Monday, 04.06.2007.


Putin warns will point missiles at Europe

President Vladimir Putin said Russia would go back to its Cold War stance if Washington built a missile defense shield.

Izvor: Reuters

Putin warns will point missiles at Europe IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Thousands of Russian nuclear missiles in Kaliningrad and Belgrade should be a loud wake up call to rational Europeans to STOP the madness.The complete DEMILITARIZATION of the European heartland is the goal and NOT the introduction of new weapons of death.Tell the Americans thank you for a job well done but it is time that American soldiers go home and guard their own borders,ports,airports etc.ENOUGH is ENOUGH.


pre 17 godina

It isn't just 10 missiles and a radar site! There is already a similar site in Norway, and the plan is to put similar systems in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Britain is considering deploying ABM missiles at Fylingdales. All these systems will be tied into ABM systems in Alaska and California, plus similar planned systems in Japan, Australia, and the Philippines, not to mention sea-borne ABM systems in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean. Total all those things up and toss in the recent decision by the Dubya administration to start designing another generation of nuclear warheads, unilateral withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and it is no wonder the Russians have turned defensive. A nuclear arms race, an increase of tension in Europe, and the launching of a new Cold War: that is what is at stake in the European missile crisis thanks to the USA.


pre 17 godina

You guys, Victor, Joe, et al, are too much!!!

What has the USA done for you that you side with them when obviously they are obviously a world-wide antagonist. You should know that that USA has never been more confrontational in its history since the Cold War essentially ended. Peace does not translate to profits for the USA's military-industrial complex.

And speaking of Russia's emporer, what about USA's "democratically" (a sham) elected king? When was the last time the USA Congress declared war??? If you guessed WWII, you'd be correct. The USA president deploys troops when he wants, how he wants (legally or illegally) and can do so covertly anytime he so chooses. You get it?...no check and balance. Congress has abdicated its right to make war.

Let's get with the program fellas, shall we???


pre 17 godina

Russia is getting very confrontational. Hardly a day without a menace from Putin.
"Putin treatens the West" writes the Wall Street Journal.
Fortunately Europeans and Americans show a rare consensus about Russia. Looks like we are back to the Cold War....But again the good thing: despite the oil billions Russia is getting it is not the same country mulitarely as the Sovietunion used to be.


pre 17 godina

Putin behaves more and more like an Emperor! I just read that he wants to prolong the mandate of a Russian president by 2 or 3 years! He should do like former Duvalier President in Haiti and proclaim himself «president à vie».

This guy is dangerous for Ruassia!


pre 17 godina

Putin behaves more and more like an Emperor! I just read that he wants to prolong the mandate of a Russian president by 2 or 3 years! He should do like former Duvalier President in Haiti and proclaim himself «president à vie».

This guy is dangerous for Ruassia!


pre 17 godina

Russia is getting very confrontational. Hardly a day without a menace from Putin.
"Putin treatens the West" writes the Wall Street Journal.
Fortunately Europeans and Americans show a rare consensus about Russia. Looks like we are back to the Cold War....But again the good thing: despite the oil billions Russia is getting it is not the same country mulitarely as the Sovietunion used to be.


pre 17 godina

You guys, Victor, Joe, et al, are too much!!!

What has the USA done for you that you side with them when obviously they are obviously a world-wide antagonist. You should know that that USA has never been more confrontational in its history since the Cold War essentially ended. Peace does not translate to profits for the USA's military-industrial complex.

And speaking of Russia's emporer, what about USA's "democratically" (a sham) elected king? When was the last time the USA Congress declared war??? If you guessed WWII, you'd be correct. The USA president deploys troops when he wants, how he wants (legally or illegally) and can do so covertly anytime he so chooses. You get it?...no check and balance. Congress has abdicated its right to make war.

Let's get with the program fellas, shall we???


pre 17 godina

It isn't just 10 missiles and a radar site! There is already a similar site in Norway, and the plan is to put similar systems in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Britain is considering deploying ABM missiles at Fylingdales. All these systems will be tied into ABM systems in Alaska and California, plus similar planned systems in Japan, Australia, and the Philippines, not to mention sea-borne ABM systems in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean. Total all those things up and toss in the recent decision by the Dubya administration to start designing another generation of nuclear warheads, unilateral withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and it is no wonder the Russians have turned defensive. A nuclear arms race, an increase of tension in Europe, and the launching of a new Cold War: that is what is at stake in the European missile crisis thanks to the USA.


pre 17 godina

Thousands of Russian nuclear missiles in Kaliningrad and Belgrade should be a loud wake up call to rational Europeans to STOP the madness.The complete DEMILITARIZATION of the European heartland is the goal and NOT the introduction of new weapons of death.Tell the Americans thank you for a job well done but it is time that American soldiers go home and guard their own borders,ports,airports etc.ENOUGH is ENOUGH.


pre 17 godina

Putin behaves more and more like an Emperor! I just read that he wants to prolong the mandate of a Russian president by 2 or 3 years! He should do like former Duvalier President in Haiti and proclaim himself «president à vie».

This guy is dangerous for Ruassia!


pre 17 godina

Russia is getting very confrontational. Hardly a day without a menace from Putin.
"Putin treatens the West" writes the Wall Street Journal.
Fortunately Europeans and Americans show a rare consensus about Russia. Looks like we are back to the Cold War....But again the good thing: despite the oil billions Russia is getting it is not the same country mulitarely as the Sovietunion used to be.


pre 17 godina

You guys, Victor, Joe, et al, are too much!!!

What has the USA done for you that you side with them when obviously they are obviously a world-wide antagonist. You should know that that USA has never been more confrontational in its history since the Cold War essentially ended. Peace does not translate to profits for the USA's military-industrial complex.

And speaking of Russia's emporer, what about USA's "democratically" (a sham) elected king? When was the last time the USA Congress declared war??? If you guessed WWII, you'd be correct. The USA president deploys troops when he wants, how he wants (legally or illegally) and can do so covertly anytime he so chooses. You get it?...no check and balance. Congress has abdicated its right to make war.

Let's get with the program fellas, shall we???


pre 17 godina

It isn't just 10 missiles and a radar site! There is already a similar site in Norway, and the plan is to put similar systems in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Britain is considering deploying ABM missiles at Fylingdales. All these systems will be tied into ABM systems in Alaska and California, plus similar planned systems in Japan, Australia, and the Philippines, not to mention sea-borne ABM systems in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean. Total all those things up and toss in the recent decision by the Dubya administration to start designing another generation of nuclear warheads, unilateral withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and it is no wonder the Russians have turned defensive. A nuclear arms race, an increase of tension in Europe, and the launching of a new Cold War: that is what is at stake in the European missile crisis thanks to the USA.


pre 17 godina

Thousands of Russian nuclear missiles in Kaliningrad and Belgrade should be a loud wake up call to rational Europeans to STOP the madness.The complete DEMILITARIZATION of the European heartland is the goal and NOT the introduction of new weapons of death.Tell the Americans thank you for a job well done but it is time that American soldiers go home and guard their own borders,ports,airports etc.ENOUGH is ENOUGH.