Thursday, 04.01.2018.


Arson attack in grammar school destroys books and paintings

The extent of material damage from a fire that broke out overnight at the First Gymnasium (grammar school) in Kragujevac is difficult to assess at this point.

Izvor: Tanjug

Arson attack in grammar school destroys books and paintings IMAGE SOURCE

5 Komentari

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pre 7 godina

This shows how civilized Serbs are. Another insane example:

Užas u Beču: Srbin zaklao suprugu, zadavio 10-godišnju kćerku, pa se ubio

(Avni, 4 January 2018 20:19)


This is another pathetic, but yet standard post / rant from an unemployed,uncultured keyboard coward who spends each day trolling every article on this site.

Michael Thomas

pre 7 godina


Since the suspect has only been identified by his initials it is too early to identify him as a Serb. Albanians are pretty good at destroying Serbian cultural monuments, as are Croats, Bosnian Moslems, German Nazis, NATO Nazis, the British, and the Americans. Unfortunately there is no shortage of deranged suspects.


pre 7 godina

Avni, such attacks happen everywhere. This is not a Serbian problem, it's just a problem. Crimes are committed by people, not countries (although sometimes the whole country suffers the consequences). The same goes for the things people say. I don't know where you are from, but I suppose that your countrymen don't all share your daft views.


pre 7 godina

Judging an entire group of people by the behavior of one is like saying all Albanians are as ignorant as you. I don't believe all Albanians are as ignorant as you.


pre 7 godina

This shows how civilized Serbs are. Another insane example:

Užas u Beču: Srbin zaklao suprugu, zadavio 10-godišnju kćerku, pa se ubio http://www.info-ks.net/vijesti/crna-hronika/85704/uzas-u-becu-srbin-zaklao-suprugu-zadavio-10-godisnju-kcerku-pa-se-ubio


pre 7 godina

Judging an entire group of people by the behavior of one is like saying all Albanians are as ignorant as you. I don't believe all Albanians are as ignorant as you.


pre 7 godina

Avni, such attacks happen everywhere. This is not a Serbian problem, it's just a problem. Crimes are committed by people, not countries (although sometimes the whole country suffers the consequences). The same goes for the things people say. I don't know where you are from, but I suppose that your countrymen don't all share your daft views.

Michael Thomas

pre 7 godina


Since the suspect has only been identified by his initials it is too early to identify him as a Serb. Albanians are pretty good at destroying Serbian cultural monuments, as are Croats, Bosnian Moslems, German Nazis, NATO Nazis, the British, and the Americans. Unfortunately there is no shortage of deranged suspects.


pre 7 godina

This shows how civilized Serbs are. Another insane example:

Užas u Beču: Srbin zaklao suprugu, zadavio 10-godišnju kćerku, pa se ubio

(Avni, 4 January 2018 20:19)


This is another pathetic, but yet standard post / rant from an unemployed,uncultured keyboard coward who spends each day trolling every article on this site.


pre 7 godina

This shows how civilized Serbs are. Another insane example:

Užas u Beču: Srbin zaklao suprugu, zadavio 10-godišnju kćerku, pa se ubio http://www.info-ks.net/vijesti/crna-hronika/85704/uzas-u-becu-srbin-zaklao-suprugu-zadavio-10-godisnju-kcerku-pa-se-ubio


pre 7 godina

This shows how civilized Serbs are. Another insane example:

Užas u Beču: Srbin zaklao suprugu, zadavio 10-godišnju kćerku, pa se ubio http://www.info-ks.net/vijesti/crna-hronika/85704/uzas-u-becu-srbin-zaklao-suprugu-zadavio-10-godisnju-kcerku-pa-se-ubio


pre 7 godina

Judging an entire group of people by the behavior of one is like saying all Albanians are as ignorant as you. I don't believe all Albanians are as ignorant as you.


pre 7 godina

Avni, such attacks happen everywhere. This is not a Serbian problem, it's just a problem. Crimes are committed by people, not countries (although sometimes the whole country suffers the consequences). The same goes for the things people say. I don't know where you are from, but I suppose that your countrymen don't all share your daft views.

Michael Thomas

pre 7 godina


Since the suspect has only been identified by his initials it is too early to identify him as a Serb. Albanians are pretty good at destroying Serbian cultural monuments, as are Croats, Bosnian Moslems, German Nazis, NATO Nazis, the British, and the Americans. Unfortunately there is no shortage of deranged suspects.


pre 7 godina

This shows how civilized Serbs are. Another insane example:

Užas u Beču: Srbin zaklao suprugu, zadavio 10-godišnju kćerku, pa se ubio

(Avni, 4 January 2018 20:19)


This is another pathetic, but yet standard post / rant from an unemployed,uncultured keyboard coward who spends each day trolling every article on this site.