Wednesday, 21.02.2024.


Navalny was killed? "It was all over in a few seconds"

A source from prison where Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was pronounced dead claims that Navalny was "probably killed by a single blow to the heart".

Izvor: B92

Navalny was killed? "It was all over in a few seconds" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 5 meseci

I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.
(Mildred, 22 February 2024 04:01)

You Albos are very funny people. Considering you people are of Muslim background and Alexei used to refer to all Muslims as cockroaches that should be exterminated, I find it puzzling why you have a need to protect him? or is it Albos are criminals and you find a kindred spirit in Alexei who was also a crook?


pre 5 meseci

Putin is the crook.

Navalny was a popular opposition figure.

Putin is a murderous thug.

sj. You get worked up about your convictions, but you do not convince!
(Bob, 21 February 2024 20:56)

Bob I'm not in the least part interested in convincing you. Your as thick as two bricks put together so that's why you post thongs like Putin is a crook and Navalny was popular LOl. You repeat western MSM rubbish and that's all your good for - no brains just mouth.


pre 5 meseci

Since you appear to know a lot about the Navalny family, which particular members of the family are crooks. Coming from criminal decedents sent to the penal colonies of Australia,
I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.
(Mildred, 22 February 2024 04:01)

For the record my family we free settlers in Australia no convicts.


pre 5 meseci

Since you appear to know a lot about the Navalny family, which particular members of the family are crooks. Coming from criminal decedents sent to the penal colonies of Australia,
I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.


pre 5 meseci


Putin is the crook.

Navalny was a popular opposition figure.

Putin isa murderous thug.

sj. You get worked up about your convictions, but you do not convince!


pre 5 meseci

A source LOL was it tomato or chilli. That’s how spin rubbish starts off with, a source – CIA crap. What is most interesting is that Navalny had two visitors just prior to Valentines Day; his wife and his lawyer. They gave him medication and presents before leaving. The good wife has not seen her husband for a long time and as soon as the visit was over, she went straight to Munich security conference and the next day hubby was dead. Interesting?
Navalny was never a threat to Putin or anyone else in Russia, that was US crap spread around that he was the opposition. However, he was worth more dead to the west than alive.
It’s a fact that the entire Navalny family were crooks. The US never works with honest people, shady individuals are easier to control.


pre 5 meseci

A source LOL was it tomato or chilli. That’s how spin rubbish starts off with, a source – CIA crap. What is most interesting is that Navalny had two visitors just prior to Valentines Day; his wife and his lawyer. They gave him medication and presents before leaving. The good wife has not seen her husband for a long time and as soon as the visit was over, she went straight to Munich security conference and the next day hubby was dead. Interesting?
Navalny was never a threat to Putin or anyone else in Russia, that was US crap spread around that he was the opposition. However, he was worth more dead to the west than alive.
It’s a fact that the entire Navalny family were crooks. The US never works with honest people, shady individuals are easier to control.


pre 5 meseci


Putin is the crook.

Navalny was a popular opposition figure.

Putin isa murderous thug.

sj. You get worked up about your convictions, but you do not convince!


pre 5 meseci

Since you appear to know a lot about the Navalny family, which particular members of the family are crooks. Coming from criminal decedents sent to the penal colonies of Australia,
I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.


pre 5 meseci

Putin is the crook.

Navalny was a popular opposition figure.

Putin is a murderous thug.

sj. You get worked up about your convictions, but you do not convince!
(Bob, 21 February 2024 20:56)

Bob I'm not in the least part interested in convincing you. Your as thick as two bricks put together so that's why you post thongs like Putin is a crook and Navalny was popular LOl. You repeat western MSM rubbish and that's all your good for - no brains just mouth.


pre 5 meseci

Since you appear to know a lot about the Navalny family, which particular members of the family are crooks. Coming from criminal decedents sent to the penal colonies of Australia,
I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.
(Mildred, 22 February 2024 04:01)

For the record my family we free settlers in Australia no convicts.


pre 5 meseci

I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.
(Mildred, 22 February 2024 04:01)

You Albos are very funny people. Considering you people are of Muslim background and Alexei used to refer to all Muslims as cockroaches that should be exterminated, I find it puzzling why you have a need to protect him? or is it Albos are criminals and you find a kindred spirit in Alexei who was also a crook?


pre 5 meseci

A source LOL was it tomato or chilli. That’s how spin rubbish starts off with, a source – CIA crap. What is most interesting is that Navalny had two visitors just prior to Valentines Day; his wife and his lawyer. They gave him medication and presents before leaving. The good wife has not seen her husband for a long time and as soon as the visit was over, she went straight to Munich security conference and the next day hubby was dead. Interesting?
Navalny was never a threat to Putin or anyone else in Russia, that was US crap spread around that he was the opposition. However, he was worth more dead to the west than alive.
It’s a fact that the entire Navalny family were crooks. The US never works with honest people, shady individuals are easier to control.


pre 5 meseci


Putin is the crook.

Navalny was a popular opposition figure.

Putin isa murderous thug.

sj. You get worked up about your convictions, but you do not convince!


pre 5 meseci

Since you appear to know a lot about the Navalny family, which particular members of the family are crooks. Coming from criminal decedents sent to the penal colonies of Australia,
I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.


pre 5 meseci

Putin is the crook.

Navalny was a popular opposition figure.

Putin is a murderous thug.

sj. You get worked up about your convictions, but you do not convince!
(Bob, 21 February 2024 20:56)

Bob I'm not in the least part interested in convincing you. Your as thick as two bricks put together so that's why you post thongs like Putin is a crook and Navalny was popular LOl. You repeat western MSM rubbish and that's all your good for - no brains just mouth.


pre 5 meseci

Since you appear to know a lot about the Navalny family, which particular members of the family are crooks. Coming from criminal decedents sent to the penal colonies of Australia,
I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.
(Mildred, 22 February 2024 04:01)

For the record my family we free settlers in Australia no convicts.


pre 5 meseci

I’m sure you’re able to smell one of your own kind from a mile away.
(Mildred, 22 February 2024 04:01)

You Albos are very funny people. Considering you people are of Muslim background and Alexei used to refer to all Muslims as cockroaches that should be exterminated, I find it puzzling why you have a need to protect him? or is it Albos are criminals and you find a kindred spirit in Alexei who was also a crook?