Monday, 06.08.2007.


Kosovo church vandalized

A church near Kosovska Mitrovica was broken into late last night and vandalized.

Izvor: FoNet

Kosovo church vandalized IMAGE SOURCE

12 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

It's from a people, a culture which disrespects Serbian churches, so it's most likely Albanians. Albanians who are also rewarded by the international community for committed violence upon Serbs, and given more aid and money the more violence they've done.


pre 16 godina

I just think we should remain as calm as possible in the coming months. Yes Victor, its very possible that these acts were carried out by adult Albanian terrorist types in order to intimidate and repress the Serbian population. However, given the circumstances, nothing stolen, and the fact that some cars were "tampered with" makes me think very strongly that this is exactly the type of "attack" some drunk bored juveniles would commit. I'm pretty sure if it were designed to intimidate and oppress the Serb population they would have done some real damage.

My guess is they tried to hot wire some cars, or steal car radios or something, but couldn't figure out how. So they settled on breaking into the church and throwing some stuff around. To me that sounds like a spontaneous drunken idea, rather then a well thought out plan of action.

John, I'm a Serb, so I'm having a bit of trouble understanding your perspective? The truth is our Churches have in the past been targets of violence. You certainly don't sound like you would protect our Holy Sites or care much for their fate. The simple reality is that if the Albanian population had fully respected the rights of the Serbian minority and implemented "Standards Before Status" instead of engaging in riots and ethnic cleansing in 2004, Kosovo would already be independent. However, the world saw that, and realized that no one in the Balkans has much respect for minority rights, and now here we are stuck in a dilemma of our own making.

So how do we get out of it?


pre 16 godina

When I was a kid I didn't break into churches and vandalize them. I don't think ANY Christians do such a terrible act. Hmmm lets see KM church vandalized and cars broken into. Let's see who the cars belong to? I bet Serbs.

And John, Albanians never gave Serbs land to build their churches. These Churches are older than the Albanian people. The walls were built around them to keep your people out of them because you destroyed 100's of them already.

Nehat Krasniqi

pre 16 godina

There is no way... that Kosovar Albanians would do such thing especially at this time of uncertainty. If it was done by Kosovars then they are not true Kosovars they are our enemies of the Kosovar people, and I am sorry to hear such news


pre 16 godina

John, please look at the comments above your and point out where anything inflammatory is being said to have warranted the response you gave. I'm rather surprised these comments have the even temper they have. You are creating your own battles to fight.


pre 16 godina

People be quiet, the Kosovar Government let you have land (extra) that belonged to Kosovars just so you could build China walls and now you cry that Kosovar-Albanians did this?

It seems to me that if a fly from Kosova lands on serbia proper that is another act of serb-injustice.

Enough said.


pre 16 godina

Serbs, before voicing your displeasure please keep in mind that this act of dispicible and cowardly vandalism was done out of love for Kosovo?!?!?...


pre 16 godina

No comments yet on this article, but I suspect this will be today's topic for throwing accusatons around. So let me start out first by saying it's a sad fact that, after 8 years, these acts are still commited. Second, it would do the Albanian government a tremendous service to find the perpetrators and slap the law on them. I'm not interested in any tit-for-tat activities, just show that the powers-that-be that wish in inherit the political and legal mechanisms of Kosovo show maturity in bringing whoever did this to justice.


pre 16 godina

No comments yet on this article, but I suspect this will be today's topic for throwing accusatons around. So let me start out first by saying it's a sad fact that, after 8 years, these acts are still commited. Second, it would do the Albanian government a tremendous service to find the perpetrators and slap the law on them. I'm not interested in any tit-for-tat activities, just show that the powers-that-be that wish in inherit the political and legal mechanisms of Kosovo show maturity in bringing whoever did this to justice.


pre 16 godina

People be quiet, the Kosovar Government let you have land (extra) that belonged to Kosovars just so you could build China walls and now you cry that Kosovar-Albanians did this?

It seems to me that if a fly from Kosova lands on serbia proper that is another act of serb-injustice.

Enough said.


pre 16 godina

Serbs, before voicing your displeasure please keep in mind that this act of dispicible and cowardly vandalism was done out of love for Kosovo?!?!?...

Nehat Krasniqi

pre 16 godina

There is no way... that Kosovar Albanians would do such thing especially at this time of uncertainty. If it was done by Kosovars then they are not true Kosovars they are our enemies of the Kosovar people, and I am sorry to hear such news


pre 16 godina

John, please look at the comments above your and point out where anything inflammatory is being said to have warranted the response you gave. I'm rather surprised these comments have the even temper they have. You are creating your own battles to fight.


pre 16 godina

When I was a kid I didn't break into churches and vandalize them. I don't think ANY Christians do such a terrible act. Hmmm lets see KM church vandalized and cars broken into. Let's see who the cars belong to? I bet Serbs.

And John, Albanians never gave Serbs land to build their churches. These Churches are older than the Albanian people. The walls were built around them to keep your people out of them because you destroyed 100's of them already.


pre 16 godina

I just think we should remain as calm as possible in the coming months. Yes Victor, its very possible that these acts were carried out by adult Albanian terrorist types in order to intimidate and repress the Serbian population. However, given the circumstances, nothing stolen, and the fact that some cars were "tampered with" makes me think very strongly that this is exactly the type of "attack" some drunk bored juveniles would commit. I'm pretty sure if it were designed to intimidate and oppress the Serb population they would have done some real damage.

My guess is they tried to hot wire some cars, or steal car radios or something, but couldn't figure out how. So they settled on breaking into the church and throwing some stuff around. To me that sounds like a spontaneous drunken idea, rather then a well thought out plan of action.

John, I'm a Serb, so I'm having a bit of trouble understanding your perspective? The truth is our Churches have in the past been targets of violence. You certainly don't sound like you would protect our Holy Sites or care much for their fate. The simple reality is that if the Albanian population had fully respected the rights of the Serbian minority and implemented "Standards Before Status" instead of engaging in riots and ethnic cleansing in 2004, Kosovo would already be independent. However, the world saw that, and realized that no one in the Balkans has much respect for minority rights, and now here we are stuck in a dilemma of our own making.

So how do we get out of it?


pre 16 godina

It's from a people, a culture which disrespects Serbian churches, so it's most likely Albanians. Albanians who are also rewarded by the international community for committed violence upon Serbs, and given more aid and money the more violence they've done.


pre 16 godina

People be quiet, the Kosovar Government let you have land (extra) that belonged to Kosovars just so you could build China walls and now you cry that Kosovar-Albanians did this?

It seems to me that if a fly from Kosova lands on serbia proper that is another act of serb-injustice.

Enough said.


pre 16 godina

Serbs, before voicing your displeasure please keep in mind that this act of dispicible and cowardly vandalism was done out of love for Kosovo?!?!?...

Nehat Krasniqi

pre 16 godina

There is no way... that Kosovar Albanians would do such thing especially at this time of uncertainty. If it was done by Kosovars then they are not true Kosovars they are our enemies of the Kosovar people, and I am sorry to hear such news


pre 16 godina

When I was a kid I didn't break into churches and vandalize them. I don't think ANY Christians do such a terrible act. Hmmm lets see KM church vandalized and cars broken into. Let's see who the cars belong to? I bet Serbs.

And John, Albanians never gave Serbs land to build their churches. These Churches are older than the Albanian people. The walls were built around them to keep your people out of them because you destroyed 100's of them already.


pre 16 godina

No comments yet on this article, but I suspect this will be today's topic for throwing accusatons around. So let me start out first by saying it's a sad fact that, after 8 years, these acts are still commited. Second, it would do the Albanian government a tremendous service to find the perpetrators and slap the law on them. I'm not interested in any tit-for-tat activities, just show that the powers-that-be that wish in inherit the political and legal mechanisms of Kosovo show maturity in bringing whoever did this to justice.


pre 16 godina

John, please look at the comments above your and point out where anything inflammatory is being said to have warranted the response you gave. I'm rather surprised these comments have the even temper they have. You are creating your own battles to fight.


pre 16 godina

I just think we should remain as calm as possible in the coming months. Yes Victor, its very possible that these acts were carried out by adult Albanian terrorist types in order to intimidate and repress the Serbian population. However, given the circumstances, nothing stolen, and the fact that some cars were "tampered with" makes me think very strongly that this is exactly the type of "attack" some drunk bored juveniles would commit. I'm pretty sure if it were designed to intimidate and oppress the Serb population they would have done some real damage.

My guess is they tried to hot wire some cars, or steal car radios or something, but couldn't figure out how. So they settled on breaking into the church and throwing some stuff around. To me that sounds like a spontaneous drunken idea, rather then a well thought out plan of action.

John, I'm a Serb, so I'm having a bit of trouble understanding your perspective? The truth is our Churches have in the past been targets of violence. You certainly don't sound like you would protect our Holy Sites or care much for their fate. The simple reality is that if the Albanian population had fully respected the rights of the Serbian minority and implemented "Standards Before Status" instead of engaging in riots and ethnic cleansing in 2004, Kosovo would already be independent. However, the world saw that, and realized that no one in the Balkans has much respect for minority rights, and now here we are stuck in a dilemma of our own making.

So how do we get out of it?


pre 16 godina

It's from a people, a culture which disrespects Serbian churches, so it's most likely Albanians. Albanians who are also rewarded by the international community for committed violence upon Serbs, and given more aid and money the more violence they've done.