Wednesday, 20.06.2018.


Serbian-Italian cocaine gang busted

The Serbian Prosecution for Organized Crime and their Italian colleagues based in Milan have broken up a Serbian-Italian narco gang.

Izvor: Tanjug

Serbian-Italian cocaine gang busted IMAGE SOURCE

3 Komentari

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pre 6 godina

Actually this Jakov is Montenegrin, from Niksic. "Nikšićanin Jakov Kontić (45) uhapšen je u Beogradu"
Don't know about the other guy - I feel his name is too common to search and get the right one.


pre 6 godina

When are these clowns going to learn!!! If you want to learn how to smuggle drugs, take a page out of the Albanian play book... geez. That goes for Human and Organ Trafficking as well... get a clue people!!!


pre 6 godina

When are these clowns going to learn!!! If you want to learn how to smuggle drugs, take a page out of the Albanian play book... geez. That goes for Human and Organ Trafficking as well... get a clue people!!!


pre 6 godina

Actually this Jakov is Montenegrin, from Niksic. "Nikšićanin Jakov Kontić (45) uhapšen je u Beogradu"
Don't know about the other guy - I feel his name is too common to search and get the right one.


pre 6 godina

When are these clowns going to learn!!! If you want to learn how to smuggle drugs, take a page out of the Albanian play book... geez. That goes for Human and Organ Trafficking as well... get a clue people!!!


pre 6 godina

Actually this Jakov is Montenegrin, from Niksic. "Nikšićanin Jakov Kontić (45) uhapšen je u Beogradu"
Don't know about the other guy - I feel his name is too common to search and get the right one.