Saturday, 16.06.2007.


Alternative Kosovo plan presented

Belgrade-based Center for Geo-Strategic Research has presented their "Sustainable Plan for Kosovo" Friday.

Izvor: Beta

Alternative Kosovo plan presented IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina


1. If you are telling me USA used intelligence from a (and here im quoting albanians) "ruthless/murderous/raping/genocide committing/warlord" from a war-torn country, to classify the KLA, then I really do not know how to take your arguments seriously.

It's called the FBI. It's called KLA's ties to Osama and the rest of the Jihad gang. It's called FBI terrorist organizations list. NOT - "let's ask Milosevic what he thinks of the KLA".



1990 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC map of Yugoslavia showing ethnic divisions. Serbs and Bosniaks are almost equal in Bosnia with most of Republic of Srpska (and Bosnia mind you) either mainly Serb or no clear majority. So to say that a population of 20% of Serbs took over 40% of territory is idiotic. Serbs did however take over more than 40% of territory at one point during the war but this was short lived and the borders of RS remained basically the same. RS was not made by genoicde... My point overall, is that if Kosovo were to be divided, it would only make sense that the Albanians would get majority of the land. The funny thing is that even this does not please you/the rest of your people. I see negotiating and compromising are your best attributes.

Finally. Maybe to you this is not a war of religions, because you are Catholic, but I'm sorry to say, this is mainly a war between Muslims and Christians. If the Albanians in Kosovo had enough money and power, they would call upon a Jihad against Serbia, but under protection of NATO and USA, they are completing their objective either way.

Take care,


pre 16 godina

Yes SrpskiBrod. Exactly to keep sacred sites from destruction was the idea in the beginning of serb occupation of Kosovo. But ended with mass expulsion, mass graves and serbs claiming: albanians came from Turkey. A divided Kosovo like you did in Bosnia where 20 percent of population (serbs) took 40% of territory) of course would please serbs in Kosovo. But the problem is that except of north of Ibar river, serbs have never been majority elsewhere in Kosovo and you can find there only separated enclaves created. So, sorry, but there is not a "Serb majority area" in Kosovo like in Bosnia. And another thing: Serbs, bosnians and croats might mix and live in peace with each other, because at the end of the day, they are all southern slavic populations. Albanians are not that kind. Albanians are mediterranean people, totally alien to serbs, croats or bosnians. What you cant understand is that for us (like for the rest of western europian people) is not the religion defining a nation. You can be muslim, jewish, catholic or orthodox, but if you speak albanian, you are albanian, if you speak italian you are italian, and if you speak polish you are polish. For southern slaves is the opposite. They speak the same language, but it's enough that one goes to the "wrong" worship place and you make of him immediately, a foreigner.

PS. And uhm, yes KLA was considered terrorist as long as the only source furnishing international sources with info was Milosevic's Serbia. At the moment the world saw that the real terrorist was the guy spreading the news and which you had as leader, everybody understand the truth. Or maybe you think that was Milosevic the good guy in that story?


pre 16 godina

"…If you would give back there a slice of the money you collected by their mines, taxes and exploit of natural reserves, to build them schools, universities, develop their culture and other stuff, you wouldn't have to deal nowadays with the picture you have in front of you. You preferred to reduce them to starving and ignorance, so now, get your result

Klaudian, you information's are wrong. Kosovo wasn't exploited, on the contrary, as a least developed region of ex - Yugoslavia, Kosovo was financed for years from Yugoslav development fonds. Complete infra structure, cities, schools, university e.c.t. were built and financed from these fonds. Albanians had all opportunities to develop their culture, and to get free education, (including university level), in Albanian language. They had all rights as other Yugoslav citizens and then some. They had equal political representation, as other YU - nations. Many Kosovo - Albanian politicians belonged to the highest ranks of YU - politics,
Including president of YU. They also freely managed Kosovo economy.

Albanians tend to blame Serbs for all the problems in Kosovo over the ages. But look for example at Albania - Serbs didn't interfere there. Albanians managed their affairs. And jet, who lived better, Albanians in Kosovo or in Albania? Who was responsible for problems in Albania? Also Serbs?


pre 16 godina

If people look at Bosnia, you will notice that there has been a wonderful sense of peace between the Croat/Muslim side and the Serb region. There has been no excessive violence between the two for well over 10 years now and it works in a similar way to that of this proposed plan for Kosovo. 2 entities split into two regions wherever the majority is held. However, the tension between the Serbs and Kosovo Albanians will remain, therefore to keep sacred Religious sites from destruction it is only fair to keep Serbian military within the province.


I admire your views on this topic and I do believe that both sides have appologies to make. It is evident within the happenings in the last few years that the Albanians do not wish to live in peace with Serbs, and something must be done about this, while still keeping Serbian land in SERBIA.


OH P.S. MIKEL: KLA was considered terrorist organization by USA until Clinton removed them from list and began bombing Serbia.


pre 16 godina

First of all, I do not agree with you that Albanians are simply angry with Serbs because of the land situation. Albanians are clearly throwing a Jihad against Serbia. If this was not a war of religions why then burn our churches/kill priests?

Well, I havent seen any catholic church burned or/and any catholic (or even orthodox) priest killed, like your propaganda claims. If albanians would be such islamist you are trying to paint them, they would hate the same catholics as orthodox. I told you I am catholic, but I dont feel any single threat from muslims. Yet, I suffered by orthodox christian serbs which were convinced that attempting to rape my wife, were doing it in the name of Christianity. If there is animosity among albanians toward orthodox churches, it is because serb politics made use of the religion to cover the thirst for colonization of an foreign territory such as Kosovo.

Also. Where do you get this idea that I believe Serbs and Albanians were friends at one point? You seem to be putting thoughts into my head.

Check my post. I never said that. I was saying that the conflict between albanians and serbs existed since 1913 when serbs occupied Kosovo with the excuse of "our churches", and tried to colonize it with waves of imported serbs from everywhere. All this to prove my arguments that it was not the incident of KLA (which by the way, is considered terrorist only by serb nationalists) which unleashed the conflict. It was the whole history of serbian rule over Kosovo and their continuous attempt to empty that territory from albanians.

"PLUS - When you talk about the "revenge" the kosovo Albanians took against Serbs, you glorify it!!! COME ON! You make it seem like something they had to do in order to make things right. ENOUGH ALREADY."

Let put it this way: You live - let say - in a village near Belgrade. You have a little "Caffee" there, but one day Albanians occupy your village, soldiers enter your store and order you to give them all the money because "we are fighting to protect you from serbian terrorists". They brake anything, and when you got home you find it in smoke, and your wife terrorized tells you how your albanian neighbors tried to rape her, and later albanian police officers come nearby and give you 20 minutes to leave to Bulgaria. Well, how would you feel? I would be surprised if after the glorious serb army would restore the Serbian authority in the area and you would be back, you and your family would forget anything and go to your albanian neighbors (those who tried to rape your woman), and have a friendly coffee with them. Tell me how you would act, and I will tell you if I am glorifying or not what I am saying about revenge.

One thing I would like you to tell me though, is are you FOR or AGAINST this proposed plan in the article above?

Check my post above. Definitely AGAINST any form or shadow of Serb authority over Kosovo anymore.


pre 16 godina

First of all, I do not agree with you that Albanians are simply angry with Serbs because of the land situation. Albanians are clearly throwing a Jihad against Serbia. If this was not a war of religions why then burn our churches/kill priests?

Also. Where do you get this idea that I believe Serbs and Albanians were friends at one point? You seem to be putting thoughts into my head.

PLUS - When you talk about the "revenge" the kosovo Albanians took against Serbs, you glorify it!!! COME ON! You make it seem like something they had to do in order to make things right. ENOUGH ALREADY.

One thing I would like you to tell me though, is are you FOR or AGAINST this proposed plan in the article above?


pre 16 godina

"2- The reason of 1999 bombing was because of more than 10.000 albanian victims caused by the serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing was because of 1.000.000 deported people by serbian police, army and civilian supporters. (Mikel, Monday, 18 June, 2007, 18:31)"
Mikel, my understanding is the majority of those vicious crimes were actually committed AFTER the bombing started. I do believe the bombing start over Racak, where 45 people lost their lives and it was never determined for sure whether they were civilians or not.
The reality is Mikel, that the average Serb from Kosovo is far more likely then the average Albanian to be counted among the ethnically cleansed or missing, and has about an equal chance at being counted among the dead. The reality is the victim breakdown by ethnicity mirrors the population very closely.
State sponsered terrorism, such as what Milosevic put you through, is horrid and should be punished to the full extent of the law. As well as all the physical destruction of property should be repaired.
You know, coming back from lunch I was listening to Carla Del Ponte on the radio. Are you aware that in Rwanda 800,000 people were killed in just 100 days? Sort of makes Kosovo look like a school yard fight or something. Even Bosnia makes Kosovo look like a cake walk. As many people were killed in Srebrenica alone (Serbs and Bosniaks) as the total for all Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.
If Serbs could try to live in peace with Croatians and Albanians after WWII (which was a real genocide BTW), I don't think it should be that difficult to live in peace with Serbs after what happened in Kosovo. Although I agree Serbs should issue some serious apologies for what happened and repair the damage that was done.


pre 16 godina

Excellent and a very thoughtful proposal. Bravo http://www.geopolitika.org.yu/! It is time for Albanians to realise that Kosovo will never be an independent state. They should for once learn to leave with Serbs and other nations in harmony. Kosovo is Serbian territory and Albanian. If they want to leave in an Albanian state they are free to leave Kosovo and move to Albania / or any Muslim country.


pre 16 godina

1 - It is good you accept the reality that albanians are not against serbs because serbs were christians, but because serbs were invaders of their land.
2 - When we talk about sources to be considered on counting the numbers of victims or deported people, we'll always have differences. Both sides will call their "favorites". Albanians numbers from CNN, Serbs numbers from some EU organization which during the time the rapport was compiled had as a chair some Greek, or Slovakian official.
Now, I am for sure aware that in reality there was not 100.000 albanians killed as former KLA guys pretend, and the whole 2.000.000 albanian population evicted like Rugova said in april 1999 for a french TV channel. But given me and my family was one of the deported people (from Gjakova first to Kukes- Albania and later to Hamburg- Germany), I can assure you that only in Albania were almost 600.000 - 650.000 deported people, and in Macedonia almost 400.000.
As for the victims, 10.000 is the number of people confirmed as dead and found in mass graves. There is a more 8.000 of missing people, for which maybe some company of road construction in Serbia might have more info. That's what we know for sure (and I am not talking here about numbers but about our loving people we miss every single day). So, correct your data. Maybe serb propaganda is not interested of showing the whole picture of what your guys did to us, but come here and ask us to have a taste what it is like loosing your dears.
3 - I am not saying that in Kosovo albanians didnt revenge against (sometimes) innocent serbs. Sure there are people blinded by the pain, but also there are ordinary criminals trying to take a profit from the general spirit and committing crimes in the name of the sufferings of the past. I may assure you that we, the honest men and women of Kosovo, those who really suffered from the serb occupation, certainly dont support them. We know that those serbs who really committed crimes were the first to leave and are now hiding somewhere in Kurshumlija or surroundings of Belgrade. I really feel sorry of the serb auto-segregation in Kosovo. But this auto-segregation shows that serbs here are conscious about their collective support to a wrong politics leaded by Milosevic in the 90-s.
4 - Living in Kosovo as an albanian for the last 35 years, was like living in Pretoria as a black guy. So, dont try to tell me that the conflict between us and serbs began when a bunch of guys frustrated by the oppression killed 3 police officers. We have been in a conflict since 1913. Every single serbian regime in Belgrade had its program to deal with Kosovo. Because the population of Kosovo never accepted the serb rule. For us, the decision to give Serbia a vital albanian territory like Kosovo in 1913 has always been nul, void, and illegal. We never have been friends. You and we should accept this. No one in the leadership from both sides incited a dialogue or a reconciliation process which might have saved the cohabitation of both entities in a Kosovo where the sovereignity of Serbia, Albania or Zimbabwe wouldnt be important. Now is too late. After 100 years of rule over Kosovo, serbs tried only to assimilate the albanians (or make their life in Kosovo unsupportable) and not to make a good friend of them. We fought against each other and lifes have been taken. So, please lets close the chapter, give independence to Kosovo, and let try to heal our wounds in the future.


pre 16 godina


Okay, maybe you are right. Maybe the murderers were not muslim, but they were definitely KLA. They murdered the 3 policemen after Milosevic withdrew his troops before the bombing even began. the majority population there is muslim, so I have some reason to imagine the KLA fighters were in fact Muslim.

Also. The population of Kosovo is 2,000,000 people. If you believe for a second that you are going to convince me that the Serbs displaced half of those people you've got a prayer.

Maybe I do not have proof of the KLA terrorists being muslim, but could you please show the people here on this page the proof of 1 MILLION displaced peoples and 10,000 dead? Oh and please, no CNN, FOX, or BBC. The most biased news reporters in Europe and NA.


Oh one more thing. Everyone on here who is for Kosovo independence seems to be forgetting how many
Serbs were displaced from their homes and made refugee, not to mention the numerous mass graves of Serb men and women.



pre 16 godina

As I recall, the reason the 1999 bombing raid happened was because Muslim Albanians murdered 3 policemen in Kosovo by use of snipers to provoke the Serbs.

1- Are you sure they was "muslim" albanians? Are you sure they wasnt - for example - catholic, or even orthodox, albanians? Can you please provide us with the original data about the religious preferences of those snipers who killed serb police officers?
2- The reason of 1999 bombing was because of more than 10.000 albanian victims caused by the serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing was because of 1.000.000 deported people by serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing the last serbian attempt to "ethnically clean" Kosovo.

It's wrong trying to depict the Albanian effort for independence of Kosovo as an religious Islamic jihad. Well, I am catholic Albanian, and I fully support the independence of Kosovo, and I can assure you that the protection of Christianity is just an excuse Serbs use to have back a colony they exploited for years. We, the oldest christians of Kosovo (the catholics) we dont feel in danger from our muslim brothers. We live in peace, we love each other and we fought together.


pre 16 godina

One further addition to Klaudian's comments on the "mass settling" from Albania during Enver Hoxha's reign.

I don't know if you folks know, but even if you succeeded in crossing the border without getting shot on sight, your immediate family would be sent into some hell hole to barely scrape a living, your kids, brother, sister would never see the inside of a university and the entire extended family had a stain in the biography, which severely restricted what jobs were available to your relatives.

Under the circumstances, Klaudian is more than right to say that the whole notion of Albanians from Albania settling Kosovo during the years of communism is just plain ludicrous.


pre 16 godina

A couple of notes on Kosovo here:

1. Albanians have lived in the region for a lot longer than the Serbs ever did and before the Ottomans came they were all Christian too. Many of the ancient churches in Kosovo were there before the Serbs started settling the region in force. They belong as much to the Albanians' historical heritage as they do to the Serbs'.
2. Most Serbs here seem to suffer from amnesia when it comes to what happened in Kosovo prior to 1999, which led the KLA to take up arms. It goes something like widespread closure of schools, universities, mass firings from jobs based on ethnic lines, "mysterious" deaths of Kosovar Albanian soldiers in the Yugoslav army barracks, and the list goes on.
3. The Serbian army destroyed hundreds of mosques in their attack on Kosovo along with razing houses and what not (scorched earth tactics). Let's not mention the countless rapes.
Some Kosovar Albanians responded in kind with the churches. Not exactly the honorable thing to do, I have to admit.
In the 80's, the aspiration of Kosovar Albanians was to make Kosovo a republic of Yugoslavia (I was a kid and remember the pens with "Kosova Republike"). Serbia did not like the idea and went on to strip whatever remaining rights the Albanians had.

Given the baggage that exists between the two nations, I can only see a partition as the only possible and stable scenario. There's too much bad blood between both sides for one to tolerate being under the other.

Strategic matters

pre 16 godina

Answer to Besnik Morina. I see it 100% different than you do sir. I work with this matters on a daily basis as a master of social science and I can tell you some facts. The Kosovo issue has never been so far away from a solution as right now. Dont you watch western tv or read western press? I have seen your media directly lying to you to keep your trust to your corrupt politicians who doesnt give a nickel to the people. Russia is extremely strong for the moment(it might not be good but its the truth) and getting stronger every day. Billions of dollars and euro coming in to Russia every week as payment for oil and gas. The people in major cities have reached a standard of living as the average German or French. There are a long way to go to reach the whole country, but they are certainly on the move. Europe are keen to keep good relations with Russia because of oil and gas and US do not want to have another enemy far east.

The only thing US (a country I like) wants to achieve with Kosovo is to keep their Bondsteel base outside Ferizaj/Urosevac. This is a perfect place for a base due to strategic matters and its free of charge. Nothing else. I have personally spoken to many high level american military, diplomats and govermental personell, and I know what Im talking about.
Also, if you did not know it. There are many countries inside the EU that either hesitates or say no to Kosovo independence. I will not tell you them here, but we can discuss it later this fall when it will be obvious and they eventually will stand forward.
Im my opinion (that is not only taken from the air), I believe that either Kosovo will be partitioned OR the International community will not agree and the final decision will be postponed for many decades to come. In that case, I doubt that anyone living today will see how it will end. Maybe a infant. We will see what happens 2008, because this year nothing will for sure happen.


pre 16 godina

It is very interesting to hear about the hardship the Albanians have been through and how they do not wish to be surrounded by Serbian Police force from the comments on this page.

As I recall, the reason the 1999 bombing raid happened was because Muslim Albanians murdered 3 policemen in Kosovo by use of snipers to provoke the Serbs. Serbian military fought against these terrorists, and thus began the biased media frenzy against the Serbs.

When the Serb forces are not around, Kosovo Albanians are rioting, murdering, and burning Houses and Christian Churches under KFOR supervision.

Thus, keep Kosovo Serbian, Have a Serbian military present, and Save Christian Orthodox religion from Jihad.

Clearly the "peace-keeping" forces are doing NOTHING.

Your favourite Bosnian Serb,


pre 16 godina

This is the best joke I've heard in a long time. Keep in mind just one thing. THE SERB MILITARY BOOT WILL NEVER ENTER KOSOVA NOR WILL HANG OVER KOSOVA AGAIN.


pre 16 godina

It's funny how the Albanians say that Kosovo is theirs yet the legacy of the Serbs in Kosovo can be seen every where in the existance of hundreds of years old Serbian churches and moastaries that dot the Kosovo landscape. Isn't it srange that there are no Albanian cultural wonders in Kosovo?

What the Albanians do not realize is that Kosovo is part of Serbia's soul and the Serbs waited 500 years to liberate it from the Ottomans. If the Serbs lose Kosovo again they'll wait another 500 years if they have too.


pre 16 godina

From 1944 to 1991 not a single mosquito was able to move from Albania to anywhere. So, dear Alex, what they told you about "mass emigration from Albania to Kosovo during the communism", is a total lie. If you don't know what kind of regime was the communism of Enver Hoxha, just google a little bit. The son of a my neighbor was executed in 1986 because captured on an attempted escape from Albania to Greece. A curiosity: Imagine a 1000 km long thorned and high voltaged thread covering the whole albanian border with Greece and Yugoslavia. You can go nowadays and check the remains which are still there (visible from the distance, by the way).
It makes me laugh anytime I see comments from serbian posters here trying to justify the continuous albanian demographic dominance in Kosovo, with an imaginary exodus from Albania to Yugoslavia. Well, excuse me for waking you up, but IT NEVER HAPPENED. We were totally isolated, locked, and Kosovo together with other nationalistic issues was forbidden due to the other one, bigger and cooler, the INTERNATIONALIST idea. Albanians was majority in Kosovo because they was always there. I can understand the serb concern about their high rate of growth. But if you take a look to the sociological studies, you will see that it happens to communities which have a low level of education. So, who was in charge of education in Kosovo? Serbia. Well dear serbs, leaving albanians in obscurantism with the hope they will be assimilated, you gave them the strongest weapon: a young, vital, and extremely alienated population. So, blame yourselves. If you would give back there a slice of the money you collected by their mines, taxes and exploit of natural reserves, to build them schools, universities, develop their culture and other stuff, you wouldnt have to deal nowadays with the picture you have in front of you. You prefered to reduce them to starving and ignorance, so now, get your result.
Klaudian, Tirana


pre 16 godina

I do not understand why Serbia still insists in keeping Kosova within its borders, knowing full well that they failed to respect the rights of the majority of K-Albanians there. Serbs had their chance and they blew it. There is a history of conflict between these two ethnicities. Therefore, it does not make any logical sense to force people to live together in the 21st century. It is not right.


pre 16 godina

to "joschka" who didn´t write his real name...

change the term Serb to Albanian in your comment, and it will be correct.

if someone teaches hatred towards others to it´s children than it is the Albanians. and that´s a sad fact...


pre 16 godina

It is a good compromise but the separatist Albanians won't accept anything short of full independence and the merging of Albania/Kosovo into one state of "greater Albania".

Besnik Morina

pre 16 godina

Serbia can dream as long as they can,Kosovo is going to be independent if not 2 weeks from now it will happen by the end of the year.Serbian ideology strongly suported by Russian is geting weaker which made Serbia feel the king of the Ballkan region. Because the took advantage of Vojvodina does't mean the can take Kosovo too.Time have come for Serbia to except the reality.


pre 16 godina

The notion that the Serbs mistreated the Albanians for over 100 years is ludicrous and falls on deaf ears. On the contrary, Kosovo was a beacon of freedom for Albanians from Albania during Enver Hoxa's regime that ALbanians crossed the border en mass as illegal immigrants searching for a better job opportunites and religious freedom all under so called " Serbian persecution". Why would Albanians move from Albania to country where they are supposedly persecuted?


pre 16 godina

As an American who has worked the Balkans for 17 years, I have become keenly aware of Serbian sensitivity to a number of issues. A solution for Kosovo that denies Serbian sovereignty will anger Serbs and be deemed 'unfair'. Therefore, it is necessary for all civilized nations to finally accept that another nation (in this case Serbia) has a God-given right to terrorize all of their neighbors and subjugate by sheer brutality anyone who disagrees with God's will. I am ashamed that the USA and other so-called 'civilized' nations would be so shamefully unfair as to allow 2 million ethnic Albanians to continue living on Serbian territory, and then to go so far as to expect Serbia to come up with a 'plan' for retention of Kosovo. But alas, in their wisdom, Serbia has developed such a plan.
Please, please, please wake up Serbia. You created the mess that is called the Balkans today. Please stop trying to keep the little puppy dog that you never fed, kicked and spat on, and never loved. Be realistic. Nobody will trust Serbia for a long time with the "trusteeship" of another culture.
Teach your kids to love others, not hate. Teach your kids history, but stress the value of progressive forward thinking. And remember, not even the best Serbian plan could be responsibly implemented by a nation that votes for Vojislav Himmler's SRS (30%) or "Milosevic Light" Kostunica.

Great Serbs presented plans after 1912 designed to grant Kosovars and Macedonians full contitutional rights. The Black Hand ended that initiative with violence and Serb political history has borne that decision since (anybody remember Djinjic?). Forget Kosovo. Too late. Move on.
Most Americans who know Serbs like Serbs. In all the Balkans, I feel most comfortable on a personal level among Serbs. Most Serbs have a great sense of humor (best in the Balkans), fierce loyalty to their convictions, and you take care of your familly and friends. We Americans respect these noble qualities. I have been honest about my views with my Serbian friends and those acquaintances with whom I can conduct a mature dialogue.
You are our cousins and belong with us, in the civilized camp of nations.
We are waiting.....


pre 16 godina


Every single KosovA Albanian in these forums or anywere else for that matter will tell you the ame thing i said above. I know this is unnaceptable to the KosovA Albanians because i live in Prishtina and i talk to people here on a daily basis.

So please dont be cynical.


pre 16 godina

Serbia and the Serbs should understand that there was a war fight between Serbia and the West in 1999, because Milosevic wanted to expel other fellow Europeans from their home land, i.e. Albanians. The West - together with Albanians who fought - won the war. So, Serbia should understand one simple equation: what NATO, Albanians and the West won through war, they have no plan to lose it through peace! Serbia and the Serbian people should concentrate on other very important challenges if they believe they live in the 21st century. The challenges of today - for any European nation - should not be nationalism and the past, but globalization and other great challenges of the future. Serbia and the Serbian people therefore, just as Albanians and other nations in Europe, should concentrate in building their common European future, and not live, once again, in their medieval past. Peace to all my Balkan bothers!


pre 17 godina

I think this is a great idea, both sides should be happy. I would also like to add that if ethnik Albanians do reject this, it will only tell us that they dont care about their rights anymore, they only care about making their own state. But if they do exept this, then they truly are doing this for more rights.

Flamur,London UK

pre 17 godina

Today Slobodan Eric made me laugh, thanks m8.
I think this idea of Slobodan Eric should apply to Preshevo valley and it might work but not in Kosova. Kosova is a foreign country for Serbia.


pre 17 godina

This is unacceptable for the albanians. Just because like serbs say about Kosovo's independence, this proposal is an "imposed one-sided solution". No serb sovereignity over any single albanian. THIS HAVE TO BE CLEAR. We tried it, serbs mistreated the opportunity to be good managers. Now it's over. Moscow also wouldn't support this proposal given its officials made clear that will not accept any solution which is not supported by both sides. Albanians doesnt support it, so, get back.


pre 17 godina

lol... what was he thinking!! looks like he has been sleeping in the same bed with milosevic...and that would be the new serbian strategy to keep kosova ?? it's like giving the freedom to a killer hoping he won't do it again,sorry but that doesn't make any sense at all,like we Albanians say "the wolf can change the color but not the attitude"


pre 17 godina

To Ahmet and the band...
Its obvious they have realised US is giving in. After what Bush said in Tirana to this, it only means one thing. There will be no independence and the first attack on KFOR by albans will be used as an excuse for them to abandon the current regime in Pristina.

They are hoping Russia will cave in but, meanwhile, its so obvious that they will hold firm and that Putins legacy will be he saved Kosovo and the Balkans from another crisis. He stood up to the west and succeeded where Yeltzin failed.


pre 17 godina

well, once again Nick knows what is acceptable for the whole k-albanian society...

let´s see what future brings, and what will be after the US realize that unilateral steps aren´t even in their own interest...
it could be that they would tell the Albanians what is in albanian interest...
but, instead of being clever enough to take the thing into own hands and go the legal way to get the best solution possible, they still dream of maximum...and still don´t see how they are being duped...

Bad Gorilla

pre 17 godina

“(…) secured by Serbian Army stationed in garrisons and military police service.

According to the plan, the Albanian entity would be in control of the security managed by police service and special anti-terrorist units (…)”

This is simply SERBIAN MILITARY OCCUPATION OF KOSOVO. Exactly what the Kosovars fought against in the 1990’s. Should the institutions that perpetrated the worst atrocities of Kosovo War come back to patrol their victims? NO WAY!

All of this seems like the infamous Milosevic’s Gazimestan speech…


pre 17 godina

Too many rights. They could seek a referendum and separate later from Serbia. Therefore, unacceptable. Serbia has the upper hand and US knows they cant do anything about it. They have to pay big if they want Russia to abstain. Thats highly unlikely at this point. IRAQ, IRAN, AFGANISTAN, VENEZUELA, SUDAN, SYRIA, and you expect them to add RUSSIA and SERBIA for albanians to that list? NOT LIKELY. Better to leave them as allies rather then have problems on every continent.


pre 17 godina

Wow! This plan is so arcaic. I can not beleive that anyone in their right state of mind would even begin to imagine that this could work! The return of Serb troops to Kosovo in any capacity, shape or form is unimaginable! What a stupid plan!

Watch the Ahtisaari plan fail and Kosovo win independence outright without having to give serbs any autonomy within Kosovo.

We compromised on the fact that we will not unite with Albania, we compromised on the fact that Serbs in Kosovo will get Autonomy, but there is no, I repeat NO COMPROMISE on Independence!!!


pre 17 godina

Eddie, your post was funny, i loughed, but its true. I think they think its 1967 or something. Kosovo had a broader autonomy already in 1974. Who in their right mind would propose such thing!!!! Waste of time and embarrasing.

Bill Larckson

pre 17 godina

To: Chairman Slobodan Erić
Mr.Erić the Kosovar Albanians had more privilages and rights during the 1974 Constitution, when we compere todays Kostunica's and your offers.
It just makes no sence since Kosovo is already self-govern since 1999 and Serbia what so ever has no integrity over Kosovo since 1999. Kostunica's and your visions about Kosovo are just illusions and dreams, so better stand up now and tell the Serb public thatn Kosovo was gonne in 1999 and since then Serbian authorities had no influence over the self-governed province. Kosovo was not of Serbia dependents since 1999 and Serbian public has been thought forged illusion about Kosovo and with this they had reverse Serbia's future for more than 50 years.

Your Sincere
Bill Larckson


pre 17 godina

Why don't you guys get it- you occupied us almost 100 years ago and we never stopped fighting for our freedom. We have sacrificed so much for so long. But we-Albanians are trying to forgive you and Serbia for the crimes, although I must admit it- we will never forget...We want to live in peace, but crazy ideas like partition will achieve the opposite... You are pushing us to organize as a nation and think about pan-Albanian solutions. If Kosova is partitioned, then what we're left with is the reality of USA (United States of Albania) in the Balkans as the newest state and only solution. Understand that an independent Kosovo is the minimum of minimums for Albanians. Just let us go and let's live in peace and side by side... Why don't you get that after you suppresed us for almost 100 years we just don't want to live with you anymore. What's more- you don't want to live with us either because you can not accept us as equals. Let's be neighbours and go on with our lives. It's time for you and Serbia to wake up. It's the last chance for a Serbian-Albanian reconciliation. The choice is yours and Serbia's.

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

Serbian government is at least persuing alternatives - surely the time is right for the US and UK to realise that imposed one-sided solutions have failed irrespective of their huffing and puffing they can't blow the only UN resolution that is valid and they formulated and agreed - 1244!

The time has come to accept the state their in and conform to it!


pre 17 godina

I'd like to see a map of Kosovo as to where the Serbian and Albanian halves are divided. This sounds like a prospective for eventual partition should the Albanian entity develop enough autonomous institutions to break away in a few years via referrendum.


pre 17 godina

How exactly is this an alternative plan? This plan is worse that what Kostunica is offering, which is that KosovA as an autonomous unit would govern its entire territory.

This is unnaceptable to the Kosovo Albanians. Anything and everything that does not include "Sovreignty" is unnaceptable to the Kosovo Albanians.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

"Serbia would remain in charge of foreign affairs, monetary policy, border control, customs, protection of religious, cultural heritage and human, secured by Serbian Army stationed in garrisons and military police service".
Wow , what a plan why idin't K-Albanians thought of this before.


pre 17 godina

I just wanted to remind Chairman Slobodan Erić correct time.
The correct time is Year 2007 and not 1967.
I would suggest him to replace Batteries in his watch.

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

Serbian government is at least persuing alternatives - surely the time is right for the US and UK to realise that imposed one-sided solutions have failed irrespective of their huffing and puffing they can't blow the only UN resolution that is valid and they formulated and agreed - 1244!

The time has come to accept the state their in and conform to it!


pre 17 godina

I just wanted to remind Chairman Slobodan Erić correct time.
The correct time is Year 2007 and not 1967.
I would suggest him to replace Batteries in his watch.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

"Serbia would remain in charge of foreign affairs, monetary policy, border control, customs, protection of religious, cultural heritage and human, secured by Serbian Army stationed in garrisons and military police service".
Wow , what a plan why idin't K-Albanians thought of this before.


pre 17 godina

I'd like to see a map of Kosovo as to where the Serbian and Albanian halves are divided. This sounds like a prospective for eventual partition should the Albanian entity develop enough autonomous institutions to break away in a few years via referrendum.


pre 17 godina

How exactly is this an alternative plan? This plan is worse that what Kostunica is offering, which is that KosovA as an autonomous unit would govern its entire territory.

This is unnaceptable to the Kosovo Albanians. Anything and everything that does not include "Sovreignty" is unnaceptable to the Kosovo Albanians.


pre 17 godina

Why don't you guys get it- you occupied us almost 100 years ago and we never stopped fighting for our freedom. We have sacrificed so much for so long. But we-Albanians are trying to forgive you and Serbia for the crimes, although I must admit it- we will never forget...We want to live in peace, but crazy ideas like partition will achieve the opposite... You are pushing us to organize as a nation and think about pan-Albanian solutions. If Kosova is partitioned, then what we're left with is the reality of USA (United States of Albania) in the Balkans as the newest state and only solution. Understand that an independent Kosovo is the minimum of minimums for Albanians. Just let us go and let's live in peace and side by side... Why don't you get that after you suppresed us for almost 100 years we just don't want to live with you anymore. What's more- you don't want to live with us either because you can not accept us as equals. Let's be neighbours and go on with our lives. It's time for you and Serbia to wake up. It's the last chance for a Serbian-Albanian reconciliation. The choice is yours and Serbia's.

Bill Larckson

pre 17 godina

To: Chairman Slobodan Erić
Mr.Erić the Kosovar Albanians had more privilages and rights during the 1974 Constitution, when we compere todays Kostunica's and your offers.
It just makes no sence since Kosovo is already self-govern since 1999 and Serbia what so ever has no integrity over Kosovo since 1999. Kostunica's and your visions about Kosovo are just illusions and dreams, so better stand up now and tell the Serb public thatn Kosovo was gonne in 1999 and since then Serbian authorities had no influence over the self-governed province. Kosovo was not of Serbia dependents since 1999 and Serbian public has been thought forged illusion about Kosovo and with this they had reverse Serbia's future for more than 50 years.

Your Sincere
Bill Larckson


pre 17 godina

Too many rights. They could seek a referendum and separate later from Serbia. Therefore, unacceptable. Serbia has the upper hand and US knows they cant do anything about it. They have to pay big if they want Russia to abstain. Thats highly unlikely at this point. IRAQ, IRAN, AFGANISTAN, VENEZUELA, SUDAN, SYRIA, and you expect them to add RUSSIA and SERBIA for albanians to that list? NOT LIKELY. Better to leave them as allies rather then have problems on every continent.


pre 17 godina

Wow! This plan is so arcaic. I can not beleive that anyone in their right state of mind would even begin to imagine that this could work! The return of Serb troops to Kosovo in any capacity, shape or form is unimaginable! What a stupid plan!

Watch the Ahtisaari plan fail and Kosovo win independence outright without having to give serbs any autonomy within Kosovo.

We compromised on the fact that we will not unite with Albania, we compromised on the fact that Serbs in Kosovo will get Autonomy, but there is no, I repeat NO COMPROMISE on Independence!!!


pre 17 godina

Eddie, your post was funny, i loughed, but its true. I think they think its 1967 or something. Kosovo had a broader autonomy already in 1974. Who in their right mind would propose such thing!!!! Waste of time and embarrasing.

Bad Gorilla

pre 17 godina

“(…) secured by Serbian Army stationed in garrisons and military police service.

According to the plan, the Albanian entity would be in control of the security managed by police service and special anti-terrorist units (…)”

This is simply SERBIAN MILITARY OCCUPATION OF KOSOVO. Exactly what the Kosovars fought against in the 1990’s. Should the institutions that perpetrated the worst atrocities of Kosovo War come back to patrol their victims? NO WAY!

All of this seems like the infamous Milosevic’s Gazimestan speech…


pre 17 godina

well, once again Nick knows what is acceptable for the whole k-albanian society...

let´s see what future brings, and what will be after the US realize that unilateral steps aren´t even in their own interest...
it could be that they would tell the Albanians what is in albanian interest...
but, instead of being clever enough to take the thing into own hands and go the legal way to get the best solution possible, they still dream of maximum...and still don´t see how they are being duped...


pre 17 godina

To Ahmet and the band...
Its obvious they have realised US is giving in. After what Bush said in Tirana to this, it only means one thing. There will be no independence and the first attack on KFOR by albans will be used as an excuse for them to abandon the current regime in Pristina.

They are hoping Russia will cave in but, meanwhile, its so obvious that they will hold firm and that Putins legacy will be he saved Kosovo and the Balkans from another crisis. He stood up to the west and succeeded where Yeltzin failed.


pre 17 godina

This is unacceptable for the albanians. Just because like serbs say about Kosovo's independence, this proposal is an "imposed one-sided solution". No serb sovereignity over any single albanian. THIS HAVE TO BE CLEAR. We tried it, serbs mistreated the opportunity to be good managers. Now it's over. Moscow also wouldn't support this proposal given its officials made clear that will not accept any solution which is not supported by both sides. Albanians doesnt support it, so, get back.


pre 17 godina

lol... what was he thinking!! looks like he has been sleeping in the same bed with milosevic...and that would be the new serbian strategy to keep kosova ?? it's like giving the freedom to a killer hoping he won't do it again,sorry but that doesn't make any sense at all,like we Albanians say "the wolf can change the color but not the attitude"

Flamur,London UK

pre 17 godina

Today Slobodan Eric made me laugh, thanks m8.
I think this idea of Slobodan Eric should apply to Preshevo valley and it might work but not in Kosova. Kosova is a foreign country for Serbia.


pre 17 godina

I think this is a great idea, both sides should be happy. I would also like to add that if ethnik Albanians do reject this, it will only tell us that they dont care about their rights anymore, they only care about making their own state. But if they do exept this, then they truly are doing this for more rights.


pre 16 godina

Serbia and the Serbs should understand that there was a war fight between Serbia and the West in 1999, because Milosevic wanted to expel other fellow Europeans from their home land, i.e. Albanians. The West - together with Albanians who fought - won the war. So, Serbia should understand one simple equation: what NATO, Albanians and the West won through war, they have no plan to lose it through peace! Serbia and the Serbian people should concentrate on other very important challenges if they believe they live in the 21st century. The challenges of today - for any European nation - should not be nationalism and the past, but globalization and other great challenges of the future. Serbia and the Serbian people therefore, just as Albanians and other nations in Europe, should concentrate in building their common European future, and not live, once again, in their medieval past. Peace to all my Balkan bothers!


pre 16 godina


Every single KosovA Albanian in these forums or anywere else for that matter will tell you the ame thing i said above. I know this is unnaceptable to the KosovA Albanians because i live in Prishtina and i talk to people here on a daily basis.

So please dont be cynical.


pre 16 godina

As an American who has worked the Balkans for 17 years, I have become keenly aware of Serbian sensitivity to a number of issues. A solution for Kosovo that denies Serbian sovereignty will anger Serbs and be deemed 'unfair'. Therefore, it is necessary for all civilized nations to finally accept that another nation (in this case Serbia) has a God-given right to terrorize all of their neighbors and subjugate by sheer brutality anyone who disagrees with God's will. I am ashamed that the USA and other so-called 'civilized' nations would be so shamefully unfair as to allow 2 million ethnic Albanians to continue living on Serbian territory, and then to go so far as to expect Serbia to come up with a 'plan' for retention of Kosovo. But alas, in their wisdom, Serbia has developed such a plan.
Please, please, please wake up Serbia. You created the mess that is called the Balkans today. Please stop trying to keep the little puppy dog that you never fed, kicked and spat on, and never loved. Be realistic. Nobody will trust Serbia for a long time with the "trusteeship" of another culture.
Teach your kids to love others, not hate. Teach your kids history, but stress the value of progressive forward thinking. And remember, not even the best Serbian plan could be responsibly implemented by a nation that votes for Vojislav Himmler's SRS (30%) or "Milosevic Light" Kostunica.

Great Serbs presented plans after 1912 designed to grant Kosovars and Macedonians full contitutional rights. The Black Hand ended that initiative with violence and Serb political history has borne that decision since (anybody remember Djinjic?). Forget Kosovo. Too late. Move on.
Most Americans who know Serbs like Serbs. In all the Balkans, I feel most comfortable on a personal level among Serbs. Most Serbs have a great sense of humor (best in the Balkans), fierce loyalty to their convictions, and you take care of your familly and friends. We Americans respect these noble qualities. I have been honest about my views with my Serbian friends and those acquaintances with whom I can conduct a mature dialogue.
You are our cousins and belong with us, in the civilized camp of nations.
We are waiting.....


pre 16 godina

The notion that the Serbs mistreated the Albanians for over 100 years is ludicrous and falls on deaf ears. On the contrary, Kosovo was a beacon of freedom for Albanians from Albania during Enver Hoxa's regime that ALbanians crossed the border en mass as illegal immigrants searching for a better job opportunites and religious freedom all under so called " Serbian persecution". Why would Albanians move from Albania to country where they are supposedly persecuted?

Besnik Morina

pre 16 godina

Serbia can dream as long as they can,Kosovo is going to be independent if not 2 weeks from now it will happen by the end of the year.Serbian ideology strongly suported by Russian is geting weaker which made Serbia feel the king of the Ballkan region. Because the took advantage of Vojvodina does't mean the can take Kosovo too.Time have come for Serbia to except the reality.


pre 16 godina

to "joschka" who didn´t write his real name...

change the term Serb to Albanian in your comment, and it will be correct.

if someone teaches hatred towards others to it´s children than it is the Albanians. and that´s a sad fact...


pre 16 godina

It is a good compromise but the separatist Albanians won't accept anything short of full independence and the merging of Albania/Kosovo into one state of "greater Albania".


pre 16 godina

I do not understand why Serbia still insists in keeping Kosova within its borders, knowing full well that they failed to respect the rights of the majority of K-Albanians there. Serbs had their chance and they blew it. There is a history of conflict between these two ethnicities. Therefore, it does not make any logical sense to force people to live together in the 21st century. It is not right.


pre 16 godina

From 1944 to 1991 not a single mosquito was able to move from Albania to anywhere. So, dear Alex, what they told you about "mass emigration from Albania to Kosovo during the communism", is a total lie. If you don't know what kind of regime was the communism of Enver Hoxha, just google a little bit. The son of a my neighbor was executed in 1986 because captured on an attempted escape from Albania to Greece. A curiosity: Imagine a 1000 km long thorned and high voltaged thread covering the whole albanian border with Greece and Yugoslavia. You can go nowadays and check the remains which are still there (visible from the distance, by the way).
It makes me laugh anytime I see comments from serbian posters here trying to justify the continuous albanian demographic dominance in Kosovo, with an imaginary exodus from Albania to Yugoslavia. Well, excuse me for waking you up, but IT NEVER HAPPENED. We were totally isolated, locked, and Kosovo together with other nationalistic issues was forbidden due to the other one, bigger and cooler, the INTERNATIONALIST idea. Albanians was majority in Kosovo because they was always there. I can understand the serb concern about their high rate of growth. But if you take a look to the sociological studies, you will see that it happens to communities which have a low level of education. So, who was in charge of education in Kosovo? Serbia. Well dear serbs, leaving albanians in obscurantism with the hope they will be assimilated, you gave them the strongest weapon: a young, vital, and extremely alienated population. So, blame yourselves. If you would give back there a slice of the money you collected by their mines, taxes and exploit of natural reserves, to build them schools, universities, develop their culture and other stuff, you wouldnt have to deal nowadays with the picture you have in front of you. You prefered to reduce them to starving and ignorance, so now, get your result.
Klaudian, Tirana


pre 16 godina

It's funny how the Albanians say that Kosovo is theirs yet the legacy of the Serbs in Kosovo can be seen every where in the existance of hundreds of years old Serbian churches and moastaries that dot the Kosovo landscape. Isn't it srange that there are no Albanian cultural wonders in Kosovo?

What the Albanians do not realize is that Kosovo is part of Serbia's soul and the Serbs waited 500 years to liberate it from the Ottomans. If the Serbs lose Kosovo again they'll wait another 500 years if they have too.


pre 16 godina

This is the best joke I've heard in a long time. Keep in mind just one thing. THE SERB MILITARY BOOT WILL NEVER ENTER KOSOVA NOR WILL HANG OVER KOSOVA AGAIN.


pre 16 godina

It is very interesting to hear about the hardship the Albanians have been through and how they do not wish to be surrounded by Serbian Police force from the comments on this page.

As I recall, the reason the 1999 bombing raid happened was because Muslim Albanians murdered 3 policemen in Kosovo by use of snipers to provoke the Serbs. Serbian military fought against these terrorists, and thus began the biased media frenzy against the Serbs.

When the Serb forces are not around, Kosovo Albanians are rioting, murdering, and burning Houses and Christian Churches under KFOR supervision.

Thus, keep Kosovo Serbian, Have a Serbian military present, and Save Christian Orthodox religion from Jihad.

Clearly the "peace-keeping" forces are doing NOTHING.

Your favourite Bosnian Serb,

Strategic matters

pre 16 godina

Answer to Besnik Morina. I see it 100% different than you do sir. I work with this matters on a daily basis as a master of social science and I can tell you some facts. The Kosovo issue has never been so far away from a solution as right now. Dont you watch western tv or read western press? I have seen your media directly lying to you to keep your trust to your corrupt politicians who doesnt give a nickel to the people. Russia is extremely strong for the moment(it might not be good but its the truth) and getting stronger every day. Billions of dollars and euro coming in to Russia every week as payment for oil and gas. The people in major cities have reached a standard of living as the average German or French. There are a long way to go to reach the whole country, but they are certainly on the move. Europe are keen to keep good relations with Russia because of oil and gas and US do not want to have another enemy far east.

The only thing US (a country I like) wants to achieve with Kosovo is to keep their Bondsteel base outside Ferizaj/Urosevac. This is a perfect place for a base due to strategic matters and its free of charge. Nothing else. I have personally spoken to many high level american military, diplomats and govermental personell, and I know what Im talking about.
Also, if you did not know it. There are many countries inside the EU that either hesitates or say no to Kosovo independence. I will not tell you them here, but we can discuss it later this fall when it will be obvious and they eventually will stand forward.
Im my opinion (that is not only taken from the air), I believe that either Kosovo will be partitioned OR the International community will not agree and the final decision will be postponed for many decades to come. In that case, I doubt that anyone living today will see how it will end. Maybe a infant. We will see what happens 2008, because this year nothing will for sure happen.


pre 16 godina

A couple of notes on Kosovo here:

1. Albanians have lived in the region for a lot longer than the Serbs ever did and before the Ottomans came they were all Christian too. Many of the ancient churches in Kosovo were there before the Serbs started settling the region in force. They belong as much to the Albanians' historical heritage as they do to the Serbs'.
2. Most Serbs here seem to suffer from amnesia when it comes to what happened in Kosovo prior to 1999, which led the KLA to take up arms. It goes something like widespread closure of schools, universities, mass firings from jobs based on ethnic lines, "mysterious" deaths of Kosovar Albanian soldiers in the Yugoslav army barracks, and the list goes on.
3. The Serbian army destroyed hundreds of mosques in their attack on Kosovo along with razing houses and what not (scorched earth tactics). Let's not mention the countless rapes.
Some Kosovar Albanians responded in kind with the churches. Not exactly the honorable thing to do, I have to admit.
In the 80's, the aspiration of Kosovar Albanians was to make Kosovo a republic of Yugoslavia (I was a kid and remember the pens with "Kosova Republike"). Serbia did not like the idea and went on to strip whatever remaining rights the Albanians had.

Given the baggage that exists between the two nations, I can only see a partition as the only possible and stable scenario. There's too much bad blood between both sides for one to tolerate being under the other.


pre 16 godina

One further addition to Klaudian's comments on the "mass settling" from Albania during Enver Hoxha's reign.

I don't know if you folks know, but even if you succeeded in crossing the border without getting shot on sight, your immediate family would be sent into some hell hole to barely scrape a living, your kids, brother, sister would never see the inside of a university and the entire extended family had a stain in the biography, which severely restricted what jobs were available to your relatives.

Under the circumstances, Klaudian is more than right to say that the whole notion of Albanians from Albania settling Kosovo during the years of communism is just plain ludicrous.


pre 16 godina

As I recall, the reason the 1999 bombing raid happened was because Muslim Albanians murdered 3 policemen in Kosovo by use of snipers to provoke the Serbs.

1- Are you sure they was "muslim" albanians? Are you sure they wasnt - for example - catholic, or even orthodox, albanians? Can you please provide us with the original data about the religious preferences of those snipers who killed serb police officers?
2- The reason of 1999 bombing was because of more than 10.000 albanian victims caused by the serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing was because of 1.000.000 deported people by serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing the last serbian attempt to "ethnically clean" Kosovo.

It's wrong trying to depict the Albanian effort for independence of Kosovo as an religious Islamic jihad. Well, I am catholic Albanian, and I fully support the independence of Kosovo, and I can assure you that the protection of Christianity is just an excuse Serbs use to have back a colony they exploited for years. We, the oldest christians of Kosovo (the catholics) we dont feel in danger from our muslim brothers. We live in peace, we love each other and we fought together.


pre 16 godina


Okay, maybe you are right. Maybe the murderers were not muslim, but they were definitely KLA. They murdered the 3 policemen after Milosevic withdrew his troops before the bombing even began. the majority population there is muslim, so I have some reason to imagine the KLA fighters were in fact Muslim.

Also. The population of Kosovo is 2,000,000 people. If you believe for a second that you are going to convince me that the Serbs displaced half of those people you've got a prayer.

Maybe I do not have proof of the KLA terrorists being muslim, but could you please show the people here on this page the proof of 1 MILLION displaced peoples and 10,000 dead? Oh and please, no CNN, FOX, or BBC. The most biased news reporters in Europe and NA.


Oh one more thing. Everyone on here who is for Kosovo independence seems to be forgetting how many
Serbs were displaced from their homes and made refugee, not to mention the numerous mass graves of Serb men and women.



pre 16 godina

1 - It is good you accept the reality that albanians are not against serbs because serbs were christians, but because serbs were invaders of their land.
2 - When we talk about sources to be considered on counting the numbers of victims or deported people, we'll always have differences. Both sides will call their "favorites". Albanians numbers from CNN, Serbs numbers from some EU organization which during the time the rapport was compiled had as a chair some Greek, or Slovakian official.
Now, I am for sure aware that in reality there was not 100.000 albanians killed as former KLA guys pretend, and the whole 2.000.000 albanian population evicted like Rugova said in april 1999 for a french TV channel. But given me and my family was one of the deported people (from Gjakova first to Kukes- Albania and later to Hamburg- Germany), I can assure you that only in Albania were almost 600.000 - 650.000 deported people, and in Macedonia almost 400.000.
As for the victims, 10.000 is the number of people confirmed as dead and found in mass graves. There is a more 8.000 of missing people, for which maybe some company of road construction in Serbia might have more info. That's what we know for sure (and I am not talking here about numbers but about our loving people we miss every single day). So, correct your data. Maybe serb propaganda is not interested of showing the whole picture of what your guys did to us, but come here and ask us to have a taste what it is like loosing your dears.
3 - I am not saying that in Kosovo albanians didnt revenge against (sometimes) innocent serbs. Sure there are people blinded by the pain, but also there are ordinary criminals trying to take a profit from the general spirit and committing crimes in the name of the sufferings of the past. I may assure you that we, the honest men and women of Kosovo, those who really suffered from the serb occupation, certainly dont support them. We know that those serbs who really committed crimes were the first to leave and are now hiding somewhere in Kurshumlija or surroundings of Belgrade. I really feel sorry of the serb auto-segregation in Kosovo. But this auto-segregation shows that serbs here are conscious about their collective support to a wrong politics leaded by Milosevic in the 90-s.
4 - Living in Kosovo as an albanian for the last 35 years, was like living in Pretoria as a black guy. So, dont try to tell me that the conflict between us and serbs began when a bunch of guys frustrated by the oppression killed 3 police officers. We have been in a conflict since 1913. Every single serbian regime in Belgrade had its program to deal with Kosovo. Because the population of Kosovo never accepted the serb rule. For us, the decision to give Serbia a vital albanian territory like Kosovo in 1913 has always been nul, void, and illegal. We never have been friends. You and we should accept this. No one in the leadership from both sides incited a dialogue or a reconciliation process which might have saved the cohabitation of both entities in a Kosovo where the sovereignity of Serbia, Albania or Zimbabwe wouldnt be important. Now is too late. After 100 years of rule over Kosovo, serbs tried only to assimilate the albanians (or make their life in Kosovo unsupportable) and not to make a good friend of them. We fought against each other and lifes have been taken. So, please lets close the chapter, give independence to Kosovo, and let try to heal our wounds in the future.


pre 16 godina

Excellent and a very thoughtful proposal. Bravo http://www.geopolitika.org.yu/! It is time for Albanians to realise that Kosovo will never be an independent state. They should for once learn to leave with Serbs and other nations in harmony. Kosovo is Serbian territory and Albanian. If they want to leave in an Albanian state they are free to leave Kosovo and move to Albania / or any Muslim country.


pre 16 godina

"2- The reason of 1999 bombing was because of more than 10.000 albanian victims caused by the serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing was because of 1.000.000 deported people by serbian police, army and civilian supporters. (Mikel, Monday, 18 June, 2007, 18:31)"
Mikel, my understanding is the majority of those vicious crimes were actually committed AFTER the bombing started. I do believe the bombing start over Racak, where 45 people lost their lives and it was never determined for sure whether they were civilians or not.
The reality is Mikel, that the average Serb from Kosovo is far more likely then the average Albanian to be counted among the ethnically cleansed or missing, and has about an equal chance at being counted among the dead. The reality is the victim breakdown by ethnicity mirrors the population very closely.
State sponsered terrorism, such as what Milosevic put you through, is horrid and should be punished to the full extent of the law. As well as all the physical destruction of property should be repaired.
You know, coming back from lunch I was listening to Carla Del Ponte on the radio. Are you aware that in Rwanda 800,000 people were killed in just 100 days? Sort of makes Kosovo look like a school yard fight or something. Even Bosnia makes Kosovo look like a cake walk. As many people were killed in Srebrenica alone (Serbs and Bosniaks) as the total for all Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.
If Serbs could try to live in peace with Croatians and Albanians after WWII (which was a real genocide BTW), I don't think it should be that difficult to live in peace with Serbs after what happened in Kosovo. Although I agree Serbs should issue some serious apologies for what happened and repair the damage that was done.


pre 16 godina

First of all, I do not agree with you that Albanians are simply angry with Serbs because of the land situation. Albanians are clearly throwing a Jihad against Serbia. If this was not a war of religions why then burn our churches/kill priests?

Also. Where do you get this idea that I believe Serbs and Albanians were friends at one point? You seem to be putting thoughts into my head.

PLUS - When you talk about the "revenge" the kosovo Albanians took against Serbs, you glorify it!!! COME ON! You make it seem like something they had to do in order to make things right. ENOUGH ALREADY.

One thing I would like you to tell me though, is are you FOR or AGAINST this proposed plan in the article above?


pre 16 godina

First of all, I do not agree with you that Albanians are simply angry with Serbs because of the land situation. Albanians are clearly throwing a Jihad against Serbia. If this was not a war of religions why then burn our churches/kill priests?

Well, I havent seen any catholic church burned or/and any catholic (or even orthodox) priest killed, like your propaganda claims. If albanians would be such islamist you are trying to paint them, they would hate the same catholics as orthodox. I told you I am catholic, but I dont feel any single threat from muslims. Yet, I suffered by orthodox christian serbs which were convinced that attempting to rape my wife, were doing it in the name of Christianity. If there is animosity among albanians toward orthodox churches, it is because serb politics made use of the religion to cover the thirst for colonization of an foreign territory such as Kosovo.

Also. Where do you get this idea that I believe Serbs and Albanians were friends at one point? You seem to be putting thoughts into my head.

Check my post. I never said that. I was saying that the conflict between albanians and serbs existed since 1913 when serbs occupied Kosovo with the excuse of "our churches", and tried to colonize it with waves of imported serbs from everywhere. All this to prove my arguments that it was not the incident of KLA (which by the way, is considered terrorist only by serb nationalists) which unleashed the conflict. It was the whole history of serbian rule over Kosovo and their continuous attempt to empty that territory from albanians.

"PLUS - When you talk about the "revenge" the kosovo Albanians took against Serbs, you glorify it!!! COME ON! You make it seem like something they had to do in order to make things right. ENOUGH ALREADY."

Let put it this way: You live - let say - in a village near Belgrade. You have a little "Caffee" there, but one day Albanians occupy your village, soldiers enter your store and order you to give them all the money because "we are fighting to protect you from serbian terrorists". They brake anything, and when you got home you find it in smoke, and your wife terrorized tells you how your albanian neighbors tried to rape her, and later albanian police officers come nearby and give you 20 minutes to leave to Bulgaria. Well, how would you feel? I would be surprised if after the glorious serb army would restore the Serbian authority in the area and you would be back, you and your family would forget anything and go to your albanian neighbors (those who tried to rape your woman), and have a friendly coffee with them. Tell me how you would act, and I will tell you if I am glorifying or not what I am saying about revenge.

One thing I would like you to tell me though, is are you FOR or AGAINST this proposed plan in the article above?

Check my post above. Definitely AGAINST any form or shadow of Serb authority over Kosovo anymore.


pre 16 godina

If people look at Bosnia, you will notice that there has been a wonderful sense of peace between the Croat/Muslim side and the Serb region. There has been no excessive violence between the two for well over 10 years now and it works in a similar way to that of this proposed plan for Kosovo. 2 entities split into two regions wherever the majority is held. However, the tension between the Serbs and Kosovo Albanians will remain, therefore to keep sacred Religious sites from destruction it is only fair to keep Serbian military within the province.


I admire your views on this topic and I do believe that both sides have appologies to make. It is evident within the happenings in the last few years that the Albanians do not wish to live in peace with Serbs, and something must be done about this, while still keeping Serbian land in SERBIA.


OH P.S. MIKEL: KLA was considered terrorist organization by USA until Clinton removed them from list and began bombing Serbia.


pre 16 godina

"…If you would give back there a slice of the money you collected by their mines, taxes and exploit of natural reserves, to build them schools, universities, develop their culture and other stuff, you wouldn't have to deal nowadays with the picture you have in front of you. You preferred to reduce them to starving and ignorance, so now, get your result

Klaudian, you information's are wrong. Kosovo wasn't exploited, on the contrary, as a least developed region of ex - Yugoslavia, Kosovo was financed for years from Yugoslav development fonds. Complete infra structure, cities, schools, university e.c.t. were built and financed from these fonds. Albanians had all opportunities to develop their culture, and to get free education, (including university level), in Albanian language. They had all rights as other Yugoslav citizens and then some. They had equal political representation, as other YU - nations. Many Kosovo - Albanian politicians belonged to the highest ranks of YU - politics,
Including president of YU. They also freely managed Kosovo economy.

Albanians tend to blame Serbs for all the problems in Kosovo over the ages. But look for example at Albania - Serbs didn't interfere there. Albanians managed their affairs. And jet, who lived better, Albanians in Kosovo or in Albania? Who was responsible for problems in Albania? Also Serbs?


pre 16 godina

Yes SrpskiBrod. Exactly to keep sacred sites from destruction was the idea in the beginning of serb occupation of Kosovo. But ended with mass expulsion, mass graves and serbs claiming: albanians came from Turkey. A divided Kosovo like you did in Bosnia where 20 percent of population (serbs) took 40% of territory) of course would please serbs in Kosovo. But the problem is that except of north of Ibar river, serbs have never been majority elsewhere in Kosovo and you can find there only separated enclaves created. So, sorry, but there is not a "Serb majority area" in Kosovo like in Bosnia. And another thing: Serbs, bosnians and croats might mix and live in peace with each other, because at the end of the day, they are all southern slavic populations. Albanians are not that kind. Albanians are mediterranean people, totally alien to serbs, croats or bosnians. What you cant understand is that for us (like for the rest of western europian people) is not the religion defining a nation. You can be muslim, jewish, catholic or orthodox, but if you speak albanian, you are albanian, if you speak italian you are italian, and if you speak polish you are polish. For southern slaves is the opposite. They speak the same language, but it's enough that one goes to the "wrong" worship place and you make of him immediately, a foreigner.

PS. And uhm, yes KLA was considered terrorist as long as the only source furnishing international sources with info was Milosevic's Serbia. At the moment the world saw that the real terrorist was the guy spreading the news and which you had as leader, everybody understand the truth. Or maybe you think that was Milosevic the good guy in that story?


pre 16 godina


1. If you are telling me USA used intelligence from a (and here im quoting albanians) "ruthless/murderous/raping/genocide committing/warlord" from a war-torn country, to classify the KLA, then I really do not know how to take your arguments seriously.

It's called the FBI. It's called KLA's ties to Osama and the rest of the Jihad gang. It's called FBI terrorist organizations list. NOT - "let's ask Milosevic what he thinks of the KLA".



1990 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC map of Yugoslavia showing ethnic divisions. Serbs and Bosniaks are almost equal in Bosnia with most of Republic of Srpska (and Bosnia mind you) either mainly Serb or no clear majority. So to say that a population of 20% of Serbs took over 40% of territory is idiotic. Serbs did however take over more than 40% of territory at one point during the war but this was short lived and the borders of RS remained basically the same. RS was not made by genoicde... My point overall, is that if Kosovo were to be divided, it would only make sense that the Albanians would get majority of the land. The funny thing is that even this does not please you/the rest of your people. I see negotiating and compromising are your best attributes.

Finally. Maybe to you this is not a war of religions, because you are Catholic, but I'm sorry to say, this is mainly a war between Muslims and Christians. If the Albanians in Kosovo had enough money and power, they would call upon a Jihad against Serbia, but under protection of NATO and USA, they are completing their objective either way.

Take care,

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

Serbian government is at least persuing alternatives - surely the time is right for the US and UK to realise that imposed one-sided solutions have failed irrespective of their huffing and puffing they can't blow the only UN resolution that is valid and they formulated and agreed - 1244!

The time has come to accept the state their in and conform to it!


pre 17 godina

I just wanted to remind Chairman Slobodan Erić correct time.
The correct time is Year 2007 and not 1967.
I would suggest him to replace Batteries in his watch.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

"Serbia would remain in charge of foreign affairs, monetary policy, border control, customs, protection of religious, cultural heritage and human, secured by Serbian Army stationed in garrisons and military police service".
Wow , what a plan why idin't K-Albanians thought of this before.


pre 17 godina

I'd like to see a map of Kosovo as to where the Serbian and Albanian halves are divided. This sounds like a prospective for eventual partition should the Albanian entity develop enough autonomous institutions to break away in a few years via referrendum.


pre 17 godina

How exactly is this an alternative plan? This plan is worse that what Kostunica is offering, which is that KosovA as an autonomous unit would govern its entire territory.

This is unnaceptable to the Kosovo Albanians. Anything and everything that does not include "Sovreignty" is unnaceptable to the Kosovo Albanians.


pre 17 godina

Why don't you guys get it- you occupied us almost 100 years ago and we never stopped fighting for our freedom. We have sacrificed so much for so long. But we-Albanians are trying to forgive you and Serbia for the crimes, although I must admit it- we will never forget...We want to live in peace, but crazy ideas like partition will achieve the opposite... You are pushing us to organize as a nation and think about pan-Albanian solutions. If Kosova is partitioned, then what we're left with is the reality of USA (United States of Albania) in the Balkans as the newest state and only solution. Understand that an independent Kosovo is the minimum of minimums for Albanians. Just let us go and let's live in peace and side by side... Why don't you get that after you suppresed us for almost 100 years we just don't want to live with you anymore. What's more- you don't want to live with us either because you can not accept us as equals. Let's be neighbours and go on with our lives. It's time for you and Serbia to wake up. It's the last chance for a Serbian-Albanian reconciliation. The choice is yours and Serbia's.

Bill Larckson

pre 17 godina

To: Chairman Slobodan Erić
Mr.Erić the Kosovar Albanians had more privilages and rights during the 1974 Constitution, when we compere todays Kostunica's and your offers.
It just makes no sence since Kosovo is already self-govern since 1999 and Serbia what so ever has no integrity over Kosovo since 1999. Kostunica's and your visions about Kosovo are just illusions and dreams, so better stand up now and tell the Serb public thatn Kosovo was gonne in 1999 and since then Serbian authorities had no influence over the self-governed province. Kosovo was not of Serbia dependents since 1999 and Serbian public has been thought forged illusion about Kosovo and with this they had reverse Serbia's future for more than 50 years.

Your Sincere
Bill Larckson


pre 17 godina

Too many rights. They could seek a referendum and separate later from Serbia. Therefore, unacceptable. Serbia has the upper hand and US knows they cant do anything about it. They have to pay big if they want Russia to abstain. Thats highly unlikely at this point. IRAQ, IRAN, AFGANISTAN, VENEZUELA, SUDAN, SYRIA, and you expect them to add RUSSIA and SERBIA for albanians to that list? NOT LIKELY. Better to leave them as allies rather then have problems on every continent.


pre 17 godina

Wow! This plan is so arcaic. I can not beleive that anyone in their right state of mind would even begin to imagine that this could work! The return of Serb troops to Kosovo in any capacity, shape or form is unimaginable! What a stupid plan!

Watch the Ahtisaari plan fail and Kosovo win independence outright without having to give serbs any autonomy within Kosovo.

We compromised on the fact that we will not unite with Albania, we compromised on the fact that Serbs in Kosovo will get Autonomy, but there is no, I repeat NO COMPROMISE on Independence!!!


pre 17 godina

Eddie, your post was funny, i loughed, but its true. I think they think its 1967 or something. Kosovo had a broader autonomy already in 1974. Who in their right mind would propose such thing!!!! Waste of time and embarrasing.

Bad Gorilla

pre 17 godina

“(…) secured by Serbian Army stationed in garrisons and military police service.

According to the plan, the Albanian entity would be in control of the security managed by police service and special anti-terrorist units (…)”

This is simply SERBIAN MILITARY OCCUPATION OF KOSOVO. Exactly what the Kosovars fought against in the 1990’s. Should the institutions that perpetrated the worst atrocities of Kosovo War come back to patrol their victims? NO WAY!

All of this seems like the infamous Milosevic’s Gazimestan speech…


pre 17 godina

well, once again Nick knows what is acceptable for the whole k-albanian society...

let´s see what future brings, and what will be after the US realize that unilateral steps aren´t even in their own interest...
it could be that they would tell the Albanians what is in albanian interest...
but, instead of being clever enough to take the thing into own hands and go the legal way to get the best solution possible, they still dream of maximum...and still don´t see how they are being duped...


pre 17 godina

To Ahmet and the band...
Its obvious they have realised US is giving in. After what Bush said in Tirana to this, it only means one thing. There will be no independence and the first attack on KFOR by albans will be used as an excuse for them to abandon the current regime in Pristina.

They are hoping Russia will cave in but, meanwhile, its so obvious that they will hold firm and that Putins legacy will be he saved Kosovo and the Balkans from another crisis. He stood up to the west and succeeded where Yeltzin failed.


pre 17 godina

This is unacceptable for the albanians. Just because like serbs say about Kosovo's independence, this proposal is an "imposed one-sided solution". No serb sovereignity over any single albanian. THIS HAVE TO BE CLEAR. We tried it, serbs mistreated the opportunity to be good managers. Now it's over. Moscow also wouldn't support this proposal given its officials made clear that will not accept any solution which is not supported by both sides. Albanians doesnt support it, so, get back.


pre 17 godina

lol... what was he thinking!! looks like he has been sleeping in the same bed with milosevic...and that would be the new serbian strategy to keep kosova ?? it's like giving the freedom to a killer hoping he won't do it again,sorry but that doesn't make any sense at all,like we Albanians say "the wolf can change the color but not the attitude"

Flamur,London UK

pre 17 godina

Today Slobodan Eric made me laugh, thanks m8.
I think this idea of Slobodan Eric should apply to Preshevo valley and it might work but not in Kosova. Kosova is a foreign country for Serbia.


pre 17 godina

I think this is a great idea, both sides should be happy. I would also like to add that if ethnik Albanians do reject this, it will only tell us that they dont care about their rights anymore, they only care about making their own state. But if they do exept this, then they truly are doing this for more rights.


pre 16 godina

Serbia and the Serbs should understand that there was a war fight between Serbia and the West in 1999, because Milosevic wanted to expel other fellow Europeans from their home land, i.e. Albanians. The West - together with Albanians who fought - won the war. So, Serbia should understand one simple equation: what NATO, Albanians and the West won through war, they have no plan to lose it through peace! Serbia and the Serbian people should concentrate on other very important challenges if they believe they live in the 21st century. The challenges of today - for any European nation - should not be nationalism and the past, but globalization and other great challenges of the future. Serbia and the Serbian people therefore, just as Albanians and other nations in Europe, should concentrate in building their common European future, and not live, once again, in their medieval past. Peace to all my Balkan bothers!


pre 16 godina


Every single KosovA Albanian in these forums or anywere else for that matter will tell you the ame thing i said above. I know this is unnaceptable to the KosovA Albanians because i live in Prishtina and i talk to people here on a daily basis.

So please dont be cynical.


pre 16 godina

As an American who has worked the Balkans for 17 years, I have become keenly aware of Serbian sensitivity to a number of issues. A solution for Kosovo that denies Serbian sovereignty will anger Serbs and be deemed 'unfair'. Therefore, it is necessary for all civilized nations to finally accept that another nation (in this case Serbia) has a God-given right to terrorize all of their neighbors and subjugate by sheer brutality anyone who disagrees with God's will. I am ashamed that the USA and other so-called 'civilized' nations would be so shamefully unfair as to allow 2 million ethnic Albanians to continue living on Serbian territory, and then to go so far as to expect Serbia to come up with a 'plan' for retention of Kosovo. But alas, in their wisdom, Serbia has developed such a plan.
Please, please, please wake up Serbia. You created the mess that is called the Balkans today. Please stop trying to keep the little puppy dog that you never fed, kicked and spat on, and never loved. Be realistic. Nobody will trust Serbia for a long time with the "trusteeship" of another culture.
Teach your kids to love others, not hate. Teach your kids history, but stress the value of progressive forward thinking. And remember, not even the best Serbian plan could be responsibly implemented by a nation that votes for Vojislav Himmler's SRS (30%) or "Milosevic Light" Kostunica.

Great Serbs presented plans after 1912 designed to grant Kosovars and Macedonians full contitutional rights. The Black Hand ended that initiative with violence and Serb political history has borne that decision since (anybody remember Djinjic?). Forget Kosovo. Too late. Move on.
Most Americans who know Serbs like Serbs. In all the Balkans, I feel most comfortable on a personal level among Serbs. Most Serbs have a great sense of humor (best in the Balkans), fierce loyalty to their convictions, and you take care of your familly and friends. We Americans respect these noble qualities. I have been honest about my views with my Serbian friends and those acquaintances with whom I can conduct a mature dialogue.
You are our cousins and belong with us, in the civilized camp of nations.
We are waiting.....


pre 16 godina

The notion that the Serbs mistreated the Albanians for over 100 years is ludicrous and falls on deaf ears. On the contrary, Kosovo was a beacon of freedom for Albanians from Albania during Enver Hoxa's regime that ALbanians crossed the border en mass as illegal immigrants searching for a better job opportunites and religious freedom all under so called " Serbian persecution". Why would Albanians move from Albania to country where they are supposedly persecuted?

Besnik Morina

pre 16 godina

Serbia can dream as long as they can,Kosovo is going to be independent if not 2 weeks from now it will happen by the end of the year.Serbian ideology strongly suported by Russian is geting weaker which made Serbia feel the king of the Ballkan region. Because the took advantage of Vojvodina does't mean the can take Kosovo too.Time have come for Serbia to except the reality.


pre 16 godina

to "joschka" who didn´t write his real name...

change the term Serb to Albanian in your comment, and it will be correct.

if someone teaches hatred towards others to it´s children than it is the Albanians. and that´s a sad fact...


pre 16 godina

It is a good compromise but the separatist Albanians won't accept anything short of full independence and the merging of Albania/Kosovo into one state of "greater Albania".


pre 16 godina

I do not understand why Serbia still insists in keeping Kosova within its borders, knowing full well that they failed to respect the rights of the majority of K-Albanians there. Serbs had their chance and they blew it. There is a history of conflict between these two ethnicities. Therefore, it does not make any logical sense to force people to live together in the 21st century. It is not right.


pre 16 godina

From 1944 to 1991 not a single mosquito was able to move from Albania to anywhere. So, dear Alex, what they told you about "mass emigration from Albania to Kosovo during the communism", is a total lie. If you don't know what kind of regime was the communism of Enver Hoxha, just google a little bit. The son of a my neighbor was executed in 1986 because captured on an attempted escape from Albania to Greece. A curiosity: Imagine a 1000 km long thorned and high voltaged thread covering the whole albanian border with Greece and Yugoslavia. You can go nowadays and check the remains which are still there (visible from the distance, by the way).
It makes me laugh anytime I see comments from serbian posters here trying to justify the continuous albanian demographic dominance in Kosovo, with an imaginary exodus from Albania to Yugoslavia. Well, excuse me for waking you up, but IT NEVER HAPPENED. We were totally isolated, locked, and Kosovo together with other nationalistic issues was forbidden due to the other one, bigger and cooler, the INTERNATIONALIST idea. Albanians was majority in Kosovo because they was always there. I can understand the serb concern about their high rate of growth. But if you take a look to the sociological studies, you will see that it happens to communities which have a low level of education. So, who was in charge of education in Kosovo? Serbia. Well dear serbs, leaving albanians in obscurantism with the hope they will be assimilated, you gave them the strongest weapon: a young, vital, and extremely alienated population. So, blame yourselves. If you would give back there a slice of the money you collected by their mines, taxes and exploit of natural reserves, to build them schools, universities, develop their culture and other stuff, you wouldnt have to deal nowadays with the picture you have in front of you. You prefered to reduce them to starving and ignorance, so now, get your result.
Klaudian, Tirana


pre 16 godina

It's funny how the Albanians say that Kosovo is theirs yet the legacy of the Serbs in Kosovo can be seen every where in the existance of hundreds of years old Serbian churches and moastaries that dot the Kosovo landscape. Isn't it srange that there are no Albanian cultural wonders in Kosovo?

What the Albanians do not realize is that Kosovo is part of Serbia's soul and the Serbs waited 500 years to liberate it from the Ottomans. If the Serbs lose Kosovo again they'll wait another 500 years if they have too.


pre 16 godina

This is the best joke I've heard in a long time. Keep in mind just one thing. THE SERB MILITARY BOOT WILL NEVER ENTER KOSOVA NOR WILL HANG OVER KOSOVA AGAIN.


pre 16 godina

It is very interesting to hear about the hardship the Albanians have been through and how they do not wish to be surrounded by Serbian Police force from the comments on this page.

As I recall, the reason the 1999 bombing raid happened was because Muslim Albanians murdered 3 policemen in Kosovo by use of snipers to provoke the Serbs. Serbian military fought against these terrorists, and thus began the biased media frenzy against the Serbs.

When the Serb forces are not around, Kosovo Albanians are rioting, murdering, and burning Houses and Christian Churches under KFOR supervision.

Thus, keep Kosovo Serbian, Have a Serbian military present, and Save Christian Orthodox religion from Jihad.

Clearly the "peace-keeping" forces are doing NOTHING.

Your favourite Bosnian Serb,

Strategic matters

pre 16 godina

Answer to Besnik Morina. I see it 100% different than you do sir. I work with this matters on a daily basis as a master of social science and I can tell you some facts. The Kosovo issue has never been so far away from a solution as right now. Dont you watch western tv or read western press? I have seen your media directly lying to you to keep your trust to your corrupt politicians who doesnt give a nickel to the people. Russia is extremely strong for the moment(it might not be good but its the truth) and getting stronger every day. Billions of dollars and euro coming in to Russia every week as payment for oil and gas. The people in major cities have reached a standard of living as the average German or French. There are a long way to go to reach the whole country, but they are certainly on the move. Europe are keen to keep good relations with Russia because of oil and gas and US do not want to have another enemy far east.

The only thing US (a country I like) wants to achieve with Kosovo is to keep their Bondsteel base outside Ferizaj/Urosevac. This is a perfect place for a base due to strategic matters and its free of charge. Nothing else. I have personally spoken to many high level american military, diplomats and govermental personell, and I know what Im talking about.
Also, if you did not know it. There are many countries inside the EU that either hesitates or say no to Kosovo independence. I will not tell you them here, but we can discuss it later this fall when it will be obvious and they eventually will stand forward.
Im my opinion (that is not only taken from the air), I believe that either Kosovo will be partitioned OR the International community will not agree and the final decision will be postponed for many decades to come. In that case, I doubt that anyone living today will see how it will end. Maybe a infant. We will see what happens 2008, because this year nothing will for sure happen.


pre 16 godina

A couple of notes on Kosovo here:

1. Albanians have lived in the region for a lot longer than the Serbs ever did and before the Ottomans came they were all Christian too. Many of the ancient churches in Kosovo were there before the Serbs started settling the region in force. They belong as much to the Albanians' historical heritage as they do to the Serbs'.
2. Most Serbs here seem to suffer from amnesia when it comes to what happened in Kosovo prior to 1999, which led the KLA to take up arms. It goes something like widespread closure of schools, universities, mass firings from jobs based on ethnic lines, "mysterious" deaths of Kosovar Albanian soldiers in the Yugoslav army barracks, and the list goes on.
3. The Serbian army destroyed hundreds of mosques in their attack on Kosovo along with razing houses and what not (scorched earth tactics). Let's not mention the countless rapes.
Some Kosovar Albanians responded in kind with the churches. Not exactly the honorable thing to do, I have to admit.
In the 80's, the aspiration of Kosovar Albanians was to make Kosovo a republic of Yugoslavia (I was a kid and remember the pens with "Kosova Republike"). Serbia did not like the idea and went on to strip whatever remaining rights the Albanians had.

Given the baggage that exists between the two nations, I can only see a partition as the only possible and stable scenario. There's too much bad blood between both sides for one to tolerate being under the other.


pre 16 godina

One further addition to Klaudian's comments on the "mass settling" from Albania during Enver Hoxha's reign.

I don't know if you folks know, but even if you succeeded in crossing the border without getting shot on sight, your immediate family would be sent into some hell hole to barely scrape a living, your kids, brother, sister would never see the inside of a university and the entire extended family had a stain in the biography, which severely restricted what jobs were available to your relatives.

Under the circumstances, Klaudian is more than right to say that the whole notion of Albanians from Albania settling Kosovo during the years of communism is just plain ludicrous.


pre 16 godina

As I recall, the reason the 1999 bombing raid happened was because Muslim Albanians murdered 3 policemen in Kosovo by use of snipers to provoke the Serbs.

1- Are you sure they was "muslim" albanians? Are you sure they wasnt - for example - catholic, or even orthodox, albanians? Can you please provide us with the original data about the religious preferences of those snipers who killed serb police officers?
2- The reason of 1999 bombing was because of more than 10.000 albanian victims caused by the serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing was because of 1.000.000 deported people by serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing the last serbian attempt to "ethnically clean" Kosovo.

It's wrong trying to depict the Albanian effort for independence of Kosovo as an religious Islamic jihad. Well, I am catholic Albanian, and I fully support the independence of Kosovo, and I can assure you that the protection of Christianity is just an excuse Serbs use to have back a colony they exploited for years. We, the oldest christians of Kosovo (the catholics) we dont feel in danger from our muslim brothers. We live in peace, we love each other and we fought together.


pre 16 godina


Okay, maybe you are right. Maybe the murderers were not muslim, but they were definitely KLA. They murdered the 3 policemen after Milosevic withdrew his troops before the bombing even began. the majority population there is muslim, so I have some reason to imagine the KLA fighters were in fact Muslim.

Also. The population of Kosovo is 2,000,000 people. If you believe for a second that you are going to convince me that the Serbs displaced half of those people you've got a prayer.

Maybe I do not have proof of the KLA terrorists being muslim, but could you please show the people here on this page the proof of 1 MILLION displaced peoples and 10,000 dead? Oh and please, no CNN, FOX, or BBC. The most biased news reporters in Europe and NA.


Oh one more thing. Everyone on here who is for Kosovo independence seems to be forgetting how many
Serbs were displaced from their homes and made refugee, not to mention the numerous mass graves of Serb men and women.



pre 16 godina

1 - It is good you accept the reality that albanians are not against serbs because serbs were christians, but because serbs were invaders of their land.
2 - When we talk about sources to be considered on counting the numbers of victims or deported people, we'll always have differences. Both sides will call their "favorites". Albanians numbers from CNN, Serbs numbers from some EU organization which during the time the rapport was compiled had as a chair some Greek, or Slovakian official.
Now, I am for sure aware that in reality there was not 100.000 albanians killed as former KLA guys pretend, and the whole 2.000.000 albanian population evicted like Rugova said in april 1999 for a french TV channel. But given me and my family was one of the deported people (from Gjakova first to Kukes- Albania and later to Hamburg- Germany), I can assure you that only in Albania were almost 600.000 - 650.000 deported people, and in Macedonia almost 400.000.
As for the victims, 10.000 is the number of people confirmed as dead and found in mass graves. There is a more 8.000 of missing people, for which maybe some company of road construction in Serbia might have more info. That's what we know for sure (and I am not talking here about numbers but about our loving people we miss every single day). So, correct your data. Maybe serb propaganda is not interested of showing the whole picture of what your guys did to us, but come here and ask us to have a taste what it is like loosing your dears.
3 - I am not saying that in Kosovo albanians didnt revenge against (sometimes) innocent serbs. Sure there are people blinded by the pain, but also there are ordinary criminals trying to take a profit from the general spirit and committing crimes in the name of the sufferings of the past. I may assure you that we, the honest men and women of Kosovo, those who really suffered from the serb occupation, certainly dont support them. We know that those serbs who really committed crimes were the first to leave and are now hiding somewhere in Kurshumlija or surroundings of Belgrade. I really feel sorry of the serb auto-segregation in Kosovo. But this auto-segregation shows that serbs here are conscious about their collective support to a wrong politics leaded by Milosevic in the 90-s.
4 - Living in Kosovo as an albanian for the last 35 years, was like living in Pretoria as a black guy. So, dont try to tell me that the conflict between us and serbs began when a bunch of guys frustrated by the oppression killed 3 police officers. We have been in a conflict since 1913. Every single serbian regime in Belgrade had its program to deal with Kosovo. Because the population of Kosovo never accepted the serb rule. For us, the decision to give Serbia a vital albanian territory like Kosovo in 1913 has always been nul, void, and illegal. We never have been friends. You and we should accept this. No one in the leadership from both sides incited a dialogue or a reconciliation process which might have saved the cohabitation of both entities in a Kosovo where the sovereignity of Serbia, Albania or Zimbabwe wouldnt be important. Now is too late. After 100 years of rule over Kosovo, serbs tried only to assimilate the albanians (or make their life in Kosovo unsupportable) and not to make a good friend of them. We fought against each other and lifes have been taken. So, please lets close the chapter, give independence to Kosovo, and let try to heal our wounds in the future.


pre 16 godina

Excellent and a very thoughtful proposal. Bravo http://www.geopolitika.org.yu/! It is time for Albanians to realise that Kosovo will never be an independent state. They should for once learn to leave with Serbs and other nations in harmony. Kosovo is Serbian territory and Albanian. If they want to leave in an Albanian state they are free to leave Kosovo and move to Albania / or any Muslim country.


pre 16 godina

"2- The reason of 1999 bombing was because of more than 10.000 albanian victims caused by the serbian police, army and civilian supporters. The reason of 1999 bombing was because of 1.000.000 deported people by serbian police, army and civilian supporters. (Mikel, Monday, 18 June, 2007, 18:31)"
Mikel, my understanding is the majority of those vicious crimes were actually committed AFTER the bombing started. I do believe the bombing start over Racak, where 45 people lost their lives and it was never determined for sure whether they were civilians or not.
The reality is Mikel, that the average Serb from Kosovo is far more likely then the average Albanian to be counted among the ethnically cleansed or missing, and has about an equal chance at being counted among the dead. The reality is the victim breakdown by ethnicity mirrors the population very closely.
State sponsered terrorism, such as what Milosevic put you through, is horrid and should be punished to the full extent of the law. As well as all the physical destruction of property should be repaired.
You know, coming back from lunch I was listening to Carla Del Ponte on the radio. Are you aware that in Rwanda 800,000 people were killed in just 100 days? Sort of makes Kosovo look like a school yard fight or something. Even Bosnia makes Kosovo look like a cake walk. As many people were killed in Srebrenica alone (Serbs and Bosniaks) as the total for all Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.
If Serbs could try to live in peace with Croatians and Albanians after WWII (which was a real genocide BTW), I don't think it should be that difficult to live in peace with Serbs after what happened in Kosovo. Although I agree Serbs should issue some serious apologies for what happened and repair the damage that was done.


pre 16 godina

First of all, I do not agree with you that Albanians are simply angry with Serbs because of the land situation. Albanians are clearly throwing a Jihad against Serbia. If this was not a war of religions why then burn our churches/kill priests?

Also. Where do you get this idea that I believe Serbs and Albanians were friends at one point? You seem to be putting thoughts into my head.

PLUS - When you talk about the "revenge" the kosovo Albanians took against Serbs, you glorify it!!! COME ON! You make it seem like something they had to do in order to make things right. ENOUGH ALREADY.

One thing I would like you to tell me though, is are you FOR or AGAINST this proposed plan in the article above?


pre 16 godina

First of all, I do not agree with you that Albanians are simply angry with Serbs because of the land situation. Albanians are clearly throwing a Jihad against Serbia. If this was not a war of religions why then burn our churches/kill priests?

Well, I havent seen any catholic church burned or/and any catholic (or even orthodox) priest killed, like your propaganda claims. If albanians would be such islamist you are trying to paint them, they would hate the same catholics as orthodox. I told you I am catholic, but I dont feel any single threat from muslims. Yet, I suffered by orthodox christian serbs which were convinced that attempting to rape my wife, were doing it in the name of Christianity. If there is animosity among albanians toward orthodox churches, it is because serb politics made use of the religion to cover the thirst for colonization of an foreign territory such as Kosovo.

Also. Where do you get this idea that I believe Serbs and Albanians were friends at one point? You seem to be putting thoughts into my head.

Check my post. I never said that. I was saying that the conflict between albanians and serbs existed since 1913 when serbs occupied Kosovo with the excuse of "our churches", and tried to colonize it with waves of imported serbs from everywhere. All this to prove my arguments that it was not the incident of KLA (which by the way, is considered terrorist only by serb nationalists) which unleashed the conflict. It was the whole history of serbian rule over Kosovo and their continuous attempt to empty that territory from albanians.

"PLUS - When you talk about the "revenge" the kosovo Albanians took against Serbs, you glorify it!!! COME ON! You make it seem like something they had to do in order to make things right. ENOUGH ALREADY."

Let put it this way: You live - let say - in a village near Belgrade. You have a little "Caffee" there, but one day Albanians occupy your village, soldiers enter your store and order you to give them all the money because "we are fighting to protect you from serbian terrorists". They brake anything, and when you got home you find it in smoke, and your wife terrorized tells you how your albanian neighbors tried to rape her, and later albanian police officers come nearby and give you 20 minutes to leave to Bulgaria. Well, how would you feel? I would be surprised if after the glorious serb army would restore the Serbian authority in the area and you would be back, you and your family would forget anything and go to your albanian neighbors (those who tried to rape your woman), and have a friendly coffee with them. Tell me how you would act, and I will tell you if I am glorifying or not what I am saying about revenge.

One thing I would like you to tell me though, is are you FOR or AGAINST this proposed plan in the article above?

Check my post above. Definitely AGAINST any form or shadow of Serb authority over Kosovo anymore.


pre 16 godina

If people look at Bosnia, you will notice that there has been a wonderful sense of peace between the Croat/Muslim side and the Serb region. There has been no excessive violence between the two for well over 10 years now and it works in a similar way to that of this proposed plan for Kosovo. 2 entities split into two regions wherever the majority is held. However, the tension between the Serbs and Kosovo Albanians will remain, therefore to keep sacred Religious sites from destruction it is only fair to keep Serbian military within the province.


I admire your views on this topic and I do believe that both sides have appologies to make. It is evident within the happenings in the last few years that the Albanians do not wish to live in peace with Serbs, and something must be done about this, while still keeping Serbian land in SERBIA.


OH P.S. MIKEL: KLA was considered terrorist organization by USA until Clinton removed them from list and began bombing Serbia.


pre 16 godina

"…If you would give back there a slice of the money you collected by their mines, taxes and exploit of natural reserves, to build them schools, universities, develop their culture and other stuff, you wouldn't have to deal nowadays with the picture you have in front of you. You preferred to reduce them to starving and ignorance, so now, get your result

Klaudian, you information's are wrong. Kosovo wasn't exploited, on the contrary, as a least developed region of ex - Yugoslavia, Kosovo was financed for years from Yugoslav development fonds. Complete infra structure, cities, schools, university e.c.t. were built and financed from these fonds. Albanians had all opportunities to develop their culture, and to get free education, (including university level), in Albanian language. They had all rights as other Yugoslav citizens and then some. They had equal political representation, as other YU - nations. Many Kosovo - Albanian politicians belonged to the highest ranks of YU - politics,
Including president of YU. They also freely managed Kosovo economy.

Albanians tend to blame Serbs for all the problems in Kosovo over the ages. But look for example at Albania - Serbs didn't interfere there. Albanians managed their affairs. And jet, who lived better, Albanians in Kosovo or in Albania? Who was responsible for problems in Albania? Also Serbs?


pre 16 godina

Yes SrpskiBrod. Exactly to keep sacred sites from destruction was the idea in the beginning of serb occupation of Kosovo. But ended with mass expulsion, mass graves and serbs claiming: albanians came from Turkey. A divided Kosovo like you did in Bosnia where 20 percent of population (serbs) took 40% of territory) of course would please serbs in Kosovo. But the problem is that except of north of Ibar river, serbs have never been majority elsewhere in Kosovo and you can find there only separated enclaves created. So, sorry, but there is not a "Serb majority area" in Kosovo like in Bosnia. And another thing: Serbs, bosnians and croats might mix and live in peace with each other, because at the end of the day, they are all southern slavic populations. Albanians are not that kind. Albanians are mediterranean people, totally alien to serbs, croats or bosnians. What you cant understand is that for us (like for the rest of western europian people) is not the religion defining a nation. You can be muslim, jewish, catholic or orthodox, but if you speak albanian, you are albanian, if you speak italian you are italian, and if you speak polish you are polish. For southern slaves is the opposite. They speak the same language, but it's enough that one goes to the "wrong" worship place and you make of him immediately, a foreigner.

PS. And uhm, yes KLA was considered terrorist as long as the only source furnishing international sources with info was Milosevic's Serbia. At the moment the world saw that the real terrorist was the guy spreading the news and which you had as leader, everybody understand the truth. Or maybe you think that was Milosevic the good guy in that story?


pre 16 godina


1. If you are telling me USA used intelligence from a (and here im quoting albanians) "ruthless/murderous/raping/genocide committing/warlord" from a war-torn country, to classify the KLA, then I really do not know how to take your arguments seriously.

It's called the FBI. It's called KLA's ties to Osama and the rest of the Jihad gang. It's called FBI terrorist organizations list. NOT - "let's ask Milosevic what he thinks of the KLA".



1990 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC map of Yugoslavia showing ethnic divisions. Serbs and Bosniaks are almost equal in Bosnia with most of Republic of Srpska (and Bosnia mind you) either mainly Serb or no clear majority. So to say that a population of 20% of Serbs took over 40% of territory is idiotic. Serbs did however take over more than 40% of territory at one point during the war but this was short lived and the borders of RS remained basically the same. RS was not made by genoicde... My point overall, is that if Kosovo were to be divided, it would only make sense that the Albanians would get majority of the land. The funny thing is that even this does not please you/the rest of your people. I see negotiating and compromising are your best attributes.

Finally. Maybe to you this is not a war of religions, because you are Catholic, but I'm sorry to say, this is mainly a war between Muslims and Christians. If the Albanians in Kosovo had enough money and power, they would call upon a Jihad against Serbia, but under protection of NATO and USA, they are completing their objective either way.

Take care,