Sunday, 05.08.2007.


Tadić confirms independence unacceptable

President Boris Tadić and German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier met Sunday in Switzerland.

Izvor: Beta

Tadiæ confirms independence unacceptable IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

Nothing that he had not said before, and nothing that will stop our path to independence... YOU ALL KNOW THAT, so don't pretend you still believe Kosova will remain under serbia's rule.


pre 16 godina

Mr Jusufi, some points for your consideration.

The moment the West floated the concept of ‘supervised independence’ for the Kosovo Albanians is the moment that the possibility of real independence was irrevocably removed as an option.

The moment that the West acknowledged Serbia as the successor state to Serbia and Montenegro is the moment that Serbia's full and lasting soveregnty over Kosovo and Metohija was confirmed.

The moment the West decided not to table a new resolution at the UN is the moment that the idea that Serbia could be forcibly dismembered died forever.

The West is not in Kosovo and Metohija to protect the Kosovo Albanians, least of all from democratic Serbia. They are there to protect the Serbs and keep a lid on the unpredictable, unreliable Kosovo Albanian leadership, which has at various times threatened to annex parts of each of its neighbours and to resort to violence to achieve its political agenda. Serbia should specially thank Richard Holbrooke for totally discredting the Kosovo Albanian leadership by personally verifying that it is prepared to start a war against the UN and NATO if it doesn't get its way.

President Tadic is an accomplished (non-criminal) politician, well liked and respected in the West, who has made no threats and thanks to him, Serbia has already had its position on sovereignty accepted by the West. At the same time, Serbia, through Prime Minister Kostunica has garnered Russia’s unwavering support as well the support of just about every UN member state for his principled stand on respect for the UN charter and international law.

What remains is for Serbia to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the EU, particularly Germany that, unlike the Kosovo Albanian political leadership, it is a reliable partner and that it will ‘keep its cool’ and at no time interfere with the EU’s desire to personally supervise the Kosovo Albanian leadership.

The Serbian political leadership, although seemingly not the most unified, has demonstrated an ability to move Serbia rapidly ahead in all aspects of government.

On the other hand, the political leadership of the Kosovo Albanians has proven to be single minded in its political ambitions at the expense of the population’s well being, despite all of the free top-class coaching in every aspect of governance they have received from the West.

The EU, apart from some diehard dinosaurs of the Second World War and Cold War, will be relieved when full autonomy (within Serbia) is finally declared for the Kosovo Albanian minority, tightly controlled by the EU for an indefinite period, of course.

Welcome to the real world.


pre 16 godina

Tadic is better then chequ.
Whats funny is... ur like the end of the world cult. We predict the third of the third of the fifth for our independence (doomsday). I hope u realise how u have been reduced to looking into ur coffee cups to find out if ur going to gain independence. Its like a basketball game and the buzzer rang when they pulled the proposal from the UN. EU even confessed that they dont have anywhere near the support necessary to recognize Kosovo so why r u even dreaming.


pre 16 godina

Your right Ahmet, who cares what anybody says! I can just picture you right now with fingers in your ears singing an Albanian nationalist song so loud that you block out the whole world telling you that there will be no independence!


pre 16 godina

Ahmet, Ron, et al,

Are you kidding me? The man and his cabinet just kept your predictions of "indy" from coming to fruition. These awards and his stature makes him someone the west can work with. Not, like some war criminal PM in a lawless region.


pre 16 godina

Europe Prize for Political Culture is the first step to polish his future answers. And when Kosovo will gain its independence he will be the scapegoat by the radicals. Too late for the Kosovo train radicals will jump to Vojvodina with their newly gained post.

ahmet isufi

pre 16 godina

Big deal, who cares what he or anybody else says . There is no stopping of Kosova's Independence.Anyway Mr. Tadiq knows the final outcome, which is the serbia 's independence fro Kosova.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet, Ron, et al,

Are you kidding me? The man and his cabinet just kept your predictions of "indy" from coming to fruition. These awards and his stature makes him someone the west can work with. Not, like some war criminal PM in a lawless region.


pre 16 godina

Tadic is better then chequ.
Whats funny is... ur like the end of the world cult. We predict the third of the third of the fifth for our independence (doomsday). I hope u realise how u have been reduced to looking into ur coffee cups to find out if ur going to gain independence. Its like a basketball game and the buzzer rang when they pulled the proposal from the UN. EU even confessed that they dont have anywhere near the support necessary to recognize Kosovo so why r u even dreaming.


pre 16 godina

Your right Ahmet, who cares what anybody says! I can just picture you right now with fingers in your ears singing an Albanian nationalist song so loud that you block out the whole world telling you that there will be no independence!


pre 16 godina

Mr Jusufi, some points for your consideration.

The moment the West floated the concept of ‘supervised independence’ for the Kosovo Albanians is the moment that the possibility of real independence was irrevocably removed as an option.

The moment that the West acknowledged Serbia as the successor state to Serbia and Montenegro is the moment that Serbia's full and lasting soveregnty over Kosovo and Metohija was confirmed.

The moment the West decided not to table a new resolution at the UN is the moment that the idea that Serbia could be forcibly dismembered died forever.

The West is not in Kosovo and Metohija to protect the Kosovo Albanians, least of all from democratic Serbia. They are there to protect the Serbs and keep a lid on the unpredictable, unreliable Kosovo Albanian leadership, which has at various times threatened to annex parts of each of its neighbours and to resort to violence to achieve its political agenda. Serbia should specially thank Richard Holbrooke for totally discredting the Kosovo Albanian leadership by personally verifying that it is prepared to start a war against the UN and NATO if it doesn't get its way.

President Tadic is an accomplished (non-criminal) politician, well liked and respected in the West, who has made no threats and thanks to him, Serbia has already had its position on sovereignty accepted by the West. At the same time, Serbia, through Prime Minister Kostunica has garnered Russia’s unwavering support as well the support of just about every UN member state for his principled stand on respect for the UN charter and international law.

What remains is for Serbia to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the EU, particularly Germany that, unlike the Kosovo Albanian political leadership, it is a reliable partner and that it will ‘keep its cool’ and at no time interfere with the EU’s desire to personally supervise the Kosovo Albanian leadership.

The Serbian political leadership, although seemingly not the most unified, has demonstrated an ability to move Serbia rapidly ahead in all aspects of government.

On the other hand, the political leadership of the Kosovo Albanians has proven to be single minded in its political ambitions at the expense of the population’s well being, despite all of the free top-class coaching in every aspect of governance they have received from the West.

The EU, apart from some diehard dinosaurs of the Second World War and Cold War, will be relieved when full autonomy (within Serbia) is finally declared for the Kosovo Albanian minority, tightly controlled by the EU for an indefinite period, of course.

Welcome to the real world.

ahmet isufi

pre 16 godina

Big deal, who cares what he or anybody else says . There is no stopping of Kosova's Independence.Anyway Mr. Tadiq knows the final outcome, which is the serbia 's independence fro Kosova.


pre 16 godina

Europe Prize for Political Culture is the first step to polish his future answers. And when Kosovo will gain its independence he will be the scapegoat by the radicals. Too late for the Kosovo train radicals will jump to Vojvodina with their newly gained post.


pre 16 godina

Nothing that he had not said before, and nothing that will stop our path to independence... YOU ALL KNOW THAT, so don't pretend you still believe Kosova will remain under serbia's rule.

ahmet isufi

pre 16 godina

Big deal, who cares what he or anybody else says . There is no stopping of Kosova's Independence.Anyway Mr. Tadiq knows the final outcome, which is the serbia 's independence fro Kosova.


pre 16 godina

Europe Prize for Political Culture is the first step to polish his future answers. And when Kosovo will gain its independence he will be the scapegoat by the radicals. Too late for the Kosovo train radicals will jump to Vojvodina with their newly gained post.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet, Ron, et al,

Are you kidding me? The man and his cabinet just kept your predictions of "indy" from coming to fruition. These awards and his stature makes him someone the west can work with. Not, like some war criminal PM in a lawless region.


pre 16 godina

Your right Ahmet, who cares what anybody says! I can just picture you right now with fingers in your ears singing an Albanian nationalist song so loud that you block out the whole world telling you that there will be no independence!


pre 16 godina

Nothing that he had not said before, and nothing that will stop our path to independence... YOU ALL KNOW THAT, so don't pretend you still believe Kosova will remain under serbia's rule.


pre 16 godina

Tadic is better then chequ.
Whats funny is... ur like the end of the world cult. We predict the third of the third of the fifth for our independence (doomsday). I hope u realise how u have been reduced to looking into ur coffee cups to find out if ur going to gain independence. Its like a basketball game and the buzzer rang when they pulled the proposal from the UN. EU even confessed that they dont have anywhere near the support necessary to recognize Kosovo so why r u even dreaming.


pre 16 godina

Mr Jusufi, some points for your consideration.

The moment the West floated the concept of ‘supervised independence’ for the Kosovo Albanians is the moment that the possibility of real independence was irrevocably removed as an option.

The moment that the West acknowledged Serbia as the successor state to Serbia and Montenegro is the moment that Serbia's full and lasting soveregnty over Kosovo and Metohija was confirmed.

The moment the West decided not to table a new resolution at the UN is the moment that the idea that Serbia could be forcibly dismembered died forever.

The West is not in Kosovo and Metohija to protect the Kosovo Albanians, least of all from democratic Serbia. They are there to protect the Serbs and keep a lid on the unpredictable, unreliable Kosovo Albanian leadership, which has at various times threatened to annex parts of each of its neighbours and to resort to violence to achieve its political agenda. Serbia should specially thank Richard Holbrooke for totally discredting the Kosovo Albanian leadership by personally verifying that it is prepared to start a war against the UN and NATO if it doesn't get its way.

President Tadic is an accomplished (non-criminal) politician, well liked and respected in the West, who has made no threats and thanks to him, Serbia has already had its position on sovereignty accepted by the West. At the same time, Serbia, through Prime Minister Kostunica has garnered Russia’s unwavering support as well the support of just about every UN member state for his principled stand on respect for the UN charter and international law.

What remains is for Serbia to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the EU, particularly Germany that, unlike the Kosovo Albanian political leadership, it is a reliable partner and that it will ‘keep its cool’ and at no time interfere with the EU’s desire to personally supervise the Kosovo Albanian leadership.

The Serbian political leadership, although seemingly not the most unified, has demonstrated an ability to move Serbia rapidly ahead in all aspects of government.

On the other hand, the political leadership of the Kosovo Albanians has proven to be single minded in its political ambitions at the expense of the population’s well being, despite all of the free top-class coaching in every aspect of governance they have received from the West.

The EU, apart from some diehard dinosaurs of the Second World War and Cold War, will be relieved when full autonomy (within Serbia) is finally declared for the Kosovo Albanian minority, tightly controlled by the EU for an indefinite period, of course.

Welcome to the real world.