Friday, 08.07.2022.


"Danger for the whole of Europe. If Pandora's box opens, it won't be good for anyone"

Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia's Chief, Sergey Naryshkin, assessed that Polish plans to establish control over western Ukraine are dangerous for Europe.

Izvor: B92

"Danger for the whole of Europe. If Pandora's box opens, it won't be good for anyone" IMAGE SOURCE

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Demean, Z.

pre 1 godinu

Russia and three of her underlings will undergo a dramatic change for Russia’s belligerence toward Ukraine. The free world has had enough of the barbarity of Putin and his lackeys. Belarus, Serbia and Hungary share the same uncivilized behavior as Russia and will be punished in an appropriate manner. Some of their leaders will join Putin in The Hague Prison after their trials’ finish. Only then will the world peace be possible. We’ve heard enough of Putin’s boasting of his imaginary futuristic weapons. We know they do not exist and the Emperor has no clothes.

Demean, Z.

pre 1 godinu

Russia and three of her underlings will undergo a dramatic change for Russia’s belligerence toward Ukraine. The free world has had enough of the barbarity of Putin and his lackeys. Belarus, Serbia and Hungary share the same uncivilized behavior as Russia and will be punished in an appropriate manner. Some of their leaders will join Putin in The Hague Prison after their trials’ finish. Only then will the world peace be possible. We’ve heard enough of Putin’s boasting of his imaginary futuristic weapons. We know they do not exist and the Emperor has no clothes.

Demean, Z.

pre 1 godinu

Russia and three of her underlings will undergo a dramatic change for Russia’s belligerence toward Ukraine. The free world has had enough of the barbarity of Putin and his lackeys. Belarus, Serbia and Hungary share the same uncivilized behavior as Russia and will be punished in an appropriate manner. Some of their leaders will join Putin in The Hague Prison after their trials’ finish. Only then will the world peace be possible. We’ve heard enough of Putin’s boasting of his imaginary futuristic weapons. We know they do not exist and the Emperor has no clothes.