Friday, 17.06.2022.


"They have already lost: Russia is failing"

The head of the British armed forces said that Russia had already strategically lost the war in Ukraine and that its military strength had now been reduced.

Izvor: index.hr

"They have already lost: Russia is failing" IMAGE SOURCE

9 Komentari

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pre 1 godinu

Is this so called admiral for real!! He is almost as bad as General Wesley Clark if that is possible. Ukraine is on the verge of a total catastrophic defeat , a third of its army has been decimated. Russia is doing just fine on the battlefield, they are constantly recycling fresh troops into the battlefield from its large manpower reserves. They are inflicting major damage to the Ukraine military which has increasing low morale due to lack of leadership and armor.


pre 1 godinu

What are the Russian people going to think that Ukraine will be rebuilt by the West using the money impounded from Russia and its people.
(Isaac, 18 June 2022 17:43)

Isaac it does not work like that at all. To impound as you say is a technical theft and even the US Treasury has told the Biden Administration not to do it. Why? simple, if that money is taken NO ONE will invest a dime in the US in the future because they cannot trust the US. Fact.


pre 1 godinu

What are the Russian people going to think that Ukraine will be rebuilt by the West using the money impounded from Russia and its people.


pre 2 godine

It is obvious that Admiral Sir Tony Radakin is a man who rose to his current position via the Peter principle. He is an incompetent and he wears his incompetence like a badge of honour. I can only conclude that he is as thick as a brick to make such statements that will come back to haunt him.
Since he has a nice uniform, I think his next place of employment will as a doorman at the London Ritz

Sydney Man

pre 2 godine

Wow ,just recently the British where saying that Russia lost a third of army dead and another third injured and is lossing the War))
These British couldn't control Iraq and Afghanistan, meanwhile Ukraine is 15 million men that could fight and are trained ,but have lost 30% of territory)) and are winning the war ? How stupid was that comment from another British knucklehead ))


pre 2 godine

It is obvious that Admiral Sir Tony Radakin is a man who rose to his current position via the Peter principle. He is an incompetent and he wears his incompetence like a badge of honour. I can only conclude that he is as thick as a brick to make such statements that will come back to haunt him.
Since he has a nice uniform, I think his next place of employment will as a doorman at the London Ritz

Sydney Man

pre 2 godine

Wow ,just recently the British where saying that Russia lost a third of army dead and another third injured and is lossing the War))
These British couldn't control Iraq and Afghanistan, meanwhile Ukraine is 15 million men that could fight and are trained ,but have lost 30% of territory)) and are winning the war ? How stupid was that comment from another British knucklehead ))


pre 1 godinu

Is this so called admiral for real!! He is almost as bad as General Wesley Clark if that is possible. Ukraine is on the verge of a total catastrophic defeat , a third of its army has been decimated. Russia is doing just fine on the battlefield, they are constantly recycling fresh troops into the battlefield from its large manpower reserves. They are inflicting major damage to the Ukraine military which has increasing low morale due to lack of leadership and armor.


pre 1 godinu

What are the Russian people going to think that Ukraine will be rebuilt by the West using the money impounded from Russia and its people.


pre 1 godinu

What are the Russian people going to think that Ukraine will be rebuilt by the West using the money impounded from Russia and its people.
(Isaac, 18 June 2022 17:43)

Isaac it does not work like that at all. To impound as you say is a technical theft and even the US Treasury has told the Biden Administration not to do it. Why? simple, if that money is taken NO ONE will invest a dime in the US in the future because they cannot trust the US. Fact.

Sydney Man

pre 2 godine

Wow ,just recently the British where saying that Russia lost a third of army dead and another third injured and is lossing the War))
These British couldn't control Iraq and Afghanistan, meanwhile Ukraine is 15 million men that could fight and are trained ,but have lost 30% of territory)) and are winning the war ? How stupid was that comment from another British knucklehead ))


pre 2 godine

It is obvious that Admiral Sir Tony Radakin is a man who rose to his current position via the Peter principle. He is an incompetent and he wears his incompetence like a badge of honour. I can only conclude that he is as thick as a brick to make such statements that will come back to haunt him.
Since he has a nice uniform, I think his next place of employment will as a doorman at the London Ritz


pre 1 godinu

What are the Russian people going to think that Ukraine will be rebuilt by the West using the money impounded from Russia and its people.
(Isaac, 18 June 2022 17:43)

Isaac it does not work like that at all. To impound as you say is a technical theft and even the US Treasury has told the Biden Administration not to do it. Why? simple, if that money is taken NO ONE will invest a dime in the US in the future because they cannot trust the US. Fact.


pre 1 godinu

Is this so called admiral for real!! He is almost as bad as General Wesley Clark if that is possible. Ukraine is on the verge of a total catastrophic defeat , a third of its army has been decimated. Russia is doing just fine on the battlefield, they are constantly recycling fresh troops into the battlefield from its large manpower reserves. They are inflicting major damage to the Ukraine military which has increasing low morale due to lack of leadership and armor.


pre 1 godinu

What are the Russian people going to think that Ukraine will be rebuilt by the West using the money impounded from Russia and its people.