Tuesday, 22.05.2007.


Chief of Staff meets U.S. counterpart

Serbian Army CoS Lt. Gen. Zdravko Ponoš met chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace at the Pentagon.

Izvor: Beta

Chief of Staff meets U.S. counterpart IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Ahmet Isufi - Even if Kosovo does become independent (which i doubt) it will be financially hamstrung. how will it run it's economy? it cannot join the USA and it will not be allowed into the EU. So what will you do?


pre 17 godina

Luciano, Tip, Svojgazda,and Matthew,
Thank you for answering my questions and concerns regarding military coperation between Serbia, the United States and Russia. After reading your comments I also agree ties with both the United States and Russia are very important for Serbia. It appears Serbia is doing what is natural for her and that is balancing her interests with the West and East, and lately doing an extremely good job at expressing their needs to have control over their spirtual land in Kosovo.
Thank you all again!


pre 17 godina

To Jack

Good questions first off, and I would be delighted to address them as much as I possibly can.

Serbia and Russia have strong historical ties considering both nations are Orthodox and have a long history of cooperation.

SFR Yugoslavia (Tito's) as well as the USSR (Soviet Union) were both communist nations, being such they saw no religion or for that matter much culture so there wasn't a string tie to each other then, Remember SFR Yugoslavia was the only European communist country NOT to join the Warsaw pact (Thank god we didn't) but neither did we join NATO, the western counter part.

Yes there was/and is still is some military cooperation between Serbia and Russia. Not as much though as both nations are not as heavily militarized as communist countries generally all were and are.

This meeting with Ponos and Pace is not new, I there was military cooperation agreement with the US around 2002/2003 at some point.

Also it is very important to note that Serbia is VERY independent when it comes to the army. We strongly limit the import of foreign weapons/equipment/vehicles etc..

and produce nearly all of it our selves (which btw is highly developed and meets NATO standards)

This meeting is more or less non important as some might think. For one Serbia already trains her Officers and soldiers to extremely highly standards...however more is of course always better :)

Russia is not threatened by Serbia joining PfP program...well for the simple reason that Russia is in the program as well.

I doubt Russia would object to EU integration as it hardly involves any military obligations.

NATO however is a different story. I personally strongly doubt Serbia will join or is even serious when she says it will join NATO.

1. public approval would be VERY low

2. Moral reasons (NATO bombed Serbia..and we won't forget)

3. Serbia does not wish to be commanded when and where to send our troops abroad. They are there where they are needed...home.

So all in all I doubt Serbia will join NATO.

In fact I believe NATO's time is coming to a end. There was a interesting article about NATO on BBC.

I think expanding it into the Balkans is just a attempt to further is life span while they can, but results are in its own actions. The organizations is failing dramatically in Afghanistan and tis approval from nearly every member nation is going down...pardon me "Falling" down..yes thats what I meant.

But I guess this meeting in the end was "healthy" somewhat...certainly wasn't damaging.

If I haven't made any thing clear or clearer please say so or if you have any other question please ask as well.

Regards Jack: Tip


pre 17 godina

Read what Kostunica said regarding Kosovo Jack. "EU membership is NO substitute for losing Kosov0-Metohija". BTW, why can a nation not have good relations with the West and Russia? Must everyone always choose sides? I for one, am delighted to see a representative of the Serbian military in DC. That is called progress, don't you think?


pre 17 godina

What Russian military? This is a wonderful opportunity for the Serbs. The Serbs have learned many lessons from the Russians..all of them ended the same..that is Russia is out for themselves. Why shouldn't the Serbs engage America?They have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Bravo!!


pre 17 godina

Jack, it does appear that Serbia may well desire to take over the mantel of neutrality previously emulated by Tito. Considering Kostunica’s political party is firmly in the middle of the pro-western and pro-eastern parties in Serbia itself this is a natural stance for the Serbian government to take. If anything Russia will work harder to establish close ties with Serbia and engage in more political favoritism in order to sway the Serbian population to a more Eastern outlook.

A balanced and friendly approach to both East and West is and always has been its destiny, politically, geographically, and spiritually.

Russia, being European, will eventually join the EU sometime in the next 100 years. Serbia can play a very constructive role as a bridge between the two, and naturally will form a political block with all their Slavic brothers. Think Red States, Blue States like in the US. The EU will naturally begin to form its own political interests and become divided, as all true democracies do.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

When Hashim Thaqi (Zmija) and Ramush Haradinaj(Rambo) visited Pentagon, the serb generals only dreamed about it. serbian Chief of staff will become the puppet of US and he will be told to breake up serbia into pieces when is convinient for US.You will se this in very near future.


pre 17 godina

As an American I welcome the strongest ties between our 2 countries including military ones.Serbia should not have to relinquish its legal rights over its own territory as a condition of our friendship and cooperation.Russia should also be embraced as one of the U.S.'s most important strategic partners in all areas of mutual concern regionally and internationally.The majority of Americans such as myself show respect to Serbs and Russians and appreciate the contributions that both are making in many fields.The Governor of my state is a Serbian-American and Serbs have contributed a lot to America.It is regretable that a few paid pundits have distorted the Balkan conflicts to portray one side as more guilty than another but for informed Americans such as myself we understand that all groups have their angels and demons.God bless the United States of America and God bless Serbia.We are both a Christain peoples and have a lot more in common than we have differences.


pre 17 godina

I am a bit confused here. Ponos meets with joint chief of staff General Pace to sign bilateral agreements for training Serbian officers. Is Serbia playing the West and East like the old Yugoslavia under Tito? How can they expect a veto from the Russians regarding Kosovos independence when Serbia is awaiting partnership with Nato and joining the Euro -Union. I suppose if the Russians showed some back bone before regarding Serbias conflicts in Bosnia and not abandoning their fellow Slavs, the Serbs would have more confidence in the Russians. Lets see what the Russians do regarding Kosovo. Or is Serbias future with Europe. Anyone have any information regarding cooperation between Russias military and Serbias?


pre 17 godina

I am a bit confused here. Ponos meets with joint chief of staff General Pace to sign bilateral agreements for training Serbian officers. Is Serbia playing the West and East like the old Yugoslavia under Tito? How can they expect a veto from the Russians regarding Kosovos independence when Serbia is awaiting partnership with Nato and joining the Euro -Union. I suppose if the Russians showed some back bone before regarding Serbias conflicts in Bosnia and not abandoning their fellow Slavs, the Serbs would have more confidence in the Russians. Lets see what the Russians do regarding Kosovo. Or is Serbias future with Europe. Anyone have any information regarding cooperation between Russias military and Serbias?


pre 17 godina

As an American I welcome the strongest ties between our 2 countries including military ones.Serbia should not have to relinquish its legal rights over its own territory as a condition of our friendship and cooperation.Russia should also be embraced as one of the U.S.'s most important strategic partners in all areas of mutual concern regionally and internationally.The majority of Americans such as myself show respect to Serbs and Russians and appreciate the contributions that both are making in many fields.The Governor of my state is a Serbian-American and Serbs have contributed a lot to America.It is regretable that a few paid pundits have distorted the Balkan conflicts to portray one side as more guilty than another but for informed Americans such as myself we understand that all groups have their angels and demons.God bless the United States of America and God bless Serbia.We are both a Christain peoples and have a lot more in common than we have differences.


pre 17 godina

Jack, it does appear that Serbia may well desire to take over the mantel of neutrality previously emulated by Tito. Considering Kostunica’s political party is firmly in the middle of the pro-western and pro-eastern parties in Serbia itself this is a natural stance for the Serbian government to take. If anything Russia will work harder to establish close ties with Serbia and engage in more political favoritism in order to sway the Serbian population to a more Eastern outlook.

A balanced and friendly approach to both East and West is and always has been its destiny, politically, geographically, and spiritually.

Russia, being European, will eventually join the EU sometime in the next 100 years. Serbia can play a very constructive role as a bridge between the two, and naturally will form a political block with all their Slavic brothers. Think Red States, Blue States like in the US. The EU will naturally begin to form its own political interests and become divided, as all true democracies do.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

When Hashim Thaqi (Zmija) and Ramush Haradinaj(Rambo) visited Pentagon, the serb generals only dreamed about it. serbian Chief of staff will become the puppet of US and he will be told to breake up serbia into pieces when is convinient for US.You will se this in very near future.


pre 17 godina

Read what Kostunica said regarding Kosovo Jack. "EU membership is NO substitute for losing Kosov0-Metohija". BTW, why can a nation not have good relations with the West and Russia? Must everyone always choose sides? I for one, am delighted to see a representative of the Serbian military in DC. That is called progress, don't you think?


pre 17 godina

What Russian military? This is a wonderful opportunity for the Serbs. The Serbs have learned many lessons from the Russians..all of them ended the same..that is Russia is out for themselves. Why shouldn't the Serbs engage America?They have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Bravo!!


pre 17 godina

To Jack

Good questions first off, and I would be delighted to address them as much as I possibly can.

Serbia and Russia have strong historical ties considering both nations are Orthodox and have a long history of cooperation.

SFR Yugoslavia (Tito's) as well as the USSR (Soviet Union) were both communist nations, being such they saw no religion or for that matter much culture so there wasn't a string tie to each other then, Remember SFR Yugoslavia was the only European communist country NOT to join the Warsaw pact (Thank god we didn't) but neither did we join NATO, the western counter part.

Yes there was/and is still is some military cooperation between Serbia and Russia. Not as much though as both nations are not as heavily militarized as communist countries generally all were and are.

This meeting with Ponos and Pace is not new, I there was military cooperation agreement with the US around 2002/2003 at some point.

Also it is very important to note that Serbia is VERY independent when it comes to the army. We strongly limit the import of foreign weapons/equipment/vehicles etc..

and produce nearly all of it our selves (which btw is highly developed and meets NATO standards)

This meeting is more or less non important as some might think. For one Serbia already trains her Officers and soldiers to extremely highly standards...however more is of course always better :)

Russia is not threatened by Serbia joining PfP program...well for the simple reason that Russia is in the program as well.

I doubt Russia would object to EU integration as it hardly involves any military obligations.

NATO however is a different story. I personally strongly doubt Serbia will join or is even serious when she says it will join NATO.

1. public approval would be VERY low

2. Moral reasons (NATO bombed Serbia..and we won't forget)

3. Serbia does not wish to be commanded when and where to send our troops abroad. They are there where they are needed...home.

So all in all I doubt Serbia will join NATO.

In fact I believe NATO's time is coming to a end. There was a interesting article about NATO on BBC.

I think expanding it into the Balkans is just a attempt to further is life span while they can, but results are in its own actions. The organizations is failing dramatically in Afghanistan and tis approval from nearly every member nation is going down...pardon me "Falling" down..yes thats what I meant.

But I guess this meeting in the end was "healthy" somewhat...certainly wasn't damaging.

If I haven't made any thing clear or clearer please say so or if you have any other question please ask as well.

Regards Jack: Tip


pre 17 godina

Ahmet Isufi - Even if Kosovo does become independent (which i doubt) it will be financially hamstrung. how will it run it's economy? it cannot join the USA and it will not be allowed into the EU. So what will you do?


pre 17 godina

Luciano, Tip, Svojgazda,and Matthew,
Thank you for answering my questions and concerns regarding military coperation between Serbia, the United States and Russia. After reading your comments I also agree ties with both the United States and Russia are very important for Serbia. It appears Serbia is doing what is natural for her and that is balancing her interests with the West and East, and lately doing an extremely good job at expressing their needs to have control over their spirtual land in Kosovo.
Thank you all again!


pre 17 godina

I am a bit confused here. Ponos meets with joint chief of staff General Pace to sign bilateral agreements for training Serbian officers. Is Serbia playing the West and East like the old Yugoslavia under Tito? How can they expect a veto from the Russians regarding Kosovos independence when Serbia is awaiting partnership with Nato and joining the Euro -Union. I suppose if the Russians showed some back bone before regarding Serbias conflicts in Bosnia and not abandoning their fellow Slavs, the Serbs would have more confidence in the Russians. Lets see what the Russians do regarding Kosovo. Or is Serbias future with Europe. Anyone have any information regarding cooperation between Russias military and Serbias?


pre 17 godina

As an American I welcome the strongest ties between our 2 countries including military ones.Serbia should not have to relinquish its legal rights over its own territory as a condition of our friendship and cooperation.Russia should also be embraced as one of the U.S.'s most important strategic partners in all areas of mutual concern regionally and internationally.The majority of Americans such as myself show respect to Serbs and Russians and appreciate the contributions that both are making in many fields.The Governor of my state is a Serbian-American and Serbs have contributed a lot to America.It is regretable that a few paid pundits have distorted the Balkan conflicts to portray one side as more guilty than another but for informed Americans such as myself we understand that all groups have their angels and demons.God bless the United States of America and God bless Serbia.We are both a Christain peoples and have a lot more in common than we have differences.


pre 17 godina

Jack, it does appear that Serbia may well desire to take over the mantel of neutrality previously emulated by Tito. Considering Kostunica’s political party is firmly in the middle of the pro-western and pro-eastern parties in Serbia itself this is a natural stance for the Serbian government to take. If anything Russia will work harder to establish close ties with Serbia and engage in more political favoritism in order to sway the Serbian population to a more Eastern outlook.

A balanced and friendly approach to both East and West is and always has been its destiny, politically, geographically, and spiritually.

Russia, being European, will eventually join the EU sometime in the next 100 years. Serbia can play a very constructive role as a bridge between the two, and naturally will form a political block with all their Slavic brothers. Think Red States, Blue States like in the US. The EU will naturally begin to form its own political interests and become divided, as all true democracies do.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

When Hashim Thaqi (Zmija) and Ramush Haradinaj(Rambo) visited Pentagon, the serb generals only dreamed about it. serbian Chief of staff will become the puppet of US and he will be told to breake up serbia into pieces when is convinient for US.You will se this in very near future.


pre 17 godina

Read what Kostunica said regarding Kosovo Jack. "EU membership is NO substitute for losing Kosov0-Metohija". BTW, why can a nation not have good relations with the West and Russia? Must everyone always choose sides? I for one, am delighted to see a representative of the Serbian military in DC. That is called progress, don't you think?


pre 17 godina

What Russian military? This is a wonderful opportunity for the Serbs. The Serbs have learned many lessons from the Russians..all of them ended the same..that is Russia is out for themselves. Why shouldn't the Serbs engage America?They have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Bravo!!


pre 17 godina

To Jack

Good questions first off, and I would be delighted to address them as much as I possibly can.

Serbia and Russia have strong historical ties considering both nations are Orthodox and have a long history of cooperation.

SFR Yugoslavia (Tito's) as well as the USSR (Soviet Union) were both communist nations, being such they saw no religion or for that matter much culture so there wasn't a string tie to each other then, Remember SFR Yugoslavia was the only European communist country NOT to join the Warsaw pact (Thank god we didn't) but neither did we join NATO, the western counter part.

Yes there was/and is still is some military cooperation between Serbia and Russia. Not as much though as both nations are not as heavily militarized as communist countries generally all were and are.

This meeting with Ponos and Pace is not new, I there was military cooperation agreement with the US around 2002/2003 at some point.

Also it is very important to note that Serbia is VERY independent when it comes to the army. We strongly limit the import of foreign weapons/equipment/vehicles etc..

and produce nearly all of it our selves (which btw is highly developed and meets NATO standards)

This meeting is more or less non important as some might think. For one Serbia already trains her Officers and soldiers to extremely highly standards...however more is of course always better :)

Russia is not threatened by Serbia joining PfP program...well for the simple reason that Russia is in the program as well.

I doubt Russia would object to EU integration as it hardly involves any military obligations.

NATO however is a different story. I personally strongly doubt Serbia will join or is even serious when she says it will join NATO.

1. public approval would be VERY low

2. Moral reasons (NATO bombed Serbia..and we won't forget)

3. Serbia does not wish to be commanded when and where to send our troops abroad. They are there where they are needed...home.

So all in all I doubt Serbia will join NATO.

In fact I believe NATO's time is coming to a end. There was a interesting article about NATO on BBC.

I think expanding it into the Balkans is just a attempt to further is life span while they can, but results are in its own actions. The organizations is failing dramatically in Afghanistan and tis approval from nearly every member nation is going down...pardon me "Falling" down..yes thats what I meant.

But I guess this meeting in the end was "healthy" somewhat...certainly wasn't damaging.

If I haven't made any thing clear or clearer please say so or if you have any other question please ask as well.

Regards Jack: Tip


pre 17 godina

Ahmet Isufi - Even if Kosovo does become independent (which i doubt) it will be financially hamstrung. how will it run it's economy? it cannot join the USA and it will not be allowed into the EU. So what will you do?


pre 17 godina

Luciano, Tip, Svojgazda,and Matthew,
Thank you for answering my questions and concerns regarding military coperation between Serbia, the United States and Russia. After reading your comments I also agree ties with both the United States and Russia are very important for Serbia. It appears Serbia is doing what is natural for her and that is balancing her interests with the West and East, and lately doing an extremely good job at expressing their needs to have control over their spirtual land in Kosovo.
Thank you all again!