Friday, 16.02.2024.


Navalny is dead, the world is speechless; "Within 24 hours"

Russia's most prominent opposition leader in a decade, Alexei Navalny, has died in prison in a remote area near the Arctic.

Izvor: B92

Navalny is dead, the world is speechless; "Within 24 hours" IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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pre 3 meseca

(Peter Sudyka, 19 February 2024 13:07)

As I said before Navalny was a racist and bigoted non-event. At the last Russian elections, he barely got t 2% of the vote and he was NEVER the opposition since that title goes to the former communist party.

Prigozhin had so many enemies it wasn’t funny and he was nasty piece of work. He NEVER a threat to Putin. This man was approached by the US intelligence services in Africa and he thought he could undermine the Russian military. Now talking about deaths, what do you think about Seth Rich who was shot in DC one night after it was learnt that he leaked Hilary’s emails??? Was that Putin that ordered that one? Or perhaps the 25 other deaths associated with the Clintons?

Peter Sudyka

pre 3 meseca

Fantastic argument there sj, how eloquent and insightful.

Are you able to say without laughing that the deaths of Prigozhin and Navalny are mere concidences?

of mice and men

pre 3 meseca

Russia has never been a democratic country, and I personally think communism (dictatorship) never left Russia. This is about freedom of every person, no matter where they live. Those who remember communism understand this. Every person on planet earth deserves to be free. This is 2024 for God sake.

of mice and men

pre 3 meseca

Russia has never been a democratic country, and I personally think communism (dictatorship) never left Russia. This is about freedom of every person, no matter where they live. Those who remember communism understand this. Every person on planet earth deserves to be free. This is 2024 for God sake.

Peter Sudyka

pre 3 meseca

Fantastic argument there sj, how eloquent and insightful.

Are you able to say without laughing that the deaths of Prigozhin and Navalny are mere concidences?


pre 3 meseca

(Peter Sudyka, 19 February 2024 13:07)

As I said before Navalny was a racist and bigoted non-event. At the last Russian elections, he barely got t 2% of the vote and he was NEVER the opposition since that title goes to the former communist party.

Prigozhin had so many enemies it wasn’t funny and he was nasty piece of work. He NEVER a threat to Putin. This man was approached by the US intelligence services in Africa and he thought he could undermine the Russian military. Now talking about deaths, what do you think about Seth Rich who was shot in DC one night after it was learnt that he leaked Hilary’s emails??? Was that Putin that ordered that one? Or perhaps the 25 other deaths associated with the Clintons?

of mice and men

pre 3 meseca

Russia has never been a democratic country, and I personally think communism (dictatorship) never left Russia. This is about freedom of every person, no matter where they live. Those who remember communism understand this. Every person on planet earth deserves to be free. This is 2024 for God sake.

Peter Sudyka

pre 3 meseca

Fantastic argument there sj, how eloquent and insightful.

Are you able to say without laughing that the deaths of Prigozhin and Navalny are mere concidences?


pre 3 meseca

(Peter Sudyka, 19 February 2024 13:07)

As I said before Navalny was a racist and bigoted non-event. At the last Russian elections, he barely got t 2% of the vote and he was NEVER the opposition since that title goes to the former communist party.

Prigozhin had so many enemies it wasn’t funny and he was nasty piece of work. He NEVER a threat to Putin. This man was approached by the US intelligence services in Africa and he thought he could undermine the Russian military. Now talking about deaths, what do you think about Seth Rich who was shot in DC one night after it was learnt that he leaked Hilary’s emails??? Was that Putin that ordered that one? Or perhaps the 25 other deaths associated with the Clintons?