Friday, 04.06.2021.


"I wouldn't rule out sabotage" VIDEO

There were no casualties in the explosions during the night in the military factory "Sloboda". Professor Darko Trifunović says the causes should be investigated

Izvor: B92

"I wouldn't rule out sabotage" VIDEO IMAGE SOURCE

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Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 3 godine

It was the Slovenians, no no it was the Croatians, hold on hold on it was the Bosnians, oh oh it could be the Albanians, hmmm who else can we blame for our Serbian misfortunes
Lmao, Europe’s numb-nuts

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 3 godine

It was the Slovenians, no no it was the Croatians, hold on hold on it was the Bosnians, oh oh it could be the Albanians, hmmm who else can we blame for our Serbian misfortunes
Lmao, Europe’s numb-nuts

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 3 godine

It was the Slovenians, no no it was the Croatians, hold on hold on it was the Bosnians, oh oh it could be the Albanians, hmmm who else can we blame for our Serbian misfortunes
Lmao, Europe’s numb-nuts