Thursday, 22.02.2024.


The first threat has arrived, and it's terrifying; "You will end up like him" VIDEO

The first threats to Alexei Navalny's widow, Yulia, from the official Kremlin have arrived.

Izvor: index.hr

The first threat has arrived, and it's terrifying; "You will end up like him" VIDEO IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 5 meseci

Yes Yulia Putin is scared of you LOL. Why? because you pose a threat? How?
All this is about is using Navalyni as a cover for the disaster in Ukraine and geocide in Gaza. Provided Yuilia givres a good performance the fatter the cheque in the end. Look at Bobo Johnson. He got a clean $5 million in speeches alone now writes for newspapers and on with the Australian former PM Scott Morrison on the nuclear-powered subs for Australia. Why are they on you ask when they have no clues about nuke subs? It’s called the payoff for services rendered.


pre 5 meseci

Yes Yulia Putin is scared of you LOL. Why? because you pose a threat? How?
All this is about is using Navalyni as a cover for the disaster in Ukraine and geocide in Gaza. Provided Yuilia givres a good performance the fatter the cheque in the end. Look at Bobo Johnson. He got a clean $5 million in speeches alone now writes for newspapers and on with the Australian former PM Scott Morrison on the nuclear-powered subs for Australia. Why are they on you ask when they have no clues about nuke subs? It’s called the payoff for services rendered.


pre 5 meseci

Yes Yulia Putin is scared of you LOL. Why? because you pose a threat? How?
All this is about is using Navalyni as a cover for the disaster in Ukraine and geocide in Gaza. Provided Yuilia givres a good performance the fatter the cheque in the end. Look at Bobo Johnson. He got a clean $5 million in speeches alone now writes for newspapers and on with the Australian former PM Scott Morrison on the nuclear-powered subs for Australia. Why are they on you ask when they have no clues about nuke subs? It’s called the payoff for services rendered.