Saturday, 23.06.2007.


UN: No agreement on Kosovo draft

UN Security Council ambassadors ended their meeting Friday without reaching an agreement on a draft Kosovo resolution.

Izvor: B92

UN: No agreement on Kosovo draft IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

Albano, you entertain me with your comments, but I'm afraid you wasted your time copy/pasting parts of res. 1244.

I am aware that at the time it was FR Yugoslavia, but the current situation is that Yugoslavia dissolved, and Serbia INHERITS everything (legal...etc.) including the section in res. 1244 where they refer to it as FRY. Actually, you might not know this, but Serbia is the successor state to Yugoslavia, and despite the different name, it is essentially the same country in terms of legal documents which refer to it by the old name.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, I know you were all excited when you found what you thought would be a legal loophole. But as has been the case since the name of the country changed, the UN/EU/US have dealt directly and exclusively with the Republic of Serbia on resolving Kosovo's status.

Why did you not reply to my other comments? The part about res. 1244 was very brief, and only part of my argument.

Wendy Morina

pre 16 godina

Kosovo should just go ahead and declare independence while NATO forces are there in the region. Russia will always veto any plan for Kosovo sovereignty.


pre 16 godina

To Mark,

I've read your comment and I'am ansvering:
first read the anex 5 of Resolution 1244 which you guys irresponsible always mention:
"5. Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo as a part of the international civil presence under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to be decided by the Security Council of the United Nations. The interim administration to provide transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants in Kosovo. "

As I can read , it does not mention anywhere Serbia, however it mentions, FR Yougoslavia, which with your will on 2006 , by the letter of serbian president is given away,:
from UN:
"The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19 October 1945, until its dissolution following the establishment and subsequent admission as new Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/237 of 22 May 1992.

The Republic of Croatia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/238 of 22 May 1992.

The Republic of Slovenia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/236 of 22 May 1992.

By resolution A/RES/47/225 of 8 April 1993, the General Assembly decided to admit as a Member of the United Nations the State being provisionally referred to for all purposes within the United Nations as “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” pending settlement of the difference that had arisen over its name.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/55/12 of 1 November 2000.

On 4 February 2003, following the adoption and promulgation of the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro by the Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the official name of “ Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” was changed to Serbia and Montenegro.

In a letter dated 3 June 2006, the President of the Republic of Serbia informed the Secretary-General that the membership of Serbia and Montenegro was being continued by the Republic of Serbia, following Montenegro’s declaration of independence."

So now you tell me how can you proclaim a soveregnity of a state which does not exist anymore? Also is said to be decided from SC of UN, ( Russia might veto, they always do for what ever the SC decides does not wonder me or anyone else)
Economically, why should we leave our economic state affairs in the serbian hands when we can do that by ourself, just to mmention to you that people from Kosova, even serbs are geting highly educated in the best world universitys, I thank you for your concern of well being of people from Kosova, however , I do think that people in Serbia, which I think they have realised , that without Kosova , they will have a better and more prosper life in Europe, instead of being sancioned, isolated , so do not let your politicans to hold Serbia hosstage just for their profits( for instance , tell me how hard is as serbian to get a visa for anywhere , how you feel yourself when you tell to anyone that you are a serb in any foreign country , I think they look you the same as they look Milosevic, Mladic or Karadjic, becouse the poeple do not know you , they know only those names). By the way , the people from Kosova are hard workers,( for instance 75% of restaurants in NYC , belongs to people from Kosova) they know how to prosper , the only thing they needed was the freedom from Serbia.
So however , please none of you do not mention anymore the res 1244, becouse has nothing to do with Serbia. People of Kosova, majority and the minoritys, (especially the serb minority which is being hold hosstage from the actual politicians from Belgrad ), need their freedom to run their affairs and you will wonder, how quick will Kosova prosper, and on the other side Serbia also.


pre 16 godina

Superb words, Mr. Lehman.
Kudos to you and your work in Kosova.

Listen, if Serbs were really serious about keeping Kosova within a united state...Serbs should offer to the Albanians that the new EU Mission's Powers would extend over all of Serbia. That the EU Governor would rule over new legislation in the both Pristina and Belgrade Parliaments. That Albanian is the Official Language in this new state, that new symbols and flag would ensue. That an Albanian would rule, along with a Serb in this new entity and this new Entity would change its name to the Republic of the United Balkan States.

If not, then turn the other way and seek your own destiny minus Kosova.

Albert Lehman

pre 16 godina


You are making it sound as if Cheku and his Klan were to be kicked out of their leadership positions, the eventual elected leaders would accept Serbia's proposal with open arms. You fail to understand that it is the Kosovo people who are pressuring those leaders to move on with unilateral declaration. I work as an international worker here in Pristina and I am in constant contact with people of Albanian and Serbian ethnicity.
I sincerely believe that after all these horrible experiences Albanians have gone through with the status, the new leaders would be a lot more vigorous in their attempt to achieve Independence, and definitely a lot less obeying to the west.

To Mr. Canadian,

You accused me in one of your posts of being a CIA agent and inciting violence with one of my comments. To make it clear to you if you are not aware, Albin Kurti is not calling for war, Albin Kurti is against any negotiations with Serbia, which most of the Albanians feel alike. As far as you inquiring B92 to not publish my comments... If B92 had been convinced that my comments had a potential of inciting violence, they would have never been allowed to appear on their boards. Kosovo Albanians, as well some of us temporarily living here, hear daily harsh words from Albin Kurti, and yet, his words haven't had any great impact on populace. Aside, 2 protesters that lost their lives, there hasn't been any major violence to compare it with 2004.

By the way, I happen to be Canadian as well and I am very proud of the way my country has built a multi-Ethnic society. We too, do not wish Quebec to separate, but if in the future referendums, the Pro-Independence voters get over 55% of the vote, we will congratulate them on their new country.

And that's how it should be in any democratic society. I firmly believe that if Albanians were to be allowed by UN to hold a legitimate Independence driven referendum, Russian and Serbian obstructions would have no value in the eyes of democratic world, and Kosovo would become independent overnight.

To conclude, If Serbia and Russia tried harder they could manage to gain the northern part of Kosovo only by offering Presevo Valley, but they will never be able to stop independence. It's a forgone conclusion.


pre 16 godina

"Kosovo is today de facto independent and de jure independence will come during this year.
(Question Mark, Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 09:46)"

Wrong! Not all of Kosovo is de facto independent today. The north is still adamantly Serbian. Has been that way since 1999 and before.


pre 16 godina

My congratulations to Serbia for making Kosovo a matter of national pride for Russia. The US will crack before Russia on this issue, I guarantee it.


pre 16 godina

Hah Russia and Serbia: stance is the same, they will VETO it for eternity.
As for them visiting Zegreb... its where the session for energy in the region is being held. Why would Croatia fund to hold the energy summit in Belgrade or why would Belgrade be upset that Zagreb invited Russia as well as Serbia to attend? We dont worship the ground Putin walks on the way you are on your knees for Bush.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Well lets see what the July talks bring but in all seriousness I wouldn't hold my breath as there is little chance of China promoting any plan mentioning Ahtisaari when they are the UN SC president in July!!!

So maybe we need to look at 2008 while we are at when the US are the presidency of the UN SC again or what about 2009, 2020, possibly 2222 or ........


pre 16 godina

To all Albanians reading this, answer me this. What do you think will come of independence? What will change? Actually, under the Serbian proposal of the highest level of autonomy for any province in Europe, Kosovo Albanians would enjoy more freedom than under the 'supervised' independence they are having wet dreams about.

Supervised means not sovereign, and with the EU/US able to meddle with internal affairs and basically install a puppet government that must do everything that fits into the imperial interests (not Albanian interests). The Serbs have no desire to rule the Albanians, but rather, they just want to retain their borders and sovereignty as res. 1244 concedes. Albanians would have MORE freedom and control under the Serbian proposal, and would still be protected by Europe if the 'big bad Serb' decided to 'start trouble.'

Besides, did you really think Independence would come on a silver platter? NO, how long has the US been promising independence??? Well, lets just say it's been a long time and nothing has changed. This is due to the illegality of such a proposal, because lets face it, if it were legal Kosovo would have been independent six or seven years ago. It's not legal, nor moral, to award a people for hiring Al-Qaeda to help them attack the Serbs, only to cry foul when there was a response. At the current birth rate, soon all of the Balkans, and later Europe, will see Albanians as the most populous people. Does that mean that when that day comes, they should be given all the land they reside in? No! thats not how the world operates, and Kosovo should be no different.

And to all Albanians with dreams of a greater Albania in mind, the EU/US have repeatedly stated that even if independent, Kosovo would NEVER be allowed to join Albania. The border would remain the same as it is now.

The Serbs are not holding Kosovo Albanians back economically either, as is often stated. They have NO control over the economy the EU does, and just look at unemployment...In Kosovo it is more than twice what it is in the rest of Serbia. It is the fault of the Albanians that they waste the billions of dollars of aid they receive every year on fueling the indepedence movement rather than investing in the economic infastructure of their province.


pre 16 godina

NATO must get ready to deal with the extremists who are going to attack them once the Albanians realize that there will be no de jure independence.The Serbian residents should begin to move to Serb protected areas immediately.The legalist Europeans have backed themselves into a corner by insisting on a UNSC Resolution in order to change Kosovo's status and now they are awakening to the fact that this will not happen no matter how much they beg Putin to help them.A unilateral declaration by Kosovo's Albanians will most likely be recognized by the US since it is election campaigning time here and candidates will gladly accept lobbying money but the US must be prepared to go it alone and support 2 million impoverished residents in Kosovo with massive aid.In time with all Balkan countries becoming members of the EU borders will be irrelevant and the EU should accelerate the accesion process for all 7 CEFTA countries.5(Moldova,Bosnia,Serbia,Macedonia,Montenegro) of the 7 present CEFTA countries have separatist movements within their borders(Croatia eliminated theirs by military means and Albania is for the most part ethnically homogenous)) so it is imperative for the EU to eliminate actual barriers to the free movement of goods and people in order to neutralize the extremists as much as humanly possible.


pre 16 godina

"So you just might have to unilateraly declare independence and hope that your terrorist KLA/UCK is not incredibly stupid to start something again because this time around I dont think that the europeans will be too excited to militarily help you out and America, they would love to if it wasn't for that little fiasco called Iraq. This ones got plenty of twists and turns and it aint over by a long shot.
(zoran, Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 15:05)"

Did the Uçk, went into serbia and killed the childrens , or that was serbian fascists, going all over through ex-republics of YU, and kill childrens, what a nonsense, croats are bad , bosnianas are bad, even poor slovens, which are 100 of years culturaly and educationaly more advanced then all of you serbs are bad, what the hell you think of your self.


pre 16 godina

I just fail to understand these Albanians on this site, what nightmare? Albanians have been in control of Kosovo for decades look the the primeministers of the province for christ's sake they are all Albanian ! The only difference now is that there is no subsides from Belgrade which will make you poor.

Please please dont be naive and think the second you get independance suddenly Kosovo will become developed and there will be a flood of investment because the direct opposite will happen especially if a Russian Veto is applied which would criple the independance.
Kosovo will not gain anything but a new flag from independance, investment from the Serbs? Greeks? Montengrins? Macedonians?
I really dont think so considering they probably wont recongnise the independance (apart from the Macedonians). Thats all surrounding countries! What who are you going to trade through? Albania?! Good luck with that guys


pre 16 godina

All the Albanians now rubbing their hands in glee and believing that independence is a foregone conclusion,might just be setting themselves up for further dissapointment. Better still sack your stupid leaders for once again promising you independence by a certain date only to fail you once more. It's so unfortunate, for your sake that the US is not as strong diplomaticaly and Russia as weak, for this ridicoulus resolution in your favor to be pushed through. So you just might have to unilateraly declare independence and hope that your terrorist KLA/UCK is not incredibly stupid to start something again because this time around I dont think that the europeans will be too excited to militarily help you out and America, they would love to if it wasn't for that little fiasco called Iraq. This ones got plenty of twists and turns and it aint over by a long shot.


pre 16 godina

Thank you for your concern Afrim:Putin will be guest on Balkan regional energy summit in Zagreb tomorrow where he will have talks with president Tadic as well.So,don't worry about Serbia please,you have more then enough of your own worries


pre 16 godina

Actually, the Russians should start feeling insulted with all of these new proposals where the outcome is already determined. If the Russians and Serbs stop and think about it, the EU and US is trying to trick them into agreeing to some proposal where if they accept it, then the negotiations will end like they ended before, with no compromise by the Albanian side, and then they will get independence because the Russians agreed to it. In other words, does the EU and US think the Russians are idiots? That they have no intelligence and can't figure out what they're trying to do?

And this comment about "Evaluation" is laughable. What evaluation? They will simply accept it no matter what. When the US repeats, over and over again, that no matter what... Kosovo will gain independence, then you already know that there is no serious evaluation. What the US and EU will do is approve independence. The Russians won't be able to do anything because they would've already voted for this proposal which will grant independence down the road. And that's that. But the Russians are not idiots. In fact, the Americans are coming off like fools because they're discarding international law and simply taking one side over the other simply because they "demand it"? That makes no sense. America is acting like some Imperial bully while Russia is citing international law.

The Russians should feel insulted that the EU and US think they're so dumb that they'll fall for this. They still remember 1999 and how that UN proposal was never fully implemented. So why believe them now? The US has no respect for international law. Look to Iraq and Kosovo for examples.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 16 godina

Russia wanted talks to be postponed before, then wanted to be continued, then Russia wanted the UN SC ambassadors to go to Kosova and see the situation. All of these happened and now what else is Russia looking for? This shows that What Russia really wants is just a continuation of troubles in the Balkans, troubles that every group of people in the Balkans would suffer.
Anyway, the problem could be postponed but the final solution is AN INDEPENDENT KOSOVA. KOSOVA WILL NEVER GO BACK UNDER SERBIA ANYMORE, THAT NIGHTMARE IS OVER.
Oh by the way, its funny and at the same time sad that Putin is only going to visit Zagreb but is not coming to Belgrade at all... I wonder how the serb nationalists would feel that Putin is only visiting the croats and not serbs at all... Sad indeed for the serb nationalists...

Question Mark

pre 16 godina

Agreement was not expected since the solution will be found after Bush-Putin meeting in July.

Every one know that Serbs and Albanians will never find any solution which is acceptable to both of them them. Russia has promised Serbia to delay the independence with few months, but in the end, during this year, Kosovo will be independent. Serbia and Russia delayed the Ahtisaari proposal with many months but could not stop it.

Kosovo is today de facto independent and de jure independence will come during this year.

Question Mark

pre 16 godina

Agreement was not expected since the solution will be found after Bush-Putin meeting in July.

Every one know that Serbs and Albanians will never find any solution which is acceptable to both of them them. Russia has promised Serbia to delay the independence with few months, but in the end, during this year, Kosovo will be independent. Serbia and Russia delayed the Ahtisaari proposal with many months but could not stop it.

Kosovo is today de facto independent and de jure independence will come during this year.


pre 16 godina

Actually, the Russians should start feeling insulted with all of these new proposals where the outcome is already determined. If the Russians and Serbs stop and think about it, the EU and US is trying to trick them into agreeing to some proposal where if they accept it, then the negotiations will end like they ended before, with no compromise by the Albanian side, and then they will get independence because the Russians agreed to it. In other words, does the EU and US think the Russians are idiots? That they have no intelligence and can't figure out what they're trying to do?

And this comment about "Evaluation" is laughable. What evaluation? They will simply accept it no matter what. When the US repeats, over and over again, that no matter what... Kosovo will gain independence, then you already know that there is no serious evaluation. What the US and EU will do is approve independence. The Russians won't be able to do anything because they would've already voted for this proposal which will grant independence down the road. And that's that. But the Russians are not idiots. In fact, the Americans are coming off like fools because they're discarding international law and simply taking one side over the other simply because they "demand it"? That makes no sense. America is acting like some Imperial bully while Russia is citing international law.

The Russians should feel insulted that the EU and US think they're so dumb that they'll fall for this. They still remember 1999 and how that UN proposal was never fully implemented. So why believe them now? The US has no respect for international law. Look to Iraq and Kosovo for examples.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 16 godina

Russia wanted talks to be postponed before, then wanted to be continued, then Russia wanted the UN SC ambassadors to go to Kosova and see the situation. All of these happened and now what else is Russia looking for? This shows that What Russia really wants is just a continuation of troubles in the Balkans, troubles that every group of people in the Balkans would suffer.
Anyway, the problem could be postponed but the final solution is AN INDEPENDENT KOSOVA. KOSOVA WILL NEVER GO BACK UNDER SERBIA ANYMORE, THAT NIGHTMARE IS OVER.
Oh by the way, its funny and at the same time sad that Putin is only going to visit Zagreb but is not coming to Belgrade at all... I wonder how the serb nationalists would feel that Putin is only visiting the croats and not serbs at all... Sad indeed for the serb nationalists...


pre 16 godina

Thank you for your concern Afrim:Putin will be guest on Balkan regional energy summit in Zagreb tomorrow where he will have talks with president Tadic as well.So,don't worry about Serbia please,you have more then enough of your own worries


pre 16 godina

All the Albanians now rubbing their hands in glee and believing that independence is a foregone conclusion,might just be setting themselves up for further dissapointment. Better still sack your stupid leaders for once again promising you independence by a certain date only to fail you once more. It's so unfortunate, for your sake that the US is not as strong diplomaticaly and Russia as weak, for this ridicoulus resolution in your favor to be pushed through. So you just might have to unilateraly declare independence and hope that your terrorist KLA/UCK is not incredibly stupid to start something again because this time around I dont think that the europeans will be too excited to militarily help you out and America, they would love to if it wasn't for that little fiasco called Iraq. This ones got plenty of twists and turns and it aint over by a long shot.


pre 16 godina

"So you just might have to unilateraly declare independence and hope that your terrorist KLA/UCK is not incredibly stupid to start something again because this time around I dont think that the europeans will be too excited to militarily help you out and America, they would love to if it wasn't for that little fiasco called Iraq. This ones got plenty of twists and turns and it aint over by a long shot.
(zoran, Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 15:05)"

Did the Uçk, went into serbia and killed the childrens , or that was serbian fascists, going all over through ex-republics of YU, and kill childrens, what a nonsense, croats are bad , bosnianas are bad, even poor slovens, which are 100 of years culturaly and educationaly more advanced then all of you serbs are bad, what the hell you think of your self.


pre 16 godina

I just fail to understand these Albanians on this site, what nightmare? Albanians have been in control of Kosovo for decades look the the primeministers of the province for christ's sake they are all Albanian ! The only difference now is that there is no subsides from Belgrade which will make you poor.

Please please dont be naive and think the second you get independance suddenly Kosovo will become developed and there will be a flood of investment because the direct opposite will happen especially if a Russian Veto is applied which would criple the independance.
Kosovo will not gain anything but a new flag from independance, investment from the Serbs? Greeks? Montengrins? Macedonians?
I really dont think so considering they probably wont recongnise the independance (apart from the Macedonians). Thats all surrounding countries! What who are you going to trade through? Albania?! Good luck with that guys


pre 16 godina

NATO must get ready to deal with the extremists who are going to attack them once the Albanians realize that there will be no de jure independence.The Serbian residents should begin to move to Serb protected areas immediately.The legalist Europeans have backed themselves into a corner by insisting on a UNSC Resolution in order to change Kosovo's status and now they are awakening to the fact that this will not happen no matter how much they beg Putin to help them.A unilateral declaration by Kosovo's Albanians will most likely be recognized by the US since it is election campaigning time here and candidates will gladly accept lobbying money but the US must be prepared to go it alone and support 2 million impoverished residents in Kosovo with massive aid.In time with all Balkan countries becoming members of the EU borders will be irrelevant and the EU should accelerate the accesion process for all 7 CEFTA countries.5(Moldova,Bosnia,Serbia,Macedonia,Montenegro) of the 7 present CEFTA countries have separatist movements within their borders(Croatia eliminated theirs by military means and Albania is for the most part ethnically homogenous)) so it is imperative for the EU to eliminate actual barriers to the free movement of goods and people in order to neutralize the extremists as much as humanly possible.


pre 16 godina

To all Albanians reading this, answer me this. What do you think will come of independence? What will change? Actually, under the Serbian proposal of the highest level of autonomy for any province in Europe, Kosovo Albanians would enjoy more freedom than under the 'supervised' independence they are having wet dreams about.

Supervised means not sovereign, and with the EU/US able to meddle with internal affairs and basically install a puppet government that must do everything that fits into the imperial interests (not Albanian interests). The Serbs have no desire to rule the Albanians, but rather, they just want to retain their borders and sovereignty as res. 1244 concedes. Albanians would have MORE freedom and control under the Serbian proposal, and would still be protected by Europe if the 'big bad Serb' decided to 'start trouble.'

Besides, did you really think Independence would come on a silver platter? NO, how long has the US been promising independence??? Well, lets just say it's been a long time and nothing has changed. This is due to the illegality of such a proposal, because lets face it, if it were legal Kosovo would have been independent six or seven years ago. It's not legal, nor moral, to award a people for hiring Al-Qaeda to help them attack the Serbs, only to cry foul when there was a response. At the current birth rate, soon all of the Balkans, and later Europe, will see Albanians as the most populous people. Does that mean that when that day comes, they should be given all the land they reside in? No! thats not how the world operates, and Kosovo should be no different.

And to all Albanians with dreams of a greater Albania in mind, the EU/US have repeatedly stated that even if independent, Kosovo would NEVER be allowed to join Albania. The border would remain the same as it is now.

The Serbs are not holding Kosovo Albanians back economically either, as is often stated. They have NO control over the economy the EU does, and just look at unemployment...In Kosovo it is more than twice what it is in the rest of Serbia. It is the fault of the Albanians that they waste the billions of dollars of aid they receive every year on fueling the indepedence movement rather than investing in the economic infastructure of their province.


pre 16 godina

Hah Russia and Serbia: stance is the same, they will VETO it for eternity.
As for them visiting Zegreb... its where the session for energy in the region is being held. Why would Croatia fund to hold the energy summit in Belgrade or why would Belgrade be upset that Zagreb invited Russia as well as Serbia to attend? We dont worship the ground Putin walks on the way you are on your knees for Bush.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Well lets see what the July talks bring but in all seriousness I wouldn't hold my breath as there is little chance of China promoting any plan mentioning Ahtisaari when they are the UN SC president in July!!!

So maybe we need to look at 2008 while we are at when the US are the presidency of the UN SC again or what about 2009, 2020, possibly 2222 or ........


pre 16 godina

My congratulations to Serbia for making Kosovo a matter of national pride for Russia. The US will crack before Russia on this issue, I guarantee it.


pre 16 godina

"Kosovo is today de facto independent and de jure independence will come during this year.
(Question Mark, Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 09:46)"

Wrong! Not all of Kosovo is de facto independent today. The north is still adamantly Serbian. Has been that way since 1999 and before.

Albert Lehman

pre 16 godina


You are making it sound as if Cheku and his Klan were to be kicked out of their leadership positions, the eventual elected leaders would accept Serbia's proposal with open arms. You fail to understand that it is the Kosovo people who are pressuring those leaders to move on with unilateral declaration. I work as an international worker here in Pristina and I am in constant contact with people of Albanian and Serbian ethnicity.
I sincerely believe that after all these horrible experiences Albanians have gone through with the status, the new leaders would be a lot more vigorous in their attempt to achieve Independence, and definitely a lot less obeying to the west.

To Mr. Canadian,

You accused me in one of your posts of being a CIA agent and inciting violence with one of my comments. To make it clear to you if you are not aware, Albin Kurti is not calling for war, Albin Kurti is against any negotiations with Serbia, which most of the Albanians feel alike. As far as you inquiring B92 to not publish my comments... If B92 had been convinced that my comments had a potential of inciting violence, they would have never been allowed to appear on their boards. Kosovo Albanians, as well some of us temporarily living here, hear daily harsh words from Albin Kurti, and yet, his words haven't had any great impact on populace. Aside, 2 protesters that lost their lives, there hasn't been any major violence to compare it with 2004.

By the way, I happen to be Canadian as well and I am very proud of the way my country has built a multi-Ethnic society. We too, do not wish Quebec to separate, but if in the future referendums, the Pro-Independence voters get over 55% of the vote, we will congratulate them on their new country.

And that's how it should be in any democratic society. I firmly believe that if Albanians were to be allowed by UN to hold a legitimate Independence driven referendum, Russian and Serbian obstructions would have no value in the eyes of democratic world, and Kosovo would become independent overnight.

To conclude, If Serbia and Russia tried harder they could manage to gain the northern part of Kosovo only by offering Presevo Valley, but they will never be able to stop independence. It's a forgone conclusion.


pre 16 godina

Superb words, Mr. Lehman.
Kudos to you and your work in Kosova.

Listen, if Serbs were really serious about keeping Kosova within a united state...Serbs should offer to the Albanians that the new EU Mission's Powers would extend over all of Serbia. That the EU Governor would rule over new legislation in the both Pristina and Belgrade Parliaments. That Albanian is the Official Language in this new state, that new symbols and flag would ensue. That an Albanian would rule, along with a Serb in this new entity and this new Entity would change its name to the Republic of the United Balkan States.

If not, then turn the other way and seek your own destiny minus Kosova.


pre 16 godina

To Mark,

I've read your comment and I'am ansvering:
first read the anex 5 of Resolution 1244 which you guys irresponsible always mention:
"5. Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo as a part of the international civil presence under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to be decided by the Security Council of the United Nations. The interim administration to provide transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants in Kosovo. "

As I can read , it does not mention anywhere Serbia, however it mentions, FR Yougoslavia, which with your will on 2006 , by the letter of serbian president is given away,:
from UN:
"The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19 October 1945, until its dissolution following the establishment and subsequent admission as new Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/237 of 22 May 1992.

The Republic of Croatia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/238 of 22 May 1992.

The Republic of Slovenia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/236 of 22 May 1992.

By resolution A/RES/47/225 of 8 April 1993, the General Assembly decided to admit as a Member of the United Nations the State being provisionally referred to for all purposes within the United Nations as “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” pending settlement of the difference that had arisen over its name.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/55/12 of 1 November 2000.

On 4 February 2003, following the adoption and promulgation of the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro by the Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the official name of “ Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” was changed to Serbia and Montenegro.

In a letter dated 3 June 2006, the President of the Republic of Serbia informed the Secretary-General that the membership of Serbia and Montenegro was being continued by the Republic of Serbia, following Montenegro’s declaration of independence."

So now you tell me how can you proclaim a soveregnity of a state which does not exist anymore? Also is said to be decided from SC of UN, ( Russia might veto, they always do for what ever the SC decides does not wonder me or anyone else)
Economically, why should we leave our economic state affairs in the serbian hands when we can do that by ourself, just to mmention to you that people from Kosova, even serbs are geting highly educated in the best world universitys, I thank you for your concern of well being of people from Kosova, however , I do think that people in Serbia, which I think they have realised , that without Kosova , they will have a better and more prosper life in Europe, instead of being sancioned, isolated , so do not let your politicans to hold Serbia hosstage just for their profits( for instance , tell me how hard is as serbian to get a visa for anywhere , how you feel yourself when you tell to anyone that you are a serb in any foreign country , I think they look you the same as they look Milosevic, Mladic or Karadjic, becouse the poeple do not know you , they know only those names). By the way , the people from Kosova are hard workers,( for instance 75% of restaurants in NYC , belongs to people from Kosova) they know how to prosper , the only thing they needed was the freedom from Serbia.
So however , please none of you do not mention anymore the res 1244, becouse has nothing to do with Serbia. People of Kosova, majority and the minoritys, (especially the serb minority which is being hold hosstage from the actual politicians from Belgrad ), need their freedom to run their affairs and you will wonder, how quick will Kosova prosper, and on the other side Serbia also.

Wendy Morina

pre 16 godina

Kosovo should just go ahead and declare independence while NATO forces are there in the region. Russia will always veto any plan for Kosovo sovereignty.


pre 16 godina

Albano, you entertain me with your comments, but I'm afraid you wasted your time copy/pasting parts of res. 1244.

I am aware that at the time it was FR Yugoslavia, but the current situation is that Yugoslavia dissolved, and Serbia INHERITS everything (legal...etc.) including the section in res. 1244 where they refer to it as FRY. Actually, you might not know this, but Serbia is the successor state to Yugoslavia, and despite the different name, it is essentially the same country in terms of legal documents which refer to it by the old name.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, I know you were all excited when you found what you thought would be a legal loophole. But as has been the case since the name of the country changed, the UN/EU/US have dealt directly and exclusively with the Republic of Serbia on resolving Kosovo's status.

Why did you not reply to my other comments? The part about res. 1244 was very brief, and only part of my argument.

Wendy Morina

pre 16 godina

Kosovo should just go ahead and declare independence while NATO forces are there in the region. Russia will always veto any plan for Kosovo sovereignty.

Question Mark

pre 16 godina

Agreement was not expected since the solution will be found after Bush-Putin meeting in July.

Every one know that Serbs and Albanians will never find any solution which is acceptable to both of them them. Russia has promised Serbia to delay the independence with few months, but in the end, during this year, Kosovo will be independent. Serbia and Russia delayed the Ahtisaari proposal with many months but could not stop it.

Kosovo is today de facto independent and de jure independence will come during this year.


pre 16 godina

Actually, the Russians should start feeling insulted with all of these new proposals where the outcome is already determined. If the Russians and Serbs stop and think about it, the EU and US is trying to trick them into agreeing to some proposal where if they accept it, then the negotiations will end like they ended before, with no compromise by the Albanian side, and then they will get independence because the Russians agreed to it. In other words, does the EU and US think the Russians are idiots? That they have no intelligence and can't figure out what they're trying to do?

And this comment about "Evaluation" is laughable. What evaluation? They will simply accept it no matter what. When the US repeats, over and over again, that no matter what... Kosovo will gain independence, then you already know that there is no serious evaluation. What the US and EU will do is approve independence. The Russians won't be able to do anything because they would've already voted for this proposal which will grant independence down the road. And that's that. But the Russians are not idiots. In fact, the Americans are coming off like fools because they're discarding international law and simply taking one side over the other simply because they "demand it"? That makes no sense. America is acting like some Imperial bully while Russia is citing international law.

The Russians should feel insulted that the EU and US think they're so dumb that they'll fall for this. They still remember 1999 and how that UN proposal was never fully implemented. So why believe them now? The US has no respect for international law. Look to Iraq and Kosovo for examples.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 16 godina

Russia wanted talks to be postponed before, then wanted to be continued, then Russia wanted the UN SC ambassadors to go to Kosova and see the situation. All of these happened and now what else is Russia looking for? This shows that What Russia really wants is just a continuation of troubles in the Balkans, troubles that every group of people in the Balkans would suffer.
Anyway, the problem could be postponed but the final solution is AN INDEPENDENT KOSOVA. KOSOVA WILL NEVER GO BACK UNDER SERBIA ANYMORE, THAT NIGHTMARE IS OVER.
Oh by the way, its funny and at the same time sad that Putin is only going to visit Zagreb but is not coming to Belgrade at all... I wonder how the serb nationalists would feel that Putin is only visiting the croats and not serbs at all... Sad indeed for the serb nationalists...


pre 16 godina

Thank you for your concern Afrim:Putin will be guest on Balkan regional energy summit in Zagreb tomorrow where he will have talks with president Tadic as well.So,don't worry about Serbia please,you have more then enough of your own worries


pre 16 godina

All the Albanians now rubbing their hands in glee and believing that independence is a foregone conclusion,might just be setting themselves up for further dissapointment. Better still sack your stupid leaders for once again promising you independence by a certain date only to fail you once more. It's so unfortunate, for your sake that the US is not as strong diplomaticaly and Russia as weak, for this ridicoulus resolution in your favor to be pushed through. So you just might have to unilateraly declare independence and hope that your terrorist KLA/UCK is not incredibly stupid to start something again because this time around I dont think that the europeans will be too excited to militarily help you out and America, they would love to if it wasn't for that little fiasco called Iraq. This ones got plenty of twists and turns and it aint over by a long shot.


pre 16 godina

"So you just might have to unilateraly declare independence and hope that your terrorist KLA/UCK is not incredibly stupid to start something again because this time around I dont think that the europeans will be too excited to militarily help you out and America, they would love to if it wasn't for that little fiasco called Iraq. This ones got plenty of twists and turns and it aint over by a long shot.
(zoran, Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 15:05)"

Did the Uçk, went into serbia and killed the childrens , or that was serbian fascists, going all over through ex-republics of YU, and kill childrens, what a nonsense, croats are bad , bosnianas are bad, even poor slovens, which are 100 of years culturaly and educationaly more advanced then all of you serbs are bad, what the hell you think of your self.


pre 16 godina

I just fail to understand these Albanians on this site, what nightmare? Albanians have been in control of Kosovo for decades look the the primeministers of the province for christ's sake they are all Albanian ! The only difference now is that there is no subsides from Belgrade which will make you poor.

Please please dont be naive and think the second you get independance suddenly Kosovo will become developed and there will be a flood of investment because the direct opposite will happen especially if a Russian Veto is applied which would criple the independance.
Kosovo will not gain anything but a new flag from independance, investment from the Serbs? Greeks? Montengrins? Macedonians?
I really dont think so considering they probably wont recongnise the independance (apart from the Macedonians). Thats all surrounding countries! What who are you going to trade through? Albania?! Good luck with that guys


pre 16 godina

NATO must get ready to deal with the extremists who are going to attack them once the Albanians realize that there will be no de jure independence.The Serbian residents should begin to move to Serb protected areas immediately.The legalist Europeans have backed themselves into a corner by insisting on a UNSC Resolution in order to change Kosovo's status and now they are awakening to the fact that this will not happen no matter how much they beg Putin to help them.A unilateral declaration by Kosovo's Albanians will most likely be recognized by the US since it is election campaigning time here and candidates will gladly accept lobbying money but the US must be prepared to go it alone and support 2 million impoverished residents in Kosovo with massive aid.In time with all Balkan countries becoming members of the EU borders will be irrelevant and the EU should accelerate the accesion process for all 7 CEFTA countries.5(Moldova,Bosnia,Serbia,Macedonia,Montenegro) of the 7 present CEFTA countries have separatist movements within their borders(Croatia eliminated theirs by military means and Albania is for the most part ethnically homogenous)) so it is imperative for the EU to eliminate actual barriers to the free movement of goods and people in order to neutralize the extremists as much as humanly possible.


pre 16 godina

To all Albanians reading this, answer me this. What do you think will come of independence? What will change? Actually, under the Serbian proposal of the highest level of autonomy for any province in Europe, Kosovo Albanians would enjoy more freedom than under the 'supervised' independence they are having wet dreams about.

Supervised means not sovereign, and with the EU/US able to meddle with internal affairs and basically install a puppet government that must do everything that fits into the imperial interests (not Albanian interests). The Serbs have no desire to rule the Albanians, but rather, they just want to retain their borders and sovereignty as res. 1244 concedes. Albanians would have MORE freedom and control under the Serbian proposal, and would still be protected by Europe if the 'big bad Serb' decided to 'start trouble.'

Besides, did you really think Independence would come on a silver platter? NO, how long has the US been promising independence??? Well, lets just say it's been a long time and nothing has changed. This is due to the illegality of such a proposal, because lets face it, if it were legal Kosovo would have been independent six or seven years ago. It's not legal, nor moral, to award a people for hiring Al-Qaeda to help them attack the Serbs, only to cry foul when there was a response. At the current birth rate, soon all of the Balkans, and later Europe, will see Albanians as the most populous people. Does that mean that when that day comes, they should be given all the land they reside in? No! thats not how the world operates, and Kosovo should be no different.

And to all Albanians with dreams of a greater Albania in mind, the EU/US have repeatedly stated that even if independent, Kosovo would NEVER be allowed to join Albania. The border would remain the same as it is now.

The Serbs are not holding Kosovo Albanians back economically either, as is often stated. They have NO control over the economy the EU does, and just look at unemployment...In Kosovo it is more than twice what it is in the rest of Serbia. It is the fault of the Albanians that they waste the billions of dollars of aid they receive every year on fueling the indepedence movement rather than investing in the economic infastructure of their province.


pre 16 godina

Hah Russia and Serbia: stance is the same, they will VETO it for eternity.
As for them visiting Zegreb... its where the session for energy in the region is being held. Why would Croatia fund to hold the energy summit in Belgrade or why would Belgrade be upset that Zagreb invited Russia as well as Serbia to attend? We dont worship the ground Putin walks on the way you are on your knees for Bush.

Princip, UK

pre 16 godina

Well lets see what the July talks bring but in all seriousness I wouldn't hold my breath as there is little chance of China promoting any plan mentioning Ahtisaari when they are the UN SC president in July!!!

So maybe we need to look at 2008 while we are at when the US are the presidency of the UN SC again or what about 2009, 2020, possibly 2222 or ........


pre 16 godina

My congratulations to Serbia for making Kosovo a matter of national pride for Russia. The US will crack before Russia on this issue, I guarantee it.


pre 16 godina

"Kosovo is today de facto independent and de jure independence will come during this year.
(Question Mark, Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 09:46)"

Wrong! Not all of Kosovo is de facto independent today. The north is still adamantly Serbian. Has been that way since 1999 and before.

Albert Lehman

pre 16 godina


You are making it sound as if Cheku and his Klan were to be kicked out of their leadership positions, the eventual elected leaders would accept Serbia's proposal with open arms. You fail to understand that it is the Kosovo people who are pressuring those leaders to move on with unilateral declaration. I work as an international worker here in Pristina and I am in constant contact with people of Albanian and Serbian ethnicity.
I sincerely believe that after all these horrible experiences Albanians have gone through with the status, the new leaders would be a lot more vigorous in their attempt to achieve Independence, and definitely a lot less obeying to the west.

To Mr. Canadian,

You accused me in one of your posts of being a CIA agent and inciting violence with one of my comments. To make it clear to you if you are not aware, Albin Kurti is not calling for war, Albin Kurti is against any negotiations with Serbia, which most of the Albanians feel alike. As far as you inquiring B92 to not publish my comments... If B92 had been convinced that my comments had a potential of inciting violence, they would have never been allowed to appear on their boards. Kosovo Albanians, as well some of us temporarily living here, hear daily harsh words from Albin Kurti, and yet, his words haven't had any great impact on populace. Aside, 2 protesters that lost their lives, there hasn't been any major violence to compare it with 2004.

By the way, I happen to be Canadian as well and I am very proud of the way my country has built a multi-Ethnic society. We too, do not wish Quebec to separate, but if in the future referendums, the Pro-Independence voters get over 55% of the vote, we will congratulate them on their new country.

And that's how it should be in any democratic society. I firmly believe that if Albanians were to be allowed by UN to hold a legitimate Independence driven referendum, Russian and Serbian obstructions would have no value in the eyes of democratic world, and Kosovo would become independent overnight.

To conclude, If Serbia and Russia tried harder they could manage to gain the northern part of Kosovo only by offering Presevo Valley, but they will never be able to stop independence. It's a forgone conclusion.


pre 16 godina

Superb words, Mr. Lehman.
Kudos to you and your work in Kosova.

Listen, if Serbs were really serious about keeping Kosova within a united state...Serbs should offer to the Albanians that the new EU Mission's Powers would extend over all of Serbia. That the EU Governor would rule over new legislation in the both Pristina and Belgrade Parliaments. That Albanian is the Official Language in this new state, that new symbols and flag would ensue. That an Albanian would rule, along with a Serb in this new entity and this new Entity would change its name to the Republic of the United Balkan States.

If not, then turn the other way and seek your own destiny minus Kosova.


pre 16 godina

To Mark,

I've read your comment and I'am ansvering:
first read the anex 5 of Resolution 1244 which you guys irresponsible always mention:
"5. Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo as a part of the international civil presence under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to be decided by the Security Council of the United Nations. The interim administration to provide transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants in Kosovo. "

As I can read , it does not mention anywhere Serbia, however it mentions, FR Yougoslavia, which with your will on 2006 , by the letter of serbian president is given away,:
from UN:
"The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19 October 1945, until its dissolution following the establishment and subsequent admission as new Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/237 of 22 May 1992.

The Republic of Croatia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/238 of 22 May 1992.

The Republic of Slovenia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/46/236 of 22 May 1992.

By resolution A/RES/47/225 of 8 April 1993, the General Assembly decided to admit as a Member of the United Nations the State being provisionally referred to for all purposes within the United Nations as “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” pending settlement of the difference that had arisen over its name.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was admitted as a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution A/RES/55/12 of 1 November 2000.

On 4 February 2003, following the adoption and promulgation of the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro by the Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the official name of “ Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” was changed to Serbia and Montenegro.

In a letter dated 3 June 2006, the President of the Republic of Serbia informed the Secretary-General that the membership of Serbia and Montenegro was being continued by the Republic of Serbia, following Montenegro’s declaration of independence."

So now you tell me how can you proclaim a soveregnity of a state which does not exist anymore? Also is said to be decided from SC of UN, ( Russia might veto, they always do for what ever the SC decides does not wonder me or anyone else)
Economically, why should we leave our economic state affairs in the serbian hands when we can do that by ourself, just to mmention to you that people from Kosova, even serbs are geting highly educated in the best world universitys, I thank you for your concern of well being of people from Kosova, however , I do think that people in Serbia, which I think they have realised , that without Kosova , they will have a better and more prosper life in Europe, instead of being sancioned, isolated , so do not let your politicans to hold Serbia hosstage just for their profits( for instance , tell me how hard is as serbian to get a visa for anywhere , how you feel yourself when you tell to anyone that you are a serb in any foreign country , I think they look you the same as they look Milosevic, Mladic or Karadjic, becouse the poeple do not know you , they know only those names). By the way , the people from Kosova are hard workers,( for instance 75% of restaurants in NYC , belongs to people from Kosova) they know how to prosper , the only thing they needed was the freedom from Serbia.
So however , please none of you do not mention anymore the res 1244, becouse has nothing to do with Serbia. People of Kosova, majority and the minoritys, (especially the serb minority which is being hold hosstage from the actual politicians from Belgrad ), need their freedom to run their affairs and you will wonder, how quick will Kosova prosper, and on the other side Serbia also.


pre 16 godina

Albano, you entertain me with your comments, but I'm afraid you wasted your time copy/pasting parts of res. 1244.

I am aware that at the time it was FR Yugoslavia, but the current situation is that Yugoslavia dissolved, and Serbia INHERITS everything (legal...etc.) including the section in res. 1244 where they refer to it as FRY. Actually, you might not know this, but Serbia is the successor state to Yugoslavia, and despite the different name, it is essentially the same country in terms of legal documents which refer to it by the old name.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, I know you were all excited when you found what you thought would be a legal loophole. But as has been the case since the name of the country changed, the UN/EU/US have dealt directly and exclusively with the Republic of Serbia on resolving Kosovo's status.

Why did you not reply to my other comments? The part about res. 1244 was very brief, and only part of my argument.