Party could break ranks over Srebrenica

United Serbia (JS) party MPs will not support a resolution on Srebrenica if it defines the 1995 crime as genocide.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 08.02.2010.


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United Serbia (JS) party MPs will not support a resolution on Srebrenica if it defines the 1995 crime as genocide. This is according to a statement made in Belgrade on Monday by JS President Dragan Markovic Palma. Party could break ranks over Srebrenica “We will not support the resolution that mentions genocide given that genocide did not happen in Srebrenica. JS MPs will accept a resolution that condemns the crimes committed by all nations at the territory of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY),” Markovic stated at a press conference. The JS leader urged the parliaments of Croatia and the parliamentary assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina to condemn, "on the same day, all crimes committed at the territory of the former Yugoslavia". JS entered the Serbian parliament as part of the pre-election coalition with the Pensioners' Party (PUPS) and the Socialists (SPS), and is a member of the ruling coalition.

Party could break ranks over Srebrenica

“We will not support the resolution that mentions genocide given that genocide did not happen in Srebrenica. JS MPs will accept a resolution that condemns the crimes committed by all nations at the territory of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY),” Markovic stated at a press conference.

The JS leader urged the parliaments of Croatia and the parliamentary assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina to condemn, "on the same day, all crimes committed at the territory of the former Yugoslavia".

JS entered the Serbian parliament as part of the pre-election coalition with the Pensioners' Party (PUPS) and the Socialists (SPS), and is a member of the ruling coalition.

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