A new earthquake devastated Turkey; More than 4,300 people died; Buildings collapse

Devastating earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria yesterday, and the number of victims is growing every day, the ground doesn't settle down.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 07.02.2023.


A new earthquake devastated Turkey; More than 4,300 people died; Buildings collapse

A new earthquake devastated Turkey; More than 4,300 people died; Buildings collapse

A new earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 struck central Turkey today, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) announced.

The earthquake occurred at a depth of 2 kilometers.

Serbian team has arrived

Rescue teams from Serbia have arrived in Turkey, said Nedeljko Gagić, deputy head of the Directorate for Fire and Rescue Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia.

"Serbia has sent help to the citizens of Turkey, the minister sent two teams on the order of the president, consisting of 27 members and one specially trained dog to search in the ruins," Gagić told RTS.

According to him, the rescue teams from Serbia are now waiting for the division of work and the start of work on the search for survivors.

The world has united

China will send aid to Turkey in the amount of 40 million yuan, i.e. 5.49 million euros, to rehabilitate the consequences of the devastating earthquake, Chinese state television CTV reported today. The Chinese Red Cross will help Turkey with 186.2 thousand euros, and the same amount will be directed to help Syria, reports Reuters.

President of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol, today issued an order to send rescuers and necessary medical supplies to Turkey, the BBC reports. Australia has promised "first aid" to Turkey in the amount of 6.46 million euros.

Japan has already sent a special rescue team to Turkey that will help in the search for the missing, and the first Russian Antonov with rescuers has arrived in Turkey, out of the three that were announced. A number of European countries announced yesterday that they will help Turkey. Humanitarian aid from Iran and Iraq has already arrived in Syria.

The new building collapsed in seconds

More than 5,600 buildings collapsed in Turkey and Syria

At least 5,606 buildings collapsed during and after the earthquake that struck southern Turkey and Syria early this morning, Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (AFAD) said. A total of 19,574 rescue personnel work in the area of the earthquake to repair the consequences, according to a statement carried by CNN.

Turkish Airlines said on Monday that flights to Adana, Elazig and Diyarbakir are continuing for citizens who want to reach the earthquake zone.

According to the Agency's statement, the airports in Malatya, Adana, Diyarbakir and Adiyaman are open for all flights. Gaziantep and ªanlıurfa airports are open only for auxiliary flights, while Kahramanmaraº and Hatay airports are closed for flights due to earthquake damage, AFAD said in a statement.

A terrible rise in the number of victims

The number of victims of yesterday's devastating 7.8-degree earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria continues to rise, and according to the latest data, more than 4,300 people have died, reports CNN.

In Turkey, at least 2,921 people died and more than 15,800 were injured, said the head of Turkey's Disaster Management Service, Yunuz Sezer. At least 1,451 people died in neighboring Syria, CNN adds. According to the Syrian state news agency SANA, 711 people died in the territories controlled by Damascus. In the territories controlled by the opposition in Syria, 740 people died, according to the non-governmental organization "White Helmets", known as the Syrian Civil Defense.

According to the World Health Organization, the final number of earthquake victims could be eight times higher, BBC reports.

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