Friday, 06.10.2023.


Russians "bare a grudge" against Americans: Was the attack on Yugoslavia crucial?

The United States made six mistakes that led to the conflict with Russia, and now USA is sacrificing Ukrainians for its own ends.

Izvor: Sputnik

Russians "bare a grudge" against Americans: Was the attack on Yugoslavia crucial? IMAGE SOURCE

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Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Russia pays well for your services...so does Edward Snowden...😂
(EA, 8 October 2023 17:00)

I am currently earning income in Chongqing, China. Russia does not pay me though I have indirect income from ventures across the Asia Pacific region. Edward Snowden does not pay me either, though have bought his books and listen to his internet broadcasts.
Perhaps you may wish to travel to China or Russia, or listen to an expert like Edward Snowden before you comment further.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
Your name is as fake as you are. And yet, for all your hate, you choose the name of a famous American character.
You are not a real man or human being.
Keep traveling. Maybe mars or the moon may like you.
(Betsy Lalich, 9 October 2023 22:13)

I used to be an American citizen. I left because I did not want to fight the Vietnam war and acquired Canadian citizenship in the late 1970s.
My refusal to participate in a genocide against the peaceful Vietnamese people may not make me a “real man” or “human” in your genocidal American eyes. Heck, you disgustingly characterize the Vietnamese genocide as in USA “interests”.
Your own written words prove my point that you are blind and brainwashed by an evil America. Yes Betsy, real humans and the vast majority of the world recognize your beloved country as evil.
I indeed use a moniker and post through encrypted and VPN secure accounts. I recognize the evil that comes to honest people like Julian Assange for exposing the global crimes of the country you blindly love. Or perhaps you also do not consider Julian a man or human being? As I said, please do contact Edward Snowden and many other brave ex-Americans who have renounced the rotten country you blindly love.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

I don't need your lectures. And I love my country.
You? You have no country.
(Betsy Lalich, 9 October 2023 18:44)

Blind love. Betsy, open your eyes. I have lived in many countries, including the USA.
I choose not to live in the USA anymore. The economic opportunities in other parts of the world far exceed the rot and decay that now define the country you love and I have renounced.
Have you visited China in the last five years? Have you seen the splendor of Yangtze River economic zone? Are you aware that China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty in one generation? How many people in the USA are currently homeless or homeless shelters?
When was the last time you were in Moscow or St. Petersburg?


pre 8 meseci

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

Betsy, you keep referring to this same rubbish over and over. What does it matter where anyone lives? Many Americans themselves are against their own government and they are born and bred American, of Anglo descent.

So please stop it. Just because we live in a certain country doesn't mean we have to automatically agree with all the evil that country is capable of. Not the people, the government and member of deep state no matter which country that is in the world. Deep state is in almost every country in the world so you can't escape it but you should fight it.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

I absolutely agree with you on so much you have written. But I believe, as the once great leader in Israel, Itzhak Rabin said, "We try to make friends with our enemies. We already know who are friends are." I thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful response.
All the best !

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
Your name is as fake as you are. And yet, for all your hate, you choose the name of a famous American character.
You are not a real man or human being.
Keep traveling. Maybe mars or the moon may like you.


pre 8 meseci

It is "ass", not "arse".
Obviously you speak from the United Kingdom or Australia.
Betsy, don't correct anyone's spelling especially when you are correcting it to the US version.
English (British) and therefore Australian version is the correct one.
Did English language originate in the US or England?

Stop trying to be superior.


pre 8 meseci

.."currently a resident of Moscow, to learn about the true nightmare fascist country you live in.."
(Tom Sawyer, 8 October 2023 01:42)

Russia pays well for your services...so does Edward Snowden...😂


pre 8 meseci

Betsy it's arse not ass as you moron. It's called english not American gibberish just like the word tyre not tire.
The only people to go to the Us are poor south Americans who will work for slave wages. I have been to the US many times and it's a s***hole.


pre 8 meseci

Who is this new Betsy? I wonder if she works in the US embassy in Belgrade? I can only guess this is so as the drivel she posts is pure US nonsense such as Putin is a dictator. Yet no mention that half of the US population thinks the last presidental election was rigged. Betsy how many political parties have held power in the US other than democrats or Republicans?????

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Both nations fought one same foe : Nazis.
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 05:53)

The N4zi successors, and their grandchildren, are still fighting in Ukraine. Heck, your so callled “western” civilization saluted and glorified one of these N4zi’s recently in their House of representatives. One nation is left fighting these same N4zi’s today: Russia.
Which is really no surprise, since the USA didn’t decide to enter WWII, until they realized the Russians were eventually going to March into Berlin. Before then, American companies like Ford and others were making profits partnering with the N4zis.
Betsy, you are blind. I have lived in the USA, Russia, China and other parts of the world. The decay and decline in the USA over the last 20 years is undeniable. The rise and amazement of living standards in Russia and China is amazing and inspiring. Please travel and live in these regions, like I have experienced.
Open your eyes Betsy.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

Why are you against the equality of civilizations? Is American fascism, which you have chosen, not a nightmare for the majority of the world? Why have the most populace nations decided to form a BRICS of expanding economies?

I say this as respectfully as
possible : you are in "dreamland".
No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

I have been fortunate to live in many parts of the world. Currently located in Chongqing China. I have lived in the USA, Russia and China, among other locations. I will likely be returning to Russia. St Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world. There are many great Americans living in Russia. Perhaps you may wish to contact Edward Snowden, currently a resident of Moscow, to learn about the true nightmare fascist country you live in.


pre 8 meseci

Destiny you will care what Russia thinks simply because when Ukraine loses and it will NATO is finished and no more west 😂😂😂😂😂.


pre 8 meseci

Destiny you will care what Russia thinks simply because when Ukraine loses and it will NATO is finished and no more west 😂😂😂😂😂.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

It is "ass", not "arse".
Obviously you speak from the United Kingdom or Australia.

If you love this current Russia, perhaps you should leave the comforts afforded to you, by actually living in "The West", where you are perfectly free to leave and literally put your "arse" exactly where it belongs; more precisely, on Putin's ruthless frontlines. Surely you will be welcome.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

I say this as respectfully as
possible : you are in "dreamland".
No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
And how many people are rushing to this


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was brought to his sense with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees. Unfortunately, the Serbian people did not realize this was the best thing that ever happened to Serbia. However, the more intelligent Serbs have finally come to realize the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was necessary in order to awaken from their slumber that began in 1389!

Soledad Gomez

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
The equality of nations is a fallacy. A glaring counter example is that of Germany compared to Serbia. I believe you meant the equality of peoples.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was awakened with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was awakened with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees. Unfortunately, the Serbian people did not realize this was the best thing that ever happened to them. However, the more intelligent Serbs have finally come to realize the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was necessary in order to awaken from their slumber that began in 1389!

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

This sounds like "Blame the Victim"

U.S.-Russian relations are cooperative on many levels, including ventures into Space. Both nations fought one same foe : Nazis. Different forms of government? Absolutely. But eternal enemies? Never. This only exists in the hearts and minds of evil people, whether as individuals or in temporary political positions.


pre 8 meseci

Really? What are Russia's geopolitical interests? Ethnic cleansing and the domination of the Russia's orthodoxy? Amen!
(EA, 6 October 2023 18:52)

What is your geopolitical interest?


pre 8 meseci

EA.you're a fool.

In addition to violating the UN Charter and International law, by bombing Serbia, Nato aided and abetted Islamic terrorists (namely the Al Qaeda linked "KLA"), and directly facilitated the ethic cleansing of over 250,000 non-albanians from Kosovo (mostly serbs, but also roma, as well as nearly 10,000 Jews.

Albanians are the terrorists, not Serbs.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

The post-mortems from the declining American hegemons have already started. Following the astounding contrasts between Valdai and Granada this past week, the vast majority of the world realize that the idiotic ruling elite in the so called “west” are on their last dying days. The period from 2025-2030 will see the defeat of American led fascism and the re-emergence of a multipolar world based on the equality of civilizations.


pre 8 meseci

NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia also hurt Russia's geopolitical interests, Bandow states.

Really? What are Russia's geopolitical interests? Ethnic cleansing and the domination of the Russia's orthodoxy? Amen!


pre 8 meseci

EA.you're a fool.

In addition to violating the UN Charter and International law, by bombing Serbia, Nato aided and abetted Islamic terrorists (namely the Al Qaeda linked "KLA"), and directly facilitated the ethic cleansing of over 250,000 non-albanians from Kosovo (mostly serbs, but also roma, as well as nearly 10,000 Jews.

Albanians are the terrorists, not Serbs.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

The post-mortems from the declining American hegemons have already started. Following the astounding contrasts between Valdai and Granada this past week, the vast majority of the world realize that the idiotic ruling elite in the so called “west” are on their last dying days. The period from 2025-2030 will see the defeat of American led fascism and the re-emergence of a multipolar world based on the equality of civilizations.


pre 8 meseci

Destiny you will care what Russia thinks simply because when Ukraine loses and it will NATO is finished and no more west 😂😂😂😂😂.


pre 8 meseci

NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia also hurt Russia's geopolitical interests, Bandow states.

Really? What are Russia's geopolitical interests? Ethnic cleansing and the domination of the Russia's orthodoxy? Amen!


pre 8 meseci

Destiny you will care what Russia thinks simply because when Ukraine loses and it will NATO is finished and no more west 😂😂😂😂😂.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Both nations fought one same foe : Nazis.
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 05:53)

The N4zi successors, and their grandchildren, are still fighting in Ukraine. Heck, your so callled “western” civilization saluted and glorified one of these N4zi’s recently in their House of representatives. One nation is left fighting these same N4zi’s today: Russia.
Which is really no surprise, since the USA didn’t decide to enter WWII, until they realized the Russians were eventually going to March into Berlin. Before then, American companies like Ford and others were making profits partnering with the N4zis.
Betsy, you are blind. I have lived in the USA, Russia, China and other parts of the world. The decay and decline in the USA over the last 20 years is undeniable. The rise and amazement of living standards in Russia and China is amazing and inspiring. Please travel and live in these regions, like I have experienced.
Open your eyes Betsy.


pre 8 meseci

Really? What are Russia's geopolitical interests? Ethnic cleansing and the domination of the Russia's orthodoxy? Amen!
(EA, 6 October 2023 18:52)

What is your geopolitical interest?

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

Why are you against the equality of civilizations? Is American fascism, which you have chosen, not a nightmare for the majority of the world? Why have the most populace nations decided to form a BRICS of expanding economies?

I say this as respectfully as
possible : you are in "dreamland".
No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

I have been fortunate to live in many parts of the world. Currently located in Chongqing China. I have lived in the USA, Russia and China, among other locations. I will likely be returning to Russia. St Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world. There are many great Americans living in Russia. Perhaps you may wish to contact Edward Snowden, currently a resident of Moscow, to learn about the true nightmare fascist country you live in.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

I don't need your lectures. And I love my country.
You? You have no country.
(Betsy Lalich, 9 October 2023 18:44)

Blind love. Betsy, open your eyes. I have lived in many countries, including the USA.
I choose not to live in the USA anymore. The economic opportunities in other parts of the world far exceed the rot and decay that now define the country you love and I have renounced.
Have you visited China in the last five years? Have you seen the splendor of Yangtze River economic zone? Are you aware that China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty in one generation? How many people in the USA are currently homeless or homeless shelters?
When was the last time you were in Moscow or St. Petersburg?

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Russia pays well for your services...so does Edward Snowden...😂
(EA, 8 October 2023 17:00)

I am currently earning income in Chongqing, China. Russia does not pay me though I have indirect income from ventures across the Asia Pacific region. Edward Snowden does not pay me either, though have bought his books and listen to his internet broadcasts.
Perhaps you may wish to travel to China or Russia, or listen to an expert like Edward Snowden before you comment further.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was awakened with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was awakened with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees. Unfortunately, the Serbian people did not realize this was the best thing that ever happened to them. However, the more intelligent Serbs have finally come to realize the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was necessary in order to awaken from their slumber that began in 1389!

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
Your name is as fake as you are. And yet, for all your hate, you choose the name of a famous American character.
You are not a real man or human being.
Keep traveling. Maybe mars or the moon may like you.
(Betsy Lalich, 9 October 2023 22:13)

I used to be an American citizen. I left because I did not want to fight the Vietnam war and acquired Canadian citizenship in the late 1970s.
My refusal to participate in a genocide against the peaceful Vietnamese people may not make me a “real man” or “human” in your genocidal American eyes. Heck, you disgustingly characterize the Vietnamese genocide as in USA “interests”.
Your own written words prove my point that you are blind and brainwashed by an evil America. Yes Betsy, real humans and the vast majority of the world recognize your beloved country as evil.
I indeed use a moniker and post through encrypted and VPN secure accounts. I recognize the evil that comes to honest people like Julian Assange for exposing the global crimes of the country you blindly love. Or perhaps you also do not consider Julian a man or human being? As I said, please do contact Edward Snowden and many other brave ex-Americans who have renounced the rotten country you blindly love.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was brought to his sense with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees. Unfortunately, the Serbian people did not realize this was the best thing that ever happened to Serbia. However, the more intelligent Serbs have finally come to realize the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was necessary in order to awaken from their slumber that began in 1389!

Soledad Gomez

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
The equality of nations is a fallacy. A glaring counter example is that of Germany compared to Serbia. I believe you meant the equality of peoples.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

It is "ass", not "arse".
Obviously you speak from the United Kingdom or Australia.

If you love this current Russia, perhaps you should leave the comforts afforded to you, by actually living in "The West", where you are perfectly free to leave and literally put your "arse" exactly where it belongs; more precisely, on Putin's ruthless frontlines. Surely you will be welcome.


pre 8 meseci

It is "ass", not "arse".
Obviously you speak from the United Kingdom or Australia.
Betsy, don't correct anyone's spelling especially when you are correcting it to the US version.
English (British) and therefore Australian version is the correct one.
Did English language originate in the US or England?

Stop trying to be superior.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

This sounds like "Blame the Victim"

U.S.-Russian relations are cooperative on many levels, including ventures into Space. Both nations fought one same foe : Nazis. Different forms of government? Absolutely. But eternal enemies? Never. This only exists in the hearts and minds of evil people, whether as individuals or in temporary political positions.


pre 8 meseci

Betsy it's arse not ass as you moron. It's called english not American gibberish just like the word tyre not tire.
The only people to go to the Us are poor south Americans who will work for slave wages. I have been to the US many times and it's a s***hole.


pre 8 meseci

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

Betsy, you keep referring to this same rubbish over and over. What does it matter where anyone lives? Many Americans themselves are against their own government and they are born and bred American, of Anglo descent.

So please stop it. Just because we live in a certain country doesn't mean we have to automatically agree with all the evil that country is capable of. Not the people, the government and member of deep state no matter which country that is in the world. Deep state is in almost every country in the world so you can't escape it but you should fight it.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

I say this as respectfully as
possible : you are in "dreamland".
No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
And how many people are rushing to this


pre 8 meseci

Who is this new Betsy? I wonder if she works in the US embassy in Belgrade? I can only guess this is so as the drivel she posts is pure US nonsense such as Putin is a dictator. Yet no mention that half of the US population thinks the last presidental election was rigged. Betsy how many political parties have held power in the US other than democrats or Republicans?????


pre 8 meseci

.."currently a resident of Moscow, to learn about the true nightmare fascist country you live in.."
(Tom Sawyer, 8 October 2023 01:42)

Russia pays well for your services...so does Edward Snowden...😂

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
Your name is as fake as you are. And yet, for all your hate, you choose the name of a famous American character.
You are not a real man or human being.
Keep traveling. Maybe mars or the moon may like you.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

I absolutely agree with you on so much you have written. But I believe, as the once great leader in Israel, Itzhak Rabin said, "We try to make friends with our enemies. We already know who are friends are." I thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful response.
All the best !


pre 8 meseci

NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia also hurt Russia's geopolitical interests, Bandow states.

Really? What are Russia's geopolitical interests? Ethnic cleansing and the domination of the Russia's orthodoxy? Amen!

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

This sounds like "Blame the Victim"

U.S.-Russian relations are cooperative on many levels, including ventures into Space. Both nations fought one same foe : Nazis. Different forms of government? Absolutely. But eternal enemies? Never. This only exists in the hearts and minds of evil people, whether as individuals or in temporary political positions.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was awakened with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was awakened with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees. Unfortunately, the Serbian people did not realize this was the best thing that ever happened to them. However, the more intelligent Serbs have finally come to realize the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was necessary in order to awaken from their slumber that began in 1389!

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

It is "ass", not "arse".
Obviously you speak from the United Kingdom or Australia.

If you love this current Russia, perhaps you should leave the comforts afforded to you, by actually living in "The West", where you are perfectly free to leave and literally put your "arse" exactly where it belongs; more precisely, on Putin's ruthless frontlines. Surely you will be welcome.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

The post-mortems from the declining American hegemons have already started. Following the astounding contrasts between Valdai and Granada this past week, the vast majority of the world realize that the idiotic ruling elite in the so called “west” are on their last dying days. The period from 2025-2030 will see the defeat of American led fascism and the re-emergence of a multipolar world based on the equality of civilizations.


pre 8 meseci

Stalin was an ally of Hitler until the little paper hanger betrayed him. The Russian people did not enjoy living under the paradise called the Soviet Union and neither did the Serbian people. However, when Milosevic came to power and started to emulate Uncle Joe, he was brought to his sense with 78 days and nights of humiliating terror, bringing Serbia to its knees. Unfortunately, the Serbian people did not realize this was the best thing that ever happened to Serbia. However, the more intelligent Serbs have finally come to realize the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was necessary in order to awaken from their slumber that began in 1389!


pre 8 meseci

EA.you're a fool.

In addition to violating the UN Charter and International law, by bombing Serbia, Nato aided and abetted Islamic terrorists (namely the Al Qaeda linked "KLA"), and directly facilitated the ethic cleansing of over 250,000 non-albanians from Kosovo (mostly serbs, but also roma, as well as nearly 10,000 Jews.

Albanians are the terrorists, not Serbs.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

I say this as respectfully as
possible : you are in "dreamland".
No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
And how many people are rushing to this


pre 8 meseci

Really? What are Russia's geopolitical interests? Ethnic cleansing and the domination of the Russia's orthodoxy? Amen!
(EA, 6 October 2023 18:52)

What is your geopolitical interest?

Soledad Gomez

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
The equality of nations is a fallacy. A glaring counter example is that of Germany compared to Serbia. I believe you meant the equality of peoples.


pre 8 meseci

Destiny you will care what Russia thinks simply because when Ukraine loses and it will NATO is finished and no more west 😂😂😂😂😂.


pre 8 meseci

Destiny you will care what Russia thinks simply because when Ukraine loses and it will NATO is finished and no more west 😂😂😂😂😂.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
Your name is as fake as you are. And yet, for all your hate, you choose the name of a famous American character.
You are not a real man or human being.
Keep traveling. Maybe mars or the moon may like you.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Both nations fought one same foe : Nazis.
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 05:53)

The N4zi successors, and their grandchildren, are still fighting in Ukraine. Heck, your so callled “western” civilization saluted and glorified one of these N4zi’s recently in their House of representatives. One nation is left fighting these same N4zi’s today: Russia.
Which is really no surprise, since the USA didn’t decide to enter WWII, until they realized the Russians were eventually going to March into Berlin. Before then, American companies like Ford and others were making profits partnering with the N4zis.
Betsy, you are blind. I have lived in the USA, Russia, China and other parts of the world. The decay and decline in the USA over the last 20 years is undeniable. The rise and amazement of living standards in Russia and China is amazing and inspiring. Please travel and live in these regions, like I have experienced.
Open your eyes Betsy.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

I absolutely agree with you on so much you have written. But I believe, as the once great leader in Israel, Itzhak Rabin said, "We try to make friends with our enemies. We already know who are friends are." I thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful response.
All the best !

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

Why are you against the equality of civilizations? Is American fascism, which you have chosen, not a nightmare for the majority of the world? Why have the most populace nations decided to form a BRICS of expanding economies?

I say this as respectfully as
possible : you are in "dreamland".
No one with any sense would choose your nightmare scenario.

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

I have been fortunate to live in many parts of the world. Currently located in Chongqing China. I have lived in the USA, Russia and China, among other locations. I will likely be returning to Russia. St Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world. There are many great Americans living in Russia. Perhaps you may wish to contact Edward Snowden, currently a resident of Moscow, to learn about the true nightmare fascist country you live in.


pre 8 meseci

.."currently a resident of Moscow, to learn about the true nightmare fascist country you live in.."
(Tom Sawyer, 8 October 2023 01:42)

Russia pays well for your services...so does Edward Snowden...😂


pre 8 meseci

Who is this new Betsy? I wonder if she works in the US embassy in Belgrade? I can only guess this is so as the drivel she posts is pure US nonsense such as Putin is a dictator. Yet no mention that half of the US population thinks the last presidental election was rigged. Betsy how many political parties have held power in the US other than democrats or Republicans?????


pre 8 meseci

Betsy it's arse not ass as you moron. It's called english not American gibberish just like the word tyre not tire.
The only people to go to the Us are poor south Americans who will work for slave wages. I have been to the US many times and it's a s***hole.


pre 8 meseci

It is "ass", not "arse".
Obviously you speak from the United Kingdom or Australia.
Betsy, don't correct anyone's spelling especially when you are correcting it to the US version.
English (British) and therefore Australian version is the correct one.
Did English language originate in the US or England?

Stop trying to be superior.


pre 8 meseci

May I ask what fantastic country you reside in?
(Betsy Lalich, 7 October 2023 21:24)

Betsy, you keep referring to this same rubbish over and over. What does it matter where anyone lives? Many Americans themselves are against their own government and they are born and bred American, of Anglo descent.

So please stop it. Just because we live in a certain country doesn't mean we have to automatically agree with all the evil that country is capable of. Not the people, the government and member of deep state no matter which country that is in the world. Deep state is in almost every country in the world so you can't escape it but you should fight it.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

I don't need your lectures. And I love my country.
You? You have no country.
(Betsy Lalich, 9 October 2023 18:44)

Blind love. Betsy, open your eyes. I have lived in many countries, including the USA.
I choose not to live in the USA anymore. The economic opportunities in other parts of the world far exceed the rot and decay that now define the country you love and I have renounced.
Have you visited China in the last five years? Have you seen the splendor of Yangtze River economic zone? Are you aware that China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty in one generation? How many people in the USA are currently homeless or homeless shelters?
When was the last time you were in Moscow or St. Petersburg?

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Tom Sawyer,
Your name is as fake as you are. And yet, for all your hate, you choose the name of a famous American character.
You are not a real man or human being.
Keep traveling. Maybe mars or the moon may like you.
(Betsy Lalich, 9 October 2023 22:13)

I used to be an American citizen. I left because I did not want to fight the Vietnam war and acquired Canadian citizenship in the late 1970s.
My refusal to participate in a genocide against the peaceful Vietnamese people may not make me a “real man” or “human” in your genocidal American eyes. Heck, you disgustingly characterize the Vietnamese genocide as in USA “interests”.
Your own written words prove my point that you are blind and brainwashed by an evil America. Yes Betsy, real humans and the vast majority of the world recognize your beloved country as evil.
I indeed use a moniker and post through encrypted and VPN secure accounts. I recognize the evil that comes to honest people like Julian Assange for exposing the global crimes of the country you blindly love. Or perhaps you also do not consider Julian a man or human being? As I said, please do contact Edward Snowden and many other brave ex-Americans who have renounced the rotten country you blindly love.

Tom Sawyer

pre 8 meseci

Russia pays well for your services...so does Edward Snowden...😂
(EA, 8 October 2023 17:00)

I am currently earning income in Chongqing, China. Russia does not pay me though I have indirect income from ventures across the Asia Pacific region. Edward Snowden does not pay me either, though have bought his books and listen to his internet broadcasts.
Perhaps you may wish to travel to China or Russia, or listen to an expert like Edward Snowden before you comment further.