Monday, 28.05.2007.


Romania wins first Palm d'Or at Cannes

The Romanian film "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days" has grabbed the Cannes Film Festival's Palm d'Or prize.

Izvor: AFP

Romania wins first Palm d'Or at Cannes IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Congratulations to the Romanian Director. He shows well that when a movie director as a good idea and a poor budget, intelligence always prevails on money.

Mr Denys Arcand from Quebec had no nomination because the scenario of his movie was not very clever and portrayed a surrealistic vision of 'la société de Québec'. Intelligence is always the main ingredient of a story; not the money!


pre 17 godina

Congratulations to the Romanian Director. He shows well that when a movie director as a good idea and a poor budget, intelligence always prevails on money.

Mr Denys Arcand from Quebec had no nomination because the scenario of his movie was not very clever and portrayed a surrealistic vision of 'la société de Québec'. Intelligence is always the main ingredient of a story; not the money!


pre 17 godina

Congratulations to the Romanian Director. He shows well that when a movie director as a good idea and a poor budget, intelligence always prevails on money.

Mr Denys Arcand from Quebec had no nomination because the scenario of his movie was not very clever and portrayed a surrealistic vision of 'la société de Québec'. Intelligence is always the main ingredient of a story; not the money!