Rehn: Bosnia to sign SAA on June 16

The EU and Bosnia-Herzegovina will sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) on June 16, says EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 26.05.2008.


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The EU and Bosnia-Herzegovina will sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) on June 16, says EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn. Rehn confirmed the date at a joint press conference along with Chairman of the Bosnian Council of Ministers Nikola Spiric and European Commission Vice President Jacques Barrot, where it was also announced that dialogue over liberalizing the visa regime for Bosnian citizens had begun. Rehn: Bosnia to sign SAA on June 16 “We opened dialogue today for the liberalization of visas between Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU, based on the ‘road map’ that will presented in the next few weeks,” Barrot said. He added that the dynamics of the talks would depend on Bosnia-Herzegovina’s capacity to meet criteria such as the introduction of biometric passports. Spiric said that this was a “good day” for Bosnia-Herzegovina and stated that the country was ready to meet all the necessary conditions as soon as possible. Rehn said that “2008 has started very well for Bosnia-Herzegovina.” Olli Rehn (FoNet, archive)

Rehn: Bosnia to sign SAA on June 16

“We opened dialogue today for the liberalization of visas between Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU, based on the ‘road map’ that will presented in the next few weeks,” Barrot said.

He added that the dynamics of the talks would depend on Bosnia-Herzegovina’s capacity to meet criteria such as the introduction of biometric passports.

Špirić said that this was a “good day” for Bosnia-Herzegovina and stated that the country was ready to meet all the necessary conditions as soon as possible.

Rehn said that “2008 has started very well for Bosnia-Herzegovina.”

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