Sunday, 05.08.2007.


Kosovo police find counterfeit water bottler

Authorities are testing the quality of counterfeit mineral water bottled in a small factory in central Kosovo.

Izvor: BIRN

Kosovo police find counterfeit water bottler IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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Bob Petrovich

pre 16 godina

Dasani IS tap water, only run throgh special reverse osmosis filtering device. Total scam.
People are indeed naive. And it is written in plain sight on the bottle of EVIAN alpine glacial water (read evian backwards).


pre 16 godina

Pepsi admitted recently that its bottled water - Aquafina - was merely tap water. And I think a Coca Cola brand Dasani might be tap water too.

People are being fooled into spending more for tap water thinking it's spring water merely because it is in a bottle.


pre 16 godina

well Jham i agree with you, after independence all what we need is more jobs and stable economy, which will help all the communities in Kosova and for sure will reduce teh crime activities around our country.


pre 16 godina

If the accused had taken the time to acquire proper license to manufacuture the water they should not be any problems from law enforcement. As independence comes closure to being a reality alot of fly by night business practices will be either stymied by EU rules or will drive up the price of operating. Normally the cost is past down to the consumers. Which will cause even more problems for the citizens of kosovo. I remember when the currency changed from German Marks to the Euro. Instead of adjusting the price alot of business owners simply made change the symbol of price which made a loaf bread cost double. After alot of complaints were made prices were again ajusted to reflect the true cost of all items. Private enterprise drives a economy, if state sponsored business are depended on solving the umemployment issue then times will remain tough. The key to sucess is entreprenur to generate jobs for the unemployed, you cannot be choosy about jobs. If it puts food on the table so be it.


pre 16 godina

If the accused had taken the time to acquire proper license to manufacuture the water they should not be any problems from law enforcement. As independence comes closure to being a reality alot of fly by night business practices will be either stymied by EU rules or will drive up the price of operating. Normally the cost is past down to the consumers. Which will cause even more problems for the citizens of kosovo. I remember when the currency changed from German Marks to the Euro. Instead of adjusting the price alot of business owners simply made change the symbol of price which made a loaf bread cost double. After alot of complaints were made prices were again ajusted to reflect the true cost of all items. Private enterprise drives a economy, if state sponsored business are depended on solving the umemployment issue then times will remain tough. The key to sucess is entreprenur to generate jobs for the unemployed, you cannot be choosy about jobs. If it puts food on the table so be it.


pre 16 godina

well Jham i agree with you, after independence all what we need is more jobs and stable economy, which will help all the communities in Kosova and for sure will reduce teh crime activities around our country.


pre 16 godina

Pepsi admitted recently that its bottled water - Aquafina - was merely tap water. And I think a Coca Cola brand Dasani might be tap water too.

People are being fooled into spending more for tap water thinking it's spring water merely because it is in a bottle.

Bob Petrovich

pre 16 godina

Dasani IS tap water, only run throgh special reverse osmosis filtering device. Total scam.
People are indeed naive. And it is written in plain sight on the bottle of EVIAN alpine glacial water (read evian backwards).


pre 16 godina

If the accused had taken the time to acquire proper license to manufacuture the water they should not be any problems from law enforcement. As independence comes closure to being a reality alot of fly by night business practices will be either stymied by EU rules or will drive up the price of operating. Normally the cost is past down to the consumers. Which will cause even more problems for the citizens of kosovo. I remember when the currency changed from German Marks to the Euro. Instead of adjusting the price alot of business owners simply made change the symbol of price which made a loaf bread cost double. After alot of complaints were made prices were again ajusted to reflect the true cost of all items. Private enterprise drives a economy, if state sponsored business are depended on solving the umemployment issue then times will remain tough. The key to sucess is entreprenur to generate jobs for the unemployed, you cannot be choosy about jobs. If it puts food on the table so be it.


pre 16 godina

well Jham i agree with you, after independence all what we need is more jobs and stable economy, which will help all the communities in Kosova and for sure will reduce teh crime activities around our country.


pre 16 godina

Pepsi admitted recently that its bottled water - Aquafina - was merely tap water. And I think a Coca Cola brand Dasani might be tap water too.

People are being fooled into spending more for tap water thinking it's spring water merely because it is in a bottle.

Bob Petrovich

pre 16 godina

Dasani IS tap water, only run throgh special reverse osmosis filtering device. Total scam.
People are indeed naive. And it is written in plain sight on the bottle of EVIAN alpine glacial water (read evian backwards).