Monday, 16.07.2007.


Koštunica: Serbia rejects Kosovo’s independence

Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica in Lisbon Monday urged preservation of Serbia’s territorial integrity.

Izvor: Beta

Koštunica: Serbia rejects Kosovo’s independence IMAGE SOURCE

16 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

DESTAN when people put complete falsehoods on this postthey must be exposed. The real; war criminals are well known to most of the people of the world but because these war criminals control the media, the media refuses to write the truth.. It’s the leaders in the West and Kosovo that lie to their people that I disdain not the working people in Kosovo and in the West.. I cannot hide my contempt for these people in the English parliament who are according to George Galloway “convicted fraudsters, convicted thieves and just recently a convicted rapist” who cheered Tony Blair. Fraudsters like Tony and Bill Clinton go on speaking tours to continue the lies that they lived during their tenure as heads of NATO governments. If NATO did not follow policies that they knew were contrary to international law (breaking of treaties, supporting terrorism), the wars in Yugoslavia would not have happened nor the deaths that were part of those wars that they now blame on the Serbs. It is these people and their agents that I dislike not you personally Destan.


pre 16 godina

"….These are remarkable people who for no other reason than their high moral character and desire to establish a true historical record in order to rebuff the lies of their own governments…"

Yes, there are still some courageous and honest people. I would ad Diana Johnston, Michael Parenti, Michel Collon, Peter Handke, Alexander Dorin, Noam Chomsky.

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina

Walter said,

It is not that I dislike the West or the Albanians."

Give me a break!

Analyse well what you have written and said, and you'll realize that you do resent Albanians and West with passion.
Please don't associate Albanians with airline hijacking. It has never happened in the history of Albanians.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

serbia cannot reject something that does not belong to her. Who cares what serbia rejects.
Obviosly no one will be able to stop the Independence.


pre 16 godina

Kosovo is not a special case. Some of you ask what our proposal for the province is. Victor and others feel that it is OK to break the law, bomb, assassinate, high jacking airlines, kill your own people that don’t agree with you, kill police officers, army cadets on duty, and young people in cafes in order to advance an illegal agenda. You will live within the law like everyone else
Every day Europe attempts to conceal the truth by lies they are exposed as manipulators of international law who blame others for the Balkan crisis now upon them.. It is not that I dislike the West or the Albanians nor do I have any personal animus but I am persuaded by overwhelming evidence that the events in the Balkans were of Europes own making and for that I speak out.. Oh yes the people in Yugoslavia helped but they did not see the trap set for them. The trap was the use of their troubled history to achive what Europe wanted all allong , small states that they can cotrol and own their economy.
I was persuaded by overwhelming evidence that NATO is the vilian and I am still baffled by those who assume Serbs are responsible despite overwhelming proof of the dishonesty of the Western Mainstream Media and those who control it. There are many honest men and women with nothing to gain, who expose this fraud every day. As Kostunica satates “This is an issue of integrity and sovereignty,” and the fraudsters are being exposed every day even though Serbs go to the Hague to be judged by those who aided, abbetted and directed the wars in Yugoslavia.. The court that NATO created and the judges that it appoints is not the court and the judjes that NATO and America wants for them. In fact they make special deals to avoid having their nationals face charges for war crimes at the International Court of Justice. Serbia and all those who live there should be comforted in knowing that the people will place a target on their chest in their knowledge that justice is on their side. EU is also comforted that people who live in Serbia are part of Europe allready, and they know that they will not strap TNT to their bodies so EU continue with their indecent attacks against them.
Finally Kostunica is saying and even B92 needs to say it, enough is enough. EU and America comforted by the Potemkin Village of Media lies, and paid lobbyists and journalists belive that they could write their own self-glorifying story by crushing those who offered the truth. In contrast to this people are speaking out in Canada and elsewhere. People like Generals Nambiar, Rose, and MacKenzie, the heads of the UN peace keepers, Lawyers like Greenspan, Maundel, and Black in Canada who know a lynching when they see one, and diplomats like Bisset and Ramsey Clarke only to name a few speak out against Europe and America’s hypocracy . They have nothing to gain and everything to lose since they opse the establishment where they make their living. These are remarkable people who for no other reason than their high moral character and desire to establish a true historical record in order to rebuff the lies of their own governments. This is in remarkable contrast to Kosovo today and should be an example to people everywhere since in Kosovo they kill people who want to tell the truth. I have not found anyone in the West advocationg violation of International Law other then the governments and representatives of nations that are violating international law every day in many parts of the world.
NATO demands that the world accept one set of international laws for them and another set for Serbia, Palistine and Iraq. Those deplomats and journalists who refused to follow the fabrication on thhe breakup of Yugoslavia were fired and labeled as unpatriotic. Journalists who did not toe the line were a pestilence who could not sell their stories and were swatted like flies by the media like the CNN that gets billions from those for whom they lie.Kostunica should not need to go to Lisbon or any other European capital to remind them of the law. Europe does not need to be reminded of 1938 Munich Agreement and the exclusion of Russia and Czechoslovakia from participation which cost Europe fifty million dead.

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina

I wonder what Jose Socrates said. I wish B92 had reported his responses. We are already familiar with Kostunica's statements. Anything new?


pre 16 godina

International law overrides all else, otherwise chaos rules.
Serbia's prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica is correct in saying "This is an issue of integrity and sovereignty."
"We will not accept an amputation of 15 percent of our territory. According to our constitution, the province of Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia".
Therefore, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina regarding autonomy for the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province needs to restart for the good of all.


pre 16 godina

EU will recognise independence of Kosovo. There are so many issues that will come up with kosovo re-integration that it will eventually go back to square one again. Russia is obviously using Serbia as leverage and have serbs considered the price of this and id rather be a puppet of the west than russia as we all know through history how russia treats its smaller "friends".


pre 16 godina

Maybe it woult be more interesting to know the meaning of Jose Socrates, since the meaning of koshtunica and milloshevic is already known..


pre 16 godina

I would like to know; Does anyone for real still think that Kosovo will be independent, (i.e a totally new country with seat in UN, embassies etc etc) ?? And if someone still believes it, do you believe it will be this century ?

Brian B. Nedic

pre 16 godina

The situation in Kosovo that Europe and the World finds its self in, is akin to what happened in the 1930’s, the European political elite succumbed to the pressures of dismembering a sovereign European state to appease the threats of a mad ideologue, which manifested itself in the armageddon that was the second world war. My advice is, don’t let history repeat it self for the sake of the innocence.

laki bani

pre 16 godina

I don’t think Serbia needs Kosovo as Kostunica states – few reasons may in the best way demonstrate this. Poor rate birth in Serbia is the weak side in having Kosovo as its part. Lack of the vision as how to integrate few million Albanians into society, when the current economical, political and social circumstances aren’t so promising. And what is very important (everybody are so eager to know) how is Kostunica going to persuade few million Albanians to accept his “proposals”.
There are lot of reasons to make Albanians not to accept Serbian rule, let us just turn back several years ago, around 90’s when Serbia with all means tried to “convince” Albanians to live under Serbia.
There are so fresh memories.


pre 16 godina

KosovO is still a part of Serbia - through everything it is still Serb land.

Thank you Kostunica!

BTW, didn't the US want Kostunica in the position he holds today?


pre 16 godina

« Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica in Lisbon Monday urged preservation of Serbia’s territorial integrity.»

Mr Kostunica talks about the integrity of a land, but what about the integrity of a people? What about the integrity of the Albanian Kosovars between 1989 and 1998? They were deprived of their identity, of their rights, of their integrity. Milosevic sent the army to remove them by force from their homes, from their villages and towns. What about their integrity? It seems like Kostunica places things before persons. He should have a look of his values. Albanians' rights and integrity passes before the integrity of Kosovo. He should think about this, and after what his nation has done against these helpless people, he should talk about their integrity first, as people, before discussing anything else.

This is my opinion.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Rupel has admitted that the Gordian knot of Kosovo & Metohija will still be an issue when Slovenia is the EU presidency - at that time the talks that are inevitable will have started on determining the autonomy of the Serbian province.

The sooner the talks on autonomy start the sooner all Serbian citizens in it's province can progress economically and in terms of reconcilation and trust.

The EU is about pulling down barriers and should not be about creating artificial entities and borders - surely it is now time for the EU to act as a leader in solving the Gordian knot with one swipe and removing the folly of the US with its intransigence in attempts at partitioning the UN recognised state of Serbia & creating an artifical Albanian entity on Serbian territory cleansed of all non-Albanians.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Rupel has admitted that the Gordian knot of Kosovo & Metohija will still be an issue when Slovenia is the EU presidency - at that time the talks that are inevitable will have started on determining the autonomy of the Serbian province.

The sooner the talks on autonomy start the sooner all Serbian citizens in it's province can progress economically and in terms of reconcilation and trust.

The EU is about pulling down barriers and should not be about creating artificial entities and borders - surely it is now time for the EU to act as a leader in solving the Gordian knot with one swipe and removing the folly of the US with its intransigence in attempts at partitioning the UN recognised state of Serbia & creating an artifical Albanian entity on Serbian territory cleansed of all non-Albanians.


pre 16 godina

Kosovo is not a special case. Some of you ask what our proposal for the province is. Victor and others feel that it is OK to break the law, bomb, assassinate, high jacking airlines, kill your own people that don’t agree with you, kill police officers, army cadets on duty, and young people in cafes in order to advance an illegal agenda. You will live within the law like everyone else
Every day Europe attempts to conceal the truth by lies they are exposed as manipulators of international law who blame others for the Balkan crisis now upon them.. It is not that I dislike the West or the Albanians nor do I have any personal animus but I am persuaded by overwhelming evidence that the events in the Balkans were of Europes own making and for that I speak out.. Oh yes the people in Yugoslavia helped but they did not see the trap set for them. The trap was the use of their troubled history to achive what Europe wanted all allong , small states that they can cotrol and own their economy.
I was persuaded by overwhelming evidence that NATO is the vilian and I am still baffled by those who assume Serbs are responsible despite overwhelming proof of the dishonesty of the Western Mainstream Media and those who control it. There are many honest men and women with nothing to gain, who expose this fraud every day. As Kostunica satates “This is an issue of integrity and sovereignty,” and the fraudsters are being exposed every day even though Serbs go to the Hague to be judged by those who aided, abbetted and directed the wars in Yugoslavia.. The court that NATO created and the judges that it appoints is not the court and the judjes that NATO and America wants for them. In fact they make special deals to avoid having their nationals face charges for war crimes at the International Court of Justice. Serbia and all those who live there should be comforted in knowing that the people will place a target on their chest in their knowledge that justice is on their side. EU is also comforted that people who live in Serbia are part of Europe allready, and they know that they will not strap TNT to their bodies so EU continue with their indecent attacks against them.
Finally Kostunica is saying and even B92 needs to say it, enough is enough. EU and America comforted by the Potemkin Village of Media lies, and paid lobbyists and journalists belive that they could write their own self-glorifying story by crushing those who offered the truth. In contrast to this people are speaking out in Canada and elsewhere. People like Generals Nambiar, Rose, and MacKenzie, the heads of the UN peace keepers, Lawyers like Greenspan, Maundel, and Black in Canada who know a lynching when they see one, and diplomats like Bisset and Ramsey Clarke only to name a few speak out against Europe and America’s hypocracy . They have nothing to gain and everything to lose since they opse the establishment where they make their living. These are remarkable people who for no other reason than their high moral character and desire to establish a true historical record in order to rebuff the lies of their own governments. This is in remarkable contrast to Kosovo today and should be an example to people everywhere since in Kosovo they kill people who want to tell the truth. I have not found anyone in the West advocationg violation of International Law other then the governments and representatives of nations that are violating international law every day in many parts of the world.
NATO demands that the world accept one set of international laws for them and another set for Serbia, Palistine and Iraq. Those deplomats and journalists who refused to follow the fabrication on thhe breakup of Yugoslavia were fired and labeled as unpatriotic. Journalists who did not toe the line were a pestilence who could not sell their stories and were swatted like flies by the media like the CNN that gets billions from those for whom they lie.Kostunica should not need to go to Lisbon or any other European capital to remind them of the law. Europe does not need to be reminded of 1938 Munich Agreement and the exclusion of Russia and Czechoslovakia from participation which cost Europe fifty million dead.


pre 16 godina

International law overrides all else, otherwise chaos rules.
Serbia's prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica is correct in saying "This is an issue of integrity and sovereignty."
"We will not accept an amputation of 15 percent of our territory. According to our constitution, the province of Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia".
Therefore, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina regarding autonomy for the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province needs to restart for the good of all.


pre 16 godina

KosovO is still a part of Serbia - through everything it is still Serb land.

Thank you Kostunica!

BTW, didn't the US want Kostunica in the position he holds today?

laki bani

pre 16 godina

I don’t think Serbia needs Kosovo as Kostunica states – few reasons may in the best way demonstrate this. Poor rate birth in Serbia is the weak side in having Kosovo as its part. Lack of the vision as how to integrate few million Albanians into society, when the current economical, political and social circumstances aren’t so promising. And what is very important (everybody are so eager to know) how is Kostunica going to persuade few million Albanians to accept his “proposals”.
There are lot of reasons to make Albanians not to accept Serbian rule, let us just turn back several years ago, around 90’s when Serbia with all means tried to “convince” Albanians to live under Serbia.
There are so fresh memories.


pre 16 godina

Maybe it woult be more interesting to know the meaning of Jose Socrates, since the meaning of koshtunica and milloshevic is already known..

Brian B. Nedic

pre 16 godina

The situation in Kosovo that Europe and the World finds its self in, is akin to what happened in the 1930’s, the European political elite succumbed to the pressures of dismembering a sovereign European state to appease the threats of a mad ideologue, which manifested itself in the armageddon that was the second world war. My advice is, don’t let history repeat it self for the sake of the innocence.


pre 16 godina

« Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica in Lisbon Monday urged preservation of Serbia’s territorial integrity.»

Mr Kostunica talks about the integrity of a land, but what about the integrity of a people? What about the integrity of the Albanian Kosovars between 1989 and 1998? They were deprived of their identity, of their rights, of their integrity. Milosevic sent the army to remove them by force from their homes, from their villages and towns. What about their integrity? It seems like Kostunica places things before persons. He should have a look of his values. Albanians' rights and integrity passes before the integrity of Kosovo. He should think about this, and after what his nation has done against these helpless people, he should talk about their integrity first, as people, before discussing anything else.

This is my opinion.


pre 16 godina

I would like to know; Does anyone for real still think that Kosovo will be independent, (i.e a totally new country with seat in UN, embassies etc etc) ?? And if someone still believes it, do you believe it will be this century ?


pre 16 godina

EU will recognise independence of Kosovo. There are so many issues that will come up with kosovo re-integration that it will eventually go back to square one again. Russia is obviously using Serbia as leverage and have serbs considered the price of this and id rather be a puppet of the west than russia as we all know through history how russia treats its smaller "friends".

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

serbia cannot reject something that does not belong to her. Who cares what serbia rejects.
Obviosly no one will be able to stop the Independence.


pre 16 godina

"….These are remarkable people who for no other reason than their high moral character and desire to establish a true historical record in order to rebuff the lies of their own governments…"

Yes, there are still some courageous and honest people. I would ad Diana Johnston, Michael Parenti, Michel Collon, Peter Handke, Alexander Dorin, Noam Chomsky.

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina

Walter said,

It is not that I dislike the West or the Albanians."

Give me a break!

Analyse well what you have written and said, and you'll realize that you do resent Albanians and West with passion.
Please don't associate Albanians with airline hijacking. It has never happened in the history of Albanians.


pre 16 godina

DESTAN when people put complete falsehoods on this postthey must be exposed. The real; war criminals are well known to most of the people of the world but because these war criminals control the media, the media refuses to write the truth.. It’s the leaders in the West and Kosovo that lie to their people that I disdain not the working people in Kosovo and in the West.. I cannot hide my contempt for these people in the English parliament who are according to George Galloway “convicted fraudsters, convicted thieves and just recently a convicted rapist” who cheered Tony Blair. Fraudsters like Tony and Bill Clinton go on speaking tours to continue the lies that they lived during their tenure as heads of NATO governments. If NATO did not follow policies that they knew were contrary to international law (breaking of treaties, supporting terrorism), the wars in Yugoslavia would not have happened nor the deaths that were part of those wars that they now blame on the Serbs. It is these people and their agents that I dislike not you personally Destan.

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina

I wonder what Jose Socrates said. I wish B92 had reported his responses. We are already familiar with Kostunica's statements. Anything new?

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Rupel has admitted that the Gordian knot of Kosovo & Metohija will still be an issue when Slovenia is the EU presidency - at that time the talks that are inevitable will have started on determining the autonomy of the Serbian province.

The sooner the talks on autonomy start the sooner all Serbian citizens in it's province can progress economically and in terms of reconcilation and trust.

The EU is about pulling down barriers and should not be about creating artificial entities and borders - surely it is now time for the EU to act as a leader in solving the Gordian knot with one swipe and removing the folly of the US with its intransigence in attempts at partitioning the UN recognised state of Serbia & creating an artifical Albanian entity on Serbian territory cleansed of all non-Albanians.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

serbia cannot reject something that does not belong to her. Who cares what serbia rejects.
Obviosly no one will be able to stop the Independence.


pre 16 godina

« Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica in Lisbon Monday urged preservation of Serbia’s territorial integrity.»

Mr Kostunica talks about the integrity of a land, but what about the integrity of a people? What about the integrity of the Albanian Kosovars between 1989 and 1998? They were deprived of their identity, of their rights, of their integrity. Milosevic sent the army to remove them by force from their homes, from their villages and towns. What about their integrity? It seems like Kostunica places things before persons. He should have a look of his values. Albanians' rights and integrity passes before the integrity of Kosovo. He should think about this, and after what his nation has done against these helpless people, he should talk about their integrity first, as people, before discussing anything else.

This is my opinion.

laki bani

pre 16 godina

I don’t think Serbia needs Kosovo as Kostunica states – few reasons may in the best way demonstrate this. Poor rate birth in Serbia is the weak side in having Kosovo as its part. Lack of the vision as how to integrate few million Albanians into society, when the current economical, political and social circumstances aren’t so promising. And what is very important (everybody are so eager to know) how is Kostunica going to persuade few million Albanians to accept his “proposals”.
There are lot of reasons to make Albanians not to accept Serbian rule, let us just turn back several years ago, around 90’s when Serbia with all means tried to “convince” Albanians to live under Serbia.
There are so fresh memories.

Brian B. Nedic

pre 16 godina

The situation in Kosovo that Europe and the World finds its self in, is akin to what happened in the 1930’s, the European political elite succumbed to the pressures of dismembering a sovereign European state to appease the threats of a mad ideologue, which manifested itself in the armageddon that was the second world war. My advice is, don’t let history repeat it self for the sake of the innocence.


pre 16 godina

EU will recognise independence of Kosovo. There are so many issues that will come up with kosovo re-integration that it will eventually go back to square one again. Russia is obviously using Serbia as leverage and have serbs considered the price of this and id rather be a puppet of the west than russia as we all know through history how russia treats its smaller "friends".

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina

I wonder what Jose Socrates said. I wish B92 had reported his responses. We are already familiar with Kostunica's statements. Anything new?

Destan Belaxhia

pre 16 godina

Walter said,

It is not that I dislike the West or the Albanians."

Give me a break!

Analyse well what you have written and said, and you'll realize that you do resent Albanians and West with passion.
Please don't associate Albanians with airline hijacking. It has never happened in the history of Albanians.


pre 16 godina

KosovO is still a part of Serbia - through everything it is still Serb land.

Thank you Kostunica!

BTW, didn't the US want Kostunica in the position he holds today?


pre 16 godina

Maybe it woult be more interesting to know the meaning of Jose Socrates, since the meaning of koshtunica and milloshevic is already known..


pre 16 godina

I would like to know; Does anyone for real still think that Kosovo will be independent, (i.e a totally new country with seat in UN, embassies etc etc) ?? And if someone still believes it, do you believe it will be this century ?


pre 16 godina

International law overrides all else, otherwise chaos rules.
Serbia's prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica is correct in saying "This is an issue of integrity and sovereignty."
"We will not accept an amputation of 15 percent of our territory. According to our constitution, the province of Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia".
Therefore, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina regarding autonomy for the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province needs to restart for the good of all.


pre 16 godina

Kosovo is not a special case. Some of you ask what our proposal for the province is. Victor and others feel that it is OK to break the law, bomb, assassinate, high jacking airlines, kill your own people that don’t agree with you, kill police officers, army cadets on duty, and young people in cafes in order to advance an illegal agenda. You will live within the law like everyone else
Every day Europe attempts to conceal the truth by lies they are exposed as manipulators of international law who blame others for the Balkan crisis now upon them.. It is not that I dislike the West or the Albanians nor do I have any personal animus but I am persuaded by overwhelming evidence that the events in the Balkans were of Europes own making and for that I speak out.. Oh yes the people in Yugoslavia helped but they did not see the trap set for them. The trap was the use of their troubled history to achive what Europe wanted all allong , small states that they can cotrol and own their economy.
I was persuaded by overwhelming evidence that NATO is the vilian and I am still baffled by those who assume Serbs are responsible despite overwhelming proof of the dishonesty of the Western Mainstream Media and those who control it. There are many honest men and women with nothing to gain, who expose this fraud every day. As Kostunica satates “This is an issue of integrity and sovereignty,” and the fraudsters are being exposed every day even though Serbs go to the Hague to be judged by those who aided, abbetted and directed the wars in Yugoslavia.. The court that NATO created and the judges that it appoints is not the court and the judjes that NATO and America wants for them. In fact they make special deals to avoid having their nationals face charges for war crimes at the International Court of Justice. Serbia and all those who live there should be comforted in knowing that the people will place a target on their chest in their knowledge that justice is on their side. EU is also comforted that people who live in Serbia are part of Europe allready, and they know that they will not strap TNT to their bodies so EU continue with their indecent attacks against them.
Finally Kostunica is saying and even B92 needs to say it, enough is enough. EU and America comforted by the Potemkin Village of Media lies, and paid lobbyists and journalists belive that they could write their own self-glorifying story by crushing those who offered the truth. In contrast to this people are speaking out in Canada and elsewhere. People like Generals Nambiar, Rose, and MacKenzie, the heads of the UN peace keepers, Lawyers like Greenspan, Maundel, and Black in Canada who know a lynching when they see one, and diplomats like Bisset and Ramsey Clarke only to name a few speak out against Europe and America’s hypocracy . They have nothing to gain and everything to lose since they opse the establishment where they make their living. These are remarkable people who for no other reason than their high moral character and desire to establish a true historical record in order to rebuff the lies of their own governments. This is in remarkable contrast to Kosovo today and should be an example to people everywhere since in Kosovo they kill people who want to tell the truth. I have not found anyone in the West advocationg violation of International Law other then the governments and representatives of nations that are violating international law every day in many parts of the world.
NATO demands that the world accept one set of international laws for them and another set for Serbia, Palistine and Iraq. Those deplomats and journalists who refused to follow the fabrication on thhe breakup of Yugoslavia were fired and labeled as unpatriotic. Journalists who did not toe the line were a pestilence who could not sell their stories and were swatted like flies by the media like the CNN that gets billions from those for whom they lie.Kostunica should not need to go to Lisbon or any other European capital to remind them of the law. Europe does not need to be reminded of 1938 Munich Agreement and the exclusion of Russia and Czechoslovakia from participation which cost Europe fifty million dead.


pre 16 godina

"….These are remarkable people who for no other reason than their high moral character and desire to establish a true historical record in order to rebuff the lies of their own governments…"

Yes, there are still some courageous and honest people. I would ad Diana Johnston, Michael Parenti, Michel Collon, Peter Handke, Alexander Dorin, Noam Chomsky.


pre 16 godina

DESTAN when people put complete falsehoods on this postthey must be exposed. The real; war criminals are well known to most of the people of the world but because these war criminals control the media, the media refuses to write the truth.. It’s the leaders in the West and Kosovo that lie to their people that I disdain not the working people in Kosovo and in the West.. I cannot hide my contempt for these people in the English parliament who are according to George Galloway “convicted fraudsters, convicted thieves and just recently a convicted rapist” who cheered Tony Blair. Fraudsters like Tony and Bill Clinton go on speaking tours to continue the lies that they lived during their tenure as heads of NATO governments. If NATO did not follow policies that they knew were contrary to international law (breaking of treaties, supporting terrorism), the wars in Yugoslavia would not have happened nor the deaths that were part of those wars that they now blame on the Serbs. It is these people and their agents that I dislike not you personally Destan.