Journalist stabbed during news conference

A reporter with the local newspaper Uzička Nedelja in the western Serbian town of Uzice has been assaulted during a news conference.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 13.07.2015.


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Journalist stabbed during news conference

The paper said that "a man burst into the City hall room wielding a knife" and then "attacked those present, stabbing Djokic."

The city administration's PR Verica Tucovic told Tanjug that the incident happened at around noon on Monday, as officials speaking with reporters, and that the identity of the attacker was unknown.

She added that the police were currently investigating the scene.

Danijela Vasiljevic of the Uzice Health Center told reporters that Djokic had received serious injuries and was currently in surgery.

The journalist was first taken to the intensive care ward and then to the operating room, she explained, but could not say how many times he was stabbed.

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