Thursday, 14.06.2007.


“Mladić, Karadžić likely in Serbia“

U.S. Ambassador for War Crimes Clint Williamson says there is evidence Mladić, and probably Karadžić, are hiding in Serbia.

Izvor: FoNet

“Mladiæ, Karadžiæ likely in Serbia“ IMAGE SOURCE

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no justice at all

pre 17 godina

Dear Marco, we have already seen that you can get away with murder when Naser Oric was released from the Hague after a ridiculous 2-year sentence. We also know that you can get away with murder since the Ustasha crimes from the World War Two in Jasenovac death camp still remain without a senetence and all the war criminals involved in those terrible crimes "lived happily ever after". So don´t talk to me about justice.
As far for you, dear Victor, you are obviously one of many people who has believed all the lies told about Serbs in the las 15 years and you are blind to see that in this terrible Balcan war there were also many many Serbian victims. The only differene is that nobody wants to speak about it since Serbia lost one of the main battles in this war - the propaganda war...


pre 17 godina

«Dropping cluster bombs in downtown Nis is not an accident»

If telling the TRUTH by exposing facts is racist, then I am a racist. I have asked many times Serbs to bring me an example of mass killing of Serbs as we see in Srebrenica, or Vukovar, against the Muslims or the Croats, and I will review my rhetoric against Serbian warfare during the war in Bosnia and Croatia.

Beware of judging a person from the evaluation of a few!

anthony shelmerdine

pre 17 godina


Dropping cluster bombs in downtown Nis is not an accident. Cluster bombs are used against military airfields. They destroy run ways. Dropping it on civilians whilst they but fruit and vegtables goes beyond the realm of 'accident'.

I refuse to enter an arguemnt with you simply because many contributors consider you rabidly anti-Serb. I'd call it racist.

From Bosnia

pre 17 godina

« What happened in Srebrenica is not accidental, and what happened all across Bosnia, from North to South, from East to West, in villages, cities and municipalities, where Mladic and his soldiers, and his paramilitaries, slaughtered by the 1000s innocent civilians, all of this is not accidental.»

I could not do better. You are one of the most objective posters here Vicitor and I thank you to tell the truth as it is. In the name of my people I thank you.


pre 17 godina

I posted a comment here yesterday and bashed America pretty hard for their war crimes and B92 refused to put up my comments. I even had supporting facts to my comments. And now I suppose they won't put this one up too! So I have a Message for B92. YOU ARE A SERBIAN MEDIA COMPANY!!! You are not now nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be American so stop your censoring of criticism for America. I was not rude in any way and my comments were in line with the article. I guess no one but the mediator will read this because I am now criticizing the wanna-be "American" but in fact Serbian B92 media company. Shame on you people for suppressing voices. I wonder how many Albanian comments you don't put up, or do you by default put up all their comments since I have noticed a great many Albanians bashing Serbians to no end. Canada's leading new papers don't suppress anyones voice unless very bad language is used. Canadien media is years ahead of you people.

Toronto 1

pre 17 godina

Don't be too suprised if Karadzic was in Montenegro or even Russia. I highly doubt he is in Serbia. He never had close military ties- his network is much more grassroots as many Bosnian Serbs see him as their defender from Islamic funadmentalism and jihad in Bosnia.

P.S. Mick The Brit said it well: the Albanians stealing Bush's watch was priceless! (LOL!)I thought Kosovo had nothing to do with Greater Albania- so why was Bush in Tirana?


pre 17 godina

Christopher, you are being to logical. In the Balkans, one side is always right and good, and the other wrong and murderous. There is no middle line. It has been that way for centuries. The problem is, the Western Powers, in their haste to sway matters to their liking in the Balkans, really does not know this mentality. And I blame them the most. Yugoslavia survived for decades, as a blend of ethnic diversity. It was only when the West started stirring the Balkan cauldren, that it all exploded.

I, even though I live in the West, have always felt that the fools that represent me, are the most ill-informed and short sighted beaurocrats that only care about their own bottom line. Never be fooled in believing that the west cares about any of the balkans people. They are out for themselves.


pre 17 godina


During a war, there are accidental bombings, you know this. But what happened on Mount Vlasic is not accidental; what happened in Vukovar is not accidental; what happened in Bratunac is not accidental; what happened in Srebrenica is not accidental, and what happened all across Bosnia, from North to South, from East to West, in villages, cities and municipalities, where Mladic and his soldiers, and his paramilitaries, slaughtered by the 1000s innocent civilians, all of this is not accidental. All was accomplished by a joint criminal enterprise to cleanse all non-Serbs from certain territories, and create a New State for all Serbs.

At the end of the war, when Patriarch Pavle heard of all the atrocities and crimes committed by the Serbs, he declared and I quote: «All these crimes and atrocities have tarnished the soul of the nation for generations.»

You know the source now, and you can verify it; it's authentic!


pre 17 godina

"Their crimes have tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations."

Let us assume that these men are in fact guilty of all of the crimes against them. Is what you want simply apprehension and conviction? I am intrigued by your postings and I wonder what solutions or goals you might have which might impact the political structure of the region. Do you have a vision of what you think Bosnia should look like?

Mladic and Karadzic will never hold any political office nor will they or do they have any direct influence on policy anywhere in the Balkans. However, the central issue causing the Bosnian War is still present: centralization vs. decentralization. Prior to the war of 1992-1995 the Serbs had experienced Ustashe in Bosnia and also Serfdom- in which Bosniaks owned 90% of the land prior to the creation of Yugoslavia. Of course Serbs have committed crimes as well most recently 1992-1995.

While Greater Serbia or Croatia is a threat to peace another lasting danger to peace is a desire among some Bosniaks to rule all of Bosnia. This contributed to the war in 1992 when Izetbegovic and Zimmerman decided that they should back out of a signed peace deal in favour of pursuing a Bosniak dominated state. This action took place before any ethnic cleansing, mass murder, etc.

So, I'm curious. Do you simply want the rightful justice of victims killed in the war when you call for their arrest? What are your geopolitical views and do you beleive their is a constructive solution to the issue that engages each ethnic group fairly and respectful bearing in mind that historically in Bosnia nobody is innocent at one time or another.

anthony shelmerdine

pre 17 godina

Ha ha.... its a joke that the US has an ambassador for War Crimes????

A nation totally above international law, so completely immune from indictment has bothered to create a post that is totally meaningless.

How many Iraqi and Afghans civilians have died at the hands of American forces?

Oh and Victor.... A cluster bomb was dropped on the market in Nis in 1999 by NATO planes. Thats a cluster bomb on a market selling fruit and vegtables. Would you not agree that a crime like that is equal to those levelled against Karadzic and Mladic? The killing of civilians buying cucumbers is a war crime. I think that Blair, Clinton and Bush have 'tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations' to qoute an unreliable source.


pre 17 godina

If I were a Serb, I would be outraged to see those two coward renegats hiding in their holes like rabbits, and holding a whole nation to move ahead.

These two for the least show thet they have no heart! Their crimes have tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations.


pre 17 godina

america always needs scapegoats - to point their fingers at other people and say "they are the bad guys."

Has any amreican general been arrested for war crimes? How many people has america killed in their history? The numbers are endless. Who is the only country in the world to use nucelar weapons on another poeple? AMERICA!

Mick the Brit

pre 17 godina


With all due respect to the empire but, you can't even find President Bushies watch from the weekend, even though you have strong video footage of who took it.

How will you find the men, when you can't even find a watch...

clock's still ticking dear fellow.


pre 17 godina

EU's decision to restart the accession talks with Serbia without the capture of Mladic and Karadjic, is proclaimed as landing a hand to the Serbs.
In fact it is not helping the Serbs. It is only helping the radicals like Kostunica. It is only showing that you can get away with murder. It is the ultimate betrayal to the liberal and moderate Serbs who want their country to be part of the Western civilisation.


pre 17 godina

EU's decision to restart the accession talks with Serbia without the capture of Mladic and Karadjic, is proclaimed as landing a hand to the Serbs.
In fact it is not helping the Serbs. It is only helping the radicals like Kostunica. It is only showing that you can get away with murder. It is the ultimate betrayal to the liberal and moderate Serbs who want their country to be part of the Western civilisation.

Mick the Brit

pre 17 godina


With all due respect to the empire but, you can't even find President Bushies watch from the weekend, even though you have strong video footage of who took it.

How will you find the men, when you can't even find a watch...

clock's still ticking dear fellow.


pre 17 godina

america always needs scapegoats - to point their fingers at other people and say "they are the bad guys."

Has any amreican general been arrested for war crimes? How many people has america killed in their history? The numbers are endless. Who is the only country in the world to use nucelar weapons on another poeple? AMERICA!


pre 17 godina

If I were a Serb, I would be outraged to see those two coward renegats hiding in their holes like rabbits, and holding a whole nation to move ahead.

These two for the least show thet they have no heart! Their crimes have tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations.

anthony shelmerdine

pre 17 godina

Ha ha.... its a joke that the US has an ambassador for War Crimes????

A nation totally above international law, so completely immune from indictment has bothered to create a post that is totally meaningless.

How many Iraqi and Afghans civilians have died at the hands of American forces?

Oh and Victor.... A cluster bomb was dropped on the market in Nis in 1999 by NATO planes. Thats a cluster bomb on a market selling fruit and vegtables. Would you not agree that a crime like that is equal to those levelled against Karadzic and Mladic? The killing of civilians buying cucumbers is a war crime. I think that Blair, Clinton and Bush have 'tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations' to qoute an unreliable source.


pre 17 godina

"Their crimes have tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations."

Let us assume that these men are in fact guilty of all of the crimes against them. Is what you want simply apprehension and conviction? I am intrigued by your postings and I wonder what solutions or goals you might have which might impact the political structure of the region. Do you have a vision of what you think Bosnia should look like?

Mladic and Karadzic will never hold any political office nor will they or do they have any direct influence on policy anywhere in the Balkans. However, the central issue causing the Bosnian War is still present: centralization vs. decentralization. Prior to the war of 1992-1995 the Serbs had experienced Ustashe in Bosnia and also Serfdom- in which Bosniaks owned 90% of the land prior to the creation of Yugoslavia. Of course Serbs have committed crimes as well most recently 1992-1995.

While Greater Serbia or Croatia is a threat to peace another lasting danger to peace is a desire among some Bosniaks to rule all of Bosnia. This contributed to the war in 1992 when Izetbegovic and Zimmerman decided that they should back out of a signed peace deal in favour of pursuing a Bosniak dominated state. This action took place before any ethnic cleansing, mass murder, etc.

So, I'm curious. Do you simply want the rightful justice of victims killed in the war when you call for their arrest? What are your geopolitical views and do you beleive their is a constructive solution to the issue that engages each ethnic group fairly and respectful bearing in mind that historically in Bosnia nobody is innocent at one time or another.


pre 17 godina


During a war, there are accidental bombings, you know this. But what happened on Mount Vlasic is not accidental; what happened in Vukovar is not accidental; what happened in Bratunac is not accidental; what happened in Srebrenica is not accidental, and what happened all across Bosnia, from North to South, from East to West, in villages, cities and municipalities, where Mladic and his soldiers, and his paramilitaries, slaughtered by the 1000s innocent civilians, all of this is not accidental. All was accomplished by a joint criminal enterprise to cleanse all non-Serbs from certain territories, and create a New State for all Serbs.

At the end of the war, when Patriarch Pavle heard of all the atrocities and crimes committed by the Serbs, he declared and I quote: «All these crimes and atrocities have tarnished the soul of the nation for generations.»

You know the source now, and you can verify it; it's authentic!


pre 17 godina

Christopher, you are being to logical. In the Balkans, one side is always right and good, and the other wrong and murderous. There is no middle line. It has been that way for centuries. The problem is, the Western Powers, in their haste to sway matters to their liking in the Balkans, really does not know this mentality. And I blame them the most. Yugoslavia survived for decades, as a blend of ethnic diversity. It was only when the West started stirring the Balkan cauldren, that it all exploded.

I, even though I live in the West, have always felt that the fools that represent me, are the most ill-informed and short sighted beaurocrats that only care about their own bottom line. Never be fooled in believing that the west cares about any of the balkans people. They are out for themselves.

Toronto 1

pre 17 godina

Don't be too suprised if Karadzic was in Montenegro or even Russia. I highly doubt he is in Serbia. He never had close military ties- his network is much more grassroots as many Bosnian Serbs see him as their defender from Islamic funadmentalism and jihad in Bosnia.

P.S. Mick The Brit said it well: the Albanians stealing Bush's watch was priceless! (LOL!)I thought Kosovo had nothing to do with Greater Albania- so why was Bush in Tirana?


pre 17 godina

I posted a comment here yesterday and bashed America pretty hard for their war crimes and B92 refused to put up my comments. I even had supporting facts to my comments. And now I suppose they won't put this one up too! So I have a Message for B92. YOU ARE A SERBIAN MEDIA COMPANY!!! You are not now nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be American so stop your censoring of criticism for America. I was not rude in any way and my comments were in line with the article. I guess no one but the mediator will read this because I am now criticizing the wanna-be "American" but in fact Serbian B92 media company. Shame on you people for suppressing voices. I wonder how many Albanian comments you don't put up, or do you by default put up all their comments since I have noticed a great many Albanians bashing Serbians to no end. Canada's leading new papers don't suppress anyones voice unless very bad language is used. Canadien media is years ahead of you people.

From Bosnia

pre 17 godina

« What happened in Srebrenica is not accidental, and what happened all across Bosnia, from North to South, from East to West, in villages, cities and municipalities, where Mladic and his soldiers, and his paramilitaries, slaughtered by the 1000s innocent civilians, all of this is not accidental.»

I could not do better. You are one of the most objective posters here Vicitor and I thank you to tell the truth as it is. In the name of my people I thank you.

anthony shelmerdine

pre 17 godina


Dropping cluster bombs in downtown Nis is not an accident. Cluster bombs are used against military airfields. They destroy run ways. Dropping it on civilians whilst they but fruit and vegtables goes beyond the realm of 'accident'.

I refuse to enter an arguemnt with you simply because many contributors consider you rabidly anti-Serb. I'd call it racist.


pre 17 godina

«Dropping cluster bombs in downtown Nis is not an accident»

If telling the TRUTH by exposing facts is racist, then I am a racist. I have asked many times Serbs to bring me an example of mass killing of Serbs as we see in Srebrenica, or Vukovar, against the Muslims or the Croats, and I will review my rhetoric against Serbian warfare during the war in Bosnia and Croatia.

Beware of judging a person from the evaluation of a few!

no justice at all

pre 17 godina

Dear Marco, we have already seen that you can get away with murder when Naser Oric was released from the Hague after a ridiculous 2-year sentence. We also know that you can get away with murder since the Ustasha crimes from the World War Two in Jasenovac death camp still remain without a senetence and all the war criminals involved in those terrible crimes "lived happily ever after". So don´t talk to me about justice.
As far for you, dear Victor, you are obviously one of many people who has believed all the lies told about Serbs in the las 15 years and you are blind to see that in this terrible Balcan war there were also many many Serbian victims. The only differene is that nobody wants to speak about it since Serbia lost one of the main battles in this war - the propaganda war...


pre 17 godina

EU's decision to restart the accession talks with Serbia without the capture of Mladic and Karadjic, is proclaimed as landing a hand to the Serbs.
In fact it is not helping the Serbs. It is only helping the radicals like Kostunica. It is only showing that you can get away with murder. It is the ultimate betrayal to the liberal and moderate Serbs who want their country to be part of the Western civilisation.

Mick the Brit

pre 17 godina


With all due respect to the empire but, you can't even find President Bushies watch from the weekend, even though you have strong video footage of who took it.

How will you find the men, when you can't even find a watch...

clock's still ticking dear fellow.


pre 17 godina

america always needs scapegoats - to point their fingers at other people and say "they are the bad guys."

Has any amreican general been arrested for war crimes? How many people has america killed in their history? The numbers are endless. Who is the only country in the world to use nucelar weapons on another poeple? AMERICA!


pre 17 godina

If I were a Serb, I would be outraged to see those two coward renegats hiding in their holes like rabbits, and holding a whole nation to move ahead.

These two for the least show thet they have no heart! Their crimes have tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations.

anthony shelmerdine

pre 17 godina

Ha ha.... its a joke that the US has an ambassador for War Crimes????

A nation totally above international law, so completely immune from indictment has bothered to create a post that is totally meaningless.

How many Iraqi and Afghans civilians have died at the hands of American forces?

Oh and Victor.... A cluster bomb was dropped on the market in Nis in 1999 by NATO planes. Thats a cluster bomb on a market selling fruit and vegtables. Would you not agree that a crime like that is equal to those levelled against Karadzic and Mladic? The killing of civilians buying cucumbers is a war crime. I think that Blair, Clinton and Bush have 'tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations' to qoute an unreliable source.


pre 17 godina

"Their crimes have tarnished the soul and image of a nation for generations."

Let us assume that these men are in fact guilty of all of the crimes against them. Is what you want simply apprehension and conviction? I am intrigued by your postings and I wonder what solutions or goals you might have which might impact the political structure of the region. Do you have a vision of what you think Bosnia should look like?

Mladic and Karadzic will never hold any political office nor will they or do they have any direct influence on policy anywhere in the Balkans. However, the central issue causing the Bosnian War is still present: centralization vs. decentralization. Prior to the war of 1992-1995 the Serbs had experienced Ustashe in Bosnia and also Serfdom- in which Bosniaks owned 90% of the land prior to the creation of Yugoslavia. Of course Serbs have committed crimes as well most recently 1992-1995.

While Greater Serbia or Croatia is a threat to peace another lasting danger to peace is a desire among some Bosniaks to rule all of Bosnia. This contributed to the war in 1992 when Izetbegovic and Zimmerman decided that they should back out of a signed peace deal in favour of pursuing a Bosniak dominated state. This action took place before any ethnic cleansing, mass murder, etc.

So, I'm curious. Do you simply want the rightful justice of victims killed in the war when you call for their arrest? What are your geopolitical views and do you beleive their is a constructive solution to the issue that engages each ethnic group fairly and respectful bearing in mind that historically in Bosnia nobody is innocent at one time or another.


pre 17 godina


During a war, there are accidental bombings, you know this. But what happened on Mount Vlasic is not accidental; what happened in Vukovar is not accidental; what happened in Bratunac is not accidental; what happened in Srebrenica is not accidental, and what happened all across Bosnia, from North to South, from East to West, in villages, cities and municipalities, where Mladic and his soldiers, and his paramilitaries, slaughtered by the 1000s innocent civilians, all of this is not accidental. All was accomplished by a joint criminal enterprise to cleanse all non-Serbs from certain territories, and create a New State for all Serbs.

At the end of the war, when Patriarch Pavle heard of all the atrocities and crimes committed by the Serbs, he declared and I quote: «All these crimes and atrocities have tarnished the soul of the nation for generations.»

You know the source now, and you can verify it; it's authentic!


pre 17 godina

Christopher, you are being to logical. In the Balkans, one side is always right and good, and the other wrong and murderous. There is no middle line. It has been that way for centuries. The problem is, the Western Powers, in their haste to sway matters to their liking in the Balkans, really does not know this mentality. And I blame them the most. Yugoslavia survived for decades, as a blend of ethnic diversity. It was only when the West started stirring the Balkan cauldren, that it all exploded.

I, even though I live in the West, have always felt that the fools that represent me, are the most ill-informed and short sighted beaurocrats that only care about their own bottom line. Never be fooled in believing that the west cares about any of the balkans people. They are out for themselves.

Toronto 1

pre 17 godina

Don't be too suprised if Karadzic was in Montenegro or even Russia. I highly doubt he is in Serbia. He never had close military ties- his network is much more grassroots as many Bosnian Serbs see him as their defender from Islamic funadmentalism and jihad in Bosnia.

P.S. Mick The Brit said it well: the Albanians stealing Bush's watch was priceless! (LOL!)I thought Kosovo had nothing to do with Greater Albania- so why was Bush in Tirana?


pre 17 godina

I posted a comment here yesterday and bashed America pretty hard for their war crimes and B92 refused to put up my comments. I even had supporting facts to my comments. And now I suppose they won't put this one up too! So I have a Message for B92. YOU ARE A SERBIAN MEDIA COMPANY!!! You are not now nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be American so stop your censoring of criticism for America. I was not rude in any way and my comments were in line with the article. I guess no one but the mediator will read this because I am now criticizing the wanna-be "American" but in fact Serbian B92 media company. Shame on you people for suppressing voices. I wonder how many Albanian comments you don't put up, or do you by default put up all their comments since I have noticed a great many Albanians bashing Serbians to no end. Canada's leading new papers don't suppress anyones voice unless very bad language is used. Canadien media is years ahead of you people.

From Bosnia

pre 17 godina

« What happened in Srebrenica is not accidental, and what happened all across Bosnia, from North to South, from East to West, in villages, cities and municipalities, where Mladic and his soldiers, and his paramilitaries, slaughtered by the 1000s innocent civilians, all of this is not accidental.»

I could not do better. You are one of the most objective posters here Vicitor and I thank you to tell the truth as it is. In the name of my people I thank you.

anthony shelmerdine

pre 17 godina


Dropping cluster bombs in downtown Nis is not an accident. Cluster bombs are used against military airfields. They destroy run ways. Dropping it on civilians whilst they but fruit and vegtables goes beyond the realm of 'accident'.

I refuse to enter an arguemnt with you simply because many contributors consider you rabidly anti-Serb. I'd call it racist.


pre 17 godina

«Dropping cluster bombs in downtown Nis is not an accident»

If telling the TRUTH by exposing facts is racist, then I am a racist. I have asked many times Serbs to bring me an example of mass killing of Serbs as we see in Srebrenica, or Vukovar, against the Muslims or the Croats, and I will review my rhetoric against Serbian warfare during the war in Bosnia and Croatia.

Beware of judging a person from the evaluation of a few!

no justice at all

pre 17 godina

Dear Marco, we have already seen that you can get away with murder when Naser Oric was released from the Hague after a ridiculous 2-year sentence. We also know that you can get away with murder since the Ustasha crimes from the World War Two in Jasenovac death camp still remain without a senetence and all the war criminals involved in those terrible crimes "lived happily ever after". So don´t talk to me about justice.
As far for you, dear Victor, you are obviously one of many people who has believed all the lies told about Serbs in the las 15 years and you are blind to see that in this terrible Balcan war there were also many many Serbian victims. The only differene is that nobody wants to speak about it since Serbia lost one of the main battles in this war - the propaganda war...