Wednesday, 06.06.2007.


Vukovar: Six arrested for war crimes

Police in Vukovar have arrested six Croatian citizens suspected of committing war crimes in 1991 in that town.

Izvor: B92

Vukovar: Six arrested for war crimes IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Ovcara massacre (Vukovar):
Lovas massacre:
Skabrnja massacre:
Vocin massacre:


pre 17 godina

«It shows propaganda when they claim one where there isn't one»

I will call this misinformation, not ptopaganda. I will be glad that if there is no mass grave at all. So far, there have been 100s of mass graves, don't you find it's enough to tarnish the reputation of Serbia?


pre 17 godina

It's funny how you say ethnicity doesnt matter, when it's only the crimes you comment on have serbian suspects.

Whenever it says something about bosniak or croatian suspects, you never say anything Victor. Whatever.

It doesnt matter, i fully support a just and fair trial for any participants in any of the conflicts from 1990-2000


pre 17 godina

Viktor, I see you missed the article where they haven't found even one body in the alleged mass grave where it was claimed to have hundreds.

Looks like it was a false and phoney claim from a lying "witness".

It shows propaganda when they claim one where there isn't one. And many other claims of mass graves have been proven untrue or much smaller than the initial headlines.

Unfortunately there is no penalty for perjury, so the "witnesses" who lead people on these wild goose chases aren't jailed for their fictional stories. Nor all the media and journalists who claimed there were bodies there penalized for their lies.



pre 17 godina

Every week, we hear of more mass graves unhearted and more war criminals. It will take years before all the criminals are arrested and face justice for the crimes they have committed. Their ethnicity is of no importance, because a crime is a crime, and there is no mitigating circumstance for a criminal.


pre 17 godina

Every week, we hear of more mass graves unhearted and more war criminals. It will take years before all the criminals are arrested and face justice for the crimes they have committed. Their ethnicity is of no importance, because a crime is a crime, and there is no mitigating circumstance for a criminal.


pre 17 godina

Viktor, I see you missed the article where they haven't found even one body in the alleged mass grave where it was claimed to have hundreds.

Looks like it was a false and phoney claim from a lying "witness".

It shows propaganda when they claim one where there isn't one. And many other claims of mass graves have been proven untrue or much smaller than the initial headlines.

Unfortunately there is no penalty for perjury, so the "witnesses" who lead people on these wild goose chases aren't jailed for their fictional stories. Nor all the media and journalists who claimed there were bodies there penalized for their lies.



pre 17 godina

It's funny how you say ethnicity doesnt matter, when it's only the crimes you comment on have serbian suspects.

Whenever it says something about bosniak or croatian suspects, you never say anything Victor. Whatever.

It doesnt matter, i fully support a just and fair trial for any participants in any of the conflicts from 1990-2000


pre 17 godina

«It shows propaganda when they claim one where there isn't one»

I will call this misinformation, not ptopaganda. I will be glad that if there is no mass grave at all. So far, there have been 100s of mass graves, don't you find it's enough to tarnish the reputation of Serbia?


pre 17 godina

Ovcara massacre (Vukovar):
Lovas massacre:
Skabrnja massacre:
Vocin massacre:


pre 17 godina

Every week, we hear of more mass graves unhearted and more war criminals. It will take years before all the criminals are arrested and face justice for the crimes they have committed. Their ethnicity is of no importance, because a crime is a crime, and there is no mitigating circumstance for a criminal.


pre 17 godina

Viktor, I see you missed the article where they haven't found even one body in the alleged mass grave where it was claimed to have hundreds.

Looks like it was a false and phoney claim from a lying "witness".

It shows propaganda when they claim one where there isn't one. And many other claims of mass graves have been proven untrue or much smaller than the initial headlines.

Unfortunately there is no penalty for perjury, so the "witnesses" who lead people on these wild goose chases aren't jailed for their fictional stories. Nor all the media and journalists who claimed there were bodies there penalized for their lies.



pre 17 godina

It's funny how you say ethnicity doesnt matter, when it's only the crimes you comment on have serbian suspects.

Whenever it says something about bosniak or croatian suspects, you never say anything Victor. Whatever.

It doesnt matter, i fully support a just and fair trial for any participants in any of the conflicts from 1990-2000


pre 17 godina

«It shows propaganda when they claim one where there isn't one»

I will call this misinformation, not ptopaganda. I will be glad that if there is no mass grave at all. So far, there have been 100s of mass graves, don't you find it's enough to tarnish the reputation of Serbia?


pre 17 godina

Ovcara massacre (Vukovar):
Lovas massacre:
Skabrnja massacre:
Vocin massacre: