Friday, 30.06.2017.


How much is NATO lunch; and why Serbs can't have hot plates

Izvor: B92

How much is NATO lunch; and why Serbs can't have hot plates IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 7 godina

Albanians !!! Albanians !!! ooooo Albanians !!! aaahh.. Albanians !!! Evil, wicked, terrorists, violent and spineless, lazy and quick to run the streets, drug dealers and religious fanatics shifty .. just like the jews of 1900s. Antisemitism translated onto anti-Shqiptarism


pre 7 godina

"Why Serbs can't have hotplates". The article fails to address this, but does manage to draw attention to the fact that Russia and Israel aren't allowed them either. Just more of the same miserable anti-everything BS. FYI, the Swiss and the Irish delegations are in the same situation. It's got nothing to do with oppressing national customs, nothing to do with having a cheap shot at others (unlike part of this "article"), but everything to do with health and safety standards. The same would apply to any hotel or university throughout much of Europe, and applied to everybody, regardless of nationality. What could have been a half interesting article on Serbian engagement with NATO was sacrificed for nothing.


pre 7 godina

"Why Serbs can't have hotplates". The article fails to address this, but does manage to draw attention to the fact that Russia and Israel aren't allowed them either. Just more of the same miserable anti-everything BS. FYI, the Swiss and the Irish delegations are in the same situation. It's got nothing to do with oppressing national customs, nothing to do with having a cheap shot at others (unlike part of this "article"), but everything to do with health and safety standards. The same would apply to any hotel or university throughout much of Europe, and applied to everybody, regardless of nationality. What could have been a half interesting article on Serbian engagement with NATO was sacrificed for nothing.


pre 7 godina

Albanians !!! Albanians !!! ooooo Albanians !!! aaahh.. Albanians !!! Evil, wicked, terrorists, violent and spineless, lazy and quick to run the streets, drug dealers and religious fanatics shifty .. just like the jews of 1900s. Antisemitism translated onto anti-Shqiptarism


pre 7 godina

"Why Serbs can't have hotplates". The article fails to address this, but does manage to draw attention to the fact that Russia and Israel aren't allowed them either. Just more of the same miserable anti-everything BS. FYI, the Swiss and the Irish delegations are in the same situation. It's got nothing to do with oppressing national customs, nothing to do with having a cheap shot at others (unlike part of this "article"), but everything to do with health and safety standards. The same would apply to any hotel or university throughout much of Europe, and applied to everybody, regardless of nationality. What could have been a half interesting article on Serbian engagement with NATO was sacrificed for nothing.


pre 7 godina

Albanians !!! Albanians !!! ooooo Albanians !!! aaahh.. Albanians !!! Evil, wicked, terrorists, violent and spineless, lazy and quick to run the streets, drug dealers and religious fanatics shifty .. just like the jews of 1900s. Antisemitism translated onto anti-Shqiptarism