"Blair could face war crimes trial in Scotland - over Iraq"

Scotland's former First Minister Alex Salmond says that former British PM Tony Blair could be tried on war crimes charges before a Scottish court.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 05.07.2016.


(Getty Images, file)

"Blair could face war crimes trial in Scotland - over Iraq"

The report looks into the circumstances of Britain's participation in the war in Iraq.

"The domestic courts, at least in England have chosen not to pursue crimes which were international. Incidentally, that has not been tested in Scotland," Salmond told the Herald Scotland newspaper, adding:

"One way or another, there are many MPs across the political parties, who are absolutely determined, that account has to be held to. You cannot have a situation where this country blunders into an illegal war with the appalling consequences and at the end of the day there isn't a reckoning. There has to be a judicial or political reckoning for it."

Salmond said earlier that he expected the report to show that Blair privately promised then U.S. President George Bush even before 2003 that Britain would join the war.

"If, as I believe Chilcot finds that there was a prior commitment from Blair to Bush at Crawford ranch in 2002, that would provide the reason for pursuing the matter further," Salmond, who is now Scottish National Party's foreign affairs spokesman, said.

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