Saturday, 29.05.2021.


New internal paper unveiled: Final Belgrade-Pristina agreement to be reached in 2021?

An internal working document of the European External Action Service re: the possibility of reaching a final agreement in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in 2021

Izvor: Tanjug

New internal paper unveiled: Final Belgrade-Pristina agreement to be reached in 2021? IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 3 godine

What is the unemployment rate in Serbia.
(Auditor, 3 June 2021 04:58)

Officially, in 2019 it was close to 13% but today it’s more like 17 or 18%.
The US officially is 6.1%, but if you use the 1994 criteria unemployment is at 20%. However, if you use the 1980 criteria then it’s something like 26%.
Let’s take Australia, where I live. Officially its 5.5%; the real level of unemployment is more like 14%. Governments lie to make themselves look good just like “there is little to no inflation” except when you go to the supermarket. Try building a home and see the price rises over a six-month period, but remember there is no inflation.


pre 3 godine

Kosovo at 24.6%

(L*, 1 June 2021 17:59)

Buffoonery at its best LOL. OK Kosova only has 24.6% eh? Now list all those industries that are in Kosova. What does Kosova manufacture? Lots of BS or does it make cars, machinery? What does it export? Nothing at all LOL.
If its so good why more than half of respondents to a survey conducted by your lot in in Pristina alone said they would leave at first opportunity because there is no future in Kosovo.
According to the EU itself Kosovo is the poorest in Europe and yet a lower unemployment rate than Montenegro or Bosnia.
Psst you have to have a real job to be employed not an imaginary one. The only reason Kosovo has a projected growth of over 4% in 2021 is simply because they now take into calculation money sent back to relatives as part of the region GDP LOL. Not because Kosovo has earned it through export.
Yeah only 24.6% unemployment in Kosova just like the US has only has 6.1% ha,ha,ha.
To post such an idiotic response you must be playing with several not just one.


pre 3 godine

Two million in Kosova? Have you been eating those funny mushrooms again LOL? If there are two million how do they survive considering unemployment is astronomical because here is no industry, tourism or export of anything? -SJ

Astronomical unemployment? Oh boy.

Bosnia is at 33.4%, Kosovo at 24.6% and Montenegro at 24.32%



pre 3 godine

. And no one knows a word in serbian either. This is the 2020s not the 1980s. That boat has sailed long time ago. Keep being delusional, reality still wont change just because you want it
(Clam, 30 May 2021 20:21)

If that's right why are your camel jockeys negotiating with Belgrade? Then why do your goat herders obtain Serbian passports? Please stop it or you will go blind.


pre 3 godine

or your personal edification, most of the two million citizens of Kosova do not speak Serbian.
(The Count of Kosova, 30 May 2021 16:15)

Two million in Kosova? Have you been eating those funny mushrooms again LOL? If there are two million how do they survive considering unemployment is astronomical because here is no industry, tourism or export of anything?
I may be wrong so please list all the industry that is now located in Kosova.
Just in case you missed it Bizerba SE & Co. KG, German company manufacturing precision equipment is opening up a 10,000 m2 factory in Valjevo. Are they planning to do the same in Kosova?


pre 3 godine


Will never happen. Not in a million years. Kosovo is an independent nation. It has nothing to do with serbia or serbs. And no one knows a word in serbian either. This is the 2020s not the 1980s. That boat has sailed long time ago. Keep being delusional, reality still wont change just because you want it

The Count of Kosova

pre 3 godine

If your proposal were to be considered, wouldn’t that violate UN Res.#1244.
btw, What is a “generational Serb”.
For your personal edification, most of the two million citizens of Kosova do not speak Serbian.


pre 3 godine

Didn't this merry-go-round of agreement to being reached start in spring of 2018, then end of 2018 then start of 2019 then end of 2019 etc etc...and on and on it goes LOL. Now its 2021. Well, it's not going to happen. The Serbs have signed the Brussels agreement and the Washington agreement so Belgrade will say Albos take it or leave it. If you don't dance to our tune then you rot.
The funny part is that the Albos have nowhere to go as their masters, the US, don't want any change and the only people to get the full effect of non-settlement are themselves. The west does not give a figs about their allies since they must continue to suffer for freedom and democracy


pre 3 godine

The only logical agreement is KFOR out, NATO out, Bondsteel shut and Kosovo returned to Serbia. The inhabitants in Kosovo are generational Serbs, they speak the language, they write the language and have Serbian passports.


pre 3 godine

The only logical agreement is KFOR out, NATO out, Bondsteel shut and Kosovo returned to Serbia. The inhabitants in Kosovo are generational Serbs, they speak the language, they write the language and have Serbian passports.


pre 3 godine

Didn't this merry-go-round of agreement to being reached start in spring of 2018, then end of 2018 then start of 2019 then end of 2019 etc etc...and on and on it goes LOL. Now its 2021. Well, it's not going to happen. The Serbs have signed the Brussels agreement and the Washington agreement so Belgrade will say Albos take it or leave it. If you don't dance to our tune then you rot.
The funny part is that the Albos have nowhere to go as their masters, the US, don't want any change and the only people to get the full effect of non-settlement are themselves. The west does not give a figs about their allies since they must continue to suffer for freedom and democracy


pre 3 godine

or your personal edification, most of the two million citizens of Kosova do not speak Serbian.
(The Count of Kosova, 30 May 2021 16:15)

Two million in Kosova? Have you been eating those funny mushrooms again LOL? If there are two million how do they survive considering unemployment is astronomical because here is no industry, tourism or export of anything?
I may be wrong so please list all the industry that is now located in Kosova.
Just in case you missed it Bizerba SE & Co. KG, German company manufacturing precision equipment is opening up a 10,000 m2 factory in Valjevo. Are they planning to do the same in Kosova?


pre 3 godine

. And no one knows a word in serbian either. This is the 2020s not the 1980s. That boat has sailed long time ago. Keep being delusional, reality still wont change just because you want it
(Clam, 30 May 2021 20:21)

If that's right why are your camel jockeys negotiating with Belgrade? Then why do your goat herders obtain Serbian passports? Please stop it or you will go blind.


pre 3 godine


Will never happen. Not in a million years. Kosovo is an independent nation. It has nothing to do with serbia or serbs. And no one knows a word in serbian either. This is the 2020s not the 1980s. That boat has sailed long time ago. Keep being delusional, reality still wont change just because you want it

The Count of Kosova

pre 3 godine

If your proposal were to be considered, wouldn’t that violate UN Res.#1244.
btw, What is a “generational Serb”.
For your personal edification, most of the two million citizens of Kosova do not speak Serbian.


pre 3 godine

Two million in Kosova? Have you been eating those funny mushrooms again LOL? If there are two million how do they survive considering unemployment is astronomical because here is no industry, tourism or export of anything? -SJ

Astronomical unemployment? Oh boy.

Bosnia is at 33.4%, Kosovo at 24.6% and Montenegro at 24.32%



pre 3 godine

Kosovo at 24.6%

(L*, 1 June 2021 17:59)

Buffoonery at its best LOL. OK Kosova only has 24.6% eh? Now list all those industries that are in Kosova. What does Kosova manufacture? Lots of BS or does it make cars, machinery? What does it export? Nothing at all LOL.
If its so good why more than half of respondents to a survey conducted by your lot in in Pristina alone said they would leave at first opportunity because there is no future in Kosovo.
According to the EU itself Kosovo is the poorest in Europe and yet a lower unemployment rate than Montenegro or Bosnia.
Psst you have to have a real job to be employed not an imaginary one. The only reason Kosovo has a projected growth of over 4% in 2021 is simply because they now take into calculation money sent back to relatives as part of the region GDP LOL. Not because Kosovo has earned it through export.
Yeah only 24.6% unemployment in Kosova just like the US has only has 6.1% ha,ha,ha.
To post such an idiotic response you must be playing with several not just one.


pre 3 godine

What is the unemployment rate in Serbia.
(Auditor, 3 June 2021 04:58)

Officially, in 2019 it was close to 13% but today it’s more like 17 or 18%.
The US officially is 6.1%, but if you use the 1994 criteria unemployment is at 20%. However, if you use the 1980 criteria then it’s something like 26%.
Let’s take Australia, where I live. Officially its 5.5%; the real level of unemployment is more like 14%. Governments lie to make themselves look good just like “there is little to no inflation” except when you go to the supermarket. Try building a home and see the price rises over a six-month period, but remember there is no inflation.

The Count of Kosova

pre 3 godine

If your proposal were to be considered, wouldn’t that violate UN Res.#1244.
btw, What is a “generational Serb”.
For your personal edification, most of the two million citizens of Kosova do not speak Serbian.


pre 3 godine


Will never happen. Not in a million years. Kosovo is an independent nation. It has nothing to do with serbia or serbs. And no one knows a word in serbian either. This is the 2020s not the 1980s. That boat has sailed long time ago. Keep being delusional, reality still wont change just because you want it


pre 3 godine

The only logical agreement is KFOR out, NATO out, Bondsteel shut and Kosovo returned to Serbia. The inhabitants in Kosovo are generational Serbs, they speak the language, they write the language and have Serbian passports.


pre 3 godine

Didn't this merry-go-round of agreement to being reached start in spring of 2018, then end of 2018 then start of 2019 then end of 2019 etc etc...and on and on it goes LOL. Now its 2021. Well, it's not going to happen. The Serbs have signed the Brussels agreement and the Washington agreement so Belgrade will say Albos take it or leave it. If you don't dance to our tune then you rot.
The funny part is that the Albos have nowhere to go as their masters, the US, don't want any change and the only people to get the full effect of non-settlement are themselves. The west does not give a figs about their allies since they must continue to suffer for freedom and democracy


pre 3 godine

or your personal edification, most of the two million citizens of Kosova do not speak Serbian.
(The Count of Kosova, 30 May 2021 16:15)

Two million in Kosova? Have you been eating those funny mushrooms again LOL? If there are two million how do they survive considering unemployment is astronomical because here is no industry, tourism or export of anything?
I may be wrong so please list all the industry that is now located in Kosova.
Just in case you missed it Bizerba SE & Co. KG, German company manufacturing precision equipment is opening up a 10,000 m2 factory in Valjevo. Are they planning to do the same in Kosova?


pre 3 godine

. And no one knows a word in serbian either. This is the 2020s not the 1980s. That boat has sailed long time ago. Keep being delusional, reality still wont change just because you want it
(Clam, 30 May 2021 20:21)

If that's right why are your camel jockeys negotiating with Belgrade? Then why do your goat herders obtain Serbian passports? Please stop it or you will go blind.


pre 3 godine

Kosovo at 24.6%

(L*, 1 June 2021 17:59)

Buffoonery at its best LOL. OK Kosova only has 24.6% eh? Now list all those industries that are in Kosova. What does Kosova manufacture? Lots of BS or does it make cars, machinery? What does it export? Nothing at all LOL.
If its so good why more than half of respondents to a survey conducted by your lot in in Pristina alone said they would leave at first opportunity because there is no future in Kosovo.
According to the EU itself Kosovo is the poorest in Europe and yet a lower unemployment rate than Montenegro or Bosnia.
Psst you have to have a real job to be employed not an imaginary one. The only reason Kosovo has a projected growth of over 4% in 2021 is simply because they now take into calculation money sent back to relatives as part of the region GDP LOL. Not because Kosovo has earned it through export.
Yeah only 24.6% unemployment in Kosova just like the US has only has 6.1% ha,ha,ha.
To post such an idiotic response you must be playing with several not just one.


pre 3 godine

Two million in Kosova? Have you been eating those funny mushrooms again LOL? If there are two million how do they survive considering unemployment is astronomical because here is no industry, tourism or export of anything? -SJ

Astronomical unemployment? Oh boy.

Bosnia is at 33.4%, Kosovo at 24.6% and Montenegro at 24.32%



pre 3 godine

What is the unemployment rate in Serbia.
(Auditor, 3 June 2021 04:58)

Officially, in 2019 it was close to 13% but today it’s more like 17 or 18%.
The US officially is 6.1%, but if you use the 1994 criteria unemployment is at 20%. However, if you use the 1980 criteria then it’s something like 26%.
Let’s take Australia, where I live. Officially its 5.5%; the real level of unemployment is more like 14%. Governments lie to make themselves look good just like “there is little to no inflation” except when you go to the supermarket. Try building a home and see the price rises over a six-month period, but remember there is no inflation.