Friday, 09.06.2017.


Catalonia to hold independence referendum in October

Leader of Spain’s Catalonia region Carles Puigdemont says an independence referendum will be held on October 1.

Izvor: Tanjug

Catalonia to hold independence referendum in October IMAGE SOURCE

23 Komentari

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Albanian Goat Herder

pre 7 godina

Since you are speaking on behalf the entire albo nation, please do tell why new mosques are popping up all over Kosovo since religion was never part of the Albo DNA MATE...?
and if you aren't aware since you sound like an atheist, alot of cultural belief and belonging stems from religious readings. The Albos do keep telling us they were christians like the rest of Europe before they converted cowardly to Islam.


pre 7 godina

Free : Serbs were pagans then they converted to Catholics and then Dusan imposed them Orthodoxy. Why did you change your identity twice?

Since 1380 the so called Early Christians were terrorized and called Pagans. You're right that there were many Serbs among the pagans and so were many Rus people. In 15 century they moved away from the Golden Horde's lands on Volga and occupied Central Asia, Hymalays, India, Nepal, Western China and Indochina. All those lands were called TIBET and were ruled by the Serbs. The question is who were called Serbs there ? By the way Kosovo Battle was one of the battles between the Pagans and the new Apostolics Christians. Pagan Christianity was different from the Greek one introduced by Dmitry Donskoy aka Constantine I ( Don Han's Stan) in 1370. It brought to the civil war between the Pagan and Apostolic Rjurikovici that lasted till 1415. Dusan could impose anything only if he were the Great Prince of the Horde. After Kulikovo Battle of 1380 most Christians including Catholivs were baptised as Apostolic so Serbs weren't an exclusion. But the fact was that many Serbs went to the East and developed their own versions of Christianity based on the old pagan version. Today we know them as Induism, Buddhisn, Krishnaism, Confutsism ect. Serbs stood behind them all. Shambala means Chamm Bala = Han Bali = White Han. Non Balkan Serbs in Europe and Asia were really great but I don't know for sure who they were in fact ...


pre 7 godina

You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 12:02)

So are they Albos or they lost the identity and they are no longer Albos?! Which of the two it is as you are contradicting yourself in just one sentence lol
(icj1, 12 June 2017 12:43)

More than one way a person can lose their identity champ. Cultural and religious are certainly examples which the Albos lost like cowards.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 13:05)

Regarding the "religious" thing, Albos never pretended to define their identity as related to any god since they are not idiots to really believe stuff that does not exist and make it part of their identity. As for the "cultural" thing, you did not mention anything that Albos lost so it's not clear what you're talking about. You sound very confused, mate!

Albanian goat herder

pre 7 godina

More than one way a person can lose their identity champ. Cultural and religious are certainly examples which the Albos lost like cowards.

Albanian goat herder

pre 7 godina

Yep we lost WW 1 and 2 and helped kick the Turks out of the Balkans. You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam. Enough said.


pre 7 godina

You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 12:02)

So are they Albos or they lost the identity and they are no longer Albos?! Which of the two it is as you are contradicting yourself in just one sentence lol


pre 7 godina

You stole the land, something you shiptari are good at doing.
(Albanian Goat Herder, 12 June 2017 09:07)

And you did what you do best, which is make war, lose it and celebrate it as as a victory.

Albanian Goat Herder

pre 7 godina

That's very simple... Western countries will react the same way they did for Kosovo. They will recognize Catalonia's declaration of independence if it's in accordance with international law (like Kosovo's declaration of independence was).
(icj1, 10 June 2017 05:12)
# Comment link
What a load of tripe. What the Albos did was lie to the world of the mass murder, rape and pillage which then in turn led to the bombing of Serbia and Montenegro. It had nothing to do with following international law about declaring independence. You stole the land, something you shiptari are good at doing.

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

The Crumbs of Kosovo*

Again another uneducated fool who knows little about history.
Franco ethnic cleansed many Catalonians. But they didn't steal someone's land like the Shiptars did.

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

Chaos AD
Your are really uneducated it is hilarious.
Spain will never recognise any illegal breakaway no matter which country tries it.


pre 7 godina

DELON : And I think Istanbul was

Your scepsis is understood as envy but the fact is that the Slavs has dominated troughout the history all over the world. They have built the only world empire called Roman, Mongol-Tatar, Great Tartaria, Hyperborea, Scythia, India, Vikings, Alans, Mamelukes, Ottomans, Babur Empire, Grear Mogols, Sarmatia, Celtic, Chinese and Arab Empires, Albanians, Venedi ect. But it was one empire that ruled the world in 14-16 centuries. Later it was undermined from inside but it big parts existed till 1911 when several European countries destroyed China killing 40 000 000 during the Boxer's Riot.

By the way all toponymals containing Slavic STAN are Slavic. And so is Istanbul and your joke made me laugh. In Wikipedia they give several idiotic interpretations of the word but the true meaning if PLACE OF THE VOLGARS aka STAN BULGAR because Mehmet II aka Tamerlane took rootes from the Urals and Volga region. Russian Tatarstan still prefers the name of Bulgaria. They call their streets, mosques, squares this name.

Afghan-i-STAN, Hindu-STAN, Tadjik-i-STAN, Turkmen-i-STAN, Uzbek-i-SATAN, Kirgiz-STAN, Kazak-STAN, Pak-i-STAN, Beludj-i-SATAN ect. are composed of the first name of the local horde's commander and of word PLACE/STAN

PS Serbs and Rus were one people when we put the world on the knees. Serbs controlled vast territories in China, Indochina (Ankor Vat), Tibet Shambala), India, and Central Europe. During them Thailand was called NEW JUDEA.


pre 7 godina

@ rrote
I think you are right
Barsa-Alania (slavic name)become Barcelona,so it is Slavic.
Also ,Ara-Planina (slavic name),has become Aeroplane ,so Aeroplane is slavic too.
And I think Istanbul was
Asta-Lavista before, so it was Spanish,and so on and so on

The Count of Kosova

pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.
(Serbian - Canadian, 9 June 2017 14:47)

Aren't you overlooking a rather major distinction, I don't believe the Spanish gov't ever attempted Genocide on the people of Catalonia.


pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.
(Serbian - Canadian, 9 June 2017 14:47)

That's very simple... Western countries will react the same way they did for Kosovo. They will recognize Catalonia's declaration of independence if it's in accordance with international law (like Kosovo's declaration of independence was).


pre 7 godina

Wonderful news, this goes to show that bombs cost more than money its self. The first bombs to drop on Serbia in 1999 were actually from Spanish planes. I wonder if the Spanish knew that committing war crimes in 1999 would cost them more than the value of the bombs they used to do so?

First there were the train bombings and now Catalonian independence. You can never escape karma haha!


pre 7 godina

Serbian - Canadian


Serbian - Canadian

pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.

The Count of Kosova

pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.
(Serbian - Canadian, 9 June 2017 14:47)

Aren't you overlooking a rather major distinction, I don't believe the Spanish gov't ever attempted Genocide on the people of Catalonia.

Serbian - Canadian

pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.


pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.
(Serbian - Canadian, 9 June 2017 14:47)

That's very simple... Western countries will react the same way they did for Kosovo. They will recognize Catalonia's declaration of independence if it's in accordance with international law (like Kosovo's declaration of independence was).

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

The Crumbs of Kosovo*

Again another uneducated fool who knows little about history.
Franco ethnic cleansed many Catalonians. But they didn't steal someone's land like the Shiptars did.


pre 7 godina

Wonderful news, this goes to show that bombs cost more than money its self. The first bombs to drop on Serbia in 1999 were actually from Spanish planes. I wonder if the Spanish knew that committing war crimes in 1999 would cost them more than the value of the bombs they used to do so?

First there were the train bombings and now Catalonian independence. You can never escape karma haha!

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

Chaos AD
Your are really uneducated it is hilarious.
Spain will never recognise any illegal breakaway no matter which country tries it.


pre 7 godina

Serbian - Canadian


Albanian Goat Herder

pre 7 godina

That's very simple... Western countries will react the same way they did for Kosovo. They will recognize Catalonia's declaration of independence if it's in accordance with international law (like Kosovo's declaration of independence was).
(icj1, 10 June 2017 05:12)
# Comment link
What a load of tripe. What the Albos did was lie to the world of the mass murder, rape and pillage which then in turn led to the bombing of Serbia and Montenegro. It had nothing to do with following international law about declaring independence. You stole the land, something you shiptari are good at doing.


pre 7 godina

@ rrote
I think you are right
Barsa-Alania (slavic name)become Barcelona,so it is Slavic.
Also ,Ara-Planina (slavic name),has become Aeroplane ,so Aeroplane is slavic too.
And I think Istanbul was
Asta-Lavista before, so it was Spanish,and so on and so on


pre 7 godina

You stole the land, something you shiptari are good at doing.
(Albanian Goat Herder, 12 June 2017 09:07)

And you did what you do best, which is make war, lose it and celebrate it as as a victory.

Albanian goat herder

pre 7 godina

More than one way a person can lose their identity champ. Cultural and religious are certainly examples which the Albos lost like cowards.

Albanian goat herder

pre 7 godina

Yep we lost WW 1 and 2 and helped kick the Turks out of the Balkans. You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam. Enough said.


pre 7 godina

DELON : And I think Istanbul was

Your scepsis is understood as envy but the fact is that the Slavs has dominated troughout the history all over the world. They have built the only world empire called Roman, Mongol-Tatar, Great Tartaria, Hyperborea, Scythia, India, Vikings, Alans, Mamelukes, Ottomans, Babur Empire, Grear Mogols, Sarmatia, Celtic, Chinese and Arab Empires, Albanians, Venedi ect. But it was one empire that ruled the world in 14-16 centuries. Later it was undermined from inside but it big parts existed till 1911 when several European countries destroyed China killing 40 000 000 during the Boxer's Riot.

By the way all toponymals containing Slavic STAN are Slavic. And so is Istanbul and your joke made me laugh. In Wikipedia they give several idiotic interpretations of the word but the true meaning if PLACE OF THE VOLGARS aka STAN BULGAR because Mehmet II aka Tamerlane took rootes from the Urals and Volga region. Russian Tatarstan still prefers the name of Bulgaria. They call their streets, mosques, squares this name.

Afghan-i-STAN, Hindu-STAN, Tadjik-i-STAN, Turkmen-i-STAN, Uzbek-i-SATAN, Kirgiz-STAN, Kazak-STAN, Pak-i-STAN, Beludj-i-SATAN ect. are composed of the first name of the local horde's commander and of word PLACE/STAN

PS Serbs and Rus were one people when we put the world on the knees. Serbs controlled vast territories in China, Indochina (Ankor Vat), Tibet Shambala), India, and Central Europe. During them Thailand was called NEW JUDEA.

Albanian Goat Herder

pre 7 godina

Since you are speaking on behalf the entire albo nation, please do tell why new mosques are popping up all over Kosovo since religion was never part of the Albo DNA MATE...?
and if you aren't aware since you sound like an atheist, alot of cultural belief and belonging stems from religious readings. The Albos do keep telling us they were christians like the rest of Europe before they converted cowardly to Islam.


pre 7 godina

Free : Serbs were pagans then they converted to Catholics and then Dusan imposed them Orthodoxy. Why did you change your identity twice?

Since 1380 the so called Early Christians were terrorized and called Pagans. You're right that there were many Serbs among the pagans and so were many Rus people. In 15 century they moved away from the Golden Horde's lands on Volga and occupied Central Asia, Hymalays, India, Nepal, Western China and Indochina. All those lands were called TIBET and were ruled by the Serbs. The question is who were called Serbs there ? By the way Kosovo Battle was one of the battles between the Pagans and the new Apostolics Christians. Pagan Christianity was different from the Greek one introduced by Dmitry Donskoy aka Constantine I ( Don Han's Stan) in 1370. It brought to the civil war between the Pagan and Apostolic Rjurikovici that lasted till 1415. Dusan could impose anything only if he were the Great Prince of the Horde. After Kulikovo Battle of 1380 most Christians including Catholivs were baptised as Apostolic so Serbs weren't an exclusion. But the fact was that many Serbs went to the East and developed their own versions of Christianity based on the old pagan version. Today we know them as Induism, Buddhisn, Krishnaism, Confutsism ect. Serbs stood behind them all. Shambala means Chamm Bala = Han Bali = White Han. Non Balkan Serbs in Europe and Asia were really great but I don't know for sure who they were in fact ...


pre 7 godina

You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 12:02)

So are they Albos or they lost the identity and they are no longer Albos?! Which of the two it is as you are contradicting yourself in just one sentence lol


pre 7 godina

You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 12:02)

So are they Albos or they lost the identity and they are no longer Albos?! Which of the two it is as you are contradicting yourself in just one sentence lol
(icj1, 12 June 2017 12:43)

More than one way a person can lose their identity champ. Cultural and religious are certainly examples which the Albos lost like cowards.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 13:05)

Regarding the "religious" thing, Albos never pretended to define their identity as related to any god since they are not idiots to really believe stuff that does not exist and make it part of their identity. As for the "cultural" thing, you did not mention anything that Albos lost so it's not clear what you're talking about. You sound very confused, mate!


pre 7 godina

Serbian - Canadian


The Count of Kosova

pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.
(Serbian - Canadian, 9 June 2017 14:47)

Aren't you overlooking a rather major distinction, I don't believe the Spanish gov't ever attempted Genocide on the people of Catalonia.

Serbian - Canadian

pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.


pre 7 godina

It will be very interesting to see how the western countries react to Catalonia declaring independence. Will they be traitors like the Montenegrins and FYROmians or decide not to recognize it? Because if they choose not to then that will just further validate Kosovo being Serbia.
(Serbian - Canadian, 9 June 2017 14:47)

That's very simple... Western countries will react the same way they did for Kosovo. They will recognize Catalonia's declaration of independence if it's in accordance with international law (like Kosovo's declaration of independence was).


pre 7 godina

Wonderful news, this goes to show that bombs cost more than money its self. The first bombs to drop on Serbia in 1999 were actually from Spanish planes. I wonder if the Spanish knew that committing war crimes in 1999 would cost them more than the value of the bombs they used to do so?

First there were the train bombings and now Catalonian independence. You can never escape karma haha!


pre 7 godina

@ rrote
I think you are right
Barsa-Alania (slavic name)become Barcelona,so it is Slavic.
Also ,Ara-Planina (slavic name),has become Aeroplane ,so Aeroplane is slavic too.
And I think Istanbul was
Asta-Lavista before, so it was Spanish,and so on and so on

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

Chaos AD
Your are really uneducated it is hilarious.
Spain will never recognise any illegal breakaway no matter which country tries it.


pre 7 godina

You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 12:02)

So are they Albos or they lost the identity and they are no longer Albos?! Which of the two it is as you are contradicting yourself in just one sentence lol
(icj1, 12 June 2017 12:43)

More than one way a person can lose their identity champ. Cultural and religious are certainly examples which the Albos lost like cowards.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 13:05)

Regarding the "religious" thing, Albos never pretended to define their identity as related to any god since they are not idiots to really believe stuff that does not exist and make it part of their identity. As for the "cultural" thing, you did not mention anything that Albos lost so it's not clear what you're talking about. You sound very confused, mate!


pre 7 godina

DELON : And I think Istanbul was

Your scepsis is understood as envy but the fact is that the Slavs has dominated troughout the history all over the world. They have built the only world empire called Roman, Mongol-Tatar, Great Tartaria, Hyperborea, Scythia, India, Vikings, Alans, Mamelukes, Ottomans, Babur Empire, Grear Mogols, Sarmatia, Celtic, Chinese and Arab Empires, Albanians, Venedi ect. But it was one empire that ruled the world in 14-16 centuries. Later it was undermined from inside but it big parts existed till 1911 when several European countries destroyed China killing 40 000 000 during the Boxer's Riot.

By the way all toponymals containing Slavic STAN are Slavic. And so is Istanbul and your joke made me laugh. In Wikipedia they give several idiotic interpretations of the word but the true meaning if PLACE OF THE VOLGARS aka STAN BULGAR because Mehmet II aka Tamerlane took rootes from the Urals and Volga region. Russian Tatarstan still prefers the name of Bulgaria. They call their streets, mosques, squares this name.

Afghan-i-STAN, Hindu-STAN, Tadjik-i-STAN, Turkmen-i-STAN, Uzbek-i-SATAN, Kirgiz-STAN, Kazak-STAN, Pak-i-STAN, Beludj-i-SATAN ect. are composed of the first name of the local horde's commander and of word PLACE/STAN

PS Serbs and Rus were one people when we put the world on the knees. Serbs controlled vast territories in China, Indochina (Ankor Vat), Tibet Shambala), India, and Central Europe. During them Thailand was called NEW JUDEA.

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

The Crumbs of Kosovo*

Again another uneducated fool who knows little about history.
Franco ethnic cleansed many Catalonians. But they didn't steal someone's land like the Shiptars did.

Albanian Goat Herder

pre 7 godina

That's very simple... Western countries will react the same way they did for Kosovo. They will recognize Catalonia's declaration of independence if it's in accordance with international law (like Kosovo's declaration of independence was).
(icj1, 10 June 2017 05:12)
# Comment link
What a load of tripe. What the Albos did was lie to the world of the mass murder, rape and pillage which then in turn led to the bombing of Serbia and Montenegro. It had nothing to do with following international law about declaring independence. You stole the land, something you shiptari are good at doing.


pre 7 godina

You stole the land, something you shiptari are good at doing.
(Albanian Goat Herder, 12 June 2017 09:07)

And you did what you do best, which is make war, lose it and celebrate it as as a victory.


pre 7 godina

You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam.
(Albanian goat herder, 12 June 2017 12:02)

So are they Albos or they lost the identity and they are no longer Albos?! Which of the two it is as you are contradicting yourself in just one sentence lol

Albanian goat herder

pre 7 godina

Yep we lost WW 1 and 2 and helped kick the Turks out of the Balkans. You Albos on the other hand lost your identity when you cowardly converted to Islam. Enough said.

Albanian goat herder

pre 7 godina

More than one way a person can lose their identity champ. Cultural and religious are certainly examples which the Albos lost like cowards.


pre 7 godina

Free : Serbs were pagans then they converted to Catholics and then Dusan imposed them Orthodoxy. Why did you change your identity twice?

Since 1380 the so called Early Christians were terrorized and called Pagans. You're right that there were many Serbs among the pagans and so were many Rus people. In 15 century they moved away from the Golden Horde's lands on Volga and occupied Central Asia, Hymalays, India, Nepal, Western China and Indochina. All those lands were called TIBET and were ruled by the Serbs. The question is who were called Serbs there ? By the way Kosovo Battle was one of the battles between the Pagans and the new Apostolics Christians. Pagan Christianity was different from the Greek one introduced by Dmitry Donskoy aka Constantine I ( Don Han's Stan) in 1370. It brought to the civil war between the Pagan and Apostolic Rjurikovici that lasted till 1415. Dusan could impose anything only if he were the Great Prince of the Horde. After Kulikovo Battle of 1380 most Christians including Catholivs were baptised as Apostolic so Serbs weren't an exclusion. But the fact was that many Serbs went to the East and developed their own versions of Christianity based on the old pagan version. Today we know them as Induism, Buddhisn, Krishnaism, Confutsism ect. Serbs stood behind them all. Shambala means Chamm Bala = Han Bali = White Han. Non Balkan Serbs in Europe and Asia were really great but I don't know for sure who they were in fact ...

Albanian Goat Herder

pre 7 godina

Since you are speaking on behalf the entire albo nation, please do tell why new mosques are popping up all over Kosovo since religion was never part of the Albo DNA MATE...?
and if you aren't aware since you sound like an atheist, alot of cultural belief and belonging stems from religious readings. The Albos do keep telling us they were christians like the rest of Europe before they converted cowardly to Islam.