Thursday, 22.02.2024.


Dangerous; Russia addressed direct threat to France

Russian forces threatened to shoot down French planes patrolling international airspace over the Black Sea last month.

Izvor: hindustantimes/M.S.

Dangerous; Russia addressed direct threat to France IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 5 meseci

Russia has proven itself to be weak in Ukraine. It has been stuck there for two years. If it can't beat Ukraine how can fight with NATO, who has nukes.
(of mice and men, 22 February 2024 18:37)
Have you been living under a rock lately?
Russia has been fighting NATO not Ukraine.
Ukraine is just the territory over which the fight is taking place and Ukrainians on the front lines. NATO is conducting this war with all the weapons they have and still Russia is standing.


pre 5 meseci

If French aircraft are flying over free, international waters, Russia should not mind, unless they are belligerent or have something to hide.
Putin seems to think the French are just baking croissants. Guess again.

of mice and men

pre 5 meseci

(Sydney Man, 22 February 2024 12:10)

Have you ever heard of NATO? France is in NATO. By the way, all Russians can do is barking. An attack against NATO will be the end of Russia. NATO is not Ukraine. Russia has proven itself to be weak in Ukraine. It has been stuck there for two years. If it can't beat Ukraine how can fight with NATO, who has nukes.

Sydney Man

pre 5 meseci

What is French aircraft's doing in Black Sea ? Could you imagine Russian Aircraft's patrolling and spying in English Channel international airspace ,hahaha ? One day the Chinese or Russian will shot down these spy planes near there country )

Sydney Man

pre 5 meseci

What is French aircraft's doing in Black Sea ? Could you imagine Russian Aircraft's patrolling and spying in English Channel international airspace ,hahaha ? One day the Chinese or Russian will shot down these spy planes near there country )

of mice and men

pre 5 meseci

(Sydney Man, 22 February 2024 12:10)

Have you ever heard of NATO? France is in NATO. By the way, all Russians can do is barking. An attack against NATO will be the end of Russia. NATO is not Ukraine. Russia has proven itself to be weak in Ukraine. It has been stuck there for two years. If it can't beat Ukraine how can fight with NATO, who has nukes.


pre 5 meseci

Russia has proven itself to be weak in Ukraine. It has been stuck there for two years. If it can't beat Ukraine how can fight with NATO, who has nukes.
(of mice and men, 22 February 2024 18:37)
Have you been living under a rock lately?
Russia has been fighting NATO not Ukraine.
Ukraine is just the territory over which the fight is taking place and Ukrainians on the front lines. NATO is conducting this war with all the weapons they have and still Russia is standing.


pre 5 meseci

If French aircraft are flying over free, international waters, Russia should not mind, unless they are belligerent or have something to hide.
Putin seems to think the French are just baking croissants. Guess again.

Sydney Man

pre 5 meseci

What is French aircraft's doing in Black Sea ? Could you imagine Russian Aircraft's patrolling and spying in English Channel international airspace ,hahaha ? One day the Chinese or Russian will shot down these spy planes near there country )

of mice and men

pre 5 meseci

(Sydney Man, 22 February 2024 12:10)

Have you ever heard of NATO? France is in NATO. By the way, all Russians can do is barking. An attack against NATO will be the end of Russia. NATO is not Ukraine. Russia has proven itself to be weak in Ukraine. It has been stuck there for two years. If it can't beat Ukraine how can fight with NATO, who has nukes.


pre 5 meseci

If French aircraft are flying over free, international waters, Russia should not mind, unless they are belligerent or have something to hide.
Putin seems to think the French are just baking croissants. Guess again.


pre 5 meseci

Russia has proven itself to be weak in Ukraine. It has been stuck there for two years. If it can't beat Ukraine how can fight with NATO, who has nukes.
(of mice and men, 22 February 2024 18:37)
Have you been living under a rock lately?
Russia has been fighting NATO not Ukraine.
Ukraine is just the territory over which the fight is taking place and Ukrainians on the front lines. NATO is conducting this war with all the weapons they have and still Russia is standing.