Saturday, 09.06.2007.


Serbia, Montenegro to define Port of Bar status

Velimir Ilić says Serbia and Montenegro must settle property rights issues in Bar, Montenegro's largest port.

Izvor: Beta

Serbia, Montenegro to define Port of Bar status IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Does that mean that then Serbia will ask Greece for a part of the Thesaloniki port -:) The Serb govt is really becoming a joke -:) Just consider the railway a failed investment, thats all.


pre 17 godina

Does that mean that then Serbia will ask Greece for a part of the Thesaloniki port -:) The Serb govt is really becoming a joke -:) Just consider the railway a failed investment, thats all.


pre 17 godina

Does that mean that then Serbia will ask Greece for a part of the Thesaloniki port -:) The Serb govt is really becoming a joke -:) Just consider the railway a failed investment, thats all.