Wednesday, 25.10.2023.


Kurti's ultimatum: If there are no sanctions against Serbia...

On the eve of the meeting tomorrow in Brussels, Kurti said that if sanctions are not introduced to Serbia after the events in Banjska, there will be no dialogue

Izvor: Kosovo online

Kurti's ultimatum: If there are no sanctions against Serbia... IMAGE SOURCE

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Betsy Lalich

pre 7 meseci

Surely he is in another world.
But give it a try.
We eagerly await your false accusations against Serbs on their sacred land.
YOU have a country Kurti.
It is called Albania.


pre 7 meseci

What an amateur, he now is 1. Going to be deeply condemned for putting road blocks for peace OR 2. He will again talk to Serbia and lose face…nobody cares for “Kosova” and will put sanctions on Serbia.


pre 7 meseci

This guy is supported by the US and as in the Israel where the US was constantly taking about a two state solution but never following through, its exactly the same where Kosovo is convened. Officially they "support" establishment of CSMs, in reality they never follow through. That's what you get from the US of Dumb Arses.


pre 7 meseci

This guy is supported by the US and as in the Israel where the US was constantly taking about a two state solution but never following through, its exactly the same where Kosovo is convened. Officially they "support" establishment of CSMs, in reality they never follow through. That's what you get from the US of Dumb Arses.


pre 7 meseci

What an amateur, he now is 1. Going to be deeply condemned for putting road blocks for peace OR 2. He will again talk to Serbia and lose face…nobody cares for “Kosova” and will put sanctions on Serbia.

Betsy Lalich

pre 7 meseci

Surely he is in another world.
But give it a try.
We eagerly await your false accusations against Serbs on their sacred land.
YOU have a country Kurti.
It is called Albania.

Betsy Lalich

pre 7 meseci

Surely he is in another world.
But give it a try.
We eagerly await your false accusations against Serbs on their sacred land.
YOU have a country Kurti.
It is called Albania.


pre 7 meseci

This guy is supported by the US and as in the Israel where the US was constantly taking about a two state solution but never following through, its exactly the same where Kosovo is convened. Officially they "support" establishment of CSMs, in reality they never follow through. That's what you get from the US of Dumb Arses.


pre 7 meseci

What an amateur, he now is 1. Going to be deeply condemned for putting road blocks for peace OR 2. He will again talk to Serbia and lose face…nobody cares for “Kosova” and will put sanctions on Serbia.