Friday, 25.05.2007.


U.S. disappointed with Bosnia reform talks

The U.S. is expressing disappointment over the failure by Bosnia’s key leaders to make progress on government reforms.

Izvor: VOA News

U.S. disappointed with Bosnia reform talks IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

All of them need to call Mr. Bozidar Sicel and ABA (American Bosnian Associatio) and ask for some ideas and start some good thinks in BOSNIA ANAD HERCEGOVINA

Zlatko P.

pre 17 godina

Please, Dodik has shown his true colors as a hard-liner worse than the old SDS Guard. He told the U.S. what he really thought by allowing the worst war criminal in RS custody (Radovan Stankovic) to escape -- during the talks!


pre 17 godina

If the Kosovo Albanians have the right to self determination then Bosnia's Serbs have an even greater right as they are a much larger percentage of the overall population of Bosnnia than are the Albanians in Serbia.


pre 17 godina

"But a written statement issued at the close of the meetings late Thursday by State Department Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey expressed disappointment that the two leaders had failed to reach agreement on the issues."

when will the US ever come down from its high horse of always telling others what to do? Not everyone in the world puts the US on a pedestal. Far from it.


pre 17 godina

"But a written statement issued at the close of the meetings late Thursday by State Department Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey expressed disappointment that the two leaders had failed to reach agreement on the issues."

when will the US ever come down from its high horse of always telling others what to do? Not everyone in the world puts the US on a pedestal. Far from it.


pre 17 godina

If the Kosovo Albanians have the right to self determination then Bosnia's Serbs have an even greater right as they are a much larger percentage of the overall population of Bosnnia than are the Albanians in Serbia.

Zlatko P.

pre 17 godina

Please, Dodik has shown his true colors as a hard-liner worse than the old SDS Guard. He told the U.S. what he really thought by allowing the worst war criminal in RS custody (Radovan Stankovic) to escape -- during the talks!


pre 17 godina

All of them need to call Mr. Bozidar Sicel and ABA (American Bosnian Associatio) and ask for some ideas and start some good thinks in BOSNIA ANAD HERCEGOVINA


pre 17 godina

"But a written statement issued at the close of the meetings late Thursday by State Department Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey expressed disappointment that the two leaders had failed to reach agreement on the issues."

when will the US ever come down from its high horse of always telling others what to do? Not everyone in the world puts the US on a pedestal. Far from it.


pre 17 godina

If the Kosovo Albanians have the right to self determination then Bosnia's Serbs have an even greater right as they are a much larger percentage of the overall population of Bosnnia than are the Albanians in Serbia.

Zlatko P.

pre 17 godina

Please, Dodik has shown his true colors as a hard-liner worse than the old SDS Guard. He told the U.S. what he really thought by allowing the worst war criminal in RS custody (Radovan Stankovic) to escape -- during the talks!


pre 17 godina

All of them need to call Mr. Bozidar Sicel and ABA (American Bosnian Associatio) and ask for some ideas and start some good thinks in BOSNIA ANAD HERCEGOVINA