Saturday, 14.10.2023.


Operation of the Kosovo police in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica is underway

Members of Kosovo police are carrying out a police operation in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica in connection with the events in Banjska on September 24

Izvor: Tanjug

Operation of the Kosovo police in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica is underway IMAGE SOURCE

8 Komentari

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pre 8 meseci

Very true. Serbia is embedded in the arms of Russia and China because that’s the future and you can see the results such as free trade with China. The question is what benefits have the Albos in Kosovo received after all these years being embedded up to their toes in the west? Result is NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!
In fact the loss of Albo population there is the only activity occurring. Pre 1999 Kosovo had 1.8 million Albos, but today its less than 600,000.

Why? Answer is simple. Lack of employment opportunities. The largest employer in Kosovo is the government and it’s funded by aid from the EU. The similarities of Kosovo and Ukraine today is astounding since Ukraine is on “life support” from the US taxpayer.

As far as the west being more realistic about this situation, all I can say is its way too late to do anything about it. The greatest fear that the west has is if they try and pressure Serbia, the Serbs would turn their backs on the west.


pre 8 meseci

The former US ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, stated that efforts to draw Serbia into the arms of the West instead of China and Russia have not yielded results and that now is the time to start a new approach. Kosnett in an interview for "Euractiv" said that during the last 15-20 years of efforts to mediate agreements between Kosovo and Serbia, there was a kind of tendency to get frustrated with Kosovo and to treat it as "an unruly child, who must do as he is told". "This, combined with the idea that Serbia is the most important in the region and we should "put it in the European fold and not push it into the arms of Russia and China", was not the wisest approach", he added.

Serbia is the only country in Europe that has not joined Western sanctions against Russia since Moscow invaded Ukraine. "I think that Serbia is clearly deeply embedded in the arms of Russia and China. So, whatever efforts the internationals have undertaken all these years to pull Belgrade towards the West have not yet shown any results," he said.

Kossnett, a senior fellow for the transatlantic defense and security program at the Center for European Policy Analysis, added that it is time for Europe and the West to be more realistic about this.
While Russia continues its efforts to actively destabilize the Western Balkans, Kossnett said it would be an important manifestation of European and Western solidarity to "recognize the reality that Kosovo exists" and the fact "that it is a state."


pre 8 meseci

On Saturday, Kosovo police raided seven different locations in two Serb-majority municipalities in the north of the country, as part of investigations related to the events of September 24 in the village of Banjska, where a police officer and three armed attackers were killed.

In an announcement from the Special Prosecutor's Office and the Kosovo police, it is stated that during the raids, "a quantity of ammunition was found in a basement of one of the three solitaries in North Mitrovica".

"87 TM 100 type explosives, 3 hand grenades (zola), 1 AK-47 automatic weapon, 1 MRUD type anti-personnel mine, 14 magazines, 63 electric detonators, 23 mechanical detonators, 1 watch for activation, bags, radio communications, bulletproof vests, medical equipment, etc., says the police announcement.

The police said that the controls were carried out by order of the court and in coordination with the European Union mission for the rule of law (EULEX) and the KFOR peacekeeping forces.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

so everyone living there can fee free from being intimidated.
(EA, 14 October 2023 13:32)

The day of reckoning approaches where the KLA terrorists and their NATO masters will join their Third Reich predecessors on the dust heap of history. The people of KiM will indeed be free.
The writing is on the wall. NATO is losing in Ukraine and the USA with its proxies Hamas and Israeli right wing are desperately stirring up chaos as a last resort to save the dying empire.


pre 8 meseci

Tons and tons of weapon smuggled in Kosova without Vucic knowledge. You got to be stupid or serb to believe this. I wonder what vucic will say about it this time


pre 8 meseci

Keep on doing the good job! Tidy up the northern Kosovo from illegal weapons and activities so everyone living there can fee free from being intimidated.


pre 8 meseci

Keep on doing the good job! Tidy up the northern Kosovo from illegal weapons and activities so everyone living there can fee free from being intimidated.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

so everyone living there can fee free from being intimidated.
(EA, 14 October 2023 13:32)

The day of reckoning approaches where the KLA terrorists and their NATO masters will join their Third Reich predecessors on the dust heap of history. The people of KiM will indeed be free.
The writing is on the wall. NATO is losing in Ukraine and the USA with its proxies Hamas and Israeli right wing are desperately stirring up chaos as a last resort to save the dying empire.


pre 8 meseci

Tons and tons of weapon smuggled in Kosova without Vucic knowledge. You got to be stupid or serb to believe this. I wonder what vucic will say about it this time


pre 8 meseci

On Saturday, Kosovo police raided seven different locations in two Serb-majority municipalities in the north of the country, as part of investigations related to the events of September 24 in the village of Banjska, where a police officer and three armed attackers were killed.

In an announcement from the Special Prosecutor's Office and the Kosovo police, it is stated that during the raids, "a quantity of ammunition was found in a basement of one of the three solitaries in North Mitrovica".

"87 TM 100 type explosives, 3 hand grenades (zola), 1 AK-47 automatic weapon, 1 MRUD type anti-personnel mine, 14 magazines, 63 electric detonators, 23 mechanical detonators, 1 watch for activation, bags, radio communications, bulletproof vests, medical equipment, etc., says the police announcement.

The police said that the controls were carried out by order of the court and in coordination with the European Union mission for the rule of law (EULEX) and the KFOR peacekeeping forces.


pre 8 meseci

The former US ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, stated that efforts to draw Serbia into the arms of the West instead of China and Russia have not yielded results and that now is the time to start a new approach. Kosnett in an interview for "Euractiv" said that during the last 15-20 years of efforts to mediate agreements between Kosovo and Serbia, there was a kind of tendency to get frustrated with Kosovo and to treat it as "an unruly child, who must do as he is told". "This, combined with the idea that Serbia is the most important in the region and we should "put it in the European fold and not push it into the arms of Russia and China", was not the wisest approach", he added.

Serbia is the only country in Europe that has not joined Western sanctions against Russia since Moscow invaded Ukraine. "I think that Serbia is clearly deeply embedded in the arms of Russia and China. So, whatever efforts the internationals have undertaken all these years to pull Belgrade towards the West have not yet shown any results," he said.

Kossnett, a senior fellow for the transatlantic defense and security program at the Center for European Policy Analysis, added that it is time for Europe and the West to be more realistic about this.
While Russia continues its efforts to actively destabilize the Western Balkans, Kossnett said it would be an important manifestation of European and Western solidarity to "recognize the reality that Kosovo exists" and the fact "that it is a state."


pre 8 meseci

Very true. Serbia is embedded in the arms of Russia and China because that’s the future and you can see the results such as free trade with China. The question is what benefits have the Albos in Kosovo received after all these years being embedded up to their toes in the west? Result is NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!
In fact the loss of Albo population there is the only activity occurring. Pre 1999 Kosovo had 1.8 million Albos, but today its less than 600,000.

Why? Answer is simple. Lack of employment opportunities. The largest employer in Kosovo is the government and it’s funded by aid from the EU. The similarities of Kosovo and Ukraine today is astounding since Ukraine is on “life support” from the US taxpayer.

As far as the west being more realistic about this situation, all I can say is its way too late to do anything about it. The greatest fear that the west has is if they try and pressure Serbia, the Serbs would turn their backs on the west.


pre 8 meseci

Keep on doing the good job! Tidy up the northern Kosovo from illegal weapons and activities so everyone living there can fee free from being intimidated.


pre 8 meseci

Tons and tons of weapon smuggled in Kosova without Vucic knowledge. You got to be stupid or serb to believe this. I wonder what vucic will say about it this time


pre 8 meseci

On Saturday, Kosovo police raided seven different locations in two Serb-majority municipalities in the north of the country, as part of investigations related to the events of September 24 in the village of Banjska, where a police officer and three armed attackers were killed.

In an announcement from the Special Prosecutor's Office and the Kosovo police, it is stated that during the raids, "a quantity of ammunition was found in a basement of one of the three solitaries in North Mitrovica".

"87 TM 100 type explosives, 3 hand grenades (zola), 1 AK-47 automatic weapon, 1 MRUD type anti-personnel mine, 14 magazines, 63 electric detonators, 23 mechanical detonators, 1 watch for activation, bags, radio communications, bulletproof vests, medical equipment, etc., says the police announcement.

The police said that the controls were carried out by order of the court and in coordination with the European Union mission for the rule of law (EULEX) and the KFOR peacekeeping forces.


pre 8 meseci

The former US ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, stated that efforts to draw Serbia into the arms of the West instead of China and Russia have not yielded results and that now is the time to start a new approach. Kosnett in an interview for "Euractiv" said that during the last 15-20 years of efforts to mediate agreements between Kosovo and Serbia, there was a kind of tendency to get frustrated with Kosovo and to treat it as "an unruly child, who must do as he is told". "This, combined with the idea that Serbia is the most important in the region and we should "put it in the European fold and not push it into the arms of Russia and China", was not the wisest approach", he added.

Serbia is the only country in Europe that has not joined Western sanctions against Russia since Moscow invaded Ukraine. "I think that Serbia is clearly deeply embedded in the arms of Russia and China. So, whatever efforts the internationals have undertaken all these years to pull Belgrade towards the West have not yet shown any results," he said.

Kossnett, a senior fellow for the transatlantic defense and security program at the Center for European Policy Analysis, added that it is time for Europe and the West to be more realistic about this.
While Russia continues its efforts to actively destabilize the Western Balkans, Kossnett said it would be an important manifestation of European and Western solidarity to "recognize the reality that Kosovo exists" and the fact "that it is a state."

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

so everyone living there can fee free from being intimidated.
(EA, 14 October 2023 13:32)

The day of reckoning approaches where the KLA terrorists and their NATO masters will join their Third Reich predecessors on the dust heap of history. The people of KiM will indeed be free.
The writing is on the wall. NATO is losing in Ukraine and the USA with its proxies Hamas and Israeli right wing are desperately stirring up chaos as a last resort to save the dying empire.


pre 8 meseci

Very true. Serbia is embedded in the arms of Russia and China because that’s the future and you can see the results such as free trade with China. The question is what benefits have the Albos in Kosovo received after all these years being embedded up to their toes in the west? Result is NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!
In fact the loss of Albo population there is the only activity occurring. Pre 1999 Kosovo had 1.8 million Albos, but today its less than 600,000.

Why? Answer is simple. Lack of employment opportunities. The largest employer in Kosovo is the government and it’s funded by aid from the EU. The similarities of Kosovo and Ukraine today is astounding since Ukraine is on “life support” from the US taxpayer.

As far as the west being more realistic about this situation, all I can say is its way too late to do anything about it. The greatest fear that the west has is if they try and pressure Serbia, the Serbs would turn their backs on the west.