Friday, 08.06.2007.


G8 finds no agreement on Kosovo resolution

The G8 has not reached a decision at its summit in Germany to postpone submission of a Kosovo resolution to the UN.

Izvor: B92

G8 finds no agreement on Kosovo resolution IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

To: Joe

According to you, several times in the past you have said that you are an Albanian living and working in Kosovo but yet in a post on this thread you mention that President Bush is your President? Since when is Bush Kosovo's president?


pre 17 godina

just read this in the news:


Putin declares it himself, ..so, is there any Albanian who will repeat this quite naive "prediction" of the Russians bending down, naming "their price" and perhaps deriving this "analysis" from the ´99 events?

my personal consequence is: there is no debate possible with fanatics, they only repeat their childish threats ( hell will break loose ) and their illusionary wishful thinking (illyrian descent ), both is (proven ) nonsense, but they don´t care, since they blindly believe their "hero´s" , who are ( some of them ) in the Hague by now.
and if they should dare to incite another violent pogrom against the non-albanian population in the serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija, there will certainly some other Albanians join those already residing in the Hague.


pre 17 godina

Always when NATO or in this case Gr8 wants to do something against international law they discover a mass grave. It is interesting to note that many anticipated with happiness that the supposed mass grave in South Serbia will contain bodies of dead Albanians. However, no “bodies have been found at a site that was suspected to be a mass grave in southern Serbia, a judge said Friday after investigators searched for three days for remains of victims of the 1998-99” It is sick what you people hope for so that you can substantiate your victimization which you also fabricate.


pre 17 godina

Judging by the comments coming from the Albanian's i can see that they're already starting to get nervous by taking low blows at the Serbian posters.

Alban Castro

pre 17 godina

Most of the Serbian commentator's seem eager to anger the Albanians rather than talk of true solutions that may be needed in that part of the world. I don't see how Serb commentators act victorious just because some unconfirmed report that alleges not to hurry with a proposal. Here I am reading in different news organizations, Germany, Solana, calling for speeding the voting at the security council. So, those 6 months of postponement you are talking about appear to be only a proposal that Serbs and Russians didn't agree on.

If Serbs and Russians can't give a chance to 6 months negotiating proposal, who in the right mind would believe that a 2 year or five year negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo would produce any results. I believe Mr. Solana and EU are the key. The moment they get tired of Russia's obstructions and decide to overtake control of Kosovo's administration from UN before the final status had been defined. It will be a check mate for Russia and Serbia.

For one thing, Serbia doesn't have forces nor population to back them up in Kosovo. So, honestly, I don't see any logics or any viable plan on how Serbia would control the situation in Kosovo.

Albanians on the other hand, are victims of their own trust and expectations. The leaders such as Albin Kurti long ago have predicted this outcome and it appears that Albanians are finally taking him seriously.

I personally believe that If Kosovo and Serbia enter EU simultaneously doesn't matter if they are both independent. Because in the end that independence is going to be slowly eaten by the big corporations.

The entire Balkans should be a common wealth of Independent states. But maybe this idea may not work well with Serbs whose best joy in life appears to be Ruling Albanians.


pre 17 godina

If Martti Ahtisaari was threatened in any manner then his future status report should be null and void.

The international community can relate to the problems Slobodan Milosevic had while president of Serbia and Yugoslavia.

thunder from down under

pre 17 godina

if you albanians want independents why not do it democratic and peacefull way instead of killing of people and haressing everybody to achive your goal if there is one honast albanian on this forum i want him to answer me one question the 150 churches you destroyed the countless serbian cemeterys you dug up 1000,S of serbian houses you burnt how meny albanians did thay kill in order for you to destroy them. the serbs left in kosovo today had nothing to with murdering albanians or for that matter the serbian goverment of today yet you keep killing and harassing the inesent. shame,shame

Jason, USA

pre 17 godina


To quote you.

"Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo."

This is a threat, a tool to harm. The thing that seperates humans from other animals is our ability to reason, to think, to not act on instinct and primal urges alone. The act of a rational person would not be to attack the innocent. The Serbs in the Serbian Provence of Kosovo have been there as long as the Albanians, have forged a life there. Threatening to harm them isn't a natural reaction. It's an act of terror, you're using fear and violence against an innocent populace. that my friend is terrorism.

Act out show the world who the real bad guy is. Be just like your 4 albanian brothers that tried to commit mass murder in an attempted terrorist act on a US military base. These kind of comments strengthen the Serbian claim that Serbs and Serb religious sights would be in danger in an independant Kosovo. You've now shown us what you really want to do. I hope more Americans and Western Europeans see this and know what the attitudes of Kosovo albanians are. know what the new state in town would be all about.


pre 17 godina

I can not believe Serbains still claiming a control over KS. What you guys are missing is that in no circunstances KS albanians will accept any kind of relationship with Serbia.

And when some of you guys speak about developments, democracy civilisation etc comming from Serbia it is a complete non sense. Serbia is one of the "POOREST counties in Europe so you better develop you self first. Additionally the only thing Serbia has brought to the Balkans during the last few decades is crime and poverty (including to their own citizens). And this exatly why nobody wnats to do anything to do with this country (xcept Russia).

We are going to become independent one way or another, with or without Russia. As long as we have the support from the developed world nobody can stop KS's independence. Actually there has never been more support for it.


pre 17 godina

Nick, you supported the KLA, the USA proclaimed them a terrorist group in 1995. Need I say more about who is civil and who is not? By the way, as far as the citizens of Serbia are concerned there are 10,000 million of them including the Albanians, and the vast majority of these people did not support the war in Bosnia. However nearly all you Albanians supported the KLA and worse yet for those who didn't support them they were threatened or killed, that is disgusting.


pre 17 godina

To , Kate ,canadian,Vuk , Zoran and all of you who are opposing self determination

Being born and raised in Kosovo is an experience in itself. Because of the conditions in my country during my youth, I have experienced difficult educational conditions, like studying under suppression, theoretically, without practical work, in private houses or manipulated schools. I experienced the unfortunate reality that on my way to school I would encounter the Serbian state police who would impede my passing, had imprisoned my teacher and temporary closed my school. Thereafter these conditions led to a war which I saw first-hand., we are waiting for status resolution for 20 years. Guys I have experienced my youth as third class citizen under Serbian military regime. I’m fed up with you not letting me to determine my future, be aware that I’m not going to wait any one with flowers, I feel that I should not allow this to continue for ever the next generation should not live under similar circumstances. Who ever thinks that they know what is good for me I say you’re wrong. Long live USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, EU officials & UN Chief


pre 17 godina


And do not talk to me about civility. We all know how civilized you were in Bosnia and Kosovo, only someone as blinded by nationalistic propaganda can even dare to deny the attrocities commited in your name.


pre 17 godina

It is always good to read diverse opinions, especially if they are conveyed with some humor. With this in mind I would like to quote few lines from a New York newspaper.."Moscow's delusions of grandeur know no bounds. And Russian paranoia worsens everything. If you give him a choice between (A), which is clearly 100 percent to his benefit, and (B), which obviously will cost him dearly and make him suffer, a Russian will always choose (B) - because he can't believe that (A) isn't a trap.
And Putin's as Russian as any Russian gets.
As for our president, perhabs his greatest flaw as chief executive has been that he's a terrible judge of character. He'll never be allowed to forget his claim to have looked into Putin's soul on the day he mistook Mephistopheles for Mother Teresa.
At least our president no longer believes that Putin's his pal."
What is your opinion?


pre 17 godina

Well lets hope that they aren't stupid enough to actually attack Serbs with any more terrorist attacks. I would love to see how the West would portray that to their public. On one hand they condemn world terrorism and on another they support it? The situation in US is that of growing impatience with the situation in IRAQ, and if thy were to be associated with those terrorists they will get their independence when hell freezes over.

Well by the look of it... that's when they will get independence no matter what.


pre 17 godina

Veto it will be because as far as i can see the Albanians will not comprimise for anything but independance and this is the route of the problem.
Ceku is basiclly threatening that there will be riots and killing of serbs and their churches if they dont recieve independance which is actually how this problem came to be in the first place. So any suggestion of independance would be directly rewarding unlawful expulsion of serbs and desecration of their holy land.
I dont think stability it going to be achieved untill the Albanians comprimise because frankly there cant be a stable Balkan without serb rule over Kosovo, Serbs cant and wont accept it and there will be decades of fighting for it back regardless of NATO/EU because it is such a important place to a serb, whereas the albanian claim is purely demographic, VJ wasnt mobilised for the fun of it you know?! There was genuine danger for serbs in Kosovo or else they wouldnt have been fleeing in such huge numbers.


pre 17 godina

Nick you said:

Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo.

Having a country requires the majority of its people to be civilized and nothing less. You sound like a 10 year old bully who threaten to hit someone if they don't get their own way.


pre 17 godina


This is not about geting my way. To you perhaps Kosovo is not that important and therefore you see my reaction and bullying, but to me its home.

Hermon, Tirana

pre 17 godina

@ Vuk
" I dont think stability it going to be achieved untill the Albanians comprimise because frankly there cant be a stable Balkan without serb rule over Kosovo"
Stop feeding yourself with illusions. The only way to prosperity is the opposite way to Serbia. The dark ages under the serbian rule proved that


pre 17 godina

"The West will either give us the freedom we (you mean NATO) fought for, died for or we (Separatist Albanians) will take it ourselves" Nick. Why are these hollow threats even being published, is this a joke? Ceku, in his comments is also now threatening the West, give us independence or else. Is it sane to threaten your allies who fought a war for you? I certainly hope this sad chapter in Balkan history will soon be over so the thousands of Serbs that were ethnically cleansed under UN & NATO watch can go home to Kosovo!


pre 17 godina


After decades of waiting under the rule of Milosevic and Serbia, It was the people of Kosovo that rose against the tyranny and repression of the Serbian state.

Granted, NATO was the party that won us the war and allowed a million Kosovar Albanians to get back home but it was the people of Kosovo that convinced it that our cause was just.

Prime Minister Ceku is not threatning anyone (and in particular he is not threatning the NATO troops), he is merely expressing the opinion of 2 million Kosovo Albanians who support him completely.

This reaction by PM Ceku and the people of Kosovo was expected by the West. Thank god there are intelegent and reasonable people in the West who understand the gravity of the situation and the danger of leaving 2 million people in limbo and without any hope for the future.


pre 17 godina

Nikshala - in your reply to kate, the analogy you used was a poor one unless you are insinuating that the list that was published, is a list of serbian war criminals.


pre 17 godina

Nikshala - you are right that the notorious tabloids in Britain publish names of war criminals, paedophiles etc. but when they do they can ruin a legal case, be brought up against the press complaints commission, be fined, or even be thrown in prison.
There are no lists such as this one in Kosovo published for consumption by people known to have murderous or violent intent - ie. in a politically unstable environment where there are thugs waiting to terrorise or kill these people and their families.
In the UK that would be deemed a breach of national security and the editor would certainly be removed and the publication possibly closed down. It would be taken VERY seriously.
These lists of Serbian soldiers are not the irresponsible naming and shaming of one individual, but the irresponsible naming of troops who had to fight for their country. They had no choice.
And no one except a court of law can say who of these people are guilty of crimes. And their families certainly bear no guilt.
Even then it should not be up to the populace to meter out justice.
Big difference.
Plus we all know that the real criminals are no longer there - I'm sure they were the first ones out.


pre 17 godina


You are very wrong there. Many European newspapers especially in UK costantly publish names and photos of various criminals ethnic hate preachers or suspected terrorists, and it is not considered as an attempt to ethnicly cleanse UK or Europe from ethnic minorities.


pre 17 godina

Well ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are convinced now that even a significant delay was rejected by the Russians and that its obvious that there will be no independence.

I don't understand why they just cant except broad autonomy under the condition for promise of investment/development into/of Kosovo (as part of decriminalization process) and for Serbia's part that it becomes a free trade country between EU and Russia. Making everyone wealthy and happy.


pre 17 godina

This delay will simply make the unthinkable more likely: the Albanians stance will change threating to join Albania should the UN delay.


pre 17 godina

Six months is nothning more than a stall, and the Serbian government critically needs the time it has been granted to develop a clear and decisive plan for how to handle Kosovo's future beyond simply keeping it in limbo. This is a perfect time for Belgrade to set up those parallel institutions with the Serb local governments as well as strongly push for resettlement programs of its displaced communities. Furthermore, this time period also needs to apply pressure to the K-Albanian government to root out corruption and potential gang-rivalry outside Pristina among its own groups. The Standards before Status has now been given some breathing room, albeit short. As long as the West remains committed to realizing an independent Kosovo, the problem is not off the table, and Serbia for its part had make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that when a final solution is implemented, it doesn't appear to have nothing but its tail between its legs.


pre 17 godina

Soo...where are all those Albanians and their comments like "KosovA will be independent next week,we are going to celebrate next week ,you can come to join our celebration,there is nothing Russia can do. I bet in 6 months time you will be saying all this,and then there will be another 6 months,and another...and another...and another...where is the independence?


pre 17 godina

Who is ceku threatening? What a lame way to steal Serbia's territory.

The next stop for ceku should be in jail because he is the biggest war criminal.


pre 17 godina

I fully support Prime Minister Ceku, spoken like a true statesman. It is about time one of our leaders took a stance against this injustice and voiced the concerns of the people of Kosovo.

Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo.

We can not and we will not be slaves to Russia or Serbia forever and the time for patience is over.

The west will either give us the freedom we fought for, died for and waited for decades or we will take it ourselves, come what it may.


pre 17 godina

Geez - I never saw this coming, and neither did the K-Albanians on this site. Realistically, the US doesn't care about Kosovo and Russia doesn't care about Serbia. It's all geo-political gamesmanship and about Kennebunkport vacations. The only way that we are going to solve this mess is between leaders of Kosovo and Serbia agreeing to a lasting agreement. Independence is a dead issue and the sooner the K-Albanians realize this the better; however, if they show maturity and grow economically allowing all residents to live in peace and prosperity, the Kosovars will rule themselves as a quasi-independent state within Serbia's borders. On the other hand, if extremism prevails and Serbs are not allowed to return to their homes, and have to live in ghettos...all bets are off. I suggest that Agim and Tolimir become bunk mates - the best solution for the region. That begs other questions...


pre 17 godina

Kate and many others that support Putin (not Serbia and Serbian people)

There will be a resolution, I guess we all agree on this one.

I believe that this resolution will give some status to Kosova, status that would leave Kosova out of Serbia, logic isn’t it. You do not have to be a diplomat to understand this.

Russia is not opposing the resolution because of some poor Serbs and Albanians in Balkans but, for it own interests, NATO radars in Poland and Czech.

Serbian posters in this site:
It is very sad that you do not understand the suffering of the people of Kosova during these past 100 years from Serbian regime. There are no words to explain it.

To those that want to return to Kosova;

You are free to return. Kosova is a free country after Serbian regime has left. Life is better here for K-Serb than in Serbia. K-Serbs in Serbia have a horrible treatment. They are not even called Serbs, they are called "Shiftari" offending word

Hope you all have a good weekend. For those that love Lada life Russia is waiting for you.
UK, USA and EU are just rubbish for some, so go to Russia and live a Lada life.


pre 17 godina

There you have it folks. For all those, and you know who you are, who were belittling and making fun of Russia, saying they were weak...etc. Well look who's weak now? It's the US with egg on their face. They backed down completely. As for the rest of Europe, I am sure they are actually pleased and can take a sigh of relief that this ridiculous proposal which would have set a precedent for all separatist movements around the world is now dead. You have just witnessed, as I have said before, the beginning of the NEW New World Order. The US no longer is so powerfull, and the power is diminishing every day.

abdul aziz

pre 17 godina

an interview with Pres. Putin at the g8 sticking to his principled views and convictions. so no matter when the vote will happen, this man will always stand by his principles, i bet!!!

Jorge Garcia

pre 17 godina

My initial impression is that I don t like the six month delay since it will not change the parties positions. The fact that it has been proposed is good though since it shows that a little bit more time is needed to try to reach an outcome. The next play should really come from Serbia: it should signal that it is willing to accept Kosovo independence--at a price. This is understandable given that the current plan gives the Serbs a raw deal. For the Albanians accepting a compromise will not be that painful since it will finally bring independence. The Ahtissari should be used as the basis for a final agreement--to keep its main tenets and include partition and provisions for double citizenship of minorities.

If the Serbs give the signal that partition may be the key, then the international community and the Albanians would have to reciprocate.

The six month delay may be useful since the Serbs will have become more trusting of Europe and its goal to integrate them.

If the Albanians or the intl community hint that partition may be acceptable before the Serbs hint that independence is acceptable, it may provoke a violent reaction from diasppointed Kosovar Albanians. That is why the ball is really in the Serbian court. The intl community is right in trying to help Serbia take the right swing.


pre 17 godina

If you read between the lines, this is a chance given to Serbia and Kosova to talk "division along ethnic lines" so the west does not have to pay for post-status international presence.


pre 17 godina

Fitim - if Serbia and Russia's opinion count for nothing as they "have no troops on the ground", then why don't your leaders have the guts to declare themselves independent?

Naim - no it won't. it needs the permission of the USA which in turn needs Russia to support it at the UN.


pre 17 godina

it seems like one side is on and on bringing up some kind of suggestive vocabulary like "futile and counterproductive" or "inevitable" and now "unavoidable"...but reality shows, that this is not more than empty phrases.
well, let´s wait just another six months...then we can delay it once again...


pre 17 godina

But also you have to keep in mind that the proposal can change as well. Don't count the chickens before that hatch as always certain people do and then you won't be so disappointed.


pre 17 godina

The proposal of waiting 6 months is a joke. First of all, the Albanians will never negotiate. Instead they will simply wait it out as they have all these years. The Serbs have been trying to find some solution short of independence. There are many people who live in countries where they have a lot of automoy, but no independence. Why must the Albanians be treated any different? They will say genocide, but I'd like them to show evidence. The UN currently estimates the dead from the Kosovo war was less than 4 thousand. NOT 10 thousand as some claim. The number 10,000 is what the media says. Just as the media still says that over 300,000 peopled died in Bosnia. The truth is, according to the UN and a few reputable sources, is that less than 99,000 people died in Bosnia, ON ALL SIDES! Just as less than 4,000 died in Kosovo ON ALL SIDES! Now to understand just how small the number is, look at the recent war between Israel and Lebannon. Over 600 Lebanese died and over 130 Israelis died in only 5 weeks of fighting. Compared to Kosovo, which lasted from 1998 to 2000 (Including the attacks against the remaining Serbs), the war in Kosovo is nothing compared to the Lebannon war. The same war the Americans supported. I believe if the Lebannon-Israel war lasted as long as Kosovo, the death toll would've been as high as 15,000 or more. Judging from the deaths.

And yet, Kosovo is somehow genocide? Give me a break. That's a word the Pro-Albanian media likes to throw around. The truth is, there were some war crimes... possibly a few hundred victims... but that's not genocide.

So there is no excuse to rob Serbia of Kosovo. It might've been acceptable back in 1999 when the war concluded, but it has been years since then. Milosevic is gone. Serbs are offering total autonomy, better than anything the ethnic minorities in America get. And yet, they are suggesting that the Serbs negotiate with people who refuse to compromise at all. And after six months, they will get what they want? Give me a break. They will put in as much energy as they have in the past few years... NONE!


pre 17 godina


Latest news is Russia has not agreed to postpone the UN resolution for another 6 months in return for recognizing "the unavoidable prospect" of independence for Kosovo.


We are back to where we were yesterday.

I was actualy looking forward to this deal last night. A 6 month delay with guranteed independence after that period would have eliminated a lot of unnecesary problems for us.

On the other hand i am very incuraged by the US, French and Allies in depth understanding of the urgency of solving the Kosovo issue (hence the -conditioned- 6 month delay).


pre 17 godina

The idea of a delay of 6 months just to impose what is already on the table is a joke. What incentive would there be for Pristina to negotiate if it knew it just had to wait for six months and then get what it wanted anyway? I would imagine that Russia would also feel rather insulted to be told that its views didn't really matter. Instead, for the purposes of pretending that they did, a short delay would be acceptable. This was a ridiculous proposal.

Aleksandër Gjoni

pre 17 godina

As an expert of international public law, I have never been a supporter of unilateral declaration of independence. Although such declaration, I assume, would be recognized by the vast majority of states in the world, including all western democracies, this does not grant Kosovo membership to UN and other UN specialized agencies. Recognizing the importance of the UN seat for Kosovo, our allies have offered a carrot to Russia in order to prevent their veto. I agree, many of my country fellows may see it as a Russian and Serbian triumph, but this is just a small battle they are being allowed to win, in order to exhaust all their claims after six months and thus present the Ahtisaari's plan as the only viable solution. Only insane persons may think that during these 6 months Kosovars and Serbs will find a mutually agreed solution that would be better than the present UN plan. It's a short delay, yes - we lost a battle -yes, but this will certainly lead to a victory in this long and exhausting war with Serbia and its ally. Statehood for Kosovo can be achieved through a unilateral declaration of independence, but, this is not the aim of smart Kosovars. We don't only need an independent state; we need an independent state that will be accepted in all relevant international organizations.
The recognition of a new State of a Government is an act that only States and Governments may grant or withhold. The United Nations is neither and, therefore, does not possess any authority to recognize a State or a Government.
The United Nations may admit a new State to its membership or accept the credentials of the representatives of a new Government. The procedure is as follows:
1. The State submits an application to the Secretary-General and a formal declaration stating that it accepts the obligations under the UN Charter.
2. The application is considered first by the Security Council. Any recommendation for admission must receive the affirmative votes of nine of the 15 members of the Council, provided that none of its five permanent members - China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United
States of America – has voted against the application.
3. If the Council recommends admission, the recommendation is presented to the General Assembly for consideration. A two-thirds majority vote is necessary for admission of a new State, and membership becomes effective on the date the resolution for admission is adopted.
If you read the Sarkozy's statement, you will note that Russia has already agreed to accept an independent Kosovo, but not now, they will do it after six months. Take also into consideration the latest idea on the joint US-Russian missile defense system in Azerbaijan.


tatiana stojkovic

pre 17 godina

see guys what i told you??? MAY became MAYDAY and JUNE became JUNE KNOW WHEN??? six months??? maybe, who knows. RUSSIA is the WINNER in this case. PUTIN was not BULLIED by the COWBOY. principle always wins my friends.

One Al

pre 17 godina

That's fine by us. We have waited for over 15 years now and we can wait another six months or even a year or two.We know now for a fact that the West is backing us for independence.
One thing is dissapointing though when I read some of the comments from the fellow Serbs in those forums that they consider Putin to be a democratic and a Just individual.


pre 17 godina

Proof positive that the decisive factor for Kosovo's independence is the Russian vote at the UN. Russia, not the USA or EU will decide Kosovo's fate. The Albanian community can fantasise that the USA and EU will support their independence, unilaterally declared or not, but the reality is that neither will provide support without the blessing of the UN security council which requires Russia to vote in their favour.

Having said all that, i'd still be happy to let southern Kosovo go if the northern part were to remain with Serbia as the reality of the situation is that there are 2 million albanians within serbia who simply don't want to live with serbs and it's unpractical and immoral to boot them off the land into albania, so a compromise - a partition, is the only way forward (but that doesn't niclude the albanians gaining presevo and bujanovac as that is serbian land).


pre 17 godina

Do the pro independence posters on this site really expect the US to recognise unilateral independence when the G8 and EU have decided to postpone the decision?
Yesterday's publication of the list of Serbian troops who fought in Kosovo(therefore claiming their guilt whatever their role in defending their country, and inciting hatred towards them and their famillies) is a clear attempt at stoking up violence and terrorising the Serbian community.
This was an irreponsible act which would never have been accepted in any developed Western European country.
If there is an attempt at ethnic cleansing the international troops on the ground will not stand idly by. They will react strongly to any violence.
Time to reassess and come up with a solution which will promote a peaceful co-existence in Kosovo. Time to work with the state either directly or through a mediator.


pre 17 godina

To Victor, Joe and all the others who were so convinced that this is it, Kosovo's independence was just a matter of days or weeks! Read the news. By the way declaring unilateral independence will do nothing, the US and EU will not support it. They made that very clear last month. It seems that Serbia and Russia are not so weak after all and the best part about it, they achieved their goal without violence.


pre 17 godina

It seems like another of the "big ones" is backing of. As far as I have heard, France have resumed its good relations to both Montenegro and Serbia. Also, it seems like US liked the idea from Russia to build missile defence system in Azerbaijan. I have said it in the past and I say it again, I am not for or against either Serbs or Albanians regarding Kosovo/a. The problem is that it is impossible to take a bit of a sovereign country and suddenly make it independence. There will not be a independent Kosovo/a. Its 100% sure !


pre 17 godina

Now Albanians have to get concentrated and organised better to achieve the United Albania. It is the only solution to have a stable Balkans.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

There is a line of what newly elected French President said that is missing here.He said that " Kosova's Independence is a done deal and there is no going back".


pre 17 godina

Hmmm - an extra 6 months of negotiations to decide a solution, but if this fails give one side what they were after all along!! That really adds an incentive to find a balanced solution.

This is the most ridiculous proposal for a long time - a true ACME hardware of international politics.


pre 17 godina

Hmmm - an extra 6 months of negotiations to decide a solution, but if this fails give one side what they were after all along!! That really adds an incentive to find a balanced solution.

This is the most ridiculous proposal for a long time - a true ACME hardware of international politics.


pre 17 godina

To Victor, Joe and all the others who were so convinced that this is it, Kosovo's independence was just a matter of days or weeks! Read the news. By the way declaring unilateral independence will do nothing, the US and EU will not support it. They made that very clear last month. It seems that Serbia and Russia are not so weak after all and the best part about it, they achieved their goal without violence.


pre 17 godina

Now Albanians have to get concentrated and organised better to achieve the United Albania. It is the only solution to have a stable Balkans.


pre 17 godina

It seems like another of the "big ones" is backing of. As far as I have heard, France have resumed its good relations to both Montenegro and Serbia. Also, it seems like US liked the idea from Russia to build missile defence system in Azerbaijan. I have said it in the past and I say it again, I am not for or against either Serbs or Albanians regarding Kosovo/a. The problem is that it is impossible to take a bit of a sovereign country and suddenly make it independence. There will not be a independent Kosovo/a. Its 100% sure !

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

There is a line of what newly elected French President said that is missing here.He said that " Kosova's Independence is a done deal and there is no going back".


pre 17 godina

Do the pro independence posters on this site really expect the US to recognise unilateral independence when the G8 and EU have decided to postpone the decision?
Yesterday's publication of the list of Serbian troops who fought in Kosovo(therefore claiming their guilt whatever their role in defending their country, and inciting hatred towards them and their famillies) is a clear attempt at stoking up violence and terrorising the Serbian community.
This was an irreponsible act which would never have been accepted in any developed Western European country.
If there is an attempt at ethnic cleansing the international troops on the ground will not stand idly by. They will react strongly to any violence.
Time to reassess and come up with a solution which will promote a peaceful co-existence in Kosovo. Time to work with the state either directly or through a mediator.


pre 17 godina

Proof positive that the decisive factor for Kosovo's independence is the Russian vote at the UN. Russia, not the USA or EU will decide Kosovo's fate. The Albanian community can fantasise that the USA and EU will support their independence, unilaterally declared or not, but the reality is that neither will provide support without the blessing of the UN security council which requires Russia to vote in their favour.

Having said all that, i'd still be happy to let southern Kosovo go if the northern part were to remain with Serbia as the reality of the situation is that there are 2 million albanians within serbia who simply don't want to live with serbs and it's unpractical and immoral to boot them off the land into albania, so a compromise - a partition, is the only way forward (but that doesn't niclude the albanians gaining presevo and bujanovac as that is serbian land).

tatiana stojkovic

pre 17 godina

see guys what i told you??? MAY became MAYDAY and JUNE became JUNE KNOW WHEN??? six months??? maybe, who knows. RUSSIA is the WINNER in this case. PUTIN was not BULLIED by the COWBOY. principle always wins my friends.

Aleksandër Gjoni

pre 17 godina

As an expert of international public law, I have never been a supporter of unilateral declaration of independence. Although such declaration, I assume, would be recognized by the vast majority of states in the world, including all western democracies, this does not grant Kosovo membership to UN and other UN specialized agencies. Recognizing the importance of the UN seat for Kosovo, our allies have offered a carrot to Russia in order to prevent their veto. I agree, many of my country fellows may see it as a Russian and Serbian triumph, but this is just a small battle they are being allowed to win, in order to exhaust all their claims after six months and thus present the Ahtisaari's plan as the only viable solution. Only insane persons may think that during these 6 months Kosovars and Serbs will find a mutually agreed solution that would be better than the present UN plan. It's a short delay, yes - we lost a battle -yes, but this will certainly lead to a victory in this long and exhausting war with Serbia and its ally. Statehood for Kosovo can be achieved through a unilateral declaration of independence, but, this is not the aim of smart Kosovars. We don't only need an independent state; we need an independent state that will be accepted in all relevant international organizations.
The recognition of a new State of a Government is an act that only States and Governments may grant or withhold. The United Nations is neither and, therefore, does not possess any authority to recognize a State or a Government.
The United Nations may admit a new State to its membership or accept the credentials of the representatives of a new Government. The procedure is as follows:
1. The State submits an application to the Secretary-General and a formal declaration stating that it accepts the obligations under the UN Charter.
2. The application is considered first by the Security Council. Any recommendation for admission must receive the affirmative votes of nine of the 15 members of the Council, provided that none of its five permanent members - China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United
States of America – has voted against the application.
3. If the Council recommends admission, the recommendation is presented to the General Assembly for consideration. A two-thirds majority vote is necessary for admission of a new State, and membership becomes effective on the date the resolution for admission is adopted.
If you read the Sarkozy's statement, you will note that Russia has already agreed to accept an independent Kosovo, but not now, they will do it after six months. Take also into consideration the latest idea on the joint US-Russian missile defense system in Azerbaijan.


One Al

pre 17 godina

That's fine by us. We have waited for over 15 years now and we can wait another six months or even a year or two.We know now for a fact that the West is backing us for independence.
One thing is dissapointing though when I read some of the comments from the fellow Serbs in those forums that they consider Putin to be a democratic and a Just individual.


pre 17 godina


Latest news is Russia has not agreed to postpone the UN resolution for another 6 months in return for recognizing "the unavoidable prospect" of independence for Kosovo.


We are back to where we were yesterday.

I was actualy looking forward to this deal last night. A 6 month delay with guranteed independence after that period would have eliminated a lot of unnecesary problems for us.

On the other hand i am very incuraged by the US, French and Allies in depth understanding of the urgency of solving the Kosovo issue (hence the -conditioned- 6 month delay).


pre 17 godina

The proposal of waiting 6 months is a joke. First of all, the Albanians will never negotiate. Instead they will simply wait it out as they have all these years. The Serbs have been trying to find some solution short of independence. There are many people who live in countries where they have a lot of automoy, but no independence. Why must the Albanians be treated any different? They will say genocide, but I'd like them to show evidence. The UN currently estimates the dead from the Kosovo war was less than 4 thousand. NOT 10 thousand as some claim. The number 10,000 is what the media says. Just as the media still says that over 300,000 peopled died in Bosnia. The truth is, according to the UN and a few reputable sources, is that less than 99,000 people died in Bosnia, ON ALL SIDES! Just as less than 4,000 died in Kosovo ON ALL SIDES! Now to understand just how small the number is, look at the recent war between Israel and Lebannon. Over 600 Lebanese died and over 130 Israelis died in only 5 weeks of fighting. Compared to Kosovo, which lasted from 1998 to 2000 (Including the attacks against the remaining Serbs), the war in Kosovo is nothing compared to the Lebannon war. The same war the Americans supported. I believe if the Lebannon-Israel war lasted as long as Kosovo, the death toll would've been as high as 15,000 or more. Judging from the deaths.

And yet, Kosovo is somehow genocide? Give me a break. That's a word the Pro-Albanian media likes to throw around. The truth is, there were some war crimes... possibly a few hundred victims... but that's not genocide.

So there is no excuse to rob Serbia of Kosovo. It might've been acceptable back in 1999 when the war concluded, but it has been years since then. Milosevic is gone. Serbs are offering total autonomy, better than anything the ethnic minorities in America get. And yet, they are suggesting that the Serbs negotiate with people who refuse to compromise at all. And after six months, they will get what they want? Give me a break. They will put in as much energy as they have in the past few years... NONE!


pre 17 godina

The idea of a delay of 6 months just to impose what is already on the table is a joke. What incentive would there be for Pristina to negotiate if it knew it just had to wait for six months and then get what it wanted anyway? I would imagine that Russia would also feel rather insulted to be told that its views didn't really matter. Instead, for the purposes of pretending that they did, a short delay would be acceptable. This was a ridiculous proposal.


pre 17 godina

it seems like one side is on and on bringing up some kind of suggestive vocabulary like "futile and counterproductive" or "inevitable" and now "unavoidable"...but reality shows, that this is not more than empty phrases.
well, let´s wait just another six months...then we can delay it once again...


pre 17 godina

But also you have to keep in mind that the proposal can change as well. Don't count the chickens before that hatch as always certain people do and then you won't be so disappointed.


pre 17 godina

Fitim - if Serbia and Russia's opinion count for nothing as they "have no troops on the ground", then why don't your leaders have the guts to declare themselves independent?

Naim - no it won't. it needs the permission of the USA which in turn needs Russia to support it at the UN.


pre 17 godina

If you read between the lines, this is a chance given to Serbia and Kosova to talk "division along ethnic lines" so the west does not have to pay for post-status international presence.

Jorge Garcia

pre 17 godina

My initial impression is that I don t like the six month delay since it will not change the parties positions. The fact that it has been proposed is good though since it shows that a little bit more time is needed to try to reach an outcome. The next play should really come from Serbia: it should signal that it is willing to accept Kosovo independence--at a price. This is understandable given that the current plan gives the Serbs a raw deal. For the Albanians accepting a compromise will not be that painful since it will finally bring independence. The Ahtissari should be used as the basis for a final agreement--to keep its main tenets and include partition and provisions for double citizenship of minorities.

If the Serbs give the signal that partition may be the key, then the international community and the Albanians would have to reciprocate.

The six month delay may be useful since the Serbs will have become more trusting of Europe and its goal to integrate them.

If the Albanians or the intl community hint that partition may be acceptable before the Serbs hint that independence is acceptable, it may provoke a violent reaction from diasppointed Kosovar Albanians. That is why the ball is really in the Serbian court. The intl community is right in trying to help Serbia take the right swing.

abdul aziz

pre 17 godina

an interview with Pres. Putin at the g8 sticking to his principled views and convictions. so no matter when the vote will happen, this man will always stand by his principles, i bet!!!


pre 17 godina

There you have it folks. For all those, and you know who you are, who were belittling and making fun of Russia, saying they were weak...etc. Well look who's weak now? It's the US with egg on their face. They backed down completely. As for the rest of Europe, I am sure they are actually pleased and can take a sigh of relief that this ridiculous proposal which would have set a precedent for all separatist movements around the world is now dead. You have just witnessed, as I have said before, the beginning of the NEW New World Order. The US no longer is so powerfull, and the power is diminishing every day.


pre 17 godina

Geez - I never saw this coming, and neither did the K-Albanians on this site. Realistically, the US doesn't care about Kosovo and Russia doesn't care about Serbia. It's all geo-political gamesmanship and about Kennebunkport vacations. The only way that we are going to solve this mess is between leaders of Kosovo and Serbia agreeing to a lasting agreement. Independence is a dead issue and the sooner the K-Albanians realize this the better; however, if they show maturity and grow economically allowing all residents to live in peace and prosperity, the Kosovars will rule themselves as a quasi-independent state within Serbia's borders. On the other hand, if extremism prevails and Serbs are not allowed to return to their homes, and have to live in ghettos...all bets are off. I suggest that Agim and Tolimir become bunk mates - the best solution for the region. That begs other questions...


pre 17 godina

Kate and many others that support Putin (not Serbia and Serbian people)

There will be a resolution, I guess we all agree on this one.

I believe that this resolution will give some status to Kosova, status that would leave Kosova out of Serbia, logic isn’t it. You do not have to be a diplomat to understand this.

Russia is not opposing the resolution because of some poor Serbs and Albanians in Balkans but, for it own interests, NATO radars in Poland and Czech.

Serbian posters in this site:
It is very sad that you do not understand the suffering of the people of Kosova during these past 100 years from Serbian regime. There are no words to explain it.

To those that want to return to Kosova;

You are free to return. Kosova is a free country after Serbian regime has left. Life is better here for K-Serb than in Serbia. K-Serbs in Serbia have a horrible treatment. They are not even called Serbs, they are called "Shiftari" offending word

Hope you all have a good weekend. For those that love Lada life Russia is waiting for you.
UK, USA and EU are just rubbish for some, so go to Russia and live a Lada life.


pre 17 godina

Who is ceku threatening? What a lame way to steal Serbia's territory.

The next stop for ceku should be in jail because he is the biggest war criminal.


pre 17 godina

Soo...where are all those Albanians and their comments like "KosovA will be independent next week,we are going to celebrate next week ,you can come to join our celebration,there is nothing Russia can do. I bet in 6 months time you will be saying all this,and then there will be another 6 months,and another...and another...and another...where is the independence?


pre 17 godina

This delay will simply make the unthinkable more likely: the Albanians stance will change threating to join Albania should the UN delay.


pre 17 godina

Six months is nothning more than a stall, and the Serbian government critically needs the time it has been granted to develop a clear and decisive plan for how to handle Kosovo's future beyond simply keeping it in limbo. This is a perfect time for Belgrade to set up those parallel institutions with the Serb local governments as well as strongly push for resettlement programs of its displaced communities. Furthermore, this time period also needs to apply pressure to the K-Albanian government to root out corruption and potential gang-rivalry outside Pristina among its own groups. The Standards before Status has now been given some breathing room, albeit short. As long as the West remains committed to realizing an independent Kosovo, the problem is not off the table, and Serbia for its part had make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that when a final solution is implemented, it doesn't appear to have nothing but its tail between its legs.


pre 17 godina

I fully support Prime Minister Ceku, spoken like a true statesman. It is about time one of our leaders took a stance against this injustice and voiced the concerns of the people of Kosovo.

Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo.

We can not and we will not be slaves to Russia or Serbia forever and the time for patience is over.

The west will either give us the freedom we fought for, died for and waited for decades or we will take it ourselves, come what it may.


pre 17 godina

Well ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are convinced now that even a significant delay was rejected by the Russians and that its obvious that there will be no independence.

I don't understand why they just cant except broad autonomy under the condition for promise of investment/development into/of Kosovo (as part of decriminalization process) and for Serbia's part that it becomes a free trade country between EU and Russia. Making everyone wealthy and happy.


pre 17 godina


You are very wrong there. Many European newspapers especially in UK costantly publish names and photos of various criminals ethnic hate preachers or suspected terrorists, and it is not considered as an attempt to ethnicly cleanse UK or Europe from ethnic minorities.


pre 17 godina

"The West will either give us the freedom we (you mean NATO) fought for, died for or we (Separatist Albanians) will take it ourselves" Nick. Why are these hollow threats even being published, is this a joke? Ceku, in his comments is also now threatening the West, give us independence or else. Is it sane to threaten your allies who fought a war for you? I certainly hope this sad chapter in Balkan history will soon be over so the thousands of Serbs that were ethnically cleansed under UN & NATO watch can go home to Kosovo!


pre 17 godina

Nikshala - in your reply to kate, the analogy you used was a poor one unless you are insinuating that the list that was published, is a list of serbian war criminals.


pre 17 godina

Nikshala - you are right that the notorious tabloids in Britain publish names of war criminals, paedophiles etc. but when they do they can ruin a legal case, be brought up against the press complaints commission, be fined, or even be thrown in prison.
There are no lists such as this one in Kosovo published for consumption by people known to have murderous or violent intent - ie. in a politically unstable environment where there are thugs waiting to terrorise or kill these people and their families.
In the UK that would be deemed a breach of national security and the editor would certainly be removed and the publication possibly closed down. It would be taken VERY seriously.
These lists of Serbian soldiers are not the irresponsible naming and shaming of one individual, but the irresponsible naming of troops who had to fight for their country. They had no choice.
And no one except a court of law can say who of these people are guilty of crimes. And their families certainly bear no guilt.
Even then it should not be up to the populace to meter out justice.
Big difference.
Plus we all know that the real criminals are no longer there - I'm sure they were the first ones out.


pre 17 godina


After decades of waiting under the rule of Milosevic and Serbia, It was the people of Kosovo that rose against the tyranny and repression of the Serbian state.

Granted, NATO was the party that won us the war and allowed a million Kosovar Albanians to get back home but it was the people of Kosovo that convinced it that our cause was just.

Prime Minister Ceku is not threatning anyone (and in particular he is not threatning the NATO troops), he is merely expressing the opinion of 2 million Kosovo Albanians who support him completely.

This reaction by PM Ceku and the people of Kosovo was expected by the West. Thank god there are intelegent and reasonable people in the West who understand the gravity of the situation and the danger of leaving 2 million people in limbo and without any hope for the future.


pre 17 godina

Nick you said:

Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo.

Having a country requires the majority of its people to be civilized and nothing less. You sound like a 10 year old bully who threaten to hit someone if they don't get their own way.


pre 17 godina

Veto it will be because as far as i can see the Albanians will not comprimise for anything but independance and this is the route of the problem.
Ceku is basiclly threatening that there will be riots and killing of serbs and their churches if they dont recieve independance which is actually how this problem came to be in the first place. So any suggestion of independance would be directly rewarding unlawful expulsion of serbs and desecration of their holy land.
I dont think stability it going to be achieved untill the Albanians comprimise because frankly there cant be a stable Balkan without serb rule over Kosovo, Serbs cant and wont accept it and there will be decades of fighting for it back regardless of NATO/EU because it is such a important place to a serb, whereas the albanian claim is purely demographic, VJ wasnt mobilised for the fun of it you know?! There was genuine danger for serbs in Kosovo or else they wouldnt have been fleeing in such huge numbers.

Hermon, Tirana

pre 17 godina

@ Vuk
" I dont think stability it going to be achieved untill the Albanians comprimise because frankly there cant be a stable Balkan without serb rule over Kosovo"
Stop feeding yourself with illusions. The only way to prosperity is the opposite way to Serbia. The dark ages under the serbian rule proved that


pre 17 godina


This is not about geting my way. To you perhaps Kosovo is not that important and therefore you see my reaction and bullying, but to me its home.


pre 17 godina


And do not talk to me about civility. We all know how civilized you were in Bosnia and Kosovo, only someone as blinded by nationalistic propaganda can even dare to deny the attrocities commited in your name.


pre 17 godina

Well lets hope that they aren't stupid enough to actually attack Serbs with any more terrorist attacks. I would love to see how the West would portray that to their public. On one hand they condemn world terrorism and on another they support it? The situation in US is that of growing impatience with the situation in IRAQ, and if thy were to be associated with those terrorists they will get their independence when hell freezes over.

Well by the look of it... that's when they will get independence no matter what.


pre 17 godina

It is always good to read diverse opinions, especially if they are conveyed with some humor. With this in mind I would like to quote few lines from a New York newspaper.."Moscow's delusions of grandeur know no bounds. And Russian paranoia worsens everything. If you give him a choice between (A), which is clearly 100 percent to his benefit, and (B), which obviously will cost him dearly and make him suffer, a Russian will always choose (B) - because he can't believe that (A) isn't a trap.
And Putin's as Russian as any Russian gets.
As for our president, perhabs his greatest flaw as chief executive has been that he's a terrible judge of character. He'll never be allowed to forget his claim to have looked into Putin's soul on the day he mistook Mephistopheles for Mother Teresa.
At least our president no longer believes that Putin's his pal."
What is your opinion?


pre 17 godina

To , Kate ,canadian,Vuk , Zoran and all of you who are opposing self determination

Being born and raised in Kosovo is an experience in itself. Because of the conditions in my country during my youth, I have experienced difficult educational conditions, like studying under suppression, theoretically, without practical work, in private houses or manipulated schools. I experienced the unfortunate reality that on my way to school I would encounter the Serbian state police who would impede my passing, had imprisoned my teacher and temporary closed my school. Thereafter these conditions led to a war which I saw first-hand., we are waiting for status resolution for 20 years. Guys I have experienced my youth as third class citizen under Serbian military regime. I’m fed up with you not letting me to determine my future, be aware that I’m not going to wait any one with flowers, I feel that I should not allow this to continue for ever the next generation should not live under similar circumstances. Who ever thinks that they know what is good for me I say you’re wrong. Long live USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, EU officials & UN Chief


pre 17 godina

Nick, you supported the KLA, the USA proclaimed them a terrorist group in 1995. Need I say more about who is civil and who is not? By the way, as far as the citizens of Serbia are concerned there are 10,000 million of them including the Albanians, and the vast majority of these people did not support the war in Bosnia. However nearly all you Albanians supported the KLA and worse yet for those who didn't support them they were threatened or killed, that is disgusting.

Jason, USA

pre 17 godina


To quote you.

"Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo."

This is a threat, a tool to harm. The thing that seperates humans from other animals is our ability to reason, to think, to not act on instinct and primal urges alone. The act of a rational person would not be to attack the innocent. The Serbs in the Serbian Provence of Kosovo have been there as long as the Albanians, have forged a life there. Threatening to harm them isn't a natural reaction. It's an act of terror, you're using fear and violence against an innocent populace. that my friend is terrorism.

Act out show the world who the real bad guy is. Be just like your 4 albanian brothers that tried to commit mass murder in an attempted terrorist act on a US military base. These kind of comments strengthen the Serbian claim that Serbs and Serb religious sights would be in danger in an independant Kosovo. You've now shown us what you really want to do. I hope more Americans and Western Europeans see this and know what the attitudes of Kosovo albanians are. know what the new state in town would be all about.


pre 17 godina

I can not believe Serbains still claiming a control over KS. What you guys are missing is that in no circunstances KS albanians will accept any kind of relationship with Serbia.

And when some of you guys speak about developments, democracy civilisation etc comming from Serbia it is a complete non sense. Serbia is one of the "POOREST counties in Europe so you better develop you self first. Additionally the only thing Serbia has brought to the Balkans during the last few decades is crime and poverty (including to their own citizens). And this exatly why nobody wnats to do anything to do with this country (xcept Russia).

We are going to become independent one way or another, with or without Russia. As long as we have the support from the developed world nobody can stop KS's independence. Actually there has never been more support for it.

thunder from down under

pre 17 godina

if you albanians want independents why not do it democratic and peacefull way instead of killing of people and haressing everybody to achive your goal if there is one honast albanian on this forum i want him to answer me one question the 150 churches you destroyed the countless serbian cemeterys you dug up 1000,S of serbian houses you burnt how meny albanians did thay kill in order for you to destroy them. the serbs left in kosovo today had nothing to with murdering albanians or for that matter the serbian goverment of today yet you keep killing and harassing the inesent. shame,shame

Alban Castro

pre 17 godina

Most of the Serbian commentator's seem eager to anger the Albanians rather than talk of true solutions that may be needed in that part of the world. I don't see how Serb commentators act victorious just because some unconfirmed report that alleges not to hurry with a proposal. Here I am reading in different news organizations, Germany, Solana, calling for speeding the voting at the security council. So, those 6 months of postponement you are talking about appear to be only a proposal that Serbs and Russians didn't agree on.

If Serbs and Russians can't give a chance to 6 months negotiating proposal, who in the right mind would believe that a 2 year or five year negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo would produce any results. I believe Mr. Solana and EU are the key. The moment they get tired of Russia's obstructions and decide to overtake control of Kosovo's administration from UN before the final status had been defined. It will be a check mate for Russia and Serbia.

For one thing, Serbia doesn't have forces nor population to back them up in Kosovo. So, honestly, I don't see any logics or any viable plan on how Serbia would control the situation in Kosovo.

Albanians on the other hand, are victims of their own trust and expectations. The leaders such as Albin Kurti long ago have predicted this outcome and it appears that Albanians are finally taking him seriously.

I personally believe that If Kosovo and Serbia enter EU simultaneously doesn't matter if they are both independent. Because in the end that independence is going to be slowly eaten by the big corporations.

The entire Balkans should be a common wealth of Independent states. But maybe this idea may not work well with Serbs whose best joy in life appears to be Ruling Albanians.


pre 17 godina

If Martti Ahtisaari was threatened in any manner then his future status report should be null and void.

The international community can relate to the problems Slobodan Milosevic had while president of Serbia and Yugoslavia.


pre 17 godina

Judging by the comments coming from the Albanian's i can see that they're already starting to get nervous by taking low blows at the Serbian posters.


pre 17 godina

Always when NATO or in this case Gr8 wants to do something against international law they discover a mass grave. It is interesting to note that many anticipated with happiness that the supposed mass grave in South Serbia will contain bodies of dead Albanians. However, no “bodies have been found at a site that was suspected to be a mass grave in southern Serbia, a judge said Friday after investigators searched for three days for remains of victims of the 1998-99” It is sick what you people hope for so that you can substantiate your victimization which you also fabricate.


pre 17 godina

just read this in the news:


Putin declares it himself, ..so, is there any Albanian who will repeat this quite naive "prediction" of the Russians bending down, naming "their price" and perhaps deriving this "analysis" from the ´99 events?

my personal consequence is: there is no debate possible with fanatics, they only repeat their childish threats ( hell will break loose ) and their illusionary wishful thinking (illyrian descent ), both is (proven ) nonsense, but they don´t care, since they blindly believe their "hero´s" , who are ( some of them ) in the Hague by now.
and if they should dare to incite another violent pogrom against the non-albanian population in the serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija, there will certainly some other Albanians join those already residing in the Hague.


pre 17 godina

To: Joe

According to you, several times in the past you have said that you are an Albanian living and working in Kosovo but yet in a post on this thread you mention that President Bush is your President? Since when is Bush Kosovo's president?


pre 17 godina

Hmmm - an extra 6 months of negotiations to decide a solution, but if this fails give one side what they were after all along!! That really adds an incentive to find a balanced solution.

This is the most ridiculous proposal for a long time - a true ACME hardware of international politics.


pre 17 godina

To Victor, Joe and all the others who were so convinced that this is it, Kosovo's independence was just a matter of days or weeks! Read the news. By the way declaring unilateral independence will do nothing, the US and EU will not support it. They made that very clear last month. It seems that Serbia and Russia are not so weak after all and the best part about it, they achieved their goal without violence.


pre 17 godina

Now Albanians have to get concentrated and organised better to achieve the United Albania. It is the only solution to have a stable Balkans.


pre 17 godina

It seems like another of the "big ones" is backing of. As far as I have heard, France have resumed its good relations to both Montenegro and Serbia. Also, it seems like US liked the idea from Russia to build missile defence system in Azerbaijan. I have said it in the past and I say it again, I am not for or against either Serbs or Albanians regarding Kosovo/a. The problem is that it is impossible to take a bit of a sovereign country and suddenly make it independence. There will not be a independent Kosovo/a. Its 100% sure !

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

There is a line of what newly elected French President said that is missing here.He said that " Kosova's Independence is a done deal and there is no going back".


pre 17 godina

Do the pro independence posters on this site really expect the US to recognise unilateral independence when the G8 and EU have decided to postpone the decision?
Yesterday's publication of the list of Serbian troops who fought in Kosovo(therefore claiming their guilt whatever their role in defending their country, and inciting hatred towards them and their famillies) is a clear attempt at stoking up violence and terrorising the Serbian community.
This was an irreponsible act which would never have been accepted in any developed Western European country.
If there is an attempt at ethnic cleansing the international troops on the ground will not stand idly by. They will react strongly to any violence.
Time to reassess and come up with a solution which will promote a peaceful co-existence in Kosovo. Time to work with the state either directly or through a mediator.


pre 17 godina

Proof positive that the decisive factor for Kosovo's independence is the Russian vote at the UN. Russia, not the USA or EU will decide Kosovo's fate. The Albanian community can fantasise that the USA and EU will support their independence, unilaterally declared or not, but the reality is that neither will provide support without the blessing of the UN security council which requires Russia to vote in their favour.

Having said all that, i'd still be happy to let southern Kosovo go if the northern part were to remain with Serbia as the reality of the situation is that there are 2 million albanians within serbia who simply don't want to live with serbs and it's unpractical and immoral to boot them off the land into albania, so a compromise - a partition, is the only way forward (but that doesn't niclude the albanians gaining presevo and bujanovac as that is serbian land).

tatiana stojkovic

pre 17 godina

see guys what i told you??? MAY became MAYDAY and JUNE became JUNE KNOW WHEN??? six months??? maybe, who knows. RUSSIA is the WINNER in this case. PUTIN was not BULLIED by the COWBOY. principle always wins my friends.

Aleksandër Gjoni

pre 17 godina

As an expert of international public law, I have never been a supporter of unilateral declaration of independence. Although such declaration, I assume, would be recognized by the vast majority of states in the world, including all western democracies, this does not grant Kosovo membership to UN and other UN specialized agencies. Recognizing the importance of the UN seat for Kosovo, our allies have offered a carrot to Russia in order to prevent their veto. I agree, many of my country fellows may see it as a Russian and Serbian triumph, but this is just a small battle they are being allowed to win, in order to exhaust all their claims after six months and thus present the Ahtisaari's plan as the only viable solution. Only insane persons may think that during these 6 months Kosovars and Serbs will find a mutually agreed solution that would be better than the present UN plan. It's a short delay, yes - we lost a battle -yes, but this will certainly lead to a victory in this long and exhausting war with Serbia and its ally. Statehood for Kosovo can be achieved through a unilateral declaration of independence, but, this is not the aim of smart Kosovars. We don't only need an independent state; we need an independent state that will be accepted in all relevant international organizations.
The recognition of a new State of a Government is an act that only States and Governments may grant or withhold. The United Nations is neither and, therefore, does not possess any authority to recognize a State or a Government.
The United Nations may admit a new State to its membership or accept the credentials of the representatives of a new Government. The procedure is as follows:
1. The State submits an application to the Secretary-General and a formal declaration stating that it accepts the obligations under the UN Charter.
2. The application is considered first by the Security Council. Any recommendation for admission must receive the affirmative votes of nine of the 15 members of the Council, provided that none of its five permanent members - China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United
States of America – has voted against the application.
3. If the Council recommends admission, the recommendation is presented to the General Assembly for consideration. A two-thirds majority vote is necessary for admission of a new State, and membership becomes effective on the date the resolution for admission is adopted.
If you read the Sarkozy's statement, you will note that Russia has already agreed to accept an independent Kosovo, but not now, they will do it after six months. Take also into consideration the latest idea on the joint US-Russian missile defense system in Azerbaijan.


One Al

pre 17 godina

That's fine by us. We have waited for over 15 years now and we can wait another six months or even a year or two.We know now for a fact that the West is backing us for independence.
One thing is dissapointing though when I read some of the comments from the fellow Serbs in those forums that they consider Putin to be a democratic and a Just individual.


pre 17 godina


Latest news is Russia has not agreed to postpone the UN resolution for another 6 months in return for recognizing "the unavoidable prospect" of independence for Kosovo.


We are back to where we were yesterday.

I was actualy looking forward to this deal last night. A 6 month delay with guranteed independence after that period would have eliminated a lot of unnecesary problems for us.

On the other hand i am very incuraged by the US, French and Allies in depth understanding of the urgency of solving the Kosovo issue (hence the -conditioned- 6 month delay).


pre 17 godina

The proposal of waiting 6 months is a joke. First of all, the Albanians will never negotiate. Instead they will simply wait it out as they have all these years. The Serbs have been trying to find some solution short of independence. There are many people who live in countries where they have a lot of automoy, but no independence. Why must the Albanians be treated any different? They will say genocide, but I'd like them to show evidence. The UN currently estimates the dead from the Kosovo war was less than 4 thousand. NOT 10 thousand as some claim. The number 10,000 is what the media says. Just as the media still says that over 300,000 peopled died in Bosnia. The truth is, according to the UN and a few reputable sources, is that less than 99,000 people died in Bosnia, ON ALL SIDES! Just as less than 4,000 died in Kosovo ON ALL SIDES! Now to understand just how small the number is, look at the recent war between Israel and Lebannon. Over 600 Lebanese died and over 130 Israelis died in only 5 weeks of fighting. Compared to Kosovo, which lasted from 1998 to 2000 (Including the attacks against the remaining Serbs), the war in Kosovo is nothing compared to the Lebannon war. The same war the Americans supported. I believe if the Lebannon-Israel war lasted as long as Kosovo, the death toll would've been as high as 15,000 or more. Judging from the deaths.

And yet, Kosovo is somehow genocide? Give me a break. That's a word the Pro-Albanian media likes to throw around. The truth is, there were some war crimes... possibly a few hundred victims... but that's not genocide.

So there is no excuse to rob Serbia of Kosovo. It might've been acceptable back in 1999 when the war concluded, but it has been years since then. Milosevic is gone. Serbs are offering total autonomy, better than anything the ethnic minorities in America get. And yet, they are suggesting that the Serbs negotiate with people who refuse to compromise at all. And after six months, they will get what they want? Give me a break. They will put in as much energy as they have in the past few years... NONE!


pre 17 godina

The idea of a delay of 6 months just to impose what is already on the table is a joke. What incentive would there be for Pristina to negotiate if it knew it just had to wait for six months and then get what it wanted anyway? I would imagine that Russia would also feel rather insulted to be told that its views didn't really matter. Instead, for the purposes of pretending that they did, a short delay would be acceptable. This was a ridiculous proposal.


pre 17 godina

it seems like one side is on and on bringing up some kind of suggestive vocabulary like "futile and counterproductive" or "inevitable" and now "unavoidable"...but reality shows, that this is not more than empty phrases.
well, let´s wait just another six months...then we can delay it once again...


pre 17 godina

But also you have to keep in mind that the proposal can change as well. Don't count the chickens before that hatch as always certain people do and then you won't be so disappointed.


pre 17 godina

Fitim - if Serbia and Russia's opinion count for nothing as they "have no troops on the ground", then why don't your leaders have the guts to declare themselves independent?

Naim - no it won't. it needs the permission of the USA which in turn needs Russia to support it at the UN.


pre 17 godina

If you read between the lines, this is a chance given to Serbia and Kosova to talk "division along ethnic lines" so the west does not have to pay for post-status international presence.

Jorge Garcia

pre 17 godina

My initial impression is that I don t like the six month delay since it will not change the parties positions. The fact that it has been proposed is good though since it shows that a little bit more time is needed to try to reach an outcome. The next play should really come from Serbia: it should signal that it is willing to accept Kosovo independence--at a price. This is understandable given that the current plan gives the Serbs a raw deal. For the Albanians accepting a compromise will not be that painful since it will finally bring independence. The Ahtissari should be used as the basis for a final agreement--to keep its main tenets and include partition and provisions for double citizenship of minorities.

If the Serbs give the signal that partition may be the key, then the international community and the Albanians would have to reciprocate.

The six month delay may be useful since the Serbs will have become more trusting of Europe and its goal to integrate them.

If the Albanians or the intl community hint that partition may be acceptable before the Serbs hint that independence is acceptable, it may provoke a violent reaction from diasppointed Kosovar Albanians. That is why the ball is really in the Serbian court. The intl community is right in trying to help Serbia take the right swing.

abdul aziz

pre 17 godina

an interview with Pres. Putin at the g8 sticking to his principled views and convictions. so no matter when the vote will happen, this man will always stand by his principles, i bet!!!


pre 17 godina

There you have it folks. For all those, and you know who you are, who were belittling and making fun of Russia, saying they were weak...etc. Well look who's weak now? It's the US with egg on their face. They backed down completely. As for the rest of Europe, I am sure they are actually pleased and can take a sigh of relief that this ridiculous proposal which would have set a precedent for all separatist movements around the world is now dead. You have just witnessed, as I have said before, the beginning of the NEW New World Order. The US no longer is so powerfull, and the power is diminishing every day.


pre 17 godina

Geez - I never saw this coming, and neither did the K-Albanians on this site. Realistically, the US doesn't care about Kosovo and Russia doesn't care about Serbia. It's all geo-political gamesmanship and about Kennebunkport vacations. The only way that we are going to solve this mess is between leaders of Kosovo and Serbia agreeing to a lasting agreement. Independence is a dead issue and the sooner the K-Albanians realize this the better; however, if they show maturity and grow economically allowing all residents to live in peace and prosperity, the Kosovars will rule themselves as a quasi-independent state within Serbia's borders. On the other hand, if extremism prevails and Serbs are not allowed to return to their homes, and have to live in ghettos...all bets are off. I suggest that Agim and Tolimir become bunk mates - the best solution for the region. That begs other questions...


pre 17 godina

Kate and many others that support Putin (not Serbia and Serbian people)

There will be a resolution, I guess we all agree on this one.

I believe that this resolution will give some status to Kosova, status that would leave Kosova out of Serbia, logic isn’t it. You do not have to be a diplomat to understand this.

Russia is not opposing the resolution because of some poor Serbs and Albanians in Balkans but, for it own interests, NATO radars in Poland and Czech.

Serbian posters in this site:
It is very sad that you do not understand the suffering of the people of Kosova during these past 100 years from Serbian regime. There are no words to explain it.

To those that want to return to Kosova;

You are free to return. Kosova is a free country after Serbian regime has left. Life is better here for K-Serb than in Serbia. K-Serbs in Serbia have a horrible treatment. They are not even called Serbs, they are called "Shiftari" offending word

Hope you all have a good weekend. For those that love Lada life Russia is waiting for you.
UK, USA and EU are just rubbish for some, so go to Russia and live a Lada life.


pre 17 godina

Who is ceku threatening? What a lame way to steal Serbia's territory.

The next stop for ceku should be in jail because he is the biggest war criminal.


pre 17 godina

Soo...where are all those Albanians and their comments like "KosovA will be independent next week,we are going to celebrate next week ,you can come to join our celebration,there is nothing Russia can do. I bet in 6 months time you will be saying all this,and then there will be another 6 months,and another...and another...and another...where is the independence?


pre 17 godina

This delay will simply make the unthinkable more likely: the Albanians stance will change threating to join Albania should the UN delay.


pre 17 godina

Six months is nothning more than a stall, and the Serbian government critically needs the time it has been granted to develop a clear and decisive plan for how to handle Kosovo's future beyond simply keeping it in limbo. This is a perfect time for Belgrade to set up those parallel institutions with the Serb local governments as well as strongly push for resettlement programs of its displaced communities. Furthermore, this time period also needs to apply pressure to the K-Albanian government to root out corruption and potential gang-rivalry outside Pristina among its own groups. The Standards before Status has now been given some breathing room, albeit short. As long as the West remains committed to realizing an independent Kosovo, the problem is not off the table, and Serbia for its part had make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that when a final solution is implemented, it doesn't appear to have nothing but its tail between its legs.


pre 17 godina

I fully support Prime Minister Ceku, spoken like a true statesman. It is about time one of our leaders took a stance against this injustice and voiced the concerns of the people of Kosovo.

Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo.

We can not and we will not be slaves to Russia or Serbia forever and the time for patience is over.

The west will either give us the freedom we fought for, died for and waited for decades or we will take it ourselves, come what it may.


pre 17 godina

Well ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are convinced now that even a significant delay was rejected by the Russians and that its obvious that there will be no independence.

I don't understand why they just cant except broad autonomy under the condition for promise of investment/development into/of Kosovo (as part of decriminalization process) and for Serbia's part that it becomes a free trade country between EU and Russia. Making everyone wealthy and happy.


pre 17 godina


You are very wrong there. Many European newspapers especially in UK costantly publish names and photos of various criminals ethnic hate preachers or suspected terrorists, and it is not considered as an attempt to ethnicly cleanse UK or Europe from ethnic minorities.


pre 17 godina

"The West will either give us the freedom we (you mean NATO) fought for, died for or we (Separatist Albanians) will take it ourselves" Nick. Why are these hollow threats even being published, is this a joke? Ceku, in his comments is also now threatening the West, give us independence or else. Is it sane to threaten your allies who fought a war for you? I certainly hope this sad chapter in Balkan history will soon be over so the thousands of Serbs that were ethnically cleansed under UN & NATO watch can go home to Kosovo!


pre 17 godina

Nikshala - in your reply to kate, the analogy you used was a poor one unless you are insinuating that the list that was published, is a list of serbian war criminals.


pre 17 godina

Nikshala - you are right that the notorious tabloids in Britain publish names of war criminals, paedophiles etc. but when they do they can ruin a legal case, be brought up against the press complaints commission, be fined, or even be thrown in prison.
There are no lists such as this one in Kosovo published for consumption by people known to have murderous or violent intent - ie. in a politically unstable environment where there are thugs waiting to terrorise or kill these people and their families.
In the UK that would be deemed a breach of national security and the editor would certainly be removed and the publication possibly closed down. It would be taken VERY seriously.
These lists of Serbian soldiers are not the irresponsible naming and shaming of one individual, but the irresponsible naming of troops who had to fight for their country. They had no choice.
And no one except a court of law can say who of these people are guilty of crimes. And their families certainly bear no guilt.
Even then it should not be up to the populace to meter out justice.
Big difference.
Plus we all know that the real criminals are no longer there - I'm sure they were the first ones out.


pre 17 godina


After decades of waiting under the rule of Milosevic and Serbia, It was the people of Kosovo that rose against the tyranny and repression of the Serbian state.

Granted, NATO was the party that won us the war and allowed a million Kosovar Albanians to get back home but it was the people of Kosovo that convinced it that our cause was just.

Prime Minister Ceku is not threatning anyone (and in particular he is not threatning the NATO troops), he is merely expressing the opinion of 2 million Kosovo Albanians who support him completely.

This reaction by PM Ceku and the people of Kosovo was expected by the West. Thank god there are intelegent and reasonable people in the West who understand the gravity of the situation and the danger of leaving 2 million people in limbo and without any hope for the future.


pre 17 godina

Nick you said:

Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo.

Having a country requires the majority of its people to be civilized and nothing less. You sound like a 10 year old bully who threaten to hit someone if they don't get their own way.


pre 17 godina

Veto it will be because as far as i can see the Albanians will not comprimise for anything but independance and this is the route of the problem.
Ceku is basiclly threatening that there will be riots and killing of serbs and their churches if they dont recieve independance which is actually how this problem came to be in the first place. So any suggestion of independance would be directly rewarding unlawful expulsion of serbs and desecration of their holy land.
I dont think stability it going to be achieved untill the Albanians comprimise because frankly there cant be a stable Balkan without serb rule over Kosovo, Serbs cant and wont accept it and there will be decades of fighting for it back regardless of NATO/EU because it is such a important place to a serb, whereas the albanian claim is purely demographic, VJ wasnt mobilised for the fun of it you know?! There was genuine danger for serbs in Kosovo or else they wouldnt have been fleeing in such huge numbers.

Hermon, Tirana

pre 17 godina

@ Vuk
" I dont think stability it going to be achieved untill the Albanians comprimise because frankly there cant be a stable Balkan without serb rule over Kosovo"
Stop feeding yourself with illusions. The only way to prosperity is the opposite way to Serbia. The dark ages under the serbian rule proved that


pre 17 godina


This is not about geting my way. To you perhaps Kosovo is not that important and therefore you see my reaction and bullying, but to me its home.


pre 17 godina


And do not talk to me about civility. We all know how civilized you were in Bosnia and Kosovo, only someone as blinded by nationalistic propaganda can even dare to deny the attrocities commited in your name.


pre 17 godina

Well lets hope that they aren't stupid enough to actually attack Serbs with any more terrorist attacks. I would love to see how the West would portray that to their public. On one hand they condemn world terrorism and on another they support it? The situation in US is that of growing impatience with the situation in IRAQ, and if thy were to be associated with those terrorists they will get their independence when hell freezes over.

Well by the look of it... that's when they will get independence no matter what.


pre 17 godina

It is always good to read diverse opinions, especially if they are conveyed with some humor. With this in mind I would like to quote few lines from a New York newspaper.."Moscow's delusions of grandeur know no bounds. And Russian paranoia worsens everything. If you give him a choice between (A), which is clearly 100 percent to his benefit, and (B), which obviously will cost him dearly and make him suffer, a Russian will always choose (B) - because he can't believe that (A) isn't a trap.
And Putin's as Russian as any Russian gets.
As for our president, perhabs his greatest flaw as chief executive has been that he's a terrible judge of character. He'll never be allowed to forget his claim to have looked into Putin's soul on the day he mistook Mephistopheles for Mother Teresa.
At least our president no longer believes that Putin's his pal."
What is your opinion?


pre 17 godina

To , Kate ,canadian,Vuk , Zoran and all of you who are opposing self determination

Being born and raised in Kosovo is an experience in itself. Because of the conditions in my country during my youth, I have experienced difficult educational conditions, like studying under suppression, theoretically, without practical work, in private houses or manipulated schools. I experienced the unfortunate reality that on my way to school I would encounter the Serbian state police who would impede my passing, had imprisoned my teacher and temporary closed my school. Thereafter these conditions led to a war which I saw first-hand., we are waiting for status resolution for 20 years. Guys I have experienced my youth as third class citizen under Serbian military regime. I’m fed up with you not letting me to determine my future, be aware that I’m not going to wait any one with flowers, I feel that I should not allow this to continue for ever the next generation should not live under similar circumstances. Who ever thinks that they know what is good for me I say you’re wrong. Long live USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, EU officials & UN Chief


pre 17 godina

Nick, you supported the KLA, the USA proclaimed them a terrorist group in 1995. Need I say more about who is civil and who is not? By the way, as far as the citizens of Serbia are concerned there are 10,000 million of them including the Albanians, and the vast majority of these people did not support the war in Bosnia. However nearly all you Albanians supported the KLA and worse yet for those who didn't support them they were threatened or killed, that is disgusting.

Jason, USA

pre 17 godina


To quote you.

"Every day lost brings us closer to political instability and possible violence, not as a premeditated tool to harm any ethnic group but as a natural human reaction to this injustice by the people of Kosovo."

This is a threat, a tool to harm. The thing that seperates humans from other animals is our ability to reason, to think, to not act on instinct and primal urges alone. The act of a rational person would not be to attack the innocent. The Serbs in the Serbian Provence of Kosovo have been there as long as the Albanians, have forged a life there. Threatening to harm them isn't a natural reaction. It's an act of terror, you're using fear and violence against an innocent populace. that my friend is terrorism.

Act out show the world who the real bad guy is. Be just like your 4 albanian brothers that tried to commit mass murder in an attempted terrorist act on a US military base. These kind of comments strengthen the Serbian claim that Serbs and Serb religious sights would be in danger in an independant Kosovo. You've now shown us what you really want to do. I hope more Americans and Western Europeans see this and know what the attitudes of Kosovo albanians are. know what the new state in town would be all about.


pre 17 godina

I can not believe Serbains still claiming a control over KS. What you guys are missing is that in no circunstances KS albanians will accept any kind of relationship with Serbia.

And when some of you guys speak about developments, democracy civilisation etc comming from Serbia it is a complete non sense. Serbia is one of the "POOREST counties in Europe so you better develop you self first. Additionally the only thing Serbia has brought to the Balkans during the last few decades is crime and poverty (including to their own citizens). And this exatly why nobody wnats to do anything to do with this country (xcept Russia).

We are going to become independent one way or another, with or without Russia. As long as we have the support from the developed world nobody can stop KS's independence. Actually there has never been more support for it.

thunder from down under

pre 17 godina

if you albanians want independents why not do it democratic and peacefull way instead of killing of people and haressing everybody to achive your goal if there is one honast albanian on this forum i want him to answer me one question the 150 churches you destroyed the countless serbian cemeterys you dug up 1000,S of serbian houses you burnt how meny albanians did thay kill in order for you to destroy them. the serbs left in kosovo today had nothing to with murdering albanians or for that matter the serbian goverment of today yet you keep killing and harassing the inesent. shame,shame

Alban Castro

pre 17 godina

Most of the Serbian commentator's seem eager to anger the Albanians rather than talk of true solutions that may be needed in that part of the world. I don't see how Serb commentators act victorious just because some unconfirmed report that alleges not to hurry with a proposal. Here I am reading in different news organizations, Germany, Solana, calling for speeding the voting at the security council. So, those 6 months of postponement you are talking about appear to be only a proposal that Serbs and Russians didn't agree on.

If Serbs and Russians can't give a chance to 6 months negotiating proposal, who in the right mind would believe that a 2 year or five year negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo would produce any results. I believe Mr. Solana and EU are the key. The moment they get tired of Russia's obstructions and decide to overtake control of Kosovo's administration from UN before the final status had been defined. It will be a check mate for Russia and Serbia.

For one thing, Serbia doesn't have forces nor population to back them up in Kosovo. So, honestly, I don't see any logics or any viable plan on how Serbia would control the situation in Kosovo.

Albanians on the other hand, are victims of their own trust and expectations. The leaders such as Albin Kurti long ago have predicted this outcome and it appears that Albanians are finally taking him seriously.

I personally believe that If Kosovo and Serbia enter EU simultaneously doesn't matter if they are both independent. Because in the end that independence is going to be slowly eaten by the big corporations.

The entire Balkans should be a common wealth of Independent states. But maybe this idea may not work well with Serbs whose best joy in life appears to be Ruling Albanians.


pre 17 godina

If Martti Ahtisaari was threatened in any manner then his future status report should be null and void.

The international community can relate to the problems Slobodan Milosevic had while president of Serbia and Yugoslavia.


pre 17 godina

Judging by the comments coming from the Albanian's i can see that they're already starting to get nervous by taking low blows at the Serbian posters.


pre 17 godina

Always when NATO or in this case Gr8 wants to do something against international law they discover a mass grave. It is interesting to note that many anticipated with happiness that the supposed mass grave in South Serbia will contain bodies of dead Albanians. However, no “bodies have been found at a site that was suspected to be a mass grave in southern Serbia, a judge said Friday after investigators searched for three days for remains of victims of the 1998-99” It is sick what you people hope for so that you can substantiate your victimization which you also fabricate.


pre 17 godina

just read this in the news:


Putin declares it himself, ..so, is there any Albanian who will repeat this quite naive "prediction" of the Russians bending down, naming "their price" and perhaps deriving this "analysis" from the ´99 events?

my personal consequence is: there is no debate possible with fanatics, they only repeat their childish threats ( hell will break loose ) and their illusionary wishful thinking (illyrian descent ), both is (proven ) nonsense, but they don´t care, since they blindly believe their "hero´s" , who are ( some of them ) in the Hague by now.
and if they should dare to incite another violent pogrom against the non-albanian population in the serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija, there will certainly some other Albanians join those already residing in the Hague.


pre 17 godina

To: Joe

According to you, several times in the past you have said that you are an Albanian living and working in Kosovo but yet in a post on this thread you mention that President Bush is your President? Since when is Bush Kosovo's president?