Wednesday, 01.11.2023.


"The EU wants Serbia"

Enlargement is a priority for the EU, says the European Parliament's Rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilčik.

Izvor: Beta

"The EU wants Serbia" IMAGE SOURCE

12 Komentari

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pre 7 meseci

I'm dissapointed! You still don't understand who rules this world!!

Once they talk... everybody shushh...
All the others in their corner.
You're already lost on youre conspirations.
Sorry about yourself!
(Joni, 8 November 2023 23:03)

What are you talking about?


pre 7 meseci

The US is NO longer in control of the world. We now have multipolar world and anyone who has sided with the west has picked the wrong horse. Look, Serbia does not give a shit about EU as it sinks into oblivion. Its becoming a backwater. Borrell went to China and told the Chinese that the EU is a serious entity and should be treated as such. The Chinese just laughed at them. Sorry Albos and Croats you picked the wrong side.
(sj, 3 November 2023 23:13)

I'm dissapointed! You still don't understand who rules this world!!

Once they talk... everybody shushh...
All the others in their corner.
You're already lost on youre conspirations.
Sorry about yourself!

Woke American

pre 7 meseci

1) They who control the money makes the rules.
2) They will replace Dinars (RSD) with the Euros (EUR)
3) They will control your media. All of it.
4) They will choose Serbia’s “democratically elected” leaders.
5) They will replace your population with non-white immigrants. In a few generations, Serbia will be genetically eradicated as a nation.
6) They want to eradicate Christianity in your nation.
7) The Euro is a Ponzi scheme. They want to dump inflation on you.
8) They want to buy your real estate and turn you into renters. “You will own nothing and be happy”.
9) They want to force LGBT on your population with “hate crimes legislation” and brainwash your children. What makes you think it will not happen to Serbia when it happened to America?]
10) You are a slave. You will have no identity. No nationality. No race. No gender. No religion. No history.

I suggest you go with Russia and China and tell the EU to go F themselves. The fact they are fast-tracking your EU membership proves they are very worried. These people have always overplayed their hands in history. Everyday their societies look more 3rd world. They become weaker. Their currency becomes weaker. When it comes to possible war with Russia fractured 3rd world societies and fake money printing will not win.

They want to dump their fake printed ponzi scheme money on you. They want to own your country, cut you off from Russia and eventually ruin your entire nation.


pre 7 meseci

Trust me no one wants s*rbia in Eu. Just read ordinary comments from common people and they all want you to be bombed again. No one wants russian bootlickers in the european family.
(Really?, 2 November 2023 07:38)

What the EU really wants is to send all the Albanians back to where they came from, the Caucuses/Anatolia... hopefully the time is coming soon, nobody will miss your temporary infestation of KiM. You're like locusts, you come in swarms every 20 years or so, and then destroy everything in the place you infest!


pre 7 meseci

The US is NO longer in control of the world. We now have multipolar world and anyone who has sided with the west has picked the wrong horse. Look, Serbia does not give a shit about EU as it sinks into oblivion. Its becoming a backwater. Borrell went to China and told the Chinese that the EU is a serious entity and should be treated as such. The Chinese just laughed at them. Sorry Albos and Croats you picked the wrong side.


pre 7 meseci

EU says that, because they were told by USA to say that. USA needs Serbia in the EU to part of American aggression world wide, because America is loosing world domination they need to replenish their coffers. When the world is just beginning to wake-up and see the light, of American aggression and terrorism, Serbia is going to sleep listening to America’s lullaby. Don’t allow yourself to fall in the clutches of American control, if you do Serbia will become complicit in world terrorism just like the rest of Europe. It is better to have nothing then be part of the world of American terrorism.


pre 7 meseci

EU says that, because they were told by USA to say that. USA needs Serbia in the EU to part of American aggression world wide, because America is loosing world domination they need to replenish their coffers. When the world is just beginning to wake-up and see the light, of American aggression and terrorism, Serbia is going to sleep listening to America’s lullaby. Don’t allow yourself to fall in the clutches of American control, if you do Serbia will become complicit in world terrorism just like the rest of Europe. It is better to have nothing then be part of the world of American terrorism.


pre 7 meseci


Trust me no one wants s*rbia in Eu. Just read ordinary comments from common people and they all want you to be bombed again. No one wants russian bootlickers in the european family.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Well given the recent trends seen with Slovakia and Hungary on the issue of Ukraine, and the countries such as Spain, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, on the issue of KiM, it appears that Europe may be changing to align more with Serbian foreign policy. Yes, even the Europeans know the evil USA blew up their NS gas pipeline, the largest terrorist attack on European infrastructure. It is only a matter of time that these and other truths about the evil USA will be reported openly in Europe.


pre 7 meseci

Bilčik said that the EC president's message is that the EU wants Serbia to become its member, but that Serbia must introduce changes and fulfill certain things, especially when it comes to aligning with the EU's foreign policy.

Why? Serbia has made its choice...Russia and China. You can take the horse to the water but can not him/her drink. Serbian people love Russia and China...any polls suggest that.


pre 7 meseci

The US is NO longer in control of the world. We now have multipolar world and anyone who has sided with the west has picked the wrong horse. Look, Serbia does not give a shit about EU as it sinks into oblivion. Its becoming a backwater. Borrell went to China and told the Chinese that the EU is a serious entity and should be treated as such. The Chinese just laughed at them. Sorry Albos and Croats you picked the wrong side.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Well given the recent trends seen with Slovakia and Hungary on the issue of Ukraine, and the countries such as Spain, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, on the issue of KiM, it appears that Europe may be changing to align more with Serbian foreign policy. Yes, even the Europeans know the evil USA blew up their NS gas pipeline, the largest terrorist attack on European infrastructure. It is only a matter of time that these and other truths about the evil USA will be reported openly in Europe.


pre 7 meseci


Trust me no one wants s*rbia in Eu. Just read ordinary comments from common people and they all want you to be bombed again. No one wants russian bootlickers in the european family.


pre 7 meseci

EU says that, because they were told by USA to say that. USA needs Serbia in the EU to part of American aggression world wide, because America is loosing world domination they need to replenish their coffers. When the world is just beginning to wake-up and see the light, of American aggression and terrorism, Serbia is going to sleep listening to America’s lullaby. Don’t allow yourself to fall in the clutches of American control, if you do Serbia will become complicit in world terrorism just like the rest of Europe. It is better to have nothing then be part of the world of American terrorism.

Woke American

pre 7 meseci

1) They who control the money makes the rules.
2) They will replace Dinars (RSD) with the Euros (EUR)
3) They will control your media. All of it.
4) They will choose Serbia’s “democratically elected” leaders.
5) They will replace your population with non-white immigrants. In a few generations, Serbia will be genetically eradicated as a nation.
6) They want to eradicate Christianity in your nation.
7) The Euro is a Ponzi scheme. They want to dump inflation on you.
8) They want to buy your real estate and turn you into renters. “You will own nothing and be happy”.
9) They want to force LGBT on your population with “hate crimes legislation” and brainwash your children. What makes you think it will not happen to Serbia when it happened to America?]
10) You are a slave. You will have no identity. No nationality. No race. No gender. No religion. No history.

I suggest you go with Russia and China and tell the EU to go F themselves. The fact they are fast-tracking your EU membership proves they are very worried. These people have always overplayed their hands in history. Everyday their societies look more 3rd world. They become weaker. Their currency becomes weaker. When it comes to possible war with Russia fractured 3rd world societies and fake money printing will not win.

They want to dump their fake printed ponzi scheme money on you. They want to own your country, cut you off from Russia and eventually ruin your entire nation.


pre 7 meseci

Bilčik said that the EC president's message is that the EU wants Serbia to become its member, but that Serbia must introduce changes and fulfill certain things, especially when it comes to aligning with the EU's foreign policy.

Why? Serbia has made its choice...Russia and China. You can take the horse to the water but can not him/her drink. Serbian people love Russia and China...any polls suggest that.


pre 7 meseci

Trust me no one wants s*rbia in Eu. Just read ordinary comments from common people and they all want you to be bombed again. No one wants russian bootlickers in the european family.
(Really?, 2 November 2023 07:38)

What the EU really wants is to send all the Albanians back to where they came from, the Caucuses/Anatolia... hopefully the time is coming soon, nobody will miss your temporary infestation of KiM. You're like locusts, you come in swarms every 20 years or so, and then destroy everything in the place you infest!


pre 7 meseci

EU says that, because they were told by USA to say that. USA needs Serbia in the EU to part of American aggression world wide, because America is loosing world domination they need to replenish their coffers. When the world is just beginning to wake-up and see the light, of American aggression and terrorism, Serbia is going to sleep listening to America’s lullaby. Don’t allow yourself to fall in the clutches of American control, if you do Serbia will become complicit in world terrorism just like the rest of Europe. It is better to have nothing then be part of the world of American terrorism.


pre 7 meseci

I'm dissapointed! You still don't understand who rules this world!!

Once they talk... everybody shushh...
All the others in their corner.
You're already lost on youre conspirations.
Sorry about yourself!
(Joni, 8 November 2023 23:03)

What are you talking about?


pre 7 meseci

The US is NO longer in control of the world. We now have multipolar world and anyone who has sided with the west has picked the wrong horse. Look, Serbia does not give a shit about EU as it sinks into oblivion. Its becoming a backwater. Borrell went to China and told the Chinese that the EU is a serious entity and should be treated as such. The Chinese just laughed at them. Sorry Albos and Croats you picked the wrong side.
(sj, 3 November 2023 23:13)

I'm dissapointed! You still don't understand who rules this world!!

Once they talk... everybody shushh...
All the others in their corner.
You're already lost on youre conspirations.
Sorry about yourself!


pre 7 meseci


Trust me no one wants s*rbia in Eu. Just read ordinary comments from common people and they all want you to be bombed again. No one wants russian bootlickers in the european family.


pre 7 meseci

The US is NO longer in control of the world. We now have multipolar world and anyone who has sided with the west has picked the wrong horse. Look, Serbia does not give a shit about EU as it sinks into oblivion. Its becoming a backwater. Borrell went to China and told the Chinese that the EU is a serious entity and should be treated as such. The Chinese just laughed at them. Sorry Albos and Croats you picked the wrong side.


pre 7 meseci

Bilčik said that the EC president's message is that the EU wants Serbia to become its member, but that Serbia must introduce changes and fulfill certain things, especially when it comes to aligning with the EU's foreign policy.

Why? Serbia has made its choice...Russia and China. You can take the horse to the water but can not him/her drink. Serbian people love Russia and China...any polls suggest that.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Well given the recent trends seen with Slovakia and Hungary on the issue of Ukraine, and the countries such as Spain, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, on the issue of KiM, it appears that Europe may be changing to align more with Serbian foreign policy. Yes, even the Europeans know the evil USA blew up their NS gas pipeline, the largest terrorist attack on European infrastructure. It is only a matter of time that these and other truths about the evil USA will be reported openly in Europe.


pre 7 meseci

Trust me no one wants s*rbia in Eu. Just read ordinary comments from common people and they all want you to be bombed again. No one wants russian bootlickers in the european family.
(Really?, 2 November 2023 07:38)

What the EU really wants is to send all the Albanians back to where they came from, the Caucuses/Anatolia... hopefully the time is coming soon, nobody will miss your temporary infestation of KiM. You're like locusts, you come in swarms every 20 years or so, and then destroy everything in the place you infest!


pre 7 meseci

EU says that, because they were told by USA to say that. USA needs Serbia in the EU to part of American aggression world wide, because America is loosing world domination they need to replenish their coffers. When the world is just beginning to wake-up and see the light, of American aggression and terrorism, Serbia is going to sleep listening to America’s lullaby. Don’t allow yourself to fall in the clutches of American control, if you do Serbia will become complicit in world terrorism just like the rest of Europe. It is better to have nothing then be part of the world of American terrorism.


pre 7 meseci

EU says that, because they were told by USA to say that. USA needs Serbia in the EU to part of American aggression world wide, because America is loosing world domination they need to replenish their coffers. When the world is just beginning to wake-up and see the light, of American aggression and terrorism, Serbia is going to sleep listening to America’s lullaby. Don’t allow yourself to fall in the clutches of American control, if you do Serbia will become complicit in world terrorism just like the rest of Europe. It is better to have nothing then be part of the world of American terrorism.

Woke American

pre 7 meseci

1) They who control the money makes the rules.
2) They will replace Dinars (RSD) with the Euros (EUR)
3) They will control your media. All of it.
4) They will choose Serbia’s “democratically elected” leaders.
5) They will replace your population with non-white immigrants. In a few generations, Serbia will be genetically eradicated as a nation.
6) They want to eradicate Christianity in your nation.
7) The Euro is a Ponzi scheme. They want to dump inflation on you.
8) They want to buy your real estate and turn you into renters. “You will own nothing and be happy”.
9) They want to force LGBT on your population with “hate crimes legislation” and brainwash your children. What makes you think it will not happen to Serbia when it happened to America?]
10) You are a slave. You will have no identity. No nationality. No race. No gender. No religion. No history.

I suggest you go with Russia and China and tell the EU to go F themselves. The fact they are fast-tracking your EU membership proves they are very worried. These people have always overplayed their hands in history. Everyday their societies look more 3rd world. They become weaker. Their currency becomes weaker. When it comes to possible war with Russia fractured 3rd world societies and fake money printing will not win.

They want to dump their fake printed ponzi scheme money on you. They want to own your country, cut you off from Russia and eventually ruin your entire nation.


pre 7 meseci

The US is NO longer in control of the world. We now have multipolar world and anyone who has sided with the west has picked the wrong horse. Look, Serbia does not give a shit about EU as it sinks into oblivion. Its becoming a backwater. Borrell went to China and told the Chinese that the EU is a serious entity and should be treated as such. The Chinese just laughed at them. Sorry Albos and Croats you picked the wrong side.
(sj, 3 November 2023 23:13)

I'm dissapointed! You still don't understand who rules this world!!

Once they talk... everybody shushh...
All the others in their corner.
You're already lost on youre conspirations.
Sorry about yourself!


pre 7 meseci

I'm dissapointed! You still don't understand who rules this world!!

Once they talk... everybody shushh...
All the others in their corner.
You're already lost on youre conspirations.
Sorry about yourself!
(Joni, 8 November 2023 23:03)

What are you talking about?