“Marty’s report devastating blow to Kosovo”

CoE investigator Dick Marty’s report has delivered a devastating blow against Europe's newest state, says British journalist and author Tim Judah.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 19.12.2010.


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CoE investigator Dick Marty’s report has delivered a devastating blow against Europe's newest state, says British journalist and author Tim Judah. “If it is ever proven that Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, whom former British Prime Minister Tony Blair backed, was really a mafia boss, murderer and traded in human organs, then the history of the campaign for Kosovo's independence will have to be rewritten – and the gloss put on it by Blair will vanish,” he noted. “Marty’s report devastating blow to Kosovo” In an opinion piece for the Sunday edition of The Daily Telegraph, Judah assesses that the report compiled by Marty, which contains the allegations against Thaci, is "a document which delivered a devastating blow against Europe's newest state." The allegations made in the report "sap the credibility" of Kosovo, "which was already reeling from allegations that Mr Thaci's party had indulged in what a senior diplomat called 'industrial scale' fraud during last Sunday's elections," says the author. He reminds that Kosovo was one of the first planned military interventions by Tony Blair. Following the NATO bombing campaign, ethnically cleansed Albanian refugees returned and exacted revenge on the minority Serb enclaves in Kosovo, with the KLA playing a leading role, while "NATO troops were effectively told to turn a blind eye to some of what went on." "The allegation is that in the volatile Balkans, Western governments decided that peace and stability in Kosovo were all-important, and therefore turned a blind eye to past crimes by Kosovo's new leaders, and tolerated their involvement in organized crime," Judah writes.

“Marty’s report devastating blow to Kosovo”

In an opinion piece for the Sunday edition of The Daily Telegraph, Judah assesses that the report compiled by Marty, which contains the allegations against Thaci, is "a document which delivered a devastating blow against Europe's newest state."

The allegations made in the report "sap the credibility" of Kosovo, "which was already reeling from allegations that Mr Thaci's party had indulged in what a senior diplomat called 'industrial scale' fraud during last Sunday's elections," says the author.

He reminds that Kosovo was one of the first planned military interventions by Tony Blair.

Following the NATO bombing campaign, ethnically cleansed Albanian refugees returned and exacted revenge on the minority Serb enclaves in Kosovo, with the KLA playing a leading role, while "NATO troops were effectively told to turn a blind eye to some of what went on."

"The allegation is that in the volatile Balkans, Western governments decided that peace and stability in Kosovo were all-important, and therefore turned a blind eye to past crimes by Kosovo's new leaders, and tolerated their involvement in organized crime," Judah writes.

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