Monday, 31.07.2023.


Warning to the citizens of Serbia: There will be messages from the number 112...

Weather warnings will soon be sent to citizens' phones.

Izvor: B92

Warning to the citizens of Serbia: There will be messages from the number 112... IMAGE SOURCE

1 Komentari

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Michael Thomas

pre 10 meseci

We now have this system in the UK. It seems that the evil elite that owns and runs this world are rolling-out this system around the world. Soon they will “warnings” and orders via text message. What terrors have they planned for mankind?

Michael Thomas

pre 10 meseci

We now have this system in the UK. It seems that the evil elite that owns and runs this world are rolling-out this system around the world. Soon they will “warnings” and orders via text message. What terrors have they planned for mankind?

Michael Thomas

pre 10 meseci

We now have this system in the UK. It seems that the evil elite that owns and runs this world are rolling-out this system around the world. Soon they will “warnings” and orders via text message. What terrors have they planned for mankind?