Thursday, 26.07.2007.


EU, U.S., Russia to mediate in Kosovo talks?

The Contact Group reportedly decided Wednesday that the EU, U.S. and Russia will mediate in new Kosovo negotiations.

Izvor: B92

EU, U.S., Russia to mediate in Kosovo talks? IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina


I don't think quite so - that the Russians will be recognizing the north as part of Serbia. And it doesnt quite matter for two reasons: first the Russians will not accept any independence for Kosovo, so they will continue to claim that the whole of Kosovo is part of Serbia, just as the Serbian government itself. Second, whether or not there is a short-term bump in Serbian political orientation towards East, the Serbs have no choice but to be part of EU, eventually. It effectively means that if EU recognizes Kosovo (and it has no other choice) as independent, Serbia will have to come to terms with it, if it wishes to join the club.

I said nothing of the Serbian resistance to Kosovo's independence. Nor did I ever imply they were willing to trade off Kosovo for EU membership. Seems like you just wanted to make that point anyway, but don't try putting words in my mouth.

What I said was that the north of Kosovo will be effectively a part of Serbia following Kosovo's independence, especially if comes about through a unilateral route. I still think a deal may be struck on creating a centralized Kosovo Serb authority within Kosovo, much like the Serbian republic in Bosnia, in substance - that is. But if no deal is struck and the unilateral route is pursued, the north of Kosovo will automatically declare its independence from Kosovo and declare itself in favor of joining Serbia. I don't think the Russians will declare themselves on the issue, but what is important is that when the EU recognizes Kosovo, they will recognize Kosovo with its present borders.

It implies that when the time comes for Kosovo to join the EU, the north of Kosovo will be left out of EU, unless it explictly recognizes the authority of Prishtina as the national authority in that part of Kosovo. It will still enjoy its highest autonomy, but it will have to behave as part of Kosovo.

This isn't a big deal, because Kosovo is already partitioned. But the EU admission will be a good way to get this part of Kosovo into Prishtina's fold, at least formally.

You talk a bit too much of 'rationality.' You seem to forget that the present status quo in Kosovo was brought about by complete irrationality e.g. murderous policies of the Serbian government in the 1990s.

Serbia will pay a price for what it did. You can't simply blame everything on a past government, and claim a legalistic position with regard to Kosovo. Kostunica wants to forget that no law on earth ever authorizes deliberate mass murders, as happened in Kosovo. UN human rights charters are clear on that. Now he wants to use the same UN rules to claim a legalistic view. A bit too late!

Independence will wake up the Serbs...make them realize what they did throughout the 1990s.

At the end of the day, Kosovo is so firm on independence that the world knows choosing a 'reintegration of Kosovo into Serbia' approach would literally mean war and continuing instability. On the other hand, independence for Kosovo is the least likely option. Serbian response can and will be contained, thus the costs of imposing independence are simply considered by many international actors as manageable.

It really is simply, actually. The West is asking itself: what sort of solution imposes more costs, on whom and are they manageable for the int'l community?

The answer is simple: reintegration of 2 million Albanians into Serbia is a deadly solution. It simply won't happen after the apartheid of the 1990s and the Nazi-style deportations of 1999, let alone the mass murder campaign. Keeping any form of link between Serbia and Kosovo is guaranteed to produce continuing instability. Thus, the costs of that are too high.

The independence option will only invite a political reaction by Serbs, not military - thus the costs of such decision are manageable. The reaction by Serbs is containable because they no longer have any strong military, plus they're surrounded by NATO both in the North and South. In addition, it is politically suicidal to attempt an attack on Kosovo, given Serbia's wish to join the EU etc. So Serbian response will be politically, which the West is willing to accept.

And, dont forget: any rational player seeks to get the highest pay off and seek a successful conclusion to its project. The Russians have no poured a single dime in Kosovo - thus their influence is absolutely minimal. The West only needs to be convinced that it is willing to sidestep the Russians, and this is taking time. It wont allow a third party determine a project to which it has committed and delivered billions of dollars. Forget it.


pre 16 godina


I think you miss a very important point. When/If the US unilaterally recognizes Kosovo, I am very certain the Russians will respond by recognizing the North as part of Serbia, not as an independent country.

Since Serbia is a recognized country internationally already, those negative issues you mention will not apply to the North, only to the Albanian portion of Kosovo.

Serbia is in fact much better off under such conditions then with Ahtisaari's proposal. We have absolutely no reason to support Ahtisaari's plan and nothing to lose by opposing it.

You seem to think Serbs are willing to give up Kosovo in exchange for EU membership, which is incorrect. Read the latest poll, 50% are against that sort of deal. What's going to happen in your scenario is Serbia would be pushed into the waiting arms of mother Russia. The EU can little afford to have something like that in the middle of their country.

The best solution is for everyone to sit down and discuss partition rationally. Partition is the existing reality on the ground.

The advantages of an agreed upon solution are many.

Its sets a very positive precedent for how these issues are to be resolved. No one can argue that discussions, compromise and an agreed upon solution would be a bad way to go about resolving these types of issues elsewhere in the world.

It has the potential to do something about Presevo, which would be nice for the Albanians. It also has the potential to give us Serbs some concessions on our historical monuments as well.

Agreement means NO VIOLENCE! Abstaining from violence will do much for investment possibilities in the region and quicken entry into the EU. Besides, 2004 truly hurt the Albanian cause in Kosovo. Do that again, and you'll lose a lot more support.

And of course it allows for a UNSC resolution and legitimacy and all that good stuff.

So Serbia will benefit more from any unilateral declaration of Independence. However, we both have much more we can gain by rationally discussing it in a peaceful manner.


pre 16 godina

Miri, first thank you for the comment. Second, you speak of justice? Miri will the granted of independence of kosovo will be justice for everyone? Will that solve all problems that face the Kosovo people? No it won't everyone wants independence but after independence then what? No one has come forward with a plan reason they are trying to figure how to employ the umemployed and fix the power situation etc. So what are you asking for is justice then i don't really understand. But i hope for everyone to recieve justice. Don't you agree miri?

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina


If you are Pro-Democracy than so is Fidel Castro. You believe that the voice of 2 million people shouldn't be heard just because Serbia happened to be arguing the international that itself has broken with every state in the Balkans. And all these Serb one liners Saying, "Kosovo is Serbia's" You are dreaming. The only time Kosova was ever Serbia's, was when Serbs managed to occupy it by force. THE LAND OF DARDANIA SHALL NEVER BE SERBIA'S AGAIN.


pre 16 godina

It's human to maintain hope. It's also been 'human' throughout history to slaughter. And it is therefore 'human', too, to make a slaughterer to pay a price.

Kosovo's independence is inevitable. I've noticed a trend in these discussions that some people who appear to be Serbian are requesting that Albanian participants are kept to their word e.g. being chastised for having been so optimistic about independence coming.

In politics, though, nothing is certain. But what is certain this time around in history is that Kosovo will be an independent state no matter what the objections.

Just think about it: despite reservations of several other states, there is only ONE state (Russia) that currently claims is dead against independence. Do you really think one against everyone else will win this? In addition, do you really think that the West will agree to settle Kosovo in Russian terms, when Russia only has this poor little diplomatic office in Prishtina - and nothing else?! Come on, I've said it sooo many times: Kosovo is a western project and will be settled on the West's terms.

How? Fine, the process is not easy. Realistically, this process has many stages. Stage 1 appears to have been won by the Serbs and Russians. But it looks like one of those 'victories' where the 'victors' will be smashed by the extent of the 'final defeat.'

Here's how I see things developing: there will be no agreement with the Russians, simply because the Russians have dug themselves in too much, unless a post-Putin president appears more willing to give in. What will happen is that Kosovo will be effectively partioned, a some sort of Republic-of-Srpska entity will be created within Kosovo. The other scattered Serb municipalities will be directly linked with Northern Mitrovica as a the new administrative capital of Kosovo Serbs.

Kosovo as a whole will declare independence unilaterally. Washington will follow suit, so will key EU members. Once these key EU members recognize Kosovo, it will be a major foreign policy crisis for the EU if it doesnt come up with a common approach. So, at the end the entire EU (e.g. weeks after independence) will be compelled to jointly recognize Kosovo.

Then, what? Well, Serbia will never accept independence, nor does it have to, let alone anybody ever asking her to acknowledge or admit anything. North of Kosovo will be acting as if part of Serbia.

Then? Over the years, north of Kosovo will be left out of the EU unless it acknowledges the political authority of Prishtina. Much the same as northern Cyprus. By that time, as Kosovo approaches EU admission, there will be attempts to push a new UN resolution to actually make it possible for the rest of states worldwide to recognize Kosovo.

So guys...its a process. The UN resolution is not necessary. It's all realpolitik...rules are used only when they have to be. It aint true that this will create international legal chaos, since its been done throughout modern times. Look at Iraq...US invaded the country without a UN authority, then was able to get a UN authority to legalize its own presence there.

So much the same will happen in Kosovo. First, unilateral recognition; Second, US and some key EU states recognize us; third, entire EU will be compelled to act together; fourth EU admission will compell north of Kosovo to acknowledge Prishtina's authority; fifth, a UN resolution will then be adopted.

I am gladly asking any Serb to keep me to my word. Let's see who's right...and let's see whose 'victory' will be THE VICTORY!!

Northern Europe

pre 16 godina

It must now be obvious to every human being that are mentally clear that Kosovo will never be a new country.
Some wish and hope but it will never happen. In a year on this day, I will link this page and you will see that nothing has happened. Wait and see.


pre 16 godina

Hey guys,
This is what I think is going to happen:
1. Kosovo wil be indepndent country with all the rights for all the minorities.
2. Some parts of Northern Kosovo will be added to Serbia, or they(Northern Kosovo) will have a autonmus status inside Kosovo with connection to the Serbian government, and the rest will be recognized as independent coutry Kosovo.

There is one thing I know, and that is that Kosovo's Albanians will NEVER-EVER want to live with Serbia again. They had enough of Serbia.

Who was here to check "marked words"? Kate?
So now, you and your pals can mark my word, here it is.
KOSOVO (as a whole) WILL NEVER BE PART OF SERBIA AGAIN!!. Maybe serbia will get Mitrovica and Zvecan and that's about it!!


pre 16 godina

"Vetoni, there will not be anymore hard liners in charge of Serbia."
Are you being ironic or do you really mean that? I ask you this because its hard to take what you said seriously. Not because I'm able to predict the future and see who's gonna have power or not in Serbia, but because I can look at the present. The radicals won the majority of votes. They even had that Nikolic guy as the speaker of the parliament. Yes the same guy who wants to declare war to Kosova/o and the KFOR. Yes the same guy and party who have as their spiritual leader, Sesejl. The same people who wanted to arrest Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Madeline Albright etc etc. Forced to stepped down under pressure from the West.
What do you consider Kostunica to be? If that is not a hard liner I don't know who is. Isn't it logical to call someone who denies a whole group of people the right to vote for the constitution, a hardliner. This is happening now, that Serbia and Kosova/a are under the scrutiny of the West. I could only imagine when Kosova/o is not on their focus anymore. Wait I don't need to imagine, I can just rewind back to 99.

As someone requested here can the Serb posters here explain what do they call "real negotiations" and what is a compromise for this issue for them?
I personally believe there will be no compromise and that the status will be imposed. I also believe that a Cyprus like solution with backing of the US and major EU countries is better than the autonomy or any plans that leave Kosovo/a under Serbia.


pre 16 godina


Ask yourself why Kosovo is not independent today. That answer will be the same tomorrow, next week and next month. America has lost AGAIN. Just as they lost in 1999. YES they did lose the war, the proof of that is resolution 1244. By the way are you aware that a 1 Billion dollar Russian natural Gas pipeline will be running through Serbia in 2008. This energy will heat the Balkans. Now I ask you who has the power?


pre 16 godina

The Contact group talks will just be more of the same of what we all witnessed in the UN. Global power is shifting. Just ask Mr. Ahtisaari

Having witnessed the humiliating defeat of his proposal for an Albanian-dominated "Kosova" as a ward of the EU, former president of Finland and ICG board member Martti Ahtisaari told the Finnish Radio he would no longer be involved with Empire's land-grab from Serbia. He could contribute in an "advisory role," he told the media hopefully, but noted no one's asked him to do so.

The battle for Kosovo is far from over. Albanian separatists are still determined to have their way, and their allies - the governments in London, Paris and Washington - are just as determined to paint their 1999 war of aggression as a triumph of democratic peace. Turns out Serbia and Russia are just as determined not to let them, even though the US has constantly underestimated both. Maybe that's why it lost the staring contest at the UN.

Any which way things develop from here, the Finn is done. Finished. Now he just has to hope the Albanians won't ask for their money back, the same way they've been "asking" for land...


pre 16 godina

I dont know what news you have been reading, but, Serbia is everyday stating only autonomy can be the basis of a negotiated settlement. Here are a few articles all from completely different sources.





I could post another 100 of such articles that mention Serbia offering autonomy. But I will let you google it yourself.


pre 16 godina

What is rightfully Serbia's is universal justice for its crimes for the last 18 years.
That's up to the citizens who suffered as victims of Serbia's aggression.
As for keeping what is rightfully theirs, Serbia should be more careful in what it asks for, it just might get it and realize it made a mistake. Kommersant was right is calling this move to the Contact Group a Phyrric victory. Serbia just might lose more of Serbia with this move.


pre 16 godina

"if Serbia decided to take a more constructive approach and try to secure a better deal for the Serb minority in Kosovo there would be a lot to talk about. And as for partition, well...that cuts both ways! (teni, 26. July 2007 14:41)"
First off Teni, the protection and safety of minorities should not be dependent on Serbia being forced to give up the cradle of its civilization. In any civilized country blackmailing the protection of minorities in such a way would be outrageous. Being a minority in the Balkans really sucks, and that is the reality, it doesn't matter if you're Serb or Albanian or Roma or whatever.
As far as partition goes, you are absolutely right that it cuts both ways. It is not a "win" for Serbia and a "lose" for the Albanians. It not good for both our people, but it does allow real protections and a chance at a peaceful future. Its called a compromise when neither side gets everything they want.

"there is no way that a solution acceptable for both sides will be reached. (Ahmet Isufi, 26. July 2007 11:40)"
Ahmet its clearly obvious that partition has strong support from both the Serbian and Albanian side. Neither side gives it 100% support and neither side thinks it’s the best solution for their people. However, it is something that many in both camps agree could work. That is what is called a true compromise.
Fortunately Ahmet, your views and perspectives belong to a bygone era and reflect backwards thinking. At a time when all of Europe is thinking about uniting, you are obsessed with dividing. You would do great service to your people by promoting a more inclusive perspective towards your minorities. If you plan to play a role in the future of Kosovo and Europe, you would be smart to change your tactics and adopt a more European outlook. Your rants against evil Serbs might play well to the ears of certain generations of Albanians, but you will rapidly become obsolete once this issue of status is resolved. What is your view of the future, and how do minorities fit in. If words such as yours remain the norm in Kosovo, its going to be a very long time before you get out from under "supervised" independence and can start thinking about a future in the EU. I will give the same advice to some of the Serbians here who feel negative towards Albanians as a whole. Everyone is an individual and we must all judge people on their individual merits. If you bring hatred and xenophobia into the EU Balkan Style, all you will do is destroy it. The Europeans know this.
Ahmet, you have much work to do to build a brighter future for Kosovo, why focus exclusively on the negative, instead of looking towards the positive and embracing, rather then rejecting, the diversity that makes Kosovo so special for both Serbs and Albanians. Are you going to be part of the problem, or part of the solution. Its up to you. However, if you want to remain a voice of the Albanian people, you'd better be ready to change your tune or be rendered obsolete.


pre 16 godina

To JHam,
Sir, you claim that you are pro democracy.
You should know then that there is no democracy without justice, and what K-Albanians are requesting is precisely that. But I think you somehow don't know what you are asking.


pre 16 godina

One thing that will hopefully come about of this is for the WHOLE picture to be looked at.

who the people are & which country they come from. This is not meant as a derogatory comment - just fact.

What kind of value-add would albania bring to the table of the world?

What has history proven over the last 10 years since they invaded KosovO?

This commentary needs to stop being a tit for tat as many pro-albanian posters are resorting to & an opportunity to look at the whole picture. You want to throw an old posting in my face - go ahead, the only thing you will see is the complete unadulterated picture!

Bottom line - Serbia will keep what is rightfully hers.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Zoran, I must say that you are very naive.
Your coment about histical significant si a joke. Of course Interantional community has no historical significance and that = serbia has no historical significance EITHER, ONLY MYTH AND NOTHING ELSE.


pre 16 godina

If the "Troika" does not include Russia, then this is all just more smoke & mirrors by the West. Why is the "West" so willing to discredit themselves and push so hard (even to the brink of war) for a territory that has no historical significance to them? Please don't tell me it is because they care for Albanians or for democracy, freedom etc.


pre 16 godina

Dragan: Glad to see you still have a sense of humour. Not that you have much to laugh at as far as Kosovo and the situation in Serbia are concerned. I guess you must be a "glass half full" sort of person.
I'd take a Northern Cyprus situation any day compared to Serb rule; a "Northern Cyprus" recognised at least by the US and many countries in the EU, mind you! What you fail to understand however is that if the Kosovo issue is not solved Serbia will not be getting any better either; at least not as part of the EU. It holds you hostage; the EU has made that much clear. But I guess you must have Serbia's Russian Union perspective in mind when you speak of Serbia "advancing and prospering", because that's where you seem to be heading. You'll end up as a small Balkan version of Byelorussia. Do you think Kosovo is worth that much?


pre 16 godina

To Ahmet: I do agree with you that sometimes the B92 seems to make some, let's call it "suspicious" editing and that it does sometimes give a pro-Serb spin to some news items, e.g Washington "Warns" Kosovo.... But I don't think it is anything intentional. We Albanians find very hard too not to have a pro- Albanian bias! And I must say that as far as the Kosovo issue goes,B92 has a much more balanced attitude than most of the Albanian sites I have seen. Just because B92 is Serb it doesn't men we cannot recognize its good work.


pre 16 godina

Thank God for small favors. Putting negotiations in the hands of the US, Russia, and Europe may muzzle US attempts at ramming a resolution though before Bush leaves office. I never thought I'd come to this realization, but I actually believe the Europeans - those crazy, rational-driven, bureaucratic methodologists - would be the one to find a mediating middle ground between Washington and Moscow. I'm fully with Kate and Princip. It's time for real negotiations to start, and not false promises coming from Washington on things it knows it can't deliver. With a good number of EU members hesitant to give the Albanians everything they are demanding, we might actually see the compromise so desperately needed, but so blindly ignored.


pre 16 godina

Vetoni, there will not be anymore hard liners in charge of Serbia. Everyone likes to bring up Sesil and Milosevic to get everyone up in arms. Sesil step down as speaker and milosevic is dead so please sir let stick to the facts. Facts are more talks, nothing will come out of the contact group but more reccomendations. Mr Ahritishari is in Finland on vacation never to heard from again. This Kosovo business will not be solved outside the UN without UN sanction can never be a real deal. We all know that but just don't want to admit it. Yes the US will sqauwk jump and down but with a UN Mandate(yes we went to Iraq without it, blasted Serbia too but there are other stories) so like i said i am not pro serb i am pro democracy. If this is the Same Veton then sir i am not fighting with you just stating facts. yes alot of people will say this will end with the contact group but i am not so sure. Thanks for reading this


pre 16 godina

To Dragan the "bubbleburster":
You cannot burst a bubble with a bubble! It just doesn't work.
There are a number of problems with your reasoning. First of all since when does the world consist of Indonesia, Congo (!!!)Slovakia? As for the other countries you mention they might not like independence but they haven't really done anything to opposse it either. And its kind of ironic that you are pining your hopes on Turkey don't you think? In any case the matter is out of the UN now.
And a referendum!!! Why have a referendum when we are getting what we want anyway?


pre 16 godina

"How sad and irresponsible that children are being taught hate and bigotry. This is the surest way to prevent any positive relations with other nations,..."

Kate, I think the surest way to prevent positive relations is to actually to commit atrocities like we have witnessed at the Balkans during the 90's. They will continue to haunt the region for decades to come. This is not Cornwall or Tuscany we are speaking of.


pre 16 godina

Teni - you make me laugh. What you are getting is nothing but another north Cyprus situation, and you have no control of northern Kosovo which has most of the mineral riches. You are, and will be, in limbo, perhaps recognized by a few countries (I doubt it), no seat at the UN, no flag, no anthem, no FIFA or UEFA membership, no investment, and you will remain the backwater of Europe while Serbia advances and prospers.


pre 16 godina

Princip, you say:
...It is now only too clear for all to understand that only through real 'negotiations' ...

What exactly do you mean by 'real negotiations'. To me you sound just like a broken cd-player, that keeps repeating the same line.

However to give you the benefit of the doubts I would assume that by this you mean that the parties should discuss the so called "broad autonomy". If that's the case than why don't you say so? In fact not only you but even Serb Politician or those voices coming from Moscow don't really specify what 'real negotiations' are. To my belief this is because the serbs in reality don't even want to offer anything,even the autonomy. Or just that the idea of offering an autonomy to Kosovars sounds so ridiculous that you and others don't even want to mention it anymore.
Since Milosevic policies Serbia's politicians are today considered the most un-trustful politicians on earth. Frankly, even when you say something that you really mean, no one trusts you anymore.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Reality is that it is now the end of July 2007 and the folly of independence has been shelved in the UN - it can never pass in the UN - end of! Talks are taking place about the talks that will be held regarding the AUTONOMY of the Serbian province - nothing more nothing less irrespective of what the US would wish or has falsely promise. The next phase will be the full implementation of 1244 i.e. return of all Serbian citizens to the province and full reconciliation of the state insitutions that are inevitable to allow economic devlopment for the Serbian province.


pre 16 godina

ok...lets say albanians accept what belgrade offers -autonomy. How will their future look like under serbian rulers??!! It is not hard to guess. Serbian rulers will pretend they give all rights to albanians for some time. Then, at a point of time, Serbia will get started to be ruled by some radicals (like Seselj and the famoust Milosevic), as serbian people will, most probably, elect such people considering their mentality. And then, those radicals, will consider that the mentioned autonomy was given to albanians by mistake and under west pressure, therefore they will say that the autonomy should be suspended and they will start to fulfil this issue (exactly as Milos did).Albanians, of course, will not be happy with this and new war will begin, again.
So, there is a question. Is there any stupid albanian that would accept the offered serbian autonomy - I believe not. Accepting the autonomy means that they are accepting the death of their nation. The good thing is that avery single albanian is aware of this and the independence is the only way to survive. The whole world also is aware of this, "except" Serbia and Russia.


pre 16 godina

I hate to burst all of the albanian's bubble here, but it is not 1999 any more. Things have changed drastically. Ahtisaari's greater albania project is completely dead, the US has lost this battle and the tide is turning. It is not just Russia who is against this greater albania plan, but most of the world actually - China, Indonesia, India, Congo...European countries like Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey (because of the Kurdish problem) and others have all breathed a sigh of relief that this didn't pass, as it would set a precedent for all separatist movements around the world. Russia has told the contact group that they will not accept Kosovo's independence - see the Reuters article in this link. http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=14440
The US's drive to illegally amputate 15% of a sovereign nation has failed, and all the money that albanian lobby groups have given to US politicians has been wasted. You are going to have to deal with the reality that you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And to those who want a referendum, sure let's have a referendum, in ALL of Serbia, on the status of Kosovo, and see how the vote turns out. I am all for a country wide referendum, not one that isolates a specific region of a country.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet will be the only sitting there at the table waiting for desert after desert has been served. You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. When PM Ceku said Independence would be declared on 28 November you had the Fat Lady singing. Face it my friend there will be lots of talks about Kosovo. After the Albanian leaders spoke Sec Rice, they changed there tune. I am sure sir you will again change you tune. No i am not pro serb as you have said but Pro democracy


pre 16 godina

Kate I hear that you are looking for some anti-Kosovo independence Albanian websites! You might as well start looking for the Holly Grail. Your chances would be better. An anti independence K-Albanian = a contradiction in terms.


pre 16 godina

To the pro-Serbian camp here:
Before you make such enthusiastic statements I ask you kindly to read another article in this site, which talks about a grand bargain between the US and Russia. It seems to say that Serbia has made a mistake by counting solely on Russian support, as the Russians do not have that much influence in the contact group. Furthermore the Russians are now more prone to agree to independence for Kosovo in exchange for a deal with the Americans. Now, correct me if I am wrong but that does not bode very well for Serbia's chances.
And Kate Prishtina will sit and talk to the Serbs but given that both parties have mutually exclusive stances on the issue and given that the Albanians have the unwavering support of the US I don't see what Serbia can gain from it. On the other hand if Serbia decided to take a more constructive approach and try to secure a better deal for the Serb minority in Kosovo there would be a lot to talk about. And as for partition, well...that cuts both ways!
And PB: They are ethnic Albanians and not of ethnic Albanian heritage; and secondly unless you are refering to the Albanians of Preshevo, they are citizens of Kosovo, a UN protectorate which in all likelihood will very soon become a state.


pre 16 godina

To the hypocrite's in here:
Talks with out outcome to you means maximum autonomy minimum not even an apology!
So what would the party's talk about that they didn't mention till now? The same people who gave Serbia 1244(that is the last straw Serbia hold more dearly than Russia), the same people gave The Ahtassari Proposal.
The outcome that Kosova is striving for has been successful since 99. The major victory was for Kosovars and it still be for Kosovars that no Serb military or police can bee seen, No Serbian language is enforced, And Serbs need a passport to come in. All this is only pointing one way people. get on with the program, get out of propaganda


pre 16 godina

Predictor: "the only thing my children know about Serbia and its people is: massacres, individual and mass killings, burnings, deportations, raping etc."

How sad and irresponsible that children are being taught hate and bigotry. This is the surest way to prevent any positive relations with other nations, including their own, during the next generation. I hope that they learn something better at school.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina


- that is what is meant by negotiations and compromise in the real world - I suggest you look it up in a dictionary since you can't comprehend that an agreement is clearly needed by all sides and is the only legitimate way froward through the UN. Unless of course your happy with Satus Quo? As are the few crooks and thugs running the mafiocracy who have benefited from the last 8 years at the expense of the vast majority of Serbian citizens in it's province who are denied reconciliation for a false promise!

Moreover, you really are getting paranoid since being asked to have your words marked that independence was a done deal way back in November;
"PM Ceku is going to Russia and Serb politicians are unable to sway Russians otherwise. I wonder what Russians would tell PM in close door meetings, and what would they say to Serbia and in public. Mark my word that the coin has two sides and that is what you will hear."
(Ahmet Isufi, 29 November 2006, 12:57)

Reality is that your words were way off mark and now your even accusing B92 of bias for publishing anything but what you want to hear and recommend!


pre 16 godina

What is there to be negotiated? Everyone knows that Kosova’s independence is un-negotiable. Even if I had some “good” time with the ex YU including Serbia, the only thing my children know about Serbia and its people is: massacres, individual and mass killings, burnings, deportations, raping etc. Question is: what do Serbs expect to be negotiated? I really do appreciate the west intention to please Russia with the new negotiations, but in my opinion there is no time to waste any longer – independence should be unilaterally declared regardless if is or not recognized by some west countries. Let’s do it! Now!

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Once and for all you should get it through your head(PRINCIP AND OTHER SERB CAMP) that there is no way that a solution acceptable for both sides will be reached.This is just a ploy from serbia to drag things on as long as they can. There is no alternative to serbia's Independence from Kosova.
By the way, these two coments posted on this article came with recomandations at the same time, and in aevery other article I have notice the same thing. I am wondering what is going on inside b92 studio.


pre 16 godina

I can see why the west is annoyed. The Russia did not participate really towards anything to do with Kosovo until Athisaari's plan and now they want everything that started in 1999 to restart again. Thats why the time limit and should it bypass UNSC, u can say goodbye to UNSC and there are many powerful countries like Germany, Italy, Japan who would love to it disintegrate since they see current UNSC unfair as a country whose GDP is similar to South Koreas (ie. Russia) having more power than them. At the end of the day any international law is only effective if it is followed and if UNSC is undermined, so will its resoultions be.

Smaller countries have no say in UNSC but have at least some in NATO and hence why NATO is becoming more effective than UN.


pre 16 godina

“The role of the Contact Group is to offer assistance to direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština, without imposing outcomes, as the two sides will have to work out the agreement mutually acceptable to all.”

Thank goodness for some sanity at last. The US is going to obviously have to change their tactics and adhere to European law.

Plus Pristina will have to participate in talks with Belgrade, even if it's through a 3rd Party. At last there is some hope on the horizon - even if it ends in some sort of partition (which would be wrong to my mind, but maybe the only solution left).

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

It is now only too clear for all to understand that only through real 'negotiations' can a new resoulution in the UN security council be passed i.e. one that is formed through dialogue and compromise not one that was pre-determined or falsely promised by those who gave false hope to the Serbian citizens of ethnic-Albaninan heritage that they could partition the UN recognised Soverign & Democratic State of Serbia.

The EU will in the months or years ahead spearhead the talks governing the functioning of the Serbian province which in turn will enable the reconciliation of its province as set out under 1244 - since it is only clear to all that partition of the Serbian state would never be sanctioned by the UN.

In so many ways the status is resolved i.e. - autonomy and only those who still believe in false hopes continue to dream.


pre 16 godina

"The role of the Contact Group is to offer assistance to direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština, without imposing outcomes, as the two sides will have to work out the agreement mutually acceptable to all.”

Hopefully there will be genuine and unbiased negotiations at last instead of the fake one orchestrated by Ahtissari with a predetermined outcome.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

It is now only too clear for all to understand that only through real 'negotiations' can a new resoulution in the UN security council be passed i.e. one that is formed through dialogue and compromise not one that was pre-determined or falsely promised by those who gave false hope to the Serbian citizens of ethnic-Albaninan heritage that they could partition the UN recognised Soverign & Democratic State of Serbia.

The EU will in the months or years ahead spearhead the talks governing the functioning of the Serbian province which in turn will enable the reconciliation of its province as set out under 1244 - since it is only clear to all that partition of the Serbian state would never be sanctioned by the UN.

In so many ways the status is resolved i.e. - autonomy and only those who still believe in false hopes continue to dream.


pre 16 godina

I hate to burst all of the albanian's bubble here, but it is not 1999 any more. Things have changed drastically. Ahtisaari's greater albania project is completely dead, the US has lost this battle and the tide is turning. It is not just Russia who is against this greater albania plan, but most of the world actually - China, Indonesia, India, Congo...European countries like Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey (because of the Kurdish problem) and others have all breathed a sigh of relief that this didn't pass, as it would set a precedent for all separatist movements around the world. Russia has told the contact group that they will not accept Kosovo's independence - see the Reuters article in this link. http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=14440
The US's drive to illegally amputate 15% of a sovereign nation has failed, and all the money that albanian lobby groups have given to US politicians has been wasted. You are going to have to deal with the reality that you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And to those who want a referendum, sure let's have a referendum, in ALL of Serbia, on the status of Kosovo, and see how the vote turns out. I am all for a country wide referendum, not one that isolates a specific region of a country.


pre 16 godina

"The role of the Contact Group is to offer assistance to direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština, without imposing outcomes, as the two sides will have to work out the agreement mutually acceptable to all.”

Hopefully there will be genuine and unbiased negotiations at last instead of the fake one orchestrated by Ahtissari with a predetermined outcome.


pre 16 godina

I can see why the west is annoyed. The Russia did not participate really towards anything to do with Kosovo until Athisaari's plan and now they want everything that started in 1999 to restart again. Thats why the time limit and should it bypass UNSC, u can say goodbye to UNSC and there are many powerful countries like Germany, Italy, Japan who would love to it disintegrate since they see current UNSC unfair as a country whose GDP is similar to South Koreas (ie. Russia) having more power than them. At the end of the day any international law is only effective if it is followed and if UNSC is undermined, so will its resoultions be.

Smaller countries have no say in UNSC but have at least some in NATO and hence why NATO is becoming more effective than UN.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina


- that is what is meant by negotiations and compromise in the real world - I suggest you look it up in a dictionary since you can't comprehend that an agreement is clearly needed by all sides and is the only legitimate way froward through the UN. Unless of course your happy with Satus Quo? As are the few crooks and thugs running the mafiocracy who have benefited from the last 8 years at the expense of the vast majority of Serbian citizens in it's province who are denied reconciliation for a false promise!

Moreover, you really are getting paranoid since being asked to have your words marked that independence was a done deal way back in November;
"PM Ceku is going to Russia and Serb politicians are unable to sway Russians otherwise. I wonder what Russians would tell PM in close door meetings, and what would they say to Serbia and in public. Mark my word that the coin has two sides and that is what you will hear."
(Ahmet Isufi, 29 November 2006, 12:57)

Reality is that your words were way off mark and now your even accusing B92 of bias for publishing anything but what you want to hear and recommend!


pre 16 godina

Ahmet will be the only sitting there at the table waiting for desert after desert has been served. You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. When PM Ceku said Independence would be declared on 28 November you had the Fat Lady singing. Face it my friend there will be lots of talks about Kosovo. After the Albanian leaders spoke Sec Rice, they changed there tune. I am sure sir you will again change you tune. No i am not pro serb as you have said but Pro democracy


pre 16 godina

Teni - you make me laugh. What you are getting is nothing but another north Cyprus situation, and you have no control of northern Kosovo which has most of the mineral riches. You are, and will be, in limbo, perhaps recognized by a few countries (I doubt it), no seat at the UN, no flag, no anthem, no FIFA or UEFA membership, no investment, and you will remain the backwater of Europe while Serbia advances and prospers.


pre 16 godina

One thing that will hopefully come about of this is for the WHOLE picture to be looked at.

who the people are & which country they come from. This is not meant as a derogatory comment - just fact.

What kind of value-add would albania bring to the table of the world?

What has history proven over the last 10 years since they invaded KosovO?

This commentary needs to stop being a tit for tat as many pro-albanian posters are resorting to & an opportunity to look at the whole picture. You want to throw an old posting in my face - go ahead, the only thing you will see is the complete unadulterated picture!

Bottom line - Serbia will keep what is rightfully hers.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Once and for all you should get it through your head(PRINCIP AND OTHER SERB CAMP) that there is no way that a solution acceptable for both sides will be reached.This is just a ploy from serbia to drag things on as long as they can. There is no alternative to serbia's Independence from Kosova.
By the way, these two coments posted on this article came with recomandations at the same time, and in aevery other article I have notice the same thing. I am wondering what is going on inside b92 studio.


pre 16 godina

Predictor: "the only thing my children know about Serbia and its people is: massacres, individual and mass killings, burnings, deportations, raping etc."

How sad and irresponsible that children are being taught hate and bigotry. This is the surest way to prevent any positive relations with other nations, including their own, during the next generation. I hope that they learn something better at school.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Reality is that it is now the end of July 2007 and the folly of independence has been shelved in the UN - it can never pass in the UN - end of! Talks are taking place about the talks that will be held regarding the AUTONOMY of the Serbian province - nothing more nothing less irrespective of what the US would wish or has falsely promise. The next phase will be the full implementation of 1244 i.e. return of all Serbian citizens to the province and full reconciliation of the state insitutions that are inevitable to allow economic devlopment for the Serbian province.


pre 16 godina

Thank God for small favors. Putting negotiations in the hands of the US, Russia, and Europe may muzzle US attempts at ramming a resolution though before Bush leaves office. I never thought I'd come to this realization, but I actually believe the Europeans - those crazy, rational-driven, bureaucratic methodologists - would be the one to find a mediating middle ground between Washington and Moscow. I'm fully with Kate and Princip. It's time for real negotiations to start, and not false promises coming from Washington on things it knows it can't deliver. With a good number of EU members hesitant to give the Albanians everything they are demanding, we might actually see the compromise so desperately needed, but so blindly ignored.


pre 16 godina

“The role of the Contact Group is to offer assistance to direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština, without imposing outcomes, as the two sides will have to work out the agreement mutually acceptable to all.”

Thank goodness for some sanity at last. The US is going to obviously have to change their tactics and adhere to European law.

Plus Pristina will have to participate in talks with Belgrade, even if it's through a 3rd Party. At last there is some hope on the horizon - even if it ends in some sort of partition (which would be wrong to my mind, but maybe the only solution left).


pre 16 godina

What is there to be negotiated? Everyone knows that Kosova’s independence is un-negotiable. Even if I had some “good” time with the ex YU including Serbia, the only thing my children know about Serbia and its people is: massacres, individual and mass killings, burnings, deportations, raping etc. Question is: what do Serbs expect to be negotiated? I really do appreciate the west intention to please Russia with the new negotiations, but in my opinion there is no time to waste any longer – independence should be unilaterally declared regardless if is or not recognized by some west countries. Let’s do it! Now!


pre 16 godina

To the hypocrite's in here:
Talks with out outcome to you means maximum autonomy minimum not even an apology!
So what would the party's talk about that they didn't mention till now? The same people who gave Serbia 1244(that is the last straw Serbia hold more dearly than Russia), the same people gave The Ahtassari Proposal.
The outcome that Kosova is striving for has been successful since 99. The major victory was for Kosovars and it still be for Kosovars that no Serb military or police can bee seen, No Serbian language is enforced, And Serbs need a passport to come in. All this is only pointing one way people. get on with the program, get out of propaganda


pre 16 godina

To Ahmet: I do agree with you that sometimes the B92 seems to make some, let's call it "suspicious" editing and that it does sometimes give a pro-Serb spin to some news items, e.g Washington "Warns" Kosovo.... But I don't think it is anything intentional. We Albanians find very hard too not to have a pro- Albanian bias! And I must say that as far as the Kosovo issue goes,B92 has a much more balanced attitude than most of the Albanian sites I have seen. Just because B92 is Serb it doesn't men we cannot recognize its good work.


pre 16 godina

Vetoni, there will not be anymore hard liners in charge of Serbia. Everyone likes to bring up Sesil and Milosevic to get everyone up in arms. Sesil step down as speaker and milosevic is dead so please sir let stick to the facts. Facts are more talks, nothing will come out of the contact group but more reccomendations. Mr Ahritishari is in Finland on vacation never to heard from again. This Kosovo business will not be solved outside the UN without UN sanction can never be a real deal. We all know that but just don't want to admit it. Yes the US will sqauwk jump and down but with a UN Mandate(yes we went to Iraq without it, blasted Serbia too but there are other stories) so like i said i am not pro serb i am pro democracy. If this is the Same Veton then sir i am not fighting with you just stating facts. yes alot of people will say this will end with the contact group but i am not so sure. Thanks for reading this


pre 16 godina

If the "Troika" does not include Russia, then this is all just more smoke & mirrors by the West. Why is the "West" so willing to discredit themselves and push so hard (even to the brink of war) for a territory that has no historical significance to them? Please don't tell me it is because they care for Albanians or for democracy, freedom etc.


pre 16 godina

To the pro-Serbian camp here:
Before you make such enthusiastic statements I ask you kindly to read another article in this site, which talks about a grand bargain between the US and Russia. It seems to say that Serbia has made a mistake by counting solely on Russian support, as the Russians do not have that much influence in the contact group. Furthermore the Russians are now more prone to agree to independence for Kosovo in exchange for a deal with the Americans. Now, correct me if I am wrong but that does not bode very well for Serbia's chances.
And Kate Prishtina will sit and talk to the Serbs but given that both parties have mutually exclusive stances on the issue and given that the Albanians have the unwavering support of the US I don't see what Serbia can gain from it. On the other hand if Serbia decided to take a more constructive approach and try to secure a better deal for the Serb minority in Kosovo there would be a lot to talk about. And as for partition, well...that cuts both ways!
And PB: They are ethnic Albanians and not of ethnic Albanian heritage; and secondly unless you are refering to the Albanians of Preshevo, they are citizens of Kosovo, a UN protectorate which in all likelihood will very soon become a state.


pre 16 godina

To Dragan the "bubbleburster":
You cannot burst a bubble with a bubble! It just doesn't work.
There are a number of problems with your reasoning. First of all since when does the world consist of Indonesia, Congo (!!!)Slovakia? As for the other countries you mention they might not like independence but they haven't really done anything to opposse it either. And its kind of ironic that you are pining your hopes on Turkey don't you think? In any case the matter is out of the UN now.
And a referendum!!! Why have a referendum when we are getting what we want anyway?


pre 16 godina

To JHam,
Sir, you claim that you are pro democracy.
You should know then that there is no democracy without justice, and what K-Albanians are requesting is precisely that. But I think you somehow don't know what you are asking.


pre 16 godina

It's human to maintain hope. It's also been 'human' throughout history to slaughter. And it is therefore 'human', too, to make a slaughterer to pay a price.

Kosovo's independence is inevitable. I've noticed a trend in these discussions that some people who appear to be Serbian are requesting that Albanian participants are kept to their word e.g. being chastised for having been so optimistic about independence coming.

In politics, though, nothing is certain. But what is certain this time around in history is that Kosovo will be an independent state no matter what the objections.

Just think about it: despite reservations of several other states, there is only ONE state (Russia) that currently claims is dead against independence. Do you really think one against everyone else will win this? In addition, do you really think that the West will agree to settle Kosovo in Russian terms, when Russia only has this poor little diplomatic office in Prishtina - and nothing else?! Come on, I've said it sooo many times: Kosovo is a western project and will be settled on the West's terms.

How? Fine, the process is not easy. Realistically, this process has many stages. Stage 1 appears to have been won by the Serbs and Russians. But it looks like one of those 'victories' where the 'victors' will be smashed by the extent of the 'final defeat.'

Here's how I see things developing: there will be no agreement with the Russians, simply because the Russians have dug themselves in too much, unless a post-Putin president appears more willing to give in. What will happen is that Kosovo will be effectively partioned, a some sort of Republic-of-Srpska entity will be created within Kosovo. The other scattered Serb municipalities will be directly linked with Northern Mitrovica as a the new administrative capital of Kosovo Serbs.

Kosovo as a whole will declare independence unilaterally. Washington will follow suit, so will key EU members. Once these key EU members recognize Kosovo, it will be a major foreign policy crisis for the EU if it doesnt come up with a common approach. So, at the end the entire EU (e.g. weeks after independence) will be compelled to jointly recognize Kosovo.

Then, what? Well, Serbia will never accept independence, nor does it have to, let alone anybody ever asking her to acknowledge or admit anything. North of Kosovo will be acting as if part of Serbia.

Then? Over the years, north of Kosovo will be left out of the EU unless it acknowledges the political authority of Prishtina. Much the same as northern Cyprus. By that time, as Kosovo approaches EU admission, there will be attempts to push a new UN resolution to actually make it possible for the rest of states worldwide to recognize Kosovo.

So guys...its a process. The UN resolution is not necessary. It's all realpolitik...rules are used only when they have to be. It aint true that this will create international legal chaos, since its been done throughout modern times. Look at Iraq...US invaded the country without a UN authority, then was able to get a UN authority to legalize its own presence there.

So much the same will happen in Kosovo. First, unilateral recognition; Second, US and some key EU states recognize us; third, entire EU will be compelled to act together; fourth EU admission will compell north of Kosovo to acknowledge Prishtina's authority; fifth, a UN resolution will then be adopted.

I am gladly asking any Serb to keep me to my word. Let's see who's right...and let's see whose 'victory' will be THE VICTORY!!


pre 16 godina

ok...lets say albanians accept what belgrade offers -autonomy. How will their future look like under serbian rulers??!! It is not hard to guess. Serbian rulers will pretend they give all rights to albanians for some time. Then, at a point of time, Serbia will get started to be ruled by some radicals (like Seselj and the famoust Milosevic), as serbian people will, most probably, elect such people considering their mentality. And then, those radicals, will consider that the mentioned autonomy was given to albanians by mistake and under west pressure, therefore they will say that the autonomy should be suspended and they will start to fulfil this issue (exactly as Milos did).Albanians, of course, will not be happy with this and new war will begin, again.
So, there is a question. Is there any stupid albanian that would accept the offered serbian autonomy - I believe not. Accepting the autonomy means that they are accepting the death of their nation. The good thing is that avery single albanian is aware of this and the independence is the only way to survive. The whole world also is aware of this, "except" Serbia and Russia.


pre 16 godina

"if Serbia decided to take a more constructive approach and try to secure a better deal for the Serb minority in Kosovo there would be a lot to talk about. And as for partition, well...that cuts both ways! (teni, 26. July 2007 14:41)"
First off Teni, the protection and safety of minorities should not be dependent on Serbia being forced to give up the cradle of its civilization. In any civilized country blackmailing the protection of minorities in such a way would be outrageous. Being a minority in the Balkans really sucks, and that is the reality, it doesn't matter if you're Serb or Albanian or Roma or whatever.
As far as partition goes, you are absolutely right that it cuts both ways. It is not a "win" for Serbia and a "lose" for the Albanians. It not good for both our people, but it does allow real protections and a chance at a peaceful future. Its called a compromise when neither side gets everything they want.

"there is no way that a solution acceptable for both sides will be reached. (Ahmet Isufi, 26. July 2007 11:40)"
Ahmet its clearly obvious that partition has strong support from both the Serbian and Albanian side. Neither side gives it 100% support and neither side thinks it’s the best solution for their people. However, it is something that many in both camps agree could work. That is what is called a true compromise.
Fortunately Ahmet, your views and perspectives belong to a bygone era and reflect backwards thinking. At a time when all of Europe is thinking about uniting, you are obsessed with dividing. You would do great service to your people by promoting a more inclusive perspective towards your minorities. If you plan to play a role in the future of Kosovo and Europe, you would be smart to change your tactics and adopt a more European outlook. Your rants against evil Serbs might play well to the ears of certain generations of Albanians, but you will rapidly become obsolete once this issue of status is resolved. What is your view of the future, and how do minorities fit in. If words such as yours remain the norm in Kosovo, its going to be a very long time before you get out from under "supervised" independence and can start thinking about a future in the EU. I will give the same advice to some of the Serbians here who feel negative towards Albanians as a whole. Everyone is an individual and we must all judge people on their individual merits. If you bring hatred and xenophobia into the EU Balkan Style, all you will do is destroy it. The Europeans know this.
Ahmet, you have much work to do to build a brighter future for Kosovo, why focus exclusively on the negative, instead of looking towards the positive and embracing, rather then rejecting, the diversity that makes Kosovo so special for both Serbs and Albanians. Are you going to be part of the problem, or part of the solution. Its up to you. However, if you want to remain a voice of the Albanian people, you'd better be ready to change your tune or be rendered obsolete.


pre 16 godina


Ask yourself why Kosovo is not independent today. That answer will be the same tomorrow, next week and next month. America has lost AGAIN. Just as they lost in 1999. YES they did lose the war, the proof of that is resolution 1244. By the way are you aware that a 1 Billion dollar Russian natural Gas pipeline will be running through Serbia in 2008. This energy will heat the Balkans. Now I ask you who has the power?


pre 16 godina

Kate I hear that you are looking for some anti-Kosovo independence Albanian websites! You might as well start looking for the Holly Grail. Your chances would be better. An anti independence K-Albanian = a contradiction in terms.


pre 16 godina

Princip, you say:
...It is now only too clear for all to understand that only through real 'negotiations' ...

What exactly do you mean by 'real negotiations'. To me you sound just like a broken cd-player, that keeps repeating the same line.

However to give you the benefit of the doubts I would assume that by this you mean that the parties should discuss the so called "broad autonomy". If that's the case than why don't you say so? In fact not only you but even Serb Politician or those voices coming from Moscow don't really specify what 'real negotiations' are. To my belief this is because the serbs in reality don't even want to offer anything,even the autonomy. Or just that the idea of offering an autonomy to Kosovars sounds so ridiculous that you and others don't even want to mention it anymore.
Since Milosevic policies Serbia's politicians are today considered the most un-trustful politicians on earth. Frankly, even when you say something that you really mean, no one trusts you anymore.


pre 16 godina

Dragan: Glad to see you still have a sense of humour. Not that you have much to laugh at as far as Kosovo and the situation in Serbia are concerned. I guess you must be a "glass half full" sort of person.
I'd take a Northern Cyprus situation any day compared to Serb rule; a "Northern Cyprus" recognised at least by the US and many countries in the EU, mind you! What you fail to understand however is that if the Kosovo issue is not solved Serbia will not be getting any better either; at least not as part of the EU. It holds you hostage; the EU has made that much clear. But I guess you must have Serbia's Russian Union perspective in mind when you speak of Serbia "advancing and prospering", because that's where you seem to be heading. You'll end up as a small Balkan version of Byelorussia. Do you think Kosovo is worth that much?


pre 16 godina

The Contact group talks will just be more of the same of what we all witnessed in the UN. Global power is shifting. Just ask Mr. Ahtisaari

Having witnessed the humiliating defeat of his proposal for an Albanian-dominated "Kosova" as a ward of the EU, former president of Finland and ICG board member Martti Ahtisaari told the Finnish Radio he would no longer be involved with Empire's land-grab from Serbia. He could contribute in an "advisory role," he told the media hopefully, but noted no one's asked him to do so.

The battle for Kosovo is far from over. Albanian separatists are still determined to have their way, and their allies - the governments in London, Paris and Washington - are just as determined to paint their 1999 war of aggression as a triumph of democratic peace. Turns out Serbia and Russia are just as determined not to let them, even though the US has constantly underestimated both. Maybe that's why it lost the staring contest at the UN.

Any which way things develop from here, the Finn is done. Finished. Now he just has to hope the Albanians won't ask for their money back, the same way they've been "asking" for land...

Northern Europe

pre 16 godina

It must now be obvious to every human being that are mentally clear that Kosovo will never be a new country.
Some wish and hope but it will never happen. In a year on this day, I will link this page and you will see that nothing has happened. Wait and see.


pre 16 godina

"How sad and irresponsible that children are being taught hate and bigotry. This is the surest way to prevent any positive relations with other nations,..."

Kate, I think the surest way to prevent positive relations is to actually to commit atrocities like we have witnessed at the Balkans during the 90's. They will continue to haunt the region for decades to come. This is not Cornwall or Tuscany we are speaking of.


pre 16 godina

What is rightfully Serbia's is universal justice for its crimes for the last 18 years.
That's up to the citizens who suffered as victims of Serbia's aggression.
As for keeping what is rightfully theirs, Serbia should be more careful in what it asks for, it just might get it and realize it made a mistake. Kommersant was right is calling this move to the Contact Group a Phyrric victory. Serbia just might lose more of Serbia with this move.


pre 16 godina

Hey guys,
This is what I think is going to happen:
1. Kosovo wil be indepndent country with all the rights for all the minorities.
2. Some parts of Northern Kosovo will be added to Serbia, or they(Northern Kosovo) will have a autonmus status inside Kosovo with connection to the Serbian government, and the rest will be recognized as independent coutry Kosovo.

There is one thing I know, and that is that Kosovo's Albanians will NEVER-EVER want to live with Serbia again. They had enough of Serbia.

Who was here to check "marked words"? Kate?
So now, you and your pals can mark my word, here it is.
KOSOVO (as a whole) WILL NEVER BE PART OF SERBIA AGAIN!!. Maybe serbia will get Mitrovica and Zvecan and that's about it!!


pre 16 godina

Miri, first thank you for the comment. Second, you speak of justice? Miri will the granted of independence of kosovo will be justice for everyone? Will that solve all problems that face the Kosovo people? No it won't everyone wants independence but after independence then what? No one has come forward with a plan reason they are trying to figure how to employ the umemployed and fix the power situation etc. So what are you asking for is justice then i don't really understand. But i hope for everyone to recieve justice. Don't you agree miri?


pre 16 godina


I don't think quite so - that the Russians will be recognizing the north as part of Serbia. And it doesnt quite matter for two reasons: first the Russians will not accept any independence for Kosovo, so they will continue to claim that the whole of Kosovo is part of Serbia, just as the Serbian government itself. Second, whether or not there is a short-term bump in Serbian political orientation towards East, the Serbs have no choice but to be part of EU, eventually. It effectively means that if EU recognizes Kosovo (and it has no other choice) as independent, Serbia will have to come to terms with it, if it wishes to join the club.

I said nothing of the Serbian resistance to Kosovo's independence. Nor did I ever imply they were willing to trade off Kosovo for EU membership. Seems like you just wanted to make that point anyway, but don't try putting words in my mouth.

What I said was that the north of Kosovo will be effectively a part of Serbia following Kosovo's independence, especially if comes about through a unilateral route. I still think a deal may be struck on creating a centralized Kosovo Serb authority within Kosovo, much like the Serbian republic in Bosnia, in substance - that is. But if no deal is struck and the unilateral route is pursued, the north of Kosovo will automatically declare its independence from Kosovo and declare itself in favor of joining Serbia. I don't think the Russians will declare themselves on the issue, but what is important is that when the EU recognizes Kosovo, they will recognize Kosovo with its present borders.

It implies that when the time comes for Kosovo to join the EU, the north of Kosovo will be left out of EU, unless it explictly recognizes the authority of Prishtina as the national authority in that part of Kosovo. It will still enjoy its highest autonomy, but it will have to behave as part of Kosovo.

This isn't a big deal, because Kosovo is already partitioned. But the EU admission will be a good way to get this part of Kosovo into Prishtina's fold, at least formally.

You talk a bit too much of 'rationality.' You seem to forget that the present status quo in Kosovo was brought about by complete irrationality e.g. murderous policies of the Serbian government in the 1990s.

Serbia will pay a price for what it did. You can't simply blame everything on a past government, and claim a legalistic position with regard to Kosovo. Kostunica wants to forget that no law on earth ever authorizes deliberate mass murders, as happened in Kosovo. UN human rights charters are clear on that. Now he wants to use the same UN rules to claim a legalistic view. A bit too late!

Independence will wake up the Serbs...make them realize what they did throughout the 1990s.

At the end of the day, Kosovo is so firm on independence that the world knows choosing a 'reintegration of Kosovo into Serbia' approach would literally mean war and continuing instability. On the other hand, independence for Kosovo is the least likely option. Serbian response can and will be contained, thus the costs of imposing independence are simply considered by many international actors as manageable.

It really is simply, actually. The West is asking itself: what sort of solution imposes more costs, on whom and are they manageable for the int'l community?

The answer is simple: reintegration of 2 million Albanians into Serbia is a deadly solution. It simply won't happen after the apartheid of the 1990s and the Nazi-style deportations of 1999, let alone the mass murder campaign. Keeping any form of link between Serbia and Kosovo is guaranteed to produce continuing instability. Thus, the costs of that are too high.

The independence option will only invite a political reaction by Serbs, not military - thus the costs of such decision are manageable. The reaction by Serbs is containable because they no longer have any strong military, plus they're surrounded by NATO both in the North and South. In addition, it is politically suicidal to attempt an attack on Kosovo, given Serbia's wish to join the EU etc. So Serbian response will be politically, which the West is willing to accept.

And, dont forget: any rational player seeks to get the highest pay off and seek a successful conclusion to its project. The Russians have no poured a single dime in Kosovo - thus their influence is absolutely minimal. The West only needs to be convinced that it is willing to sidestep the Russians, and this is taking time. It wont allow a third party determine a project to which it has committed and delivered billions of dollars. Forget it.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Zoran, I must say that you are very naive.
Your coment about histical significant si a joke. Of course Interantional community has no historical significance and that = serbia has no historical significance EITHER, ONLY MYTH AND NOTHING ELSE.


pre 16 godina

I dont know what news you have been reading, but, Serbia is everyday stating only autonomy can be the basis of a negotiated settlement. Here are a few articles all from completely different sources.





I could post another 100 of such articles that mention Serbia offering autonomy. But I will let you google it yourself.


pre 16 godina

"Vetoni, there will not be anymore hard liners in charge of Serbia."
Are you being ironic or do you really mean that? I ask you this because its hard to take what you said seriously. Not because I'm able to predict the future and see who's gonna have power or not in Serbia, but because I can look at the present. The radicals won the majority of votes. They even had that Nikolic guy as the speaker of the parliament. Yes the same guy who wants to declare war to Kosova/o and the KFOR. Yes the same guy and party who have as their spiritual leader, Sesejl. The same people who wanted to arrest Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Madeline Albright etc etc. Forced to stepped down under pressure from the West.
What do you consider Kostunica to be? If that is not a hard liner I don't know who is. Isn't it logical to call someone who denies a whole group of people the right to vote for the constitution, a hardliner. This is happening now, that Serbia and Kosova/a are under the scrutiny of the West. I could only imagine when Kosova/o is not on their focus anymore. Wait I don't need to imagine, I can just rewind back to 99.

As someone requested here can the Serb posters here explain what do they call "real negotiations" and what is a compromise for this issue for them?
I personally believe there will be no compromise and that the status will be imposed. I also believe that a Cyprus like solution with backing of the US and major EU countries is better than the autonomy or any plans that leave Kosovo/a under Serbia.

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina


If you are Pro-Democracy than so is Fidel Castro. You believe that the voice of 2 million people shouldn't be heard just because Serbia happened to be arguing the international that itself has broken with every state in the Balkans. And all these Serb one liners Saying, "Kosovo is Serbia's" You are dreaming. The only time Kosova was ever Serbia's, was when Serbs managed to occupy it by force. THE LAND OF DARDANIA SHALL NEVER BE SERBIA'S AGAIN.


pre 16 godina


I think you miss a very important point. When/If the US unilaterally recognizes Kosovo, I am very certain the Russians will respond by recognizing the North as part of Serbia, not as an independent country.

Since Serbia is a recognized country internationally already, those negative issues you mention will not apply to the North, only to the Albanian portion of Kosovo.

Serbia is in fact much better off under such conditions then with Ahtisaari's proposal. We have absolutely no reason to support Ahtisaari's plan and nothing to lose by opposing it.

You seem to think Serbs are willing to give up Kosovo in exchange for EU membership, which is incorrect. Read the latest poll, 50% are against that sort of deal. What's going to happen in your scenario is Serbia would be pushed into the waiting arms of mother Russia. The EU can little afford to have something like that in the middle of their country.

The best solution is for everyone to sit down and discuss partition rationally. Partition is the existing reality on the ground.

The advantages of an agreed upon solution are many.

Its sets a very positive precedent for how these issues are to be resolved. No one can argue that discussions, compromise and an agreed upon solution would be a bad way to go about resolving these types of issues elsewhere in the world.

It has the potential to do something about Presevo, which would be nice for the Albanians. It also has the potential to give us Serbs some concessions on our historical monuments as well.

Agreement means NO VIOLENCE! Abstaining from violence will do much for investment possibilities in the region and quicken entry into the EU. Besides, 2004 truly hurt the Albanian cause in Kosovo. Do that again, and you'll lose a lot more support.

And of course it allows for a UNSC resolution and legitimacy and all that good stuff.

So Serbia will benefit more from any unilateral declaration of Independence. However, we both have much more we can gain by rationally discussing it in a peaceful manner.


pre 16 godina

ok...lets say albanians accept what belgrade offers -autonomy. How will their future look like under serbian rulers??!! It is not hard to guess. Serbian rulers will pretend they give all rights to albanians for some time. Then, at a point of time, Serbia will get started to be ruled by some radicals (like Seselj and the famoust Milosevic), as serbian people will, most probably, elect such people considering their mentality. And then, those radicals, will consider that the mentioned autonomy was given to albanians by mistake and under west pressure, therefore they will say that the autonomy should be suspended and they will start to fulfil this issue (exactly as Milos did).Albanians, of course, will not be happy with this and new war will begin, again.
So, there is a question. Is there any stupid albanian that would accept the offered serbian autonomy - I believe not. Accepting the autonomy means that they are accepting the death of their nation. The good thing is that avery single albanian is aware of this and the independence is the only way to survive. The whole world also is aware of this, "except" Serbia and Russia.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

It is now only too clear for all to understand that only through real 'negotiations' can a new resoulution in the UN security council be passed i.e. one that is formed through dialogue and compromise not one that was pre-determined or falsely promised by those who gave false hope to the Serbian citizens of ethnic-Albaninan heritage that they could partition the UN recognised Soverign & Democratic State of Serbia.

The EU will in the months or years ahead spearhead the talks governing the functioning of the Serbian province which in turn will enable the reconciliation of its province as set out under 1244 - since it is only clear to all that partition of the Serbian state would never be sanctioned by the UN.

In so many ways the status is resolved i.e. - autonomy and only those who still believe in false hopes continue to dream.


pre 16 godina

What is there to be negotiated? Everyone knows that Kosova’s independence is un-negotiable. Even if I had some “good” time with the ex YU including Serbia, the only thing my children know about Serbia and its people is: massacres, individual and mass killings, burnings, deportations, raping etc. Question is: what do Serbs expect to be negotiated? I really do appreciate the west intention to please Russia with the new negotiations, but in my opinion there is no time to waste any longer – independence should be unilaterally declared regardless if is or not recognized by some west countries. Let’s do it! Now!


pre 16 godina

"The role of the Contact Group is to offer assistance to direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština, without imposing outcomes, as the two sides will have to work out the agreement mutually acceptable to all.”

Hopefully there will be genuine and unbiased negotiations at last instead of the fake one orchestrated by Ahtissari with a predetermined outcome.


pre 16 godina

“The role of the Contact Group is to offer assistance to direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština, without imposing outcomes, as the two sides will have to work out the agreement mutually acceptable to all.”

Thank goodness for some sanity at last. The US is going to obviously have to change their tactics and adhere to European law.

Plus Pristina will have to participate in talks with Belgrade, even if it's through a 3rd Party. At last there is some hope on the horizon - even if it ends in some sort of partition (which would be wrong to my mind, but maybe the only solution left).


pre 16 godina

To the hypocrite's in here:
Talks with out outcome to you means maximum autonomy minimum not even an apology!
So what would the party's talk about that they didn't mention till now? The same people who gave Serbia 1244(that is the last straw Serbia hold more dearly than Russia), the same people gave The Ahtassari Proposal.
The outcome that Kosova is striving for has been successful since 99. The major victory was for Kosovars and it still be for Kosovars that no Serb military or police can bee seen, No Serbian language is enforced, And Serbs need a passport to come in. All this is only pointing one way people. get on with the program, get out of propaganda


pre 16 godina

To Dragan the "bubbleburster":
You cannot burst a bubble with a bubble! It just doesn't work.
There are a number of problems with your reasoning. First of all since when does the world consist of Indonesia, Congo (!!!)Slovakia? As for the other countries you mention they might not like independence but they haven't really done anything to opposse it either. And its kind of ironic that you are pining your hopes on Turkey don't you think? In any case the matter is out of the UN now.
And a referendum!!! Why have a referendum when we are getting what we want anyway?


pre 16 godina

"How sad and irresponsible that children are being taught hate and bigotry. This is the surest way to prevent any positive relations with other nations,..."

Kate, I think the surest way to prevent positive relations is to actually to commit atrocities like we have witnessed at the Balkans during the 90's. They will continue to haunt the region for decades to come. This is not Cornwall or Tuscany we are speaking of.


pre 16 godina

I can see why the west is annoyed. The Russia did not participate really towards anything to do with Kosovo until Athisaari's plan and now they want everything that started in 1999 to restart again. Thats why the time limit and should it bypass UNSC, u can say goodbye to UNSC and there are many powerful countries like Germany, Italy, Japan who would love to it disintegrate since they see current UNSC unfair as a country whose GDP is similar to South Koreas (ie. Russia) having more power than them. At the end of the day any international law is only effective if it is followed and if UNSC is undermined, so will its resoultions be.

Smaller countries have no say in UNSC but have at least some in NATO and hence why NATO is becoming more effective than UN.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina


- that is what is meant by negotiations and compromise in the real world - I suggest you look it up in a dictionary since you can't comprehend that an agreement is clearly needed by all sides and is the only legitimate way froward through the UN. Unless of course your happy with Satus Quo? As are the few crooks and thugs running the mafiocracy who have benefited from the last 8 years at the expense of the vast majority of Serbian citizens in it's province who are denied reconciliation for a false promise!

Moreover, you really are getting paranoid since being asked to have your words marked that independence was a done deal way back in November;
"PM Ceku is going to Russia and Serb politicians are unable to sway Russians otherwise. I wonder what Russians would tell PM in close door meetings, and what would they say to Serbia and in public. Mark my word that the coin has two sides and that is what you will hear."
(Ahmet Isufi, 29 November 2006, 12:57)

Reality is that your words were way off mark and now your even accusing B92 of bias for publishing anything but what you want to hear and recommend!


pre 16 godina

Predictor: "the only thing my children know about Serbia and its people is: massacres, individual and mass killings, burnings, deportations, raping etc."

How sad and irresponsible that children are being taught hate and bigotry. This is the surest way to prevent any positive relations with other nations, including their own, during the next generation. I hope that they learn something better at school.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Once and for all you should get it through your head(PRINCIP AND OTHER SERB CAMP) that there is no way that a solution acceptable for both sides will be reached.This is just a ploy from serbia to drag things on as long as they can. There is no alternative to serbia's Independence from Kosova.
By the way, these two coments posted on this article came with recomandations at the same time, and in aevery other article I have notice the same thing. I am wondering what is going on inside b92 studio.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet will be the only sitting there at the table waiting for desert after desert has been served. You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. When PM Ceku said Independence would be declared on 28 November you had the Fat Lady singing. Face it my friend there will be lots of talks about Kosovo. After the Albanian leaders spoke Sec Rice, they changed there tune. I am sure sir you will again change you tune. No i am not pro serb as you have said but Pro democracy


pre 16 godina

Kate I hear that you are looking for some anti-Kosovo independence Albanian websites! You might as well start looking for the Holly Grail. Your chances would be better. An anti independence K-Albanian = a contradiction in terms.


pre 16 godina

I hate to burst all of the albanian's bubble here, but it is not 1999 any more. Things have changed drastically. Ahtisaari's greater albania project is completely dead, the US has lost this battle and the tide is turning. It is not just Russia who is against this greater albania plan, but most of the world actually - China, Indonesia, India, Congo...European countries like Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey (because of the Kurdish problem) and others have all breathed a sigh of relief that this didn't pass, as it would set a precedent for all separatist movements around the world. Russia has told the contact group that they will not accept Kosovo's independence - see the Reuters article in this link. http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=14440
The US's drive to illegally amputate 15% of a sovereign nation has failed, and all the money that albanian lobby groups have given to US politicians has been wasted. You are going to have to deal with the reality that you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And to those who want a referendum, sure let's have a referendum, in ALL of Serbia, on the status of Kosovo, and see how the vote turns out. I am all for a country wide referendum, not one that isolates a specific region of a country.


pre 16 godina

Teni - you make me laugh. What you are getting is nothing but another north Cyprus situation, and you have no control of northern Kosovo which has most of the mineral riches. You are, and will be, in limbo, perhaps recognized by a few countries (I doubt it), no seat at the UN, no flag, no anthem, no FIFA or UEFA membership, no investment, and you will remain the backwater of Europe while Serbia advances and prospers.


pre 16 godina

Thank God for small favors. Putting negotiations in the hands of the US, Russia, and Europe may muzzle US attempts at ramming a resolution though before Bush leaves office. I never thought I'd come to this realization, but I actually believe the Europeans - those crazy, rational-driven, bureaucratic methodologists - would be the one to find a mediating middle ground between Washington and Moscow. I'm fully with Kate and Princip. It's time for real negotiations to start, and not false promises coming from Washington on things it knows it can't deliver. With a good number of EU members hesitant to give the Albanians everything they are demanding, we might actually see the compromise so desperately needed, but so blindly ignored.


pre 16 godina

Vetoni, there will not be anymore hard liners in charge of Serbia. Everyone likes to bring up Sesil and Milosevic to get everyone up in arms. Sesil step down as speaker and milosevic is dead so please sir let stick to the facts. Facts are more talks, nothing will come out of the contact group but more reccomendations. Mr Ahritishari is in Finland on vacation never to heard from again. This Kosovo business will not be solved outside the UN without UN sanction can never be a real deal. We all know that but just don't want to admit it. Yes the US will sqauwk jump and down but with a UN Mandate(yes we went to Iraq without it, blasted Serbia too but there are other stories) so like i said i am not pro serb i am pro democracy. If this is the Same Veton then sir i am not fighting with you just stating facts. yes alot of people will say this will end with the contact group but i am not so sure. Thanks for reading this


pre 16 godina

If the "Troika" does not include Russia, then this is all just more smoke & mirrors by the West. Why is the "West" so willing to discredit themselves and push so hard (even to the brink of war) for a territory that has no historical significance to them? Please don't tell me it is because they care for Albanians or for democracy, freedom etc.


pre 16 godina

One thing that will hopefully come about of this is for the WHOLE picture to be looked at.

who the people are & which country they come from. This is not meant as a derogatory comment - just fact.

What kind of value-add would albania bring to the table of the world?

What has history proven over the last 10 years since they invaded KosovO?

This commentary needs to stop being a tit for tat as many pro-albanian posters are resorting to & an opportunity to look at the whole picture. You want to throw an old posting in my face - go ahead, the only thing you will see is the complete unadulterated picture!

Bottom line - Serbia will keep what is rightfully hers.

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina


If you are Pro-Democracy than so is Fidel Castro. You believe that the voice of 2 million people shouldn't be heard just because Serbia happened to be arguing the international that itself has broken with every state in the Balkans. And all these Serb one liners Saying, "Kosovo is Serbia's" You are dreaming. The only time Kosova was ever Serbia's, was when Serbs managed to occupy it by force. THE LAND OF DARDANIA SHALL NEVER BE SERBIA'S AGAIN.


pre 16 godina

To the pro-Serbian camp here:
Before you make such enthusiastic statements I ask you kindly to read another article in this site, which talks about a grand bargain between the US and Russia. It seems to say that Serbia has made a mistake by counting solely on Russian support, as the Russians do not have that much influence in the contact group. Furthermore the Russians are now more prone to agree to independence for Kosovo in exchange for a deal with the Americans. Now, correct me if I am wrong but that does not bode very well for Serbia's chances.
And Kate Prishtina will sit and talk to the Serbs but given that both parties have mutually exclusive stances on the issue and given that the Albanians have the unwavering support of the US I don't see what Serbia can gain from it. On the other hand if Serbia decided to take a more constructive approach and try to secure a better deal for the Serb minority in Kosovo there would be a lot to talk about. And as for partition, well...that cuts both ways!
And PB: They are ethnic Albanians and not of ethnic Albanian heritage; and secondly unless you are refering to the Albanians of Preshevo, they are citizens of Kosovo, a UN protectorate which in all likelihood will very soon become a state.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Reality is that it is now the end of July 2007 and the folly of independence has been shelved in the UN - it can never pass in the UN - end of! Talks are taking place about the talks that will be held regarding the AUTONOMY of the Serbian province - nothing more nothing less irrespective of what the US would wish or has falsely promise. The next phase will be the full implementation of 1244 i.e. return of all Serbian citizens to the province and full reconciliation of the state insitutions that are inevitable to allow economic devlopment for the Serbian province.


pre 16 godina

To Ahmet: I do agree with you that sometimes the B92 seems to make some, let's call it "suspicious" editing and that it does sometimes give a pro-Serb spin to some news items, e.g Washington "Warns" Kosovo.... But I don't think it is anything intentional. We Albanians find very hard too not to have a pro- Albanian bias! And I must say that as far as the Kosovo issue goes,B92 has a much more balanced attitude than most of the Albanian sites I have seen. Just because B92 is Serb it doesn't men we cannot recognize its good work.


pre 16 godina

Dragan: Glad to see you still have a sense of humour. Not that you have much to laugh at as far as Kosovo and the situation in Serbia are concerned. I guess you must be a "glass half full" sort of person.
I'd take a Northern Cyprus situation any day compared to Serb rule; a "Northern Cyprus" recognised at least by the US and many countries in the EU, mind you! What you fail to understand however is that if the Kosovo issue is not solved Serbia will not be getting any better either; at least not as part of the EU. It holds you hostage; the EU has made that much clear. But I guess you must have Serbia's Russian Union perspective in mind when you speak of Serbia "advancing and prospering", because that's where you seem to be heading. You'll end up as a small Balkan version of Byelorussia. Do you think Kosovo is worth that much?


pre 16 godina

To JHam,
Sir, you claim that you are pro democracy.
You should know then that there is no democracy without justice, and what K-Albanians are requesting is precisely that. But I think you somehow don't know what you are asking.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Zoran, I must say that you are very naive.
Your coment about histical significant si a joke. Of course Interantional community has no historical significance and that = serbia has no historical significance EITHER, ONLY MYTH AND NOTHING ELSE.


pre 16 godina

What is rightfully Serbia's is universal justice for its crimes for the last 18 years.
That's up to the citizens who suffered as victims of Serbia's aggression.
As for keeping what is rightfully theirs, Serbia should be more careful in what it asks for, it just might get it and realize it made a mistake. Kommersant was right is calling this move to the Contact Group a Phyrric victory. Serbia just might lose more of Serbia with this move.


pre 16 godina

The Contact group talks will just be more of the same of what we all witnessed in the UN. Global power is shifting. Just ask Mr. Ahtisaari

Having witnessed the humiliating defeat of his proposal for an Albanian-dominated "Kosova" as a ward of the EU, former president of Finland and ICG board member Martti Ahtisaari told the Finnish Radio he would no longer be involved with Empire's land-grab from Serbia. He could contribute in an "advisory role," he told the media hopefully, but noted no one's asked him to do so.

The battle for Kosovo is far from over. Albanian separatists are still determined to have their way, and their allies - the governments in London, Paris and Washington - are just as determined to paint their 1999 war of aggression as a triumph of democratic peace. Turns out Serbia and Russia are just as determined not to let them, even though the US has constantly underestimated both. Maybe that's why it lost the staring contest at the UN.

Any which way things develop from here, the Finn is done. Finished. Now he just has to hope the Albanians won't ask for their money back, the same way they've been "asking" for land...


pre 16 godina

"if Serbia decided to take a more constructive approach and try to secure a better deal for the Serb minority in Kosovo there would be a lot to talk about. And as for partition, well...that cuts both ways! (teni, 26. July 2007 14:41)"
First off Teni, the protection and safety of minorities should not be dependent on Serbia being forced to give up the cradle of its civilization. In any civilized country blackmailing the protection of minorities in such a way would be outrageous. Being a minority in the Balkans really sucks, and that is the reality, it doesn't matter if you're Serb or Albanian or Roma or whatever.
As far as partition goes, you are absolutely right that it cuts both ways. It is not a "win" for Serbia and a "lose" for the Albanians. It not good for both our people, but it does allow real protections and a chance at a peaceful future. Its called a compromise when neither side gets everything they want.

"there is no way that a solution acceptable for both sides will be reached. (Ahmet Isufi, 26. July 2007 11:40)"
Ahmet its clearly obvious that partition has strong support from both the Serbian and Albanian side. Neither side gives it 100% support and neither side thinks it’s the best solution for their people. However, it is something that many in both camps agree could work. That is what is called a true compromise.
Fortunately Ahmet, your views and perspectives belong to a bygone era and reflect backwards thinking. At a time when all of Europe is thinking about uniting, you are obsessed with dividing. You would do great service to your people by promoting a more inclusive perspective towards your minorities. If you plan to play a role in the future of Kosovo and Europe, you would be smart to change your tactics and adopt a more European outlook. Your rants against evil Serbs might play well to the ears of certain generations of Albanians, but you will rapidly become obsolete once this issue of status is resolved. What is your view of the future, and how do minorities fit in. If words such as yours remain the norm in Kosovo, its going to be a very long time before you get out from under "supervised" independence and can start thinking about a future in the EU. I will give the same advice to some of the Serbians here who feel negative towards Albanians as a whole. Everyone is an individual and we must all judge people on their individual merits. If you bring hatred and xenophobia into the EU Balkan Style, all you will do is destroy it. The Europeans know this.
Ahmet, you have much work to do to build a brighter future for Kosovo, why focus exclusively on the negative, instead of looking towards the positive and embracing, rather then rejecting, the diversity that makes Kosovo so special for both Serbs and Albanians. Are you going to be part of the problem, or part of the solution. Its up to you. However, if you want to remain a voice of the Albanian people, you'd better be ready to change your tune or be rendered obsolete.


pre 16 godina

Hey guys,
This is what I think is going to happen:
1. Kosovo wil be indepndent country with all the rights for all the minorities.
2. Some parts of Northern Kosovo will be added to Serbia, or they(Northern Kosovo) will have a autonmus status inside Kosovo with connection to the Serbian government, and the rest will be recognized as independent coutry Kosovo.

There is one thing I know, and that is that Kosovo's Albanians will NEVER-EVER want to live with Serbia again. They had enough of Serbia.

Who was here to check "marked words"? Kate?
So now, you and your pals can mark my word, here it is.
KOSOVO (as a whole) WILL NEVER BE PART OF SERBIA AGAIN!!. Maybe serbia will get Mitrovica and Zvecan and that's about it!!

Northern Europe

pre 16 godina

It must now be obvious to every human being that are mentally clear that Kosovo will never be a new country.
Some wish and hope but it will never happen. In a year on this day, I will link this page and you will see that nothing has happened. Wait and see.


pre 16 godina

Princip, you say:
...It is now only too clear for all to understand that only through real 'negotiations' ...

What exactly do you mean by 'real negotiations'. To me you sound just like a broken cd-player, that keeps repeating the same line.

However to give you the benefit of the doubts I would assume that by this you mean that the parties should discuss the so called "broad autonomy". If that's the case than why don't you say so? In fact not only you but even Serb Politician or those voices coming from Moscow don't really specify what 'real negotiations' are. To my belief this is because the serbs in reality don't even want to offer anything,even the autonomy. Or just that the idea of offering an autonomy to Kosovars sounds so ridiculous that you and others don't even want to mention it anymore.
Since Milosevic policies Serbia's politicians are today considered the most un-trustful politicians on earth. Frankly, even when you say something that you really mean, no one trusts you anymore.


pre 16 godina

I dont know what news you have been reading, but, Serbia is everyday stating only autonomy can be the basis of a negotiated settlement. Here are a few articles all from completely different sources.





I could post another 100 of such articles that mention Serbia offering autonomy. But I will let you google it yourself.


pre 16 godina


Ask yourself why Kosovo is not independent today. That answer will be the same tomorrow, next week and next month. America has lost AGAIN. Just as they lost in 1999. YES they did lose the war, the proof of that is resolution 1244. By the way are you aware that a 1 Billion dollar Russian natural Gas pipeline will be running through Serbia in 2008. This energy will heat the Balkans. Now I ask you who has the power?


pre 16 godina

"Vetoni, there will not be anymore hard liners in charge of Serbia."
Are you being ironic or do you really mean that? I ask you this because its hard to take what you said seriously. Not because I'm able to predict the future and see who's gonna have power or not in Serbia, but because I can look at the present. The radicals won the majority of votes. They even had that Nikolic guy as the speaker of the parliament. Yes the same guy who wants to declare war to Kosova/o and the KFOR. Yes the same guy and party who have as their spiritual leader, Sesejl. The same people who wanted to arrest Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Madeline Albright etc etc. Forced to stepped down under pressure from the West.
What do you consider Kostunica to be? If that is not a hard liner I don't know who is. Isn't it logical to call someone who denies a whole group of people the right to vote for the constitution, a hardliner. This is happening now, that Serbia and Kosova/a are under the scrutiny of the West. I could only imagine when Kosova/o is not on their focus anymore. Wait I don't need to imagine, I can just rewind back to 99.

As someone requested here can the Serb posters here explain what do they call "real negotiations" and what is a compromise for this issue for them?
I personally believe there will be no compromise and that the status will be imposed. I also believe that a Cyprus like solution with backing of the US and major EU countries is better than the autonomy or any plans that leave Kosovo/a under Serbia.


pre 16 godina

It's human to maintain hope. It's also been 'human' throughout history to slaughter. And it is therefore 'human', too, to make a slaughterer to pay a price.

Kosovo's independence is inevitable. I've noticed a trend in these discussions that some people who appear to be Serbian are requesting that Albanian participants are kept to their word e.g. being chastised for having been so optimistic about independence coming.

In politics, though, nothing is certain. But what is certain this time around in history is that Kosovo will be an independent state no matter what the objections.

Just think about it: despite reservations of several other states, there is only ONE state (Russia) that currently claims is dead against independence. Do you really think one against everyone else will win this? In addition, do you really think that the West will agree to settle Kosovo in Russian terms, when Russia only has this poor little diplomatic office in Prishtina - and nothing else?! Come on, I've said it sooo many times: Kosovo is a western project and will be settled on the West's terms.

How? Fine, the process is not easy. Realistically, this process has many stages. Stage 1 appears to have been won by the Serbs and Russians. But it looks like one of those 'victories' where the 'victors' will be smashed by the extent of the 'final defeat.'

Here's how I see things developing: there will be no agreement with the Russians, simply because the Russians have dug themselves in too much, unless a post-Putin president appears more willing to give in. What will happen is that Kosovo will be effectively partioned, a some sort of Republic-of-Srpska entity will be created within Kosovo. The other scattered Serb municipalities will be directly linked with Northern Mitrovica as a the new administrative capital of Kosovo Serbs.

Kosovo as a whole will declare independence unilaterally. Washington will follow suit, so will key EU members. Once these key EU members recognize Kosovo, it will be a major foreign policy crisis for the EU if it doesnt come up with a common approach. So, at the end the entire EU (e.g. weeks after independence) will be compelled to jointly recognize Kosovo.

Then, what? Well, Serbia will never accept independence, nor does it have to, let alone anybody ever asking her to acknowledge or admit anything. North of Kosovo will be acting as if part of Serbia.

Then? Over the years, north of Kosovo will be left out of the EU unless it acknowledges the political authority of Prishtina. Much the same as northern Cyprus. By that time, as Kosovo approaches EU admission, there will be attempts to push a new UN resolution to actually make it possible for the rest of states worldwide to recognize Kosovo.

So guys...its a process. The UN resolution is not necessary. It's all realpolitik...rules are used only when they have to be. It aint true that this will create international legal chaos, since its been done throughout modern times. Look at Iraq...US invaded the country without a UN authority, then was able to get a UN authority to legalize its own presence there.

So much the same will happen in Kosovo. First, unilateral recognition; Second, US and some key EU states recognize us; third, entire EU will be compelled to act together; fourth EU admission will compell north of Kosovo to acknowledge Prishtina's authority; fifth, a UN resolution will then be adopted.

I am gladly asking any Serb to keep me to my word. Let's see who's right...and let's see whose 'victory' will be THE VICTORY!!


pre 16 godina

Miri, first thank you for the comment. Second, you speak of justice? Miri will the granted of independence of kosovo will be justice for everyone? Will that solve all problems that face the Kosovo people? No it won't everyone wants independence but after independence then what? No one has come forward with a plan reason they are trying to figure how to employ the umemployed and fix the power situation etc. So what are you asking for is justice then i don't really understand. But i hope for everyone to recieve justice. Don't you agree miri?


pre 16 godina


I think you miss a very important point. When/If the US unilaterally recognizes Kosovo, I am very certain the Russians will respond by recognizing the North as part of Serbia, not as an independent country.

Since Serbia is a recognized country internationally already, those negative issues you mention will not apply to the North, only to the Albanian portion of Kosovo.

Serbia is in fact much better off under such conditions then with Ahtisaari's proposal. We have absolutely no reason to support Ahtisaari's plan and nothing to lose by opposing it.

You seem to think Serbs are willing to give up Kosovo in exchange for EU membership, which is incorrect. Read the latest poll, 50% are against that sort of deal. What's going to happen in your scenario is Serbia would be pushed into the waiting arms of mother Russia. The EU can little afford to have something like that in the middle of their country.

The best solution is for everyone to sit down and discuss partition rationally. Partition is the existing reality on the ground.

The advantages of an agreed upon solution are many.

Its sets a very positive precedent for how these issues are to be resolved. No one can argue that discussions, compromise and an agreed upon solution would be a bad way to go about resolving these types of issues elsewhere in the world.

It has the potential to do something about Presevo, which would be nice for the Albanians. It also has the potential to give us Serbs some concessions on our historical monuments as well.

Agreement means NO VIOLENCE! Abstaining from violence will do much for investment possibilities in the region and quicken entry into the EU. Besides, 2004 truly hurt the Albanian cause in Kosovo. Do that again, and you'll lose a lot more support.

And of course it allows for a UNSC resolution and legitimacy and all that good stuff.

So Serbia will benefit more from any unilateral declaration of Independence. However, we both have much more we can gain by rationally discussing it in a peaceful manner.


pre 16 godina


I don't think quite so - that the Russians will be recognizing the north as part of Serbia. And it doesnt quite matter for two reasons: first the Russians will not accept any independence for Kosovo, so they will continue to claim that the whole of Kosovo is part of Serbia, just as the Serbian government itself. Second, whether or not there is a short-term bump in Serbian political orientation towards East, the Serbs have no choice but to be part of EU, eventually. It effectively means that if EU recognizes Kosovo (and it has no other choice) as independent, Serbia will have to come to terms with it, if it wishes to join the club.

I said nothing of the Serbian resistance to Kosovo's independence. Nor did I ever imply they were willing to trade off Kosovo for EU membership. Seems like you just wanted to make that point anyway, but don't try putting words in my mouth.

What I said was that the north of Kosovo will be effectively a part of Serbia following Kosovo's independence, especially if comes about through a unilateral route. I still think a deal may be struck on creating a centralized Kosovo Serb authority within Kosovo, much like the Serbian republic in Bosnia, in substance - that is. But if no deal is struck and the unilateral route is pursued, the north of Kosovo will automatically declare its independence from Kosovo and declare itself in favor of joining Serbia. I don't think the Russians will declare themselves on the issue, but what is important is that when the EU recognizes Kosovo, they will recognize Kosovo with its present borders.

It implies that when the time comes for Kosovo to join the EU, the north of Kosovo will be left out of EU, unless it explictly recognizes the authority of Prishtina as the national authority in that part of Kosovo. It will still enjoy its highest autonomy, but it will have to behave as part of Kosovo.

This isn't a big deal, because Kosovo is already partitioned. But the EU admission will be a good way to get this part of Kosovo into Prishtina's fold, at least formally.

You talk a bit too much of 'rationality.' You seem to forget that the present status quo in Kosovo was brought about by complete irrationality e.g. murderous policies of the Serbian government in the 1990s.

Serbia will pay a price for what it did. You can't simply blame everything on a past government, and claim a legalistic position with regard to Kosovo. Kostunica wants to forget that no law on earth ever authorizes deliberate mass murders, as happened in Kosovo. UN human rights charters are clear on that. Now he wants to use the same UN rules to claim a legalistic view. A bit too late!

Independence will wake up the Serbs...make them realize what they did throughout the 1990s.

At the end of the day, Kosovo is so firm on independence that the world knows choosing a 'reintegration of Kosovo into Serbia' approach would literally mean war and continuing instability. On the other hand, independence for Kosovo is the least likely option. Serbian response can and will be contained, thus the costs of imposing independence are simply considered by many international actors as manageable.

It really is simply, actually. The West is asking itself: what sort of solution imposes more costs, on whom and are they manageable for the int'l community?

The answer is simple: reintegration of 2 million Albanians into Serbia is a deadly solution. It simply won't happen after the apartheid of the 1990s and the Nazi-style deportations of 1999, let alone the mass murder campaign. Keeping any form of link between Serbia and Kosovo is guaranteed to produce continuing instability. Thus, the costs of that are too high.

The independence option will only invite a political reaction by Serbs, not military - thus the costs of such decision are manageable. The reaction by Serbs is containable because they no longer have any strong military, plus they're surrounded by NATO both in the North and South. In addition, it is politically suicidal to attempt an attack on Kosovo, given Serbia's wish to join the EU etc. So Serbian response will be politically, which the West is willing to accept.

And, dont forget: any rational player seeks to get the highest pay off and seek a successful conclusion to its project. The Russians have no poured a single dime in Kosovo - thus their influence is absolutely minimal. The West only needs to be convinced that it is willing to sidestep the Russians, and this is taking time. It wont allow a third party determine a project to which it has committed and delivered billions of dollars. Forget it.