Tuesday, 15.05.2007.


Archaeologists unearth 4th century church

Archaeologists have discovered a 4th century Christian church in southern Serbia, the Blic reported Tuesday.

Izvor: AFP

Archaeologists unearth 4th century church IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Can't you people read. The B92 article clearly states that it is a Roman achealogical site. No one is claiming it to be Serbian and don't try to give us that 'Balkans was all Illyrian' talk. The Illyrians were just one of many unsuccessful tribes that have resided at one time or another in the Balkans and were never a nation in the modern sense.


pre 17 godina

The Serbs and Croats were referring to themselves as Illyrians long before the Austrians put the notion in Albanians' heads that they were Illyrians.

The Austrians feared it as united Croats and Serbs so it suppressed that, while it worked to make the Albanians be divisive.

The Albanians never called themselves that and it is a very dubious belief.

It rests solely on Austrians and Germans who had political reasons to push a lie.

Jose Pereira

pre 17 godina

Very interesting find indeed. 4th century church near Nis means that this is an Illyro-Albanian church. Probably we won't hear more about this because the Serbs will do all they can to hide evidence of Illyro-Albanian traces in the Balkans as was done in former Yugoslavia where all Illyrian findings disappeared mysteriously.

Jose Pereira

pre 17 godina

Very interesting find indeed. 4th century church near Nis means that this is an Illyro-Albanian church. Probably we won't hear more about this because the Serbs will do all they can to hide evidence of Illyro-Albanian traces in the Balkans as was done in former Yugoslavia where all Illyrian findings disappeared mysteriously.


pre 17 godina

The Serbs and Croats were referring to themselves as Illyrians long before the Austrians put the notion in Albanians' heads that they were Illyrians.

The Austrians feared it as united Croats and Serbs so it suppressed that, while it worked to make the Albanians be divisive.

The Albanians never called themselves that and it is a very dubious belief.

It rests solely on Austrians and Germans who had political reasons to push a lie.


pre 17 godina

Can't you people read. The B92 article clearly states that it is a Roman achealogical site. No one is claiming it to be Serbian and don't try to give us that 'Balkans was all Illyrian' talk. The Illyrians were just one of many unsuccessful tribes that have resided at one time or another in the Balkans and were never a nation in the modern sense.

Jose Pereira

pre 17 godina

Very interesting find indeed. 4th century church near Nis means that this is an Illyro-Albanian church. Probably we won't hear more about this because the Serbs will do all they can to hide evidence of Illyro-Albanian traces in the Balkans as was done in former Yugoslavia where all Illyrian findings disappeared mysteriously.


pre 17 godina

The Serbs and Croats were referring to themselves as Illyrians long before the Austrians put the notion in Albanians' heads that they were Illyrians.

The Austrians feared it as united Croats and Serbs so it suppressed that, while it worked to make the Albanians be divisive.

The Albanians never called themselves that and it is a very dubious belief.

It rests solely on Austrians and Germans who had political reasons to push a lie.


pre 17 godina

Can't you people read. The B92 article clearly states that it is a Roman achealogical site. No one is claiming it to be Serbian and don't try to give us that 'Balkans was all Illyrian' talk. The Illyrians were just one of many unsuccessful tribes that have resided at one time or another in the Balkans and were never a nation in the modern sense.