Thursday, 14.06.2007.


Greek WW2 victims score reparation victory

Relatives of Greek civilians killed by Nazi forces during WW2 have won a battle to force Germany to pay reparations.

Izvor: AP

Greek WW2 victims score reparation victory IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Amazing, isn't it that today German's are vital in the decisions made in respect to Serbian territory today. This same nation that was responsible , with their Croatian and Albanian accomplices, for the deaths of 1/3 of the Serbian peoples. Germany, APOLOGIZE first. I want to hear it.


pre 17 godina

The Germans have money enough to pay pensions to WW2 Fascist collaborators such as the Ustashe, but they cannot even spare the time, which will cost them no money at all, to make an apology to the Serbian people for what the Germans did to them during the War. Even the Wehrmacht, usually 'whitewashed' by some Germans historians, committed atrocities against the Serbs, but still not one apology from the Germans around six decades after the event. Is it too hard for them to make an apology to the Serbian people? What are they waiting for? Before the war, Hitler said that his biggest enemies were the Jews, the Serbs and the Communists. Oh, those 'poor' Germans and their hurt feelings that they should need to be reminded to make an apology - even one apology to the Serbian people - to the victims of their slaughter.

If 10,000 Serb families were driven out of Kosovo by Albanian Nazi-SS collaborationist forces under the aegis of the Germans, and never to return, why should Germany make an apology?


pre 17 godina

I want to see Serbian victims get some reparation... from the Germans, Croats, Bosnjaks and Albanians. All of those guys there had SS units that made life be hell for Serbs.


pre 17 godina

I want to see Serbian victims get some reparation... from the Germans, Croats, Bosnjaks and Albanians. All of those guys there had SS units that made life be hell for Serbs.


pre 17 godina

The Germans have money enough to pay pensions to WW2 Fascist collaborators such as the Ustashe, but they cannot even spare the time, which will cost them no money at all, to make an apology to the Serbian people for what the Germans did to them during the War. Even the Wehrmacht, usually 'whitewashed' by some Germans historians, committed atrocities against the Serbs, but still not one apology from the Germans around six decades after the event. Is it too hard for them to make an apology to the Serbian people? What are they waiting for? Before the war, Hitler said that his biggest enemies were the Jews, the Serbs and the Communists. Oh, those 'poor' Germans and their hurt feelings that they should need to be reminded to make an apology - even one apology to the Serbian people - to the victims of their slaughter.

If 10,000 Serb families were driven out of Kosovo by Albanian Nazi-SS collaborationist forces under the aegis of the Germans, and never to return, why should Germany make an apology?


pre 17 godina

Amazing, isn't it that today German's are vital in the decisions made in respect to Serbian territory today. This same nation that was responsible , with their Croatian and Albanian accomplices, for the deaths of 1/3 of the Serbian peoples. Germany, APOLOGIZE first. I want to hear it.


pre 17 godina

I want to see Serbian victims get some reparation... from the Germans, Croats, Bosnjaks and Albanians. All of those guys there had SS units that made life be hell for Serbs.


pre 17 godina

The Germans have money enough to pay pensions to WW2 Fascist collaborators such as the Ustashe, but they cannot even spare the time, which will cost them no money at all, to make an apology to the Serbian people for what the Germans did to them during the War. Even the Wehrmacht, usually 'whitewashed' by some Germans historians, committed atrocities against the Serbs, but still not one apology from the Germans around six decades after the event. Is it too hard for them to make an apology to the Serbian people? What are they waiting for? Before the war, Hitler said that his biggest enemies were the Jews, the Serbs and the Communists. Oh, those 'poor' Germans and their hurt feelings that they should need to be reminded to make an apology - even one apology to the Serbian people - to the victims of their slaughter.

If 10,000 Serb families were driven out of Kosovo by Albanian Nazi-SS collaborationist forces under the aegis of the Germans, and never to return, why should Germany make an apology?


pre 17 godina

Amazing, isn't it that today German's are vital in the decisions made in respect to Serbian territory today. This same nation that was responsible , with their Croatian and Albanian accomplices, for the deaths of 1/3 of the Serbian peoples. Germany, APOLOGIZE first. I want to hear it.