Tuesday, 19.12.2023.


A message from China: "Congratulations to Serbia"

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić received a congratulatory message from the MFA of the People's Republic of China on behalf of the leadership of that country.

Izvor: B92

A message from China: "Congratulations to Serbia" IMAGE SOURCE

2 Komentari

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pre 5 meseci

Congratulations coming only from dictators and autocrats.
(of mice and men, 19 December 2023 18:42)

Your wrong Homer…the USA and England did not congratulate BG yet….soon though!


pre 5 meseci

Congratulations coming only from dictators and autocrats.
(of mice and men, 19 December 2023 18:42)

Your wrong Homer…the USA and England did not congratulate BG yet….soon though!


pre 5 meseci

Congratulations coming only from dictators and autocrats.
(of mice and men, 19 December 2023 18:42)

Your wrong Homer…the USA and England did not congratulate BG yet….soon though!