Friday, 09.06.2017.


EU "expects ZSO to be formed in Kosovo ASAP"

The EU expects the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) to be formed as soon as possible, says a spokesperson to EU's foreign policy and security chief.

Izvor: Tanjug

EU "expects ZSO to be formed in Kosovo ASAP" IMAGE SOURCE

6 Komentari

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pre 7 godina

EU should not go with demands, prior revising the political status of the Association, as long as the primary agenda of the Association is obstacles of the constitution of Republic of Kosova it should be put on HOLD.

the truth

pre 7 godina

It's going to be fun watching Haradinaj eat his words and be the one to introduce the ZSO :-)
(Zoran, 9 June 2017 16:34) # Comment link

I think it will be more fun watching Vucic removing Kosova from Serbian constitution!?

the truth

pre 7 godina

It's going to be fun watching Haradinaj eat his words and be the one to introduce the ZSO :-)
(Zoran, 9 June 2017 16:34) # Comment link

I think it will be more fun watching Vucic removing Kosova from Serbian constitution!?


pre 7 godina

EU should not go with demands, prior revising the political status of the Association, as long as the primary agenda of the Association is obstacles of the constitution of Republic of Kosova it should be put on HOLD.

the truth

pre 7 godina

It's going to be fun watching Haradinaj eat his words and be the one to introduce the ZSO :-)
(Zoran, 9 June 2017 16:34) # Comment link

I think it will be more fun watching Vucic removing Kosova from Serbian constitution!?


pre 7 godina

EU should not go with demands, prior revising the political status of the Association, as long as the primary agenda of the Association is obstacles of the constitution of Republic of Kosova it should be put on HOLD.