 16 godina

This was NATO'S plan all along. The only deviation from the plan is that they have been forced to just accept Kosovo instead of all Serbia/Montenegro as NATO originally wanted. Come on Serbia, join NATO and then you can become your own occupier!


pre 16 godina

It is not a surprise. NATO want to occupy Yugoslavia long time ago. Dear Albanians! Don’t be naïve. US/NATO don’t care about you. 1999 war was not the humanitarian intervention (even if such, it was illegal from point of view of International Law) it was part of the war on domination over the world.

Read the attached material and realize what will happen to you.
http://rrojasdatabank.info/agfrank/nato_kosovo/msg00091.html http://www.serendipity.li/nato/app_b.htm

>Apparently the leak of the sensational Appendix B to the Rambouillet Accord,
>"Status of Multi-National Military Implementation Force," -- came from the Albanian delegation, not from any NATO source.
>The article states that even high-ranking members of the German government
>were unaware of these clauses, which in effect demanded Yugoslavia's total
>capitulation. The same is probably true of the French, Italian and British
>parliaments and the US Congress, thus making clear how foreign affairs are
>conducted in enlightened democracies. --Charles

The text of of Appendix B reads:

Article 6
"NATO personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from the Parties'jurisdiction in respect of any civil,
administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY."

Article 8
"NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY [Federal Republic of Yugoslavia] including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations."


pre 16 godina

predictor more than 3 billion humans exist on less than $2 dollars a day, half million refugees in the Balkans, ten times that in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iraq in flames, no clean water, environmental degradation, crumbling infrastructure, several million dead in the last ten years in the interest of the industrial military complex and billions are spent on war rather than feeding the poor and peace in the world “AND YOU ASK WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS” note I am yelling Balkan style so you can hear me.


pre 16 godina


With people like Kostunica nothing changed in Serbia. It is still the old Molosevic area mentality by most people. Toward minorities this "you better behave as we dictate" mentality is very well present. I am so glad that 2 million oppressed people got a chance to excape daily terror and oppression 8 years ago. No, it can not come back despite the support of your friend Russia. There is enough misery in today's world already. Those dark and sinister times in Kosovo of the nineties can not come back. The civilized world would not allow it!


pre 16 godina

Kate, do your really believe that the K-albanians will be better off under Serbia's military? I am saying this because it is the only way that Serbia historically held foot on Kosovo. Or you just don't care what K-Albanians feels.


pre 16 godina


You got the WRONG idea.
You have to get the RIGHT (CORRECT) idea,
Thats what I'm talking about!


I did read the whole article, unlike you.
What Russia and Serbia say about Ahtisari's plan wont count much since in the CONTACT GROUP there is NO VETO.



pre 16 godina

OK, let's say it becomes a "NATO-state". Let's say the "Better Bondsteel than Belgrade" approach is put to the test.

First, Kosovo is no longer Serbia's problem. All the mishaps, all the disorganization, and all the stagnant growth under the heavy weight of a military organization would effectively channel Albanian frustration towards NATO and away from the proverbial "all our problems and miseries since the Dawn of Time have been Serbia's doing." I can't think of a better solution for Serbia, who would undoubtedly retain control over what it still has influence over (Northern Kosovo, Gracanica, monasteries) and let the rest of Kosovo be controlled by something other than the Albanians. It removes the specter of the Albanian taking over Serbian "holy land" and it removes the threat of Belgrade lurking in the corner.

Why just look at Bosnia today. Federation - the supposedly internationally backed half of Bosnia - is a mess, while RS is better organized and actually has better working NGOs in its towns and cities. It's time we shifted focus away from Serbia and placed far more expected responsibility on the powers that be in Pristina.


pre 16 godina

Best ever solution for K-Serbs not accepted by Belgrade politicians.
I wonder how troika package will be accepted, maybe same as the Ahtisari one.

Since we cannot come to a compromise than I suggest that we leave it as it is, ‘Status Quo”.
Let this is be a lesson for all of us.


pre 16 godina

Cvele: it will not be Serbia either. And the fact that you seem to be accepting it is positive. It means that you are gradually coming to accept the loss of Kosovo.


pre 16 godina

Walter, Cvele,

I just put a question, not saying anything else, and thanks for your effort to give me an answer. But, Walter, we are only 2 ml people in less than 11.000 sq km, so spending some more millions in Kos/milirtary would not affect Worlds poverty, as well as pollution.
Cvele, as long we have such a neighborhood we don’t need to be “fully”, meaning military, independent, for the sake of freedom. After that, just think of Greece, that three time tried to survive leaving NATO, while finally realized that that is simply impossible.


pre 16 godina

Commenting on the link at post #6. Somehow I don't think the Serbian government is strong enough to make its people accept not joining the EU. It's just a bluff. The percentage of Serbia's people that want to join EU is pretty substantial and these politicians would commit political suicide otherwise.

Unless a strong man comes forward and makes Serbia an autocratic state again that is. But somehow I don't think Serbia's population is up to this again.


pre 16 godina

"Finally starting to get it???
(lazer, 9. August 2007 12:50)

Lazer, actually I got it long ago thank you -- that's why Moscow declared Ahtissari's proposals dead and buried!

"I am free now to move all over Kosova, without apprehension that Serbian police could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that Serb military and police can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered by Serbian police or military." (Valdet, Vushtrri, 9. August 2007 13:18)"


By the same token, the K-Serbs in the north will, to paraphrase you, #be free now to move all over north KosovO, without apprehension that KLA could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that KLA can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered KLA#

So don't ever expect the K-Serbs to give up the north and their physical security!


pre 16 godina

Finally starting to get it???
You guys should start admitting that Kosovo is gonna be INDEPENDENT and a member of EU and NATO, first and then Serbia.

Are Serbian politicians and leaders in for a HARD LANDING???
Just wondering, maybe the should seek advice from Princip, Kate others.

What a comedy!



pre 16 godina

It is certainly better than having Belgrade as the capital. But you really have to be a believer in conspiracy theories to believe this guy. It is worrying that Kostunica has advisers like this that seem to be stuck in the Cold War era; and it is worrying for Serbia too not just for Kosovo. The Albanians in Kosovo have always said that they envisage their future as part of EU and NATO. If you consider that as being a NATO state, well that's what we want.

Valdet, Vushtrri

pre 16 godina

. Better NATO state, than under Serbian ruling-state. I am free now to move all over Kosova, without apprehension that Serbian police could stop me and take all of my money, beat me, insult me. We are building now new houses for our families without being scared that Serb military and police can loot or burn them. Finally we are convinced that our children’s will not grow up as orphans, which parents had been murdered by Serbian police or military. Yeah, long live USA- NATO the guardian of the freedom loving nations, endangered by ambition of Russia and it's ally.


pre 16 godina

PB you fail to understand the bottom line here. Let us assume for a momet that America wants to "occupy" Kosovo for military purposes, than it would be reasonable to describe the choices the Albanians (from the K-Albanian point of view) face as a choice between two occupiers: the Serbs and the Americans. Now take a very wild guess as to whom we would chose.


pre 16 godina


With people like Kostunica nothing changed in Serbia. It is still the old Molosevic area mentality by most people. Toward minorities this "you better behave as we dictate" mentality is very well present. I am so glad that 2 million oppressed people got a chance to excape daily terror and oppression 8 years ago. No, it can not come back despite the support of your friend Russia. There is enough misery in today's world already. Those dark and sinister times in Kosovo of the nineties can not come back. The civilized world would not allow it!


pre 16 godina

Kate, do your really believe that the K-albanians will be better off under Serbia's military? I am saying this because it is the only way that Serbia historically held foot on Kosovo. Or you just don't care what K-Albanians feels.


pre 16 godina

Best ever solution for K-Serbs not accepted by Belgrade politicians.
I wonder how troika package will be accepted, maybe same as the Ahtisari one.

Since we cannot come to a compromise than I suggest that we leave it as it is, ‘Status Quo”.
Let this is be a lesson for all of us.


pre 16 godina


You got the WRONG idea.
You have to get the RIGHT (CORRECT) idea,
Thats what I'm talking about!


I did read the whole article, unlike you.
What Russia and Serbia say about Ahtisari's plan wont count much since in the CONTACT GROUP there is NO VETO.



pre 16 godina

So, assuming that Kosovo negotiations end in deadlock (or don't even start), both of which seem pretty likely, what happens if Kosovo declares unilateral independence? Both the Serbs and Albanians lose out and the US gains. It gains a base for detainees which is outside of international law. Makes you woder why they are so adamant on settling the issue so soon. why the rush, why now? it's in the US interest for there to be no agreement.


pre 16 godina

Commenting on the link at post #6. Somehow I don't think the Serbian government is strong enough to make its people accept not joining the EU. It's just a bluff. The percentage of Serbia's people that want to join EU is pretty substantial and these politicians would commit political suicide otherwise.

Unless a strong man comes forward and makes Serbia an autocratic state again that is. But somehow I don't think Serbia's population is up to this again.


pre 16 godina

Cvele: it will not be Serbia either. And the fact that you seem to be accepting it is positive. It means that you are gradually coming to accept the loss of Kosovo.


pre 16 godina

Walter, Cvele,

I just put a question, not saying anything else, and thanks for your effort to give me an answer. But, Walter, we are only 2 ml people in less than 11.000 sq km, so spending some more millions in Kos/milirtary would not affect Worlds poverty, as well as pollution.
Cvele, as long we have such a neighborhood we don’t need to be “fully”, meaning military, independent, for the sake of freedom. After that, just think of Greece, that three time tried to survive leaving NATO, while finally realized that that is simply impossible.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina


did you actually read the full article you posted as a link?

Serbia has upped the diplomatic stakes by making it known to the EU that Serbia will not pursue admisssion into the EU if things do not go it's way! The EU have stated that it wants the Westen Balkans is it's sphere - but how would this happen IF they supported the US in a future scenario where it Illegaly recognised an illegal unilateral declaration? The stakes are being raised and there is more support from with the EU for Serbia then an Illegal entity.

the article suggests;
"unlikely the EU would "yield to U.S. pressure" and recognise Kosovo without U.N. Security Council approval.

But U.N. approval has been blocked by Serbia's ally Russia, which has the power of veto on the Security Council. Britain, France and Germany back Washington on independence, but EU members Spain, Slovakia and a few others have misgivings."

3 words; self foot shot - work it out!


pre 16 godina

Hah, I bet that within 5 years they will start terrorist attacks on NATO. If NATO leaves, the only resolution still standing will be 1244, followed by an imidiate entrance of Serbian troops. So its clear to see that no matter who rules Kosovo, it will NEVER be albanians. Amuzing!


pre 16 godina


You miss the point. Without official recognition (i.e. UN), Kosovo is doomed to remain an economic backwater. Contrary to all the previous protestations from albanian commentators here about how Kosovo can survive financially without any legal status, the reality would be very different - examples cited include Taiwan and Switzerland, but there is ahuge difference between their economies and Kosovo's. If Kosovo could survive on it's own, it would already be doing so, but the fact that 70%+ of the population is unemplyed speaks volumes. If an agreement could be made which suited both sides, and both could enter the EU, that would be the ideal scenario.

Instead, the USA is pushing a plan which it knows Serbia will refuse. BOth countries end up outside of the EU and relatively economically isolated.

And to pre-empt some commentators who suggest that business will boom with the USA, think about his. You say you have had de-facto independence for the last 7/8years or so. If Kosovo was/is such an attractive place for investors to place their capital, why isn't Kosovo thriving financially? You will no doubt get some aid/investment from the EU and USA, but as Milton Friedman said "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" - aid will come in drips and drabs, just enough toplacate the population with the never ending promise of more i the future (which always fails to materialise - of which there are numerous examples in recent history)


pre 16 godina

What people here don't seem to fully appreciate is that the EU is not the cosy little club people seem to think it is. Its already in serious danger of fracturing with the likes of Italy and Spain coming closer to the brink where they would have no choice but to leave the EU.

Serbia's best option would be to have free trade agreement with the EU. Th EU has far too much red tape as it is. With that flexibility it could have the best of all worlds.


pre 16 godina

OK, let's say it becomes a "NATO-state". Let's say the "Better Bondsteel than Belgrade" approach is put to the test.

First, Kosovo is no longer Serbia's problem. All the mishaps, all the disorganization, and all the stagnant growth under the heavy weight of a military organization would effectively channel Albanian frustration towards NATO and away from the proverbial "all our problems and miseries since the Dawn of Time have been Serbia's doing." I can't think of a better solution for Serbia, who would undoubtedly retain control over what it still has influence over (Northern Kosovo, Gracanica, monasteries) and let the rest of Kosovo be controlled by something other than the Albanians. It removes the specter of the Albanian taking over Serbian "holy land" and it removes the threat of Belgrade lurking in the corner.

Why just look at Bosnia today. Federation - the supposedly internationally backed half of Bosnia - is a mess, while RS is better organized and actually has better working NGOs in its towns and cities. It's time we shifted focus away from Serbia and placed far more expected responsibility on the powers that be in Pristina.


pre 16 godina

When in history have K_Albanians ever been independent and ran their own affairs. Can you imagine if NATO and the UN completely pulled out of Kosovo tomorrow? The place would resemble the old wild West - with the fastest gun in charge. Please Albanians, be honest when you say you want independence - you really don't. You just do not want anything to do with Serbia.


pre 16 godina

What loss? Resolution 1244. You are the ones that need to 'accept' autonomy. But u r already ruled by an autonomy so... status quo will remain.


pre 16 godina

I have made several references to the “Project for the New American Century” which calls for shift in American strategic position to the Balkans and the Middle East. The new military bases in Romania, Bulgaria and Kosovo are one point of the triangle while the other two are Central Asia and the Middle East. “The triangle between the Balkans, the Middle East and Central Asia with its resources, transport corridors, gas and oil pipelines - and long-term strategic battle between the over-militarised, but crumbling West and the rest of the world.” I think that our friends in Kosovo are also waking up to the fact that ““American security perimeter” had expanded considerably. The Balkans region had become a virtual NATO protectorate”.

We continue to as someone mentioned earlier to thresh empty straw by writing and using reams of cyber space on ““who fired the first shot” or which nation was the “guilty party,” but in discovering the deep-going social and economic processes that had led to it.” The question of American unilateralism and its military intervention in 1999 in Yugoslavia which took place outside of the auspices of the UN and under NATO agenda is part of the “Project for the New American Century” whose central policy is “the right of the US to use military force any time, anywhere, against any country it believes to be a threat to American interests, or which it believes may become a threat in the future.”

Project for the New American Century calls for American economic domination through peacefully competition on American terms i.e. Globalization. This struggle for “markets, for profits, access to raw materials, the development of outlets for investment capital—leads inexorably to military conflict” with very little regard that more than 3 billion humans exist on less than $2 dollars a day. September 11 was “manna from heaven’ as the saying goes for the militarists i.e. more need for guns over butter. The Capitalist by nature is not built on competition but on monopoly control of the strong nations over the weak ones. The strong nations want to advance their own position consequently this leads to conflict. Conflict works in favor of Capitalism since industrial military complexes fuel 40% of most Western economies.

Why the Kosovo Crisis when it could have been avoided? Dr. Rugova was the only leader in Yugoslavia who called for pragmatic non-violent policies in order to changes economic and political conditions for the Serbian Albanians. “Western countries, Germany and the US in particular, armed Kosovo-Albanian extremists from 1993 and created the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, of about 20.000 well-equipped soldiers. This was what, in 1998, turned the Kosovo situation into a real war. For a short while the US had formally defined KLA as a terror organization but later used it as NATO's ally on the ground during the bombing. Thus a conflict that could have been mediated years before with diplomatic means became militarized.”

The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (Sweden) write “What we see in Kosovo now could have been avoided if dealt with in civil, political terms some 10-15 years ago by honest brokers. That, it seems to me, is the ultimate tragedy of the Balkans in general and Kosovo in particular”


pre 16 godina

This was NATO'S plan all along. The only deviation from the plan is that they have been forced to just accept Kosovo instead of all Serbia/Montenegro as NATO originally wanted. Come on Serbia, join NATO and then you can become your own occupier!


pre 16 godina

It is not a surprise. NATO want to occupy Yugoslavia long time ago. Dear Albanians! Don’t be naïve. US/NATO don’t care about you. 1999 war was not the humanitarian intervention (even if such, it was illegal from point of view of International Law) it was part of the war on domination over the world.

Read the attached material and realize what will happen to you.
http://rrojasdatabank.info/agfrank/nato_kosovo/msg00091.html http://www.serendipity.li/nato/app_b.htm

>Apparently the leak of the sensational Appendix B to the Rambouillet Accord,
>"Status of Multi-National Military Implementation Force," -- came from the Albanian delegation, not from any NATO source.
>The article states that even high-ranking members of the German government
>were unaware of these clauses, which in effect demanded Yugoslavia's total
>capitulation. The same is probably true of the French, Italian and British
>parliaments and the US Congress, thus making clear how foreign affairs are
>conducted in enlightened democracies. --Charles

The text of of Appendix B reads:

Article 6
"NATO personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from the Parties'jurisdiction in respect of any civil,
administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY."

Article 8
"NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY [Federal Republic of Yugoslavia] including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations."


pre 16 godina

predictor more than 3 billion humans exist on less than $2 dollars a day, half million refugees in the Balkans, ten times that in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iraq in flames, no clean water, environmental degradation, crumbling infrastructure, several million dead in the last ten years in the interest of the industrial military complex and billions are spent on war rather than feeding the poor and peace in the world “AND YOU ASK WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS” note I am yelling Balkan style so you can hear me.